Identity V academy

By chrysalxsm404

1.2K 58 18

An au where the idv characters go to school :) includes many ships๐Ÿ˜— This fanfic sucks so no need to get your... More

Introduction to the new school
We dont talk about this chapter
Kreacher needs to calm down

Circus babes and flirty cowboys

245 16 5
By chrysalxsm404

*Margaretha's pov*
I had set my alarm for 8am, like Nightingale had requested. My eyes fluttered open as a ray of light shone through the crack in my curtains. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I suddenly heard Fiona yelling.
She had already gotten changed and ready.
she stormed into my bedroom. I looked over to her as she tackled me and hugged me, we started laughing and I saw Demi walking through the hallway, looking really tired. Her hair was messy, and she looked emotionless. Fiona noticed too and ran up to her, putting her arm around Demi as they sat down at the kitchen table. I followed.
Fiona: come on Demiiii isn't this exciting?
Demi: hmph
Patricia walked out of the bathroom, changed but with her hair wrapped in a towel
Patricia: she has a morning mood. Hey I'll make breakfast, does eggs and bacon sound good?
Fiona: yes!
Margaretha: sure
Demi: mhm
Margaretha: i'm gonna take a shower, since no one is using the bathroom right now.
I showered, changed, brushed my hair and did my makeup.
I walked out of the bathroom with my brush, walked up to Demi and started brushing her hair.
Margaretha: dang the morning mood be hitting you hard. I'm just brushing your hair to make you feel more alive.
Demi crossed her arms but didn't protest.
After I had brushed her hair I pulled her off the chair and dragged her to her room.
Demi: YO WTF
Margaretha: I'm gonna help you get ready. ~ I said cheekily
Demi: can you all just LEAVE ME ALONE FOR FIVE MINUTES
Margaretha: no
I opened her closet and pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans and a grey sweater with a deep V-neck.
Margaretha: wear this
Demi: bold of you to pull out an outfit that's exactly my style
I giggled and threw the clothes at her
Demi: dang can you at least turn around?
I did as she said until she was done.
Margaretha: Perfect! ~ I squealed
i pinned her ID with her name and room onto her chest, like Nightingale has asked all of us to do.
I then pushed her into the bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag.
Demi: hold on, I don't do makeup
Margaretha: -taps Demi's nose- teehee ur such a tomboy
I put my makeup bag away as Patricia called us saying breakfast was ready. She had removed her towel and was eating.
Margaretha: where did Fio go?
Patricia: i think she's packing her bag in her room. oh hey Demi, did your morning mood wear off?
Demi: shut up
Patricia: guess it didn't
Margaretha: what do you mean? she seems to be acting pretty normal to me
Demi: - sighs -
we sat down at the table as Patricia set our plates in front of us. Fiona emerged from her room.
Fiona: yo there's a shit ton of books that we have to carry. i hope we at least have lockers because i can barely lift them.
she sat down next to me.
Patricia: well this place seems to have a solution to everything so i wouldn't doubt it
Margaretha: i'm excited to meet all the other students
Fiona: omg we could like get to know the other girls here so we can host a huge girls night
Demi: fuck that
Margaretha: come on Demi you know you love girls nights
Demi: don't get in over your head, i don't love girls nights, i simply don't hate them. you guys just want me there because I make amazing drinks.
Margaretha: that's not true!
Demi: hey I don't make the rules
Patricia: wait what time were we supposed to be in class?
Fiona: -checks phone- ten minutes. WAIT
Patricia: - chokes on food - TEN MINUTES?!
Demi: o h
Margaretha: holy shit
we quickly finished our food and rushed into our rooms to pack our bags.
Fio was right, i couldnt fit all my books in my bag so i had to hold some. i grabbed my jacket and we made our way to the school building.
Fiona: - looks at watch - HOLY FUCK ITS 9:05 CLASS STARTED AT 9
Demi: yo chill we'll be fine
Patricia: Demi this is our first day, being late is not a great first impression.
Demi rolled her eyes as Fiona pulled out her schedule.
Fiona: A13 is the classroom number.
we walked passed multiple classrooms
A10, A11, A12.... A13!
Patricia knocked and slowly opened the door. the teacher that was standing in front of the blackboard turned to look at us.
Patricia: we apologise for being late, sir.
Teacher: it's fine, make sure it doesn't happen again.
we walked in and looked around to find somewhere to sit.
Fiona and Patricia sat next to eachother and Demi sat next to a guy whose ID read Kevin. i looked around and saw an open space next to a blond boy. i walked up to him.
Margaretha: hey can i sit here?
???: of course!
i sat down next to him, dumping my books on the desk.
Margaretha: i'm Margaretha by the way
i said with a smile.
Mike: i'm Mike!
he seemed like the enthusiastic type.
i opened my books and followed the lesson.

