We dont talk about this chapter

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*Aesop's pov*
i watched as Naib turned the key and opened the door to our dorm. we walked in and were greeted by a fresh smell of... flowers? hm. not a big fan. the dorm was big, it looked like an expensive apartment.
Naib walked over to a door that was set in a hallway and opened it. inside there was a huge bedroom with a big queen-sized bed.
Naib: i'll claim this room i guess
Eli waked over to the door opposite his.
Eli: this is mine.
i look over to see that the last room was at the end of the hallway. i slowly walked over there and opened the door. it looked the same as Naib's room.
We grabbed our luggage, which was set in the living room. i brought my stuff to my room and started unpacking. about 20 minutes later i hear a knock on my door.
Aesop: what
Eli: can i come in?
before i could answer Eli pushed my door open and sat on my bed.
Eli: i finished unpacking. can i help you with anything?
i got nervous. i was almost done but i really wanted to hang out with Eli.
i had a huge crush on him and i had heard rumors of him liking me too, but i was too afraid to ask.
i stuttered: i- uh n-no it's fine, r-really
Eli: Are you okay?
Aesop: y-yeah i'm ok
i felt my face turn red.
Eli: alright, whatever you say...
he stood up and walked out my room. i had instant regret in declining his offer.
a few minutes later i had just finished unpacking when i heard Ms. Nightingales voice, through... hold on, there weren't any speakers around here.
She announced that we should go to the reception to get our books and schedules.
i froze.
new people.
i can't handle new people.
i walk out of my room and meet up with Naib and Eli as we started walking.

*Eli's pov*
while walking over to the reception, i put my arm around Naib and started singing a song out of happiness. i saw him look away with an annoyed expression on his face.
"Come onn Naib, sing with meee", i nagged him.
"i'd rather die." Naib answered.
"i can vouch for that", Aesop joined in.
we all had a quick laugh, i removed my arm from Naib's shoulder as we entered the open area with the reception. i saw all the new students and the student council members. i glanced around before finding a single-person couch and sat down. i listened to the assistants at the reception call every student one by one, handing them a crate of what were presumably books and their schedule. after a while i heard one of them call my name. i walked up to them.
"Eli Clark?"
"yes that's me."
"alright, here ya go."
they handed me my crate which was surprisingly heavy and full of books. this was gonna be a long year.
"Aesop Carl." i heard one of the assistants call Aesop's name. i suddenly froze, remembering that Aesop had a huge fear of talking to new people. Naib saw the worried look on my face and offered to hold my crate while i helped him. i thanked him and ran over to Aesop, who was pale, and slightly shivering from anxiety.
"it's okay Aesop, i'll do the talking."
he smiled warmly at me when the assistant called his name again.
"Aesop Carl?"
i walked over to the reception, holding Aesop's hand. he was slightly holding back but walked with me.

*Aesop's pov*
i felt my face turning red as Eli grabbed my hand and basically dragged me to the reception. i started panicking and tried to hold back, but he didn't seem fazed by my protests.
"Sorry, he's a bit anxious when it comes to new people." he explained. the assistant looked at me with sympathy, while i glared at him, i didn't want to seem like a child.

*Eli's pov*
they handed him his crate, which he almost dropped immediately after they gave it to him. fortunately, i caught it. i handed it to him, noticing he was slightly blushing. i had never seen Aesop blush before, he looked really cute. i handed him his crate and went to Naib to reclaim mine.
after Naib got his stuff we walked back to our dorm and i went into my room and sat on my bed, leaving the door open. As Aesop passed me i called out to him.
Eli: hey Aesop come here
he walked over to me.
Aesop: what's wrong
i patted on my bed.
Eli: sit down
he looked at me in surprise, but didn't protest and sat down next to me.
Eli: so, are you excited for this year?
Aesop: eh
it was hard to have a conversation with him, since he wasn't a very social person. but i didn't give up.
Eli: oh.. well i think you, me and Naib will have lots if fun together.
i suddenly covered my mouth, realising how wrong that sounded.
Aesop bursted out laughing.
Aesop: AHAHA~ i bet
i looked away, blushing.
we talked for a little while when i suddenly felt his arm around me. i looked back at him in surprise, i'd never expect him to do something like that. he tugged on my blindfold.
Aesop: take it off, i wanna see your eyes.
he smiled softly.
i hesitantly removed it, and looked deep into his grey eyes. He looked back, and his eyes softened.
Aesop: you know your eyes are beautiful right?
i blushed a little.
Eli: heh~ thanks.

*Aesop's pov*
He was already so handsome with his blindfold on, but without he was even more pretty, if that was even possible. he smiled at me, and i put my hand on his cheek. i saw a hint of affection in his beautiful blue eyes. slowly i pulled down my mask, and closed the space between our lips.

*Eli's pov*
suddenly Aesop pulled his mask down and kissed me. i was in shock for a few seconds, but then kissed back. He was holding my face gently as i softly squeezed my bedsheets. suddenly i heard a voice from outside my room
he sighed and walked away, shaking his head.
Aesop quickly stopped kissing me and looked away in embarrassment. i was disappointed but didn't say anything.

*Aesop's pov*
i stood up and quickly walked to my room, closed the door and locked it.
i just~
i just kissed Eli
i smiled as i laid down on my bed.
guess i am excited for this year.

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