Fallen Stars

By PhantomThiefNo24

80.9K 2.9K 2.7K

Kei'ral lived for seven years trapped in the void, surviving and adapting to this new reality. Now with a new... More

Friendship hunt
Both of us
Introductions on the first day
Smart guy
Party night
On the hunt
Parents meeting
Medical exam
Dynamic duo
Breaking in
Mom's new friend
Long night of solace
From two worlds
Untouched territory
The boys
You're hired!
Show night
Extra chapter: Training sessions
Extra chapter: Bird up
Mantle that conceals light
Fallen Star
Into the woods
Twisted soul
Night visit
Investigation progress
Unwanted talk
Hide and seek
One step forward, two steps back
Hearts in pain
Extra chapter: Forbidden Friendship
A past in ruins
SG Enciclopedia Part 1
Monarch of the Ruins
Starting again
Follow up
Second try
Last man standing
Late night hunt

Front line

1.5K 63 71
By PhantomThiefNo24

-Kei'ral POV-

The night kept going and the truth or dare was more fun than anything I've expected it to be. Right now, it was Ahri's turn to ask someone.

Ahri: Soraka, truth or dare?

The absolute blessing from the heavens that was this cinnamon roll thought for a moment before doing one of the cutest determined faces I've seen.

Soraka: Dare!

I turned to see Ahri, something she noticed, and gave her a glare that said, "don't you dare to be mean to her" Something she got as clear as crystal. Now, I know Soraka is one of her friends and that meant Ahri wouldn't be deliberately bad with her.

Ahri: Hmmmm... between our new friends right here. Hug the one that you want to become closer friends.

Her face turned red for a moment, looked at the four of us with an embarrassed look. And I swear my heart started to race because she looked incredibly cute... do I have a thing for cuteness?

Anyway, she then walked close to ME. AND HUGGED ME!!!


That might have caused me to get diabetes.

Ahri: Awwwww, you two are so cute. You should definitely get to know each other a little better.

Now it was Soraka's turn, she didn't go too far and just asked me.

Soraka: Uhmm... truth or dare?

Me: Truth.

I'm not worried of her asking about anything, up until now I've been running with challenges since I don't want to be cornered with a question that I can't answer without revealing that I turned into some sort of hell spawn.

Soraka: Uhhmmm...

She made the cutest face while thinking on a question.

Soraka: How were the seven years you lived in Rumania?

Oh boy, well, my fault for choosing truth. Ahri looked at me with an urging face, basically telling to think on something quick. So, I told a twisted truth.

Me: They were kinda hard. The people around me wasn't really friendly, almost no one talked to me and a lot of them just didn't like me for being a foreign guy. My grandparents were not that much help, mainly because I never told them about it. They were too old, and I didn't want them to be involved, they were being incredibly generous just by having me there with them.

That wasn't that far from the truth... if you change the people for void beasts and change their disgust for killing intent. The grandparents' part was completely a lie though. To my surprise, everyone was being sympathetic to me.

Darius: I got you man; it was kinda the same for me when I moved to Ionia for a while. They say they are pacific and all that, but at the end of the day they will feel spite towards you for something your homeland did to them in the past.

Ahri: Gotta admit, you might be an asshole here in school, but you have nothing to do with the invasion decades ago.

Darius: Thanks, finally! Someone who understands.

Me: Well, seeing that is my turn... Ezreal, truth or dare?

Ezreal: Dare, shot.

Me: Go around the party and invite a girl you might like. The more the merrier.

He stood up with a confident smile on his face and walked away, taking this chance, I turn around and called the cinnamon roll in our group.

Me: Soraka?

She turned to me a little surprised, even letting out a cute yelp.

Soraka: Yeah?

Me: Uhmm, did you like the song?

Soraka: Oh! Uhmm... it was amazing, didn't expect you to be that good.

Me: Well, I have plenty of time to practice back in Rumania. My grandparents always told me that I was a good singer.

Soraka: They sound like really sweet persons.

Me: They are.

I'm not lying beyond the Rumania part, you know. My grandparents do think I'm a great singer, after all I always had a knack for theatre and music, obviously musical theatre is my fave. But not everyone seems to have the same passion.

Me: Do you like theatre?

Soraka: I do like it, anything related to making performances for an audience. Though I stay on the audience side.

Me: Never thought about becoming a performer yourself?

Soraka: Not really, I'm way to self-conscious to actually go on a stage.

Me: How about your voice? Are you a good singer too?

