Deviants [HIATUS]

By RandomAnxiety

110 1 16


{1}The First Deviant
{2} Owner+Androids
{4}Don't Have to Obey
{5} On the Run + Crime Scenes

{3} Paint your identity

17 0 12
By RandomAnxiety

"Welcome Back, Markus."

Markus walked inside the building, the package tucked under his arm, the doors closing behind him. He looked around the familiar building, his lips hinting a smile. For most androids, they lived in a home where not all the humans were has nice as Markus's human. He was an elder man in his late 70s that went by the name Carl.

Carl Manfred: celebrated painter, a paraplegic, and is dianoised with an unknown disease. He's also known has a friend to most of those he meets. He's known has a father, maybe even grandfather. And he wasn't like most humans you'd see. He didn't treat Markus like a toy or slave. Yes, Carl gives orders and Markus needs to obey, but he doesn't ask for much.  Doesn't demand for much.

Markus wouldn't ask for any other human to take him.

Before he goes to wake Carl up, Markus went into the man's art gallery. Lots of meaningful and intriguing art projects Carl has made in the past years, that Markus  didn't quite understand but still loved to look at them, hung all over the gallery, making the room more colorful. Markus had placed the package of paints that Carl asked him to receive on a wooden table.

He then walked out, going upstairs to wake up Carl. The Android walked into the room, making sure to avoid any creaky floorboards and anything that would produce noice, not wanting to startle the man. He made his way  to the only window in the room,  pulling the curtain to allow sunlight in. Slowly, Carl woke up from feeling the sunlight and warmth hit his back.

At first, the sunlight forced him to squint his eyes shut before opening them back agin to adjust to the new light. "Good morning, Carl" Markus gave a small smile to the human, making his way,around the bed. The man tried his best to get in a sitting position, still a bit tired, but failing at first.

"Good morning" Carl managed to get out.

"It's 10am, the weather is partly cloudy, 54 degrees, 80 percent humidity, with a high possibility of afternoon showers" he informed Carl. Carl once again tried to get in a sitting position before just giving up.

"Sounds like a good day to spend in bed" Carl responded, not even trying to get out bed now. Markus grabbed prescribed medicine and a syringe ok bedside table, getting the thick medicine in said syringe.

"I got the paint you ordered" Markus said, reminding Carl about the package. Carl didn't even seem to remember. Not until Marcus mentioned it.

"Oh, yes, I forgot" The man admitted. "That's the difference between me and you Markus. You never forget." Marcus put the bottle filled with medicine down before looking back at Carl.

"Give me your hand, Carl" Markus demanded.

"I don't have too" Carl replied, mostly teasing.

Markus tilted his head at his owner, and he almost seemed to be giving Carl the puppy eyes. "Carl" Marcus said. Reluctantly, he gave the android his arm, only to have Markus inject the medicine in his arm. "Thank you."

"I just opened my eyes and I'm already gritting my teeth" Carl spoke, looking at Markus. The Android gave the human a small smile, putting the syringe down. Carl smiled back, until something caught his eye. Markus's cloths looked dirty and as if the android took a hard fall to the ground. "Hey" he softly grabbed Markus by the shoulder, making the android look at him. "What happened to you clothes?"

"Oh, nothing Carl" Markus responded. "Just Some demonstrators in the street."

"What a bunch of idiots" Manfred gritted his teeth, not liking the thought of Markus getting damaged. Not cause he needed an android to be his slave, but because he saw Markus has part of his family, and if it was anyone in his family, he'd be pissed. "They think they can stop progressing by roughing up a few androids?" Carl moved his hand to Marcus's arm. "I hope they did harm you."

"Oh, no, Carl. They just pushed me around" Markus replied, assuring Carl that he was fine. "I'm fine. All right, I'll take you downstairs now." The Android gently carried the elder man over to his wheel chair, sitting him down slowly. He then pushed the man out of the room, the doors opening by themselves for the two.

Markus kept walking only to stop in his tracks seconds later. Below them was one, medium sized flight of stairs. Markus hooked up Carl's wheelchair to a machine that helps the man go up and down the stairs. After pushing the button up next to the lift, Markus followed Carl down the stairs. The lift soon came to a halt, Markus unhooked the wheelchair, going back to pushing the man in a wheel chair, taking him behind two doors. behind the two doors were a huge table, pretty huge for just one man. There was a large flat screen in front of the tv, couches, chairs. Was no doubt that this was the living space.

Markus rolled Carl over behind the table before leaving him only for second, grabbing the food that was already prepared, coming back only a minute later. He placed the plate and drink down gently before revealing the food. Pancakes with strawberries and blueberries on top. There was a small amount of syrup on them, just how Carl likes it. He also had three pieces of bacon, which was crispy, like Manfred asked for.

