For The Love of An Alpha

By lttl_bear

28.5K 1.1K 121

Jay's fought to survive her entire life. She's never stayed in one place for too long and trusts no one. She'... More

Note from the Author
Hunter's Moon
Rising Sun
Melancholy and Madness
Luna Matters
Prepping, Planning and Panic
The Hunt
His Delight is In Her
Heat of The Moment
Return Blessing
Elder Impairment
Taking Care
One Up
Undiscovered Truths
Eli's Endearment
Heat of Passion
Igniting the Truth
Protect the One You Love
Winter's Crossing
Change in Plans
Hunter for Hire
Trailing Through
So It Begins
Fall of Man
Dearly Departed
Pass Down
The Draw
Friendly Fire
Hermit Crab
Like Family
Giving Chase
To Arms
Scarlet Bond
Coming to Terms
Rescue Mission
What's next?
For The Love of The Guardian

Call of The Wild

2.2K 57 3
By lttl_bear

A/N - Please take a moment to read the Author's Note before diving in. Contained in that message is a map to the adventure and an invitation for you to comment with feedback. Also, I encourage you to vote for your favorite chapters. - Enjoy!


Jay lifted her nose to the air. The scent of the evergreen forest flooded her nostrils and the sounds of small animals scampering away filled her ears. Her senses were on high alert, as she processed how far she had run. Dropping the small pack she had in her mouth by a maple tree, she yawned. The sweet maple scent comforting her, reminding her of the few memories of her childhood. She shook her fur, letting out a slow growl as she scanned the area one last time. 

Feeling confident that the coast was clear, she allowed her body to relax and the soft auburn fur of her wolf began to fade. She had become numb to the pain of the shifting, as she had done it so often that it was natural to her to feel her bones reshape and crack. Another days journey under her belt, she stood naked beside the maple tree. Her dark auburn hair ran below her shoulders, hints of waves and curls present as she reached with her long fingers to pull her hair back. Her silver, gray eyes continued to scan the area as she knelt beside her small pack. Opening the flap, she pulled her simple clothes from the container and began to dress. Her toes digging into the dirt softly as she stood still. The sounds of the nearby town began to fill her ears as she pulled her sneaker over her right foot. Another car could be heard in the distance.

It had been months since she had graced civilization. She began to wonder, as she placed one foot before the other, if she still knew how to communicate with others. Jay's eyes scanned the road that would lead to the town, before stepping from the safety of the forest. Her sneakers padded on the concrete floor as she made her way. It was late in the day and she hoped to make the town by nightfall. 

Just once I want to come to a town for pleasure. Her mind reached out to her only companion. Her world, Scarlet, laid in the depths of her soul. 

Are you saying you aren't going to take pleasure in this? Scarlet commented back, her voice edged with a goading tone.

Jay thought back to the reason for coming to this small town. She was asked to come, by a man that lived near here. He believed a vampire was here and was willing to pay well, in cash. Jay couldn't turn down the amount of money she would make for this kill. Vampires were an easy kill for her anymore. She discovered several years back that she was able to keep up with the extreme reflexes that her prey would present her. She smiled to herself and the thrill of the hunt. It was a primal urge that she felt surge through her as she realized her wolf implied her joy. She smiled once more, passing the sign to the town, as her wolf pranced about in her mind. 

"Eckenro." Jay said quietly aloud, "Population 108." Her chuckle was subtle and she wondered if her wolf understood it. Shaking her head as she moved on, "It's gonna be hard to blend in here." She tightened her grasp on the small brown pack on her shoulder and picked up her pace.

She walked through the town square slowly, taking in the small diners that were open and the families that passed her by. To everyone that passed, she looked like she kept to herself, but she sniffed carefully as they moved by. She knew the smell of her prey, the smell of decay that seemed to flood the area around every vampire. She inhaled deeply through her nose, the smell of the town coming in full wafts. The sweet smells of the bakery, the bitter smell of coffee at the cafe and the diner's fresh rolls coming from the oven all filled her nostrils. There was nothing decaying or dead in the air.