Soraka: No, I don't think so. Ahri is the artistic girl in our group. I'm more of a baker myself.

Me: Really!? I would love to try one of your pastries!

Soraka: You would!? I usually just help on the Phanteon's bakery, but I never really tried anything beyond normal sweet bread.

Me: Even if they are just cookies, I would be happy to bake with you sometime.

Soraka: Really?

Me: Of course.

Maybe I was a little to immersed in our sweet little chat, but I was taken by surprise when I felt someone tapping my shoulder from behind. Confused, I turned to see Ezreal.

Ezreal: Made it, and with a little extra.

???: Are you calling me little!?

???: She's not saying it that way Jinx.

I watched behind Ezreal and noticed the pink haired girl and the twin tailed redhead from our class. Luxanna Crownguard and Jinx Audax if I remember well. Luxanna was wearing simple once pieced white dress, while Jinx was wearing a purple skirt with golden trimmings of skulls and bones, the skirt was held up by a piece of itself that acted as belt. A red blouse and a jacket that reached her ribs covered her torso. She looked good to be honest.

Me: Hey there you two, glad to see you've joined us tonight.

My hand was stretched for them to shake, Luxanna answered cordially to my greeting while Jinx just clicked her tongue. However, Luxanna seemed to be incredibly nervous, she was giving quick glances to the side. I followed her stare and saw Ezreal smirking and an irritated Ahri at his side. Don't tell me Ahri doesn't like her, better yet, that Ezreal brought her here just to spite Ahri.

Jinx: So, you are playing a lame game of truth or dare?

Ekko: Weeell, I wouldn't say lame. Darius had to eat a bagel from the food table in the first round.

This seemed to scare Luxanna and made Jinx open her eyes widely.

Jinx: Who tried to kill him?

Luxanna: Is he okay?

Me: No, seriously. What are those bagels made of!?

Vlad: I'll tell you. They are made of death and despair.

Me: I'm worried for my life, should I be worried for my life?

Ekko: While being close to those things, you should.

Ezreal: Anyway guys, should we keep going?

Everybody agreed, well, Ahri just mumbled it. Seeing her obviously annoyed, I walked closer to her.

Me: Is there something wrong?

Ahri: I don't really like those two.

Me: Why though? well, I can understand Jinx but Luxanna seems to be a good girl.

Ahri: Yeah, the psycho and the good sheep. Hate them both, stupid kids that doesn't know anything about the real world.

Said the seventeen-year-old girl. Seriously, I'm not one to judge here but what could this fox know about "the real world" I know about the crudeness of nature and how ruthless the rule of the strongest survive may be. But meh, she has her reasons, I guess.

Luxanna: Dare.

Ezreal: Really? Well then. You-

Ahri then interrupted him, but in a low voice so only I could hear her.

Ahri: Those two are star guardians too. Newcomers actually, they don't appear to understand what it means to be fighting the void, the constant feeling of being close to death. They still think this is some sort of movie plot, that they are living a superhero fantasy. Even when they have a veteran in their group, she doesn't have the guts to tell them the cruel truth.

Me: Well, they are basically trainees. It's obvious that you won't directly tell them right away all that this involves, so the veteran is probably still teaching them the basics and protecting them. It's fairly normal.

I then turned to Luxanna in the distance, she had an empty bucket in each hand and was sneaking behind another student, she then places one bucket in the guy's head and the other on her own. When the guy took it off confused, she did the same and acted as if she was as confused as him, looking at the ceiling with questioning faces. The students that saw this all shared a laugh.

My attention returns to Ahri.

Me: Besides, you are not the oldest in your group. Syndra is, and for what I can suppose, she's the most experienced between you two.

Ahri: Hmph! She's definitely the strongest in my team, but I'm the leader for a reason. And that reason is that I'm the one that keeps them alive out there.

Me: I thought so, but still...

Ahri: But still what? I know the void creatures better than anyone else and I'm definitely the most skilled warrior to figh-

Me: Pffffffffff-ahahahahahahahahah!!! Ahahahahahahaha!!!!

My sudden burst of laugher obviously called everyone's attention. But, seriously!? She thinks she knows the void creatures better than anyone else!? Please.

Me: Sorry, sorry. Ahri just told me a GREAT joke.

Everyone seemed to be concerned for whatever things was on my side, but the only thing by my side is Ahri... She's furious, isn't it?

A little peek- Yep! She's infuriated!

Me: Hehehe... I'll excuse myself to the bathroom.