"Thank you, Markus" Carl said, showing his gratitude for the android. "Hey, why don't you go and find something to do while I get done eating my breakfast."

"Will do, Carl" Markus nodded, smiling softly before going off, obeying the request. The android searched and scanned the room for activities to do while Carl finished his food. There was three to four large book shelves, which held countless books in a row. Scanning the row, three books on one of the middle shelves stuck out. Shakespeare, keat's Ode,  Plato. All three were recommended by Carl, which is why they stuck out more then the other several books. After processing his choices, Markus picked up Plato's Republic, immdiantly getting into the reading. Already half way through when Carl rolled himself over to Markus.

"What are you reading?" Carl asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh, uh, Plato's Republic" Markus smiled, looking over at the man. "One of the books you recommended."

"How do you like it so far?" Manfred asked the android, honestly curious of what Marcus liked and felt about the book.

"I personally like philosophy" Markus started, closing the book gently before placing it back in its spot, doing simple arm motions. "It asks the question of what is wrong and what is right, for example. It's not something that's so easy to decide."

"Asking questions that have no answers are part of being human, Markus" Carl simply explained. "Lets go to the studio." Markus nodded at this before getting up, getting behind Carl, rolling him into the messy, art space. The curtains rolled up by themselves once the two made it inside, showing the beautiful morning skies and nature. Markus came to a halt once they were behind a giant lift, which attached itself to Manfred's wheel chair. "Curtain open." Markus went over to the rope that helped roll the curtain up, doing as told. Carl's lift automatically, slowly, and safely to where he was able to finish his big painting, which was revealed when the curtains raised.

Has Carl started painting, Markus d ecjded to clean up around the studio. It had to be done sometime this week, and right now seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. He picked up the abandoned paint laying on the ground and tables, putting them on top of the shelves meant for paints and other art supplies. He also moved a few dried and finished art work, cleaning the table. After two minutes of cleaning, Carl's lift slowly took him down by Carl's demand, of course.  Markus smiles has he walked beside  Carl, looking at the finished masterpiece of Carl Manfred.

Markus had his hands behind his back, looking at the painting. Intriguing, yet confusing. "So.."Carl spoke, back him and his wheelchair up to see the entirety of the painting. "What's your verdict, Markus?" The android processed the question, still staring at the painting, looking interested, which he was.

"Yes, there is something about it" Markus answered, tilting his head, looking at the painting more intensely. "Something I cant...quite define." Markus repositioned his body, processing more. "I guess I like it" Markus said, smiling.

"Truth is I have nothing to say anymore" Carl said, looking at the painting he just finished. "Each day that goes by just brings me closer to the end. Im just  a man hanging on by a thread." All Markus could do was stare at Carl, not knowing how to respond. Though, he did know that the thought of Carl dying, no matter what the cause, was something that made Markus feel what the humans call fear. Markus was unfamiliar of the feeling, and didn't hink much about it, thinking it was something androids "feel."

"Carl..." was all Markus could manage to gey out, his voice sounding somewhat broken. Silence came into the room, both stating at the painting since that was the only thing that caught their eyes at the moment.

"But enough about me..." Carl broke the since, moving to where his body was facing Markus completely. "Lets see if you have any talent. Give it a try." Carl pointed at a few small brushes and canvases leaning against the wall. "Try painting something."

"I...? Painting? Painting what?" He asked, raising a brow, confused.

"Anything You want" Carl replied instantly. Markus looked over at the supplies he needed, smiling wide, showing his teeth. He looked back at Carl, happy to try something new. Carl smiled softly has he handed some paint Markus may need before Markus grabbed a canvas. After getting everything he knew he needed, his paint in a safe and reachable sppy, he looked around. He was told to paint. Paint what? He had no idea. He scanned the room, finding two possible objects to paint. A bowl of fruit or one of Carl's art projects. After some long, hard thoughts, Markus decided to go with the bowl of fruit.

After dipping his small brush in the paint he needed, he started. Carl watched the android very closely, watching his every move. It wasn't hard to see Markus copying the reality in front of him, and it wasn't surprising. Androids weren't the ones to  do the painting, but give feedback to the artist. The didn't know how to paint wothout copying, or so we think. After a few minutes, Markus backed up revealing his painting. Carl rolled up to get a closer look. "That's a perfect copy" Carl spoke, looking at the nicely painted of a bowl of fruit. "...Of reality. But painting isn't about replicating the world. It's about interpreting it, improving the world." While Carl explained, Markus processed. "Showing something you see."