Jay stepped into a small diner at the corner of the square. The fresh rolls were being set on a counter in the back, the smell almost calling to her grumbling stomach. It had been nearly a year since she had something she hadn't caught herself. She stepped up to the counter and sat on a small stool.

"Good evening, darlin." An older woman, with graying hair, approached her from the other side of the counter. The stainless steel counter top shining brightly in contrast to the deep burgundy on the seat cushions. Her smile was warm and welcoming, her accent subtle. "What can I get for ya?" Her brown eyes were warm as she looked at Jay, turning over the coffee mug on the counter top. 

"Soup and a roll, please." Jay gave a tight lipped smile, feeling uncomfortable back in civilization. She wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the chance to put another notch in her belt.

"Good tim'in, deary. Rolls just came out." The woman spoke with almost a musical rhythm as she turned to ladle out soup into a bowl. It was only a few moments later when she returned with the food. "Enjoy, hun." She smiled once more before turning to tend to a table.

Jay's head nodded in agreement as she lifted the spoon from the counter and plunged it deep into the golden broth. She saw the bits of chicken and could smell the sweetness of the carrots and noodles. She sipped it and felt it warm over her. It was a pleasant change to the meat she'd been eating, although she much preferred something she caught. As she sat quietly, dipping her bread in the broth, she listened to the conversations that filled the small diner.

In the far corner of the diner, Jay heard a man telling his lover he would leave his wife. By the door sat a group of young ones, they were laughing at each others jokes. There was an elderly couple in a booth that seemed to be celebrating their union. Jay sighed, as she listened to the mundane discussions about her. Then she heard it, the server mentioning the attack on Gruber's Farm. Their cow was slaughtered, and they were trying to say it was an animal, but the cow was drained from all it's blood.

Jay quickly polished off her bowl of soup, dropped a $20 on the counter, and walked out. She continued to eat her roll as she moved down the main road. Stopping at the small cafe for instructions to the farm.

"You sure you want Gruber's?"

"Yes, sir." Jay nodded firmly, "I'm a farm hand sir. They are expecting me." Her face expressionless.

"Well, if you're sure." He moved to the edge of his counter. "Leroy Gruber sure could use the help."

Jay listened as he rattled off the directions, knowing she just needed to know the general direction. She thanked the man for his information and moved swiftly out the door and down to the farm. She had built up her human reflexes and stamina. As a wolf she was fast, but she knew she always needed to be faster. She pushed herself into a run, trying to make good time to the farm. She rounded the drive that would lead to the homestead, that's when she smelled it. The rank and sour smell of decaying flesh. The unyielding smile spread across her face, it wasn't just the smell of decay, it was laced in iron. There was a fresh kill. She took long strides as she moved to the farm. The light on the building burned bright as she approached the home. She knocked only once.

A man of dark complexion came to the door, his face all too familiar.

"You could have just told me to come here." Jay said blandly, her face expressionless.

"It killed while I was away. My farm is what I wanted to prevent from being attacked." Leroy Gruber was a kind man, but confused as to how to handle this.

"Stay inside," she set her pack on the porch. "Be sure to bolt the door behind you." She turned to go and then froze, "I'll be back in the morning."

Jay leapt from the porch and moved at a quick pace into the nearby tree line. She heard the man shut his door and the sound of the lock clicking let her know she could move. Setting her jaw, she stripped of her clothes and tossed them in a pile at the base of a nearby tree. She craned her head and turned to the sound of rustling leaves.

"You're too late, dog." The whisper of a man came across the woods to her. "This is my territory." The tale tell stench that wafted over with the sound of his whisper almost turned her stomach.