Flee out of there!!!! Fast walk to the corridors of the school. Then I started to hear heels behind me... Walk faster!!! Step step step step step step st-

Someone pulled my shoulder, turning me around and making my eyes met Ahri's raging fox eyes... They look kinda cute though.

Ahri: What was that?

Her voice was spitting venom. My gaze wanders through the hallway to see if we are alone, taking note that we are indeed alone, I explained.

Me: What was what? You said a good joke and I laughed.

Her expression turned into a more aggressive one.

Me: Oh... so it wasn't a joke.

I gently pulled her hand off my shoulder.

Me: Listen here. You really think you are the best one at killing void beasts?

Ahri: It's my fucking job.

Me: And killing those things was my only way to stay alive for seven years. 24/7 with no lunch breaks lady. I know the in and outs of every single void beast, literally. I've bathed in their blood on a constant basis, I rip and tear those creatures with my bare hands just because I can. Just what in the world could make you think that you are even near as efficient on fighting them as me? What's more, do you even think you can stand a fight against me?

Ahri: Is that a challenge?

Me: Not really, I don't want to hurt you.

Ahri: Listen here you little sh-

*Ahri's phone went off*

She quickly reaches for her purse to grab her phone, but just as her finger is an inch close to decline the call, her attitude changes after noticing who was calling her. But she didn't calm down, anyway, she answers the call.

Ahri: What do you want Syndra!?

Syndra: Void rift! I need back up!

Ahri: Are you on your own!?

Syndra: Sarah is here too... and Janna.

Ahri: Shit, so that means the other Star kids are going too. I'll be there in a minute.

She hung up the call, immediately turning to me.

Ahri: We are not done yet! And don't even think on showing up in the battlefield! You'll reveal yourself to everyone!

I saw her running towards the entrance of the building with Kiko coming out in a burst of glitter, turning to me with an apologetic look on his face. A minute passes and I just stood there, without really knowing what to do.

Going there is actually out of question, the last thing I need is to be the spotlight of the star guardians right now, and seeing how Ahri is currently mad at me, due to her giant ego I might add, she might try to fight me instead of trying to calm things down.

Not much after, I saw Soraka and Ezreal coming out of the ballroom. Soraka looked back and our eyes met for a moment, weirdly enough, she stopped moving and...

I suddenly saw a gentle green aura spreading behind her, making the vague shape of a unicorn? Or something really similar to it actually. However, she seemed incredibly surprised while seeing me. It was then that I noticed that an azure aura was spreading around me and for a moment, in my mind, a demonic looking wolf appeared...

Ezreal: Snap out of it Soraka, we need you!

Our sudden "connection" was severed by this and we both returned to reality. My eyes were stuck in her, seeing how she was being dragged away from me.

That just made so many questions rise in my head.

But before I had the chance to process them, Ekko rushed to me.

Ekko: Kei'ral! There is a void rift! We have to go!

He grabbed my arm and pulled me around, reaching the end of the corridor and opening the window.

Ekko: Jump! Now!

I did as he said and went out of the building, he did the same and grabbed my head to keep it below the frame of the window.

Ekko: Stay silent, the staff is going to start to evacuate the other students. We are going to sneak out of this place.

Me: Time to hunt void beasts?

Honestly, I was eager to show off to Ahri. Don't get me wrong, I really like her, but her stuck up attitude actually bothered me some minutes ago.

Ekko: Looks like this time is not void hunting. Look at these readings.

He showed me his phone screen, fully displaying some curious looking graphics.

Me: Uhh...

Ekko: Now look at these readings from a week ago.

He showed me another graphic, showing incredibly similar readings, as far as I can notice. But he said from a week ago... does he mean?

Me: Another beast!?

Ekko: Apparently, we are looking for that thing. Come on!

He ran off and of course, I followed him.


-Lux POV-

I was rushing to the place where the void rift appeared with Jinx at my side.

Jinx: Where are others!?

Me: They are on their way too! One of us is already there!

Jinx: What about the other Guardians!?

Me: One of them was there too! We better expect the rest to show up!

As we made our way through the main avenue, we saw dozens of people running to the subway tracks. The city used some of the space on there to make shelters for the citizens to use during this kind of emergency.

The city alarm was going off as strong as possible. But the police officers did their job as flawlessly as ever, guiding the people in a hurried yet organized way through the streets. As Jinx and I were jumping from car to car, I noticed a pair of yordles jumping around the rooftops.

I turned to Jinx and called for her.

Me: Lost bullet!