*demi's pov*
i sat down next to some country dude. i read his ID, Kevin.
Kevin: hey there, my name is Kevin. Demi, huh? pretty name - wink -
i already hated this guy.
Demi: ok
Kevin: come on, no need to be dry with me
Demi: shut up.
He didn't reply. Good.

*time skip: end of lesson*
*Mikes pov*
Margaretha was a very nice girl, I was happy I could sit with her. I was packing my bags when she tapped my shoulder.
Margaretha: hey uh, what class do you have now?
Mike: Maths
Margaretha: oh me too! Wanna walk there with me?
I smiled.
Mike: of course!

*Patricia's pov*
I packed my bags and saw Margaretha walking away with some guy. She motioned to me that she was going to the next class with him. I nodded in understanding. I caught a glimpse of Demi giving some other guy 'the finger'. She then grabbed her bags and walked over to us. When Fiona was ready, we started walking to our next class.
Demi: Kevin annoys the shit out of me.
Patricia: why?
Demi: idk, he seems like the typical ladies man that never gets any ladies.
Fiona suddenly pulled out her schedule.
Fiona: wait.. what class do you guys have now?
Demi: Physics
Patricia: Physics
Fiona looked around in bewilderment.
Fiona: I have maths but I don't know where classroom C6 is!
Demi: didn't Marga have maths too?
Fiona: - whines - yes but she's goneee
I patted her head.
Patricia: you'll be fine Fiona, just try and find a student council member. This place is crawling with them.
Fiona: - sighs - alright..
She then left us.
Demi: you know where our classroom is, right?
Patricia: yeaaa- no
Demi: damnit

*Margaretha's pov*
Mike and I walked into our class and sat down next to each other. We were early, so we just chatted.
Mike: so uh, what are your hobbies?
Margaretha: oh! I'm a dancer. I used to work for a circus but... yeah it didn't end well.
Mike: no way! I'm an acrobat and I used to work for a circus too!
Margaretha: - giggles - that's awesome!
Suddenly a guy put his hand on Mike's shoulder.
???: already getting the girls, huh Mike?
Mike jumped and turned around.
Mike: N-Norton!
Norton: I'm just playing dude, keep it up.
He walked to the back and sat next to a guy wearing a green hoodie. I squinted my eyes to make out the name on his ID.
Naib, I think
I kept chatting with Mike.

*Fio's pov*
I was walking down the hall when I spotted a guy with long black hair. He was with an identical friend, but with white hair. I saw that they were wearing the student council badges, so I rushed up to them.
Fiona: hey uh, can I ask you guys where classroom C6 is? I have class there but I can't seem to find it.
The guy with black hair glared down at me.
Black: does it look like I-
The guy with the white hair elbowed him.
White: Fan! She is obviously new. You know what our duty is as student council members.
Fan: I didn't ask to be a student council member.
White: me neither dude, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude to her.
He then turned to me.
Xie: hi, I'm Xie, this is Fan. Don't worry about him, he's a tsundere.
I giggled.
Fan: - sighs - what was your question?
Fiona: I was asking where classroom C6 is.
Fan: on the third floor idio-
Xie elbowed him again.
Fan: damnit Xie I'm going to hurt you.
Xie: try me
I laughed and thanked them, making my way to the third floor.
I entered the classroom with 2 minutes to spare, and spotted Margaretha chatting with some dude. I walked over to her.
Fiona: Margaretha! Please don't ever leave me again! ~ I pleaded.
She giggled.
Margaretha: did you get lost?
Fiona: no! M-maybe..
Margaretha: of course you did.
I looked over at the guy she was sitting with. Margaretha introduced us to each other
Margaretha: Fiona, this is Mike. Mike, this is Fiona.
Fiona: sup
Mike: hi
I jumped as the teacher suddenly walked in. I ran over to an empty seat, next to a girl whose ID read Emma.
Fiona: is it okay if I sit here?
Emma: sure!
She smiled at me.
Teacher: silence please, thank you.
Emma rolled her eyes.
Emma: teachers, am I right? ~ She whispered.
Fiona: - giggles - yeah..

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