Jay's teeth bore as she met the gaze of her prey. He was a nearly a mile into the woods from her, but she knew her speed. She adjusted her posture and squared up to face him. Her naked body glowed in the moonlight, as she chuckled, pressing her toes into the dirt beneath her. "I hope you know how to run." She grinned and took off after her target. 

The blood sucker didn't turn and run from her, he charged her. Idiot, Jay thought as she charged him head on. She pushed off the dirt hard, jumping over a fallen tree. As she landed she was in full wolf, Scarlet's beautiful fur igniting like flames in the moonlight. The fear that danced briefly across the face of her hunt gave her joy, as she lunged for him. He tried to move to her right, with his vampiric speed. One sure foot dig in the dirt and she countered his move. Her teeth naked as her lips curled back, she met his neck with her strong bite. She gave no mercy as she bit hard. The sound of his neck snapping in one bite gave the wolf a gratification of the kill. Jay made quick work to release her catch and shift back, her naked breasts spattered with blood. She knelt before the felled vampire, blood pouring from his neck, what was left of it. Her hand hovered over his chest, her silver eyes flashing specks of dark purple briefly as her hand dove into the chest of the body before her. When her fist exited the cavity, the still heart of the vampire was held firmly. With one last look, she watched as the body before her quickly turned to ash. The heart she once held in her hand, now dust at her feet.

Hope he doesn't want proof. Jay thought to herself as she moved to get her clothes. She grumbled under her breath as she lifted her clothes and walked like a beacon of pale light across the lawn of the farmer's home. She arrived to the porch to find a paper bag beside her pack, a note tagged to the bag -"Take the money and go."

That was easier then I thought. Jay thought again, as she grabbed a towel that was hanging on the nearby clothes line. She wiped the blood from her body and shoved her clothes and money in her back. She tied the bag tightly and shifted. She took one last look about the area, grabbed the bag and ran into the forest. She took off at a fast pace, she wasn't going to stick around for the farmer to call for pitchforks and fire. She knew to get out of dodge.

Scarlet urged her on as they ran through the night, something in her told her not to stop running, so she didn't. Scarlet had a second sense about her, she had proven over the years that her senses were always right and Jay learned to trust her wolf. Their lives depended on them trusting and moving with assurance in each other's notions. Jay felt the nails of her toes dig deeper into the dirt beneath her, her strong muscles propelling her body forward.

The sun was rising on the fifth day as she rounded a corner and arrived to a cliff, overlooking a deep ravine. It had been nonstop running for days. She would take over while Scarlet rested and then Scarlet would take over. They were one and they moved as one. Their body was growing tired and they arrived at the cliff edge with a slow trot.

The urge to shift filling both of them, as they needed to rest. Jay gave in and took on her human form once more. She shivered as a breeze came through the canyon below her. She glanced about and took in the maple scent of the nearby trees. It was a comfort to be near them during the fall. She dressed quickly and set about looking for a shelter.

At the edge of the canyon, on the other side, she spotted a cave. It would serve as a perfect place for shelter. She debated if it was worth it to travel there now, weighing her options and smelling the air. The cool smell of rain filled her senses and she moved quickly. It would not be long before the rain would overtake. Looking down the canyon, the outline of a felled tree that covered the canyon space could be seen. Jay pushed the last of her energy to the front as she made for the fallen log.

She made quick work across the log and arrived to the cave as the rain began to fall. The sounds of thunder landing in the distance. Jay smiled to herself, this weather was her favorite. She stood at the cave entrance and watched as the thunder rolled through. It wasn't long before she was asleep on the cold stone floor. The smell of rain and maple leaves drifting her into a state of comfort. She rarely rested fully, with the storm in play she felt safe enough for a time.