"Carl, I don't think I can do that" Markus looked back at his copy painting, raising a brow. "It's not in my programming."

"Go on" Carl demanded, hand gesturing to the blank canvas on the floor beside them. "Grab one of those canvases." Markus removed his paint copy, grabbing another blank canvas, placing it in the others place. "Do something for me, close your eyes" Carl added..Markus looked at Manfred, brow still raised. "Do it, please." Markus nodded before doing has told. "Try to imagine something that doesn't exist. Think of something you haven't seen before" Carl went on, his voice sounding calm and as if he's be on a mediate video. "Now concentrate. On how it makes you feel, and let you hand drift across the canvas." Still with his eyes closed, Markus started laijtin once again, this time painting for real. No copy. He had so many choices to choose from her it didn't take him that hard to figure out which to do. He felt his hand drift across the canvas in all different ways, getting more paint if needed. At first, Markus had doubted that he was doing a good job, but the doubt faded away soon.

After a minute, Markus came to a halt, opening his eyes, finished. Both Markus and Carl stared at the Androids creation, stunned at the descriptiveness and creative skill put into a painting that took Markus five minutes maximum to do. The painting showed an android, no doubt Mark is, covering his face. His LED looking yellow-ish red. This showed his identity and his despair, and Markus couldn't deny that this looked exactly how he pictured it. "Oh my god" Carl said, surprised amd.maybe skittle sad by the painting.

Before anymore could be said, a boy who looked to be in his early twenties, possibly early thirties intruded the studio. After a short minute of silence, the boy decided to speak. "Hey dad." Both Carl and Markus seemed startled by the sudden voice.

"Leo?" Carl said, surprised and confused.

Leo Manfred: obviously Carl's son, his mother unknown, physically healthy, and was somewhat of a drug addict. He also is known for asking his dad for money and only reached out to his dad when he needed money. He was spoiled, and Carl claimed that to be his fault.

"I didn't hear you come in" Carl added, shaking his head.

"Ah, I was in the neighborhood" Leo replied. "Thought to stop by." Carl turned a 180 in his wheelchair, his entire body facing his son. Something seemed off about Leo, and Carl had no doubt it wasn't anything but what he's thinking.

"You're alright?" Carl rose a brow at his son."You don't look so good."

"Yeah" Leo answer. His body swaying a tiny bit. "Ah, listen, I...I need some cash, dad. Again."

Carl was use to the request and he would give Leo some money for it, but his son goes through money quick. Has if the money burns a whole in his pocket, has Carl use to say, and Carl knew what Leo uses his money for. "What happened to the money I have you a few weeks ago?" Carl asked, already know the answer, raising a brow.

"Oh, uh.." Leo started to giggle unnecessarily. "It just comes and goes, y'know."

"Yeah.." Carl responded, nodding, not buying any of this. "Yeah, you're on it again, aren't you?"

"What? No, no" Leo said, obviously lying. Has he was putting away the paints, Markus payed more attention to the conversation, especially Leo. "I swear it's not that."

"Don't lie to me, Leo" Carl told him in a warning, threatening voice.

"What difference does it make?" Leo suddenly snapped at his dad. "I just need some cash! That's all!"

"Sorry.." Carl apologized, not sounding that sorry, which he shouldn't have to be. "The answers no, Leo."

"What? Why?" Leo asked, his voice still raised.

"You know why" Carl answer, trying to keep his voice calm, knowing yelling and getting on Leo's level wasn't gonna do shit.

Leo looked over at the Android who watched them has they talked, and who kept his eye on Leo. "Yeah, I think I do know why" Leo responded, looking back at Carl. "You'd rather take care of this plastic toy, then your own son." Leo looked and pointed at Markus aggressively. "Tell me, dad.." Leo walked only towards Markus. "What's he got that I don't? Huh? Smarter? More obedient? Not like me, right?" Leo came to a halt only an inch or two away from Markus' face. " But you know what? This thing is not your son" Leo added, looking back at his dad. "It's a fucking machine!" Leo snapped more has he turned back around, pushing Markus hard, almost making him crash in the canvases and paints.

"Leo, that's enough!" Carl yelled, about to snap.

Leo looked at his dad once more, backing up from  the android, about to head out. "You don't care about anything but yourself and your goddamn paintings. You never loved anyone. You never loved me, dad" Leo said before heading out. Both Carl and Markus watched him leave, his every move.

While silence entered the studio, Carl was blaming himself. It was his fault. He shouldn't of gave Leo a dike the last time, he shouldn't of gave him a dime the other time, and the other time. He has spoiled his son. Carl was the reason he was like this, or that's what Carl thought.