We used code names around citizens because even if people couldn't recognize us, we didn't want to leave anything to luck and have someone hear us calling us by our names. Anyway, she looked to me and I pointed to the rooftops. She saw Poppy and Lulu over there too and nodded at me.

Honestly, it's so satisfying to interact with her in this way. I still remember how she went all rebellious when we all turned into Star Guardians.

As we made our way to the rooftops, we reunited with Poppy and Lulu.

Poppy: There you are!

Lulu: Pix and I missed you!

Jinx: Yeah! Whatever pipsqueaks! We have monsters to kill!

Poppy: That I agree!

Lulu: People to save! Magic to shot!

I always found curious how eager to fight these girls could be, but it should be something positive isn't it? I don't imagine Ahri's team taking a matter like this as a minor thing. They take their roles as Star Guardians way too seriously. And if I ever expect to become into a leader as good as Ahri, I need to be as strong and dedicated as her.

After we finally reached the zone, I saw Janna flying around while sending her medium Zephyr at blinding speed towards the void creatures that lured around her. She avoided several slashes from flying ants while creating several tornados around the place, making the creatures disperse by the strength of the wind. Taking advantage of this, Syndra, one of Ahri's teammates, used her dark orbs to attack the disorientated creatures, making them explode in dark energy. The spheres stayed in place and then dashed towards the enemies, dealing tons of damage to them. Being unprotected by her mediums, some wasps tried to attack her from all directions, but she extended her hand towards one of them, covering it on dark energy and using it as an improvised dark orb, killing everything around her.

It was then when a sudden rain of bullets covered a small battalion of creatures. Then a sudden red blur moved through the battlefield, finally coming to a stop, revealing Sarah Fortune and her mediums.

Me: Let's go girl!

Jinx was the first one to enter the fight, jumping towards Miss Fortune and landing right beside her. Sarah immediately stayed closer to her and both started to riddle the enemies with their guns. Poppy stayed on the ground separated from the gunners, smashing everything that was dumb enough to get close to her.

It is then when I started my attack, sticking close to Poppy, I used a light spell to give her a small barrier and start shooting light at the creatures, Poppy on her side took advantage of the slow down that the enemies suffered after being hit and rushed to smash them with her hammer. But soon enough we were surrounded, however, when a big amount of void beast lunged themselves at us, Poppy made a magic barrier that stunned them and stopped their attacks, following her move, I created similar magical area that slowed down the creatures that were trying to retreat.

Me: Vanish!

Then I made the magical area explode, severely damaging the creatures.

A strong screech echoed through the area, making me focus on it. A giant mantis-like creature appeared on the battlefield, and I went to face it. Poppy noticed this and came with me. The creature tried to cut us in half, but Poppy simply ducked under the attack and I jumped over it. Shooting some light spells at it. Damaging its shell and giving an important window of action to Poppy. She noticed the beast distracted so she charged her hammer and made an incredibly powerful strike, effectively killing the creature.

Meanwhile, several small animals start to fall from the rooftops. Miss Fortune, knowing it was Lulu's doing didn't hesitate and shot them all as they were falling, making them explode in glitter. Jinx then reunited with me and Poppy, just as Lulu came down from the rooftops.

Me: Fine, first wave clear.

Janna: Get ready for the next one!

She hovered over us with Syndra at her side. Miss Fortune quickly stood right beside us, ready to keep fighting.

The rift was in front of us in the street, when it suddenly started shacking.

Jinx: They are coming!

Miss Fortune: Ready to blow them up!

As soon as the creatures started to come out, Jinx and Miss Fortune riddled them once more with bullets, and as another set of mantises came out of there. I prepared my most powerful spell and shoot without hesitation, taking down three mantises with one shot.

The rift then becomes unstable and started to throw enemies all around the place.

But them...

Ahri: Behind you! Idiot!

I turn around and see another mantis pouncing at me, only to be stopped by Ahri, who charged at it while being covered in flames. She stopped for a moment and looked at me with venomous eyes.

Ahri: Pay attention if you don't want to die! Idiot!

Me: Sorry!

Ahri: Move!

Me: Yes ma'am!

She then turned around and engaged combat with several void creatures behind me. Following her example, I started to support her with magic spells to slow down the enemy.

Ahri: I didn't ask for help!

She snapped at me, then I felt someone tackling me to the ground. Ezreal was looking at me with worried eyes. Helping me to stand up and shooting to several wasps that were shooting their own needles at us. I helped and gave him a light shield, a little surprised he thanked me with a glare and then dashed to the enemies, taking them down one by one with unerring shots.

