Our Blossoming Hearts: A Sev...

By n3rdynightmar3

54.6K 1.8K 674

You've being told for years about it and now you are finally going to Hogwarts. After meeting a certain slyt... More

The Letter
The Train
The Common Room
The Game
Day 1: Truth or Dare
Day 2: Butterbeer
Day 3: Goodbye
Day 4: Never have I ever
Day 5: Charades
Day 6: Do we have to?
Day 7: See you again
Day 14(Major time skip I know): (Y/N)!
Slytherins are people too
Letters Galore
On Track
Home Sweet Home
The Fight
Christmas Eve
Full Moon
hair cut
Sore II
Face Reveal
New Year's Eve
Lil' A/N
Case Closed
2k Reads Special/End


667 29 2
By n3rdynightmar3

I was running to the common room to see if Severus was there. By the time I got there I was panting and freezing. I got in and saw Severus laying on the before sleeping. I grabbed the blanket on the other couch and laid it across him.

I stroked back his hair and smiled. I grabbed his hand and sat down on the floor. I fell asleep for about 20 minutes until I felt him waking up. I smiled as I saw his bright black eyes staring into mine.

"(Y/N) your okay" he said sleepily. "Of course I am" I said going back to stroking his hair. "I'm sorry" he said pulling me on the couch with him.  I smiled as he kissed me on my forehead.

"I should be the one who's sorry" I said "I overrea-" he interrupted me with a kiss. I melted into it and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away panting. "I love you biscuit" he said pulling me closer. I leaned into his chest. "I love you too" I said.

"I hate to break this you but uhh we're over here" said Narcissa holding hands Lucicus. We both blushed and sat up "S-sorry" we stammered. "Don't worry we came down to do the same thing." Lucius said rubbing the back off his neck with free hand and smiling.

We all laughed. I laid my head on Sev's shoulder "How long do you think this will last" I whispered into his ear. "As long as you want" he whispered back a little heart broken "Then forever" I smiled pulling myself onto his lap.

He gave me a short kiss and we talked with Narcissa and Lucius. "Shoot I have to go make up with Remus" I said getting off of Sev. "Right now" whined Severus "Yes" I said giving him one last kiss before I left. I run down the hall at a slow pace.

I turned to the library and saw James and Peter whoring while acting like they were studying. "Where's Remus" I asked them quietly. "The common room" James replied "And why do you keep wanting to know where my friends are" he asked "No time to explain" I said dashing out and to their common room.

As I came to the entrance I was greeted by the Fat Lady. "Hello love" she smiled. "Hello" I said back. "I'm sorry I have to go say sorry to my friend." I said a bit sad. "Don't worry darling" she said swinging open. "Thank you" I said walking in.

I saw Remus sitting there scratching notes onto a piece of parchment. I plopped down next to him. "Good afternoon" he said politely. "Remus" I said grabbing his attention.

"(Y/N)" he said surprised. "I'm sorry" I said before he could say anything else. "You have nothing to be sorry for" he said setting his stuff to the side. "I overreacted and I'm sorry I know the full moon is in a few when and-" I babbled "(Y/N) it's okay" he said pulling me into a hug.

"I'm not mad" I said "About" he questioned "Everything" I said looking into his green eyes 'Dang it I hate being short' I thought. "Hey (Y/N)" Lily said walking down from the girls dorm.

"Hi Lils" I smiled. She sat down next to me "What are you doing Remus" she said looking at him "Notes" he said showing them to her. "Hm" she hummed.

"Lily what's taki- oh hey (Y/N), Remus" she said nervously "I'd better go" Lily said getting up. I could tell what was going on with the two. I gave Lily a thumbs up as she walked back into the room.

"I'd better go before Professor Mcgonagall finds me in here" I said to Remus "Oh okay" he said with a little sadness in his voice. I rubbed top of his head "If you want I can stay with you" I said

Please do it's rough before my transition I heard his voice say in my head. "If you want" he said trying to play it cool. I sat down "Stop trying to play it cool" I said punching his arm lightly

"Y-you heard" he stammered. "Remus it's okay we have nothing to hide right" I said "Right" "It's just that you knew the stress and..." He trailed off after I kissed him on the cheek to shut him up. "Don't stress it's okay" I said looking him in the eye.

"You're right" he said smiling. I heard a door creak open. I looked over and saw Lisa and Lily trying to sneak out holding hands. I looked over and saw that Remus was on high alert too.

"We can hear you" I said they both stood up straight and blushed. "I told you" I said eying their hands. They let go and blushed even harder. "Ship it~" I smirked.

"Lets go get something to eat" Lisa said reaching out her hand for Lily to take. We all started to walk out of the common room and I heard a sigh behind me.

'I forgot to say thank you' I remembered "Thank you" I said turning to Fat Lady. "Your welcome" she smiled. "I'll see you after winter break" I said giving her a sad yet warm smile. "I'll see you too" she said waving.

I walked over to where Remus was waiting. "You didn't have to" I said to him. He ruffled my (H/C) (H/L) hair "I know" he smiled. We caught up to Lily and Lisa and started to chat.

We got to the great hall and I could already taste the food. I saw Sev chatting with Narcissa about something. I at down and they both got quiet. "What were you two taking about" I asked in a curious yet stern voice.

"Nothing important" said Narcissa. "Cissy I am very good at reading peoples emotions and right now you're lying" I said looking at them more intently.

"Fine we were taking about you" Sev said looking down. I nodded "Okay just tell the truth next time" I looking at them. I see food appear in front of us. 'I guess Dumbledore stopped talking' I thought

I started putting food on my plate as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Lisa. She sat down started to eat. "Relationship problems" she asked not looking at me. I nodded with a frown.

"Break up" she said finally looking at me. "Why I love him and he loves me " I said blinking away the tears from my eyes. "Then make him prove he loves you like a test" she said. "I'll think about it" I said.

I finished my food and ran to the gryffindor common room. "Hi" I said to the Fat Lady. "Hello" she smiled. I sat down and told her everything. "Well dear do what you think is right" she said. "Okay thank you" I said giving her a sad smile.

I headed down to the slytherin common room and saw Sev sitting on the couch talking with Lucius. "Sev can I talk to you" I asked rubbing the top of my foot with my other one. ur

"Sure" he said getting up. "I'm sorry" I started " No I am" he said and kissed me. He licked my lip begging for entrance but I denied. "What's wrong" he asked pulling away.

"Sev we have to break up" I said biting the inside out my lip fighting back tears. "W-why" he asked letting tears slip down guess face. I held his cheek in one hand "I'm sorry" I said again running up the stairs into the dorm.

I laid down in bed clutching the covers and cried. Nothing can fix what I just did. He will never want me back. I fell asleep drifting away with my bad thoughts.

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