Levi went out side to fetch the laundry, laundry basket in hand. He grabbed the shirts, pants, and towels off of the line, placing then in the basket when he heard the door open. Levi glanced behind him, noticing the blond haired boy come outside with his teddy. Levi smiled softly has he watched the child play with on the steps with his teddy.

Realizing he was done, he walked towards the child. Camdyn looked up at the Android, now hugging his stuffie to death. Deciding he's got sometime, Levi crouched down to the boy's eye level, placing the basket down gently on the ground. "Hi, Camdyn" Levi said. The boy looked at him, looking somewhat fearful, but I mean, who could blame him? He was an only child in front of something that looked like an adult. Someone that was bigger then him. Someone that could possibly hurt him. "I like your stuffie, does it have a name?" Levi asked, thinking of the only topic he knew right now.

Camdyn looked back at Levi, this time with a warm hearted look in his eyes, not answering the android. Levi was about to pick a different topic has the doors opened again. "Cam- oh there you are" James barked, looking at his son and android. "Get in this house. Now." The boy obeyed his father, walking inside. The man was about to go back inside himself when he saw the android. "You're not suppose to be having a conversation with my son! Your suppose to do the laundry, so get in here now and do it" James demanded.

"Got it, sir" Levi responded before grabbing the laundry basket. He walked passed James, only to have him be grabbed harshly by the arm. Levi's LED light turned and flashed red, feeling danger coming.

" How about this?" James whispered in his ear. "You stay away from my son, in less necessary. Got it?" Levi processed the demand, not knowing what to say. He couldn't argue with James, he just couldn't. Looking straight ahead and not at James, he nodded, having a blank expression.  James smiled, having Levi's arm still in his hand. "Good. And if you don't, I will rip you part by part." Levi looked at James, nodding once more.

"Got it, James" Levi nodded. James just gave the android a stern frown before letting go of its arm and going to watch more tv. Levi watched his owner walk away, processing what just happened, his LED still flashing red.


It was nighttime, and all you could here in the Millier residence was yelling. Not by the child, no. You couldn't hear nothing from the child, but the dad? Hell yes. Most choose to ignore it. Only one time has someone called the police for possible abuse and noise, but Miller got away with that, lying. That's all the man knew how to do. Lie and yell.

Levi was about to fix the table for dinner, watching James and Camdyn. James has been yelling at his child nonstop. First for being a brat, second for whatever the fuck James had to tell about, and he made sure he was in Camdyn's face. "Because of you, I never got to do shit when I was seventeen. Because of you I wasn't able to go to fuckin college!" Camdyn hugged his stuffie close, trying to block out his father's yelling, tears rolling down his face. Levi went over to the kitchen area only to get the two plates of lasagna, getting back to the dining table, placing  the plates down gently.

"You think I haven't sarcrafice any thing? Huh? You think I'm a deadbeat father? Yeah, you do, don't you?" James threw an empty beer bottle at the wall, making it shatter in several pieces. "You little bitch!" The man grabbed the child from under the armpits, picking him up and pinning him to the wall. "You little bitch! You cost me everything!" Camdyn looked at his father, fear being the only expression you saw on his face.

Levi watched the scene, his LED turning yellow and red.  He saw the kid's petrified face, knowing he had to do something. And that's when a big bang was heard. Both Camdyn and James looked over at the android, who had his hand in a fist. Levi 's hand shook has he realized he just hit the table. To save a kid. He didn't mean to. It was just to much that was building up inside of him, and he didn't know any other way. He watched has a little bit of blue blood ran down his fist. "Uh..." Levi started- his body somewhat shaking. "...dinners ready."

James put his child down, walking to the table. Before he sat down, James glared at the Android, mad. All Levi did was focus on his hand. The blood dripping down. He slammed his fist on the table. Was he ordered too? No. All because he was feeling something that was unfamiliar. He didn't know any other way to stop what was about to happen. Levi grabbed a price of paper towel,wiping the blood from his hand and floor up.


Hola! Hello! Hola!
So...this was a suck ending, but shhhh.
Anyway, I honestly didn't think I was gonna finish this chapter. I started writing this a week ago, stopping when I got the"get Carl down stairs" scene cause I didn't know how to write it. Everytime I did, it was shit. But then i decided to try and write it again, and as you can see...I did. So here!

1.What do you think of Leo, Camdyn, and James?
2. you think Markus and Levi will meet? If so, do you think they will get along?
3. Who wants to hit Leo and James with a stick...multiple times?
4. What do you think Will happened next?


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