My attention however, turned back to Ahri. She was jumping acrobatically around the place, surrounded by three foxfires that stayed in a cycle of being shot and instantly replaced, she also used her orb of deception directly on some enemies when her foxfire wasn't enough. But what called my and apparently everyone else's attention, was that she was being uncharacteristically aggressive.

I returned to the fight, seeing how Jinx stunned an enemy with her small gun. I rushed to the place and attacked with a light spell. Then I saw poppy being overwhelmed by a group of enemies, using another circle of light to slow them down, I gave her a chance to fight back. Miss Fortune then throws another rain of bullets at her enemies.

Janna and Syndra made an incredible work together to keep the air with as less enemies a possible. Then I saw Ezreal fighting another pair of mantises, so I rushed there to help. He called Yuuto, his medium, to teleport right beside one of the mantises and shoot at it, then teleported again out of its reach. But close enough to the other mantis to be attacked, but I wouldn't let them touch him, so I used a spell to cover him with a light shield. Making the claw of the mantis to bounce, seeing this Ezreal teleported behind the first mantis again. Charging a powerful shot with his gauntlet and Yuuto. Finally, he released the attack, making an energy blade strong enough to cut in half the first mantis. I did something similar, as I charged a huge amount of light on my scepter and made another powerful laser beam.

Things finally started to settle down, when we noticed that Ahri was starting to separate from us, mercilessly burning the creatures with unusual cruelty. I turned towards Miss Fortune, looking for an answer.

Me: What's wrong with her tonight?

Miss Fortune: I don't know, she's acting like a psychotic angry child.

Poppy: Like Jinx?

Jinx: Shut up dwarf!

Syndra: Ezreal! What is wrong with her!?

Ezreal: Like I know! Maybe it was that thing that made her mad at Kei'ral?

Me: What did he told her?

Ezreal: You saw as much as me.

Miss Fortune: Ezreal... where is Soraka?

Then I noticed that there was a missing member on Ahris' team.

Ezreal: Where did she go!? She was with me when I was rushing to this place!?

Poppy: Did she run away out of fear!?

Syndra: Mind your words midget.

Me: Everybody calm down! We need to calm down Ahri first!

Miss Fortune: Yeah, well, good luck with that.

I turned around and saw in disbelief how literally no one was willing to go there and calm her down.

Fine, I'll have to do it myself. Ahri was currently dealing with an entire rift on her own, but she didn't hesitate to keep going, even more, she was avoiding getting cornered and keep the fight as even as possible. She straight up ravaged the void creatures and watched the rift close little by little with a terribly menacing glare.

Once the rift was finally closed, the fight seemed to finally settle down. She relaxed her stand a little and I decided it was my time to approach her.

Me: Ahri, is everything okay?

Ahri: I don't have to talk to you.

She walked pass me while pushing me to the side. I saw her in action last week and saw how amazing she is as a leader... but right now, she's showing an attitude that not even Jinx has shown.

She walked closer to Miss Fortune and asked with clear annoyance in her voice.

Ahri: Where is Soraka? I could have used her healing spells to finish this even quicker.

Ezreal: She was coming alongside with me, but she vanished before I could notice!

Ahri: What do you mean she vanished?

Me: *sigh* Where was the last place you saw her?

Ahri was about to tell me something, but Ezreal talked faster.

Ezreal: Back at the institute.

Me: Then let's go there.

Syndra: Let's not waste time.

Miss Fortune: She better be okay.

My team nodded at me and followed the rest of Ahri's team. However, their leader stayed behind.

Me: What's wrong? Are you not coming?

Everyone stopped and looked at her too. But she seemed interested in something else, also, she looked way less angry. But by no means she was relaxed. Her ears started to move; her tails were covered in pink gold energy.

Ahri: Is that-!?

She was interrupted by a sudden thunder in the distance. We all turned around to see powerful lightning coming out of the forest area near the edge of the city. The lightning shined in a vibrant azure tone and crimson red combined as if they were fighting over dominance. Then a Pure white lightning fell directly on the bicolor storm, easily dispersing it. The white lightning created a massive thunder that echoed through the entire city.

And at that moment, just for an instant, a powerful presence was felt.

Before any of us could react, Ahri rushed towards the storm in the distance.

First fight of the Star Guardians agains the void! That and Ahri's ego is starting to get into the drakin's nerves. Next time, the other side of the fight. Now for a real hunt!

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any comment you want, especially if you tell me about any mistake on my grammar. Thanks again, hope you liked it, bye :D

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