The sun rose clear and shined brightly on her face as she laid on the now damp floor. Stepping from the cave, she felt renewed strength. It had been days since the storm, and somehow Scarlet had let Jay keep sleeping. In fairness, they both knew their body needed rest. The broken skin on Jay's feet was nearly healed and the cracks in her hands were almost gone. The physical wear of running for days on end took it's toll on both forms. The smell of the forest filled her nostrils as she stood at the cave entrance. She glanced at the path up and noticed it was now covered in mud and debris. It was no longer safe to pass. The 20 foot climb up was not one she wanted to make, I can jump that. Jay said to herself, bouncing on her toes.

Smiling playfully to herself, she grabbed her pack and sprung upward. The 20 foot jump was easier then she thought and she over shot the edge by about 10 feet. She landed on her feet with a thud and laughed to herself as she did. Her strength was back.

The crack of a branch to her right caused her to freeze in her tracks. She remained knelt to the floor as she scanned the area about her, the smell was thick in her nostrils. Werewolves, her kin, were all about her. She didn't budge, waiting for them to make the move. Twelve wolves stepped out into the small clearing, a growl on their lips and their white teeth shown bared. Jay kept her cool as she stood her ground, rising slowly to her full height. She watched as a shadow formed in the trees, her eyes fixed on the movement as her ears listened closely to those that surrounded her. She was calm and relaxed, she didn't fear them. These were just wolves, they couldn't hurt her.

One wolf to her left, his growling giving rise to the annoyance in his blood, snapped at the air toward her. Jay respond with a deep growl, her teeth reeling and her eyes piercing the soul of the wolf that snapped at her. She watched him jump back, as her reaction sunk into his flesh. He half whimpered before growling once more. Her alpha blood raged within her, they could feel her born authority. Her attention turned back to the shadow that was in the forest in time to watch a man come out of the shade. His light brown hair was cut remarkably short, he eyes were dark as he processed through the environment quickly. His shoulders were broad, though they showed signs of carrying burdens, his head was held high. His strong jaw flexed as he stood on the edge of the forest. His hands relaxed at his side as he strode forward. His brow furrowed, pulling his tawny eyebrows close together, making his brown orbs appear smaller. He examined the female before him. Her jeans showed signs or wear, with rips and tears at the knees and thighs. Her shoes showed age, but her long sleeved, green shirt appeared new. She had pulled up her sleeves and he considered how loose it fit about her, obviously for comfort. Her auburn hair hung behind her, held back from her face with a tie. Her silver eyes pierced his soul, there was something there. She had a confidence about her that he had not seen in a female before.

Jay met the new comers eye contact and held it, watched as his jaw tightened and his lower lids twitched to set his authority, but she didn't flinch. Her eyes remained cool and calm as his long legs carried him further into the opening. The wolves about him growling lowly. His strong arms lifted as the wolves responded with silence, their eyes not leaving the girl. His arms swept wide, and then he spoke "Take her to Alpha," his deep voice carried through the air.

Jay groaned to herself. She promptly threw her pack at the man before her and smiled, throwing him off balance by the force with which she heaved it. In the same motion she turned and ran, leaping over the wolves and shifting mid air. She could feel the energy about her crackling, as she shifted and gave chase. Her clothes were now shreds on the floor and all she could think was how she liked that shirt. She took off running, when a scent filled her nostrils, smoky maple and oak. Her Scarlet pranced about in her mind and they both felt the tug to run to the scent, a feeling of safety washed over her with that scent.

She dug in her nails and pushed herself, barreling head on toward the scent, the natural safety she knew was coming. She jumped from a small hilltop and over a fallen tree, where a man had come around the corner. She slid to a rough halt, her wolf form leaving her faster then she could have summoned it. Her naked feet sliding across the leaf strewn floor as her hand came behind her to adjust her balance. Her body sliding along the dirt as she came to a stop, her eyes staring at the man before her. As she started to focus on the figure before her, she felt a sudden impact to her side. Her body lurched to the side and she heard the loud crack as she impacted the ground. Jay felt an alpha's growl in her chest, but her ears rang loud as she tried to open her eyes. Stars filled her vision as she laid on the floor, soon it all went black.

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