Star Haven

By Rookieoftheyear2

519 43 97

Earth is dead. No one has seen the surface in five years. Earth died at the hands of pollution, corruption, a... More

Author's Note
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.

Chapter 5.

15 1 0
By Rookieoftheyear2


Jade woke with a dull ache in her back and neck. She'd always assumed that at some point her body would get used to a cot. But she was full of shit lying to herself like that. It was crazy to go from a pillow-top mattress to a cot. It didn't make her want cry or anything, but then again, Jade missed the small luxuries of her former life.

She leaned over and pulled Sebastian's blanket up over his shoulder. She found it by chance leaving the shower quarters the night before. Jade exhaled, the old bunker's ac whirling with continual aged groans.

She looked around the small bunker. After Sebastian had fallen asleep, Jade watched Atlas rise and shower. She knew he kept his distance in general from their time in the bunker, but it seemed he was going to keep his distance even now. She was planning on doing the same until she figured out who was truly trustful.

Jade squeezed her lover's hand. It worried her, their future and livelihood out here. It was her fault he was even on this mission. He would've fought Jarrod until the man submitted anyways; but that left her uneasy. Sebastian walked a thin line of sobriety, and it was her job to help him keep clean. It had only been a matter of weeks since he had come clean and sobered up. Her big heart ached.

It was her job to protect him. And for the first time in her life, she feared she  would fail. 

Jade squared her shoulders and steeled her eyes towards the bar. She was small for a young adult, but it didn't stop people from staring as she made her way through the crowded bar. Obviously she was of age, but it was rare to see such a small, young woman alone. Normally, girls traveled in packs. She went over the safety list her friends made her repeat back to them before separating from them. Don't leave with a stranger- one. Don't go to the bathroom with one-two. Don't leave my drink unattended-  three. Text friends every half hour or so to check in- four. 

She ducked through the arms of two intoxicated men who'd stopped to argue in front of their buddies. Jade rolled her eyes and kept moving. She didn't want to be near a fight if one broke out. Who cared which drink got spilt and on whom. Anyone who cared probably had a little dick themselves.

Jade cupped her hands under her breast, pushing them forward, catching the eye of a peeking bar tender. She tucked her wallet under  her arm, drink in hand. She started to make  her way back to into the dancing, hoping to find someone to dance with. Jade turned to the music when she caught a pair of eyes starring at her, a pair of  dark eyes attached to a wicked smile. Normally, she didn't care about men at clubs when they looked at her- they usually led to trouble or were just disgusting men with only sex on their minds. But he was different. He was better dressed than any man she had seen, not a single hair out of place. He stood out like a bright star on a dark night.

Jade stood on her tiptoes to see if she get a better look at him. Trouble. A lot of trouble, but she wanted to something crazy. She had always been the good friend. She wanted to be something else.

"He's fucking hot." A drunk girl whispered into her ear. She saw the girl was starring in the same direction of him, her eyes honing in on her prey. "Heard he is bad news, but I don't care."

Heat rose to her cheeks, and for a moment,  she considered turning away. But a surge of confidence  washed over her caution. She wasn't going to fall back into old habits and be the goody two shoes. "Mine," She said in a determined voice. "And don't drool all over the floor," she added pointedly. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment of the way she was acting.

He raised his eyebrows at her approach, glancing to the crowd around them.  "You seem lost, kitten." He purred, dark eyes looking on her. 

"I don't see it that way," She walked closer to him, throwing her arm over his  shoulders whilst dancing. The corner of his lips raised into a sinister smile. 

"So are you here to play?" He whispered into her ear, his hands wrapping around her waist, pulling her close. Jade held in the urge to push him away, her heart pounding erratically. "This area is for the grown up."

"I can show you grown up," She pressed herself closer, her hips rocking his. "But what will you show me?"

"Tonight, the dance floor. Tomorrow the world."  He pressed his lips into hers. Jade inhaled sharply, but did't run.

"What is your name?"

"Liam, but my dear, you  never told me yours?" They had danced their way to a quiet place in the bar.

"Jade." She kissed him again.

"Jade." Her named rolled off his tongue, sending shivers down her spine to places she never knew existed.

She left with him. Breaking every rule her friends gave her.  She broke every rule she had ever been given that night. She failed everyone she knew and did know until much later on.

"How are you doing?" Jade glanced up to see Josephine standing beside her, looking annoyed at Sebastian, who was still asleep. 

"I am fine. Still processing."

"Same." She raised an eyebrow. "None of us really talked about it it last night."

"What was there to say?"

"I don't know, maybe what we missed the most or was most shocking to see."

Jade smiled softly. "None of us are therapists. And we haven't see all of it yet. Who knows what is out there after five years." She cocked her head to the side and surveyed Jo quizzically. The skin under her eyes were bruised with exhausted, but the purple shadows just made her eyes darker. Jade felt a twinge of guilt for not really being nice to Jo while in the bunker. She'd pegged her as another guilt-riddled, woe-is-me girl who wanted everyone to pay attention to her. But the strain in her face and the sweat matted  her brown hair made it clear she hadn't slept since they left the bunker. 

"So," Jade continued, remembering Atlas's normal interactions with Jo, and the way he treats her, "will the doctor's presence distract you from our objective?"

Jo looked at her with a mixture of shock. For a moment, she thought Jo was going to scream at her, but then she shook her head. "That won't be a problem. Ask him yourself."

"What is history with you two?" Jade pressed.

"No," Josephine said flatly. But then her mouth twitched into a questioning smile. "Why do you care? Not satisfied with your lot?"

"Just taking a census," Jade responded. "Specifically, to determine the relationship of all the idiots I am stuck with on the surface. To see who will keep my alive."

Jo rolled her eyes, but then she turned to face Orion and Atlas and all the blood drained from her face.

"What is it?" Jade looked from Sebastian to the others.

"Nothing," Jade said quickly. "I just hope we find a solution, and fast. Who truly knows how long we actually have."

"So we don't have any plan?" Jade asked, frowning in concern.

Jo looked at her, startled. "We have an objective and five smart minds. We'll be fine." She  said quickly, the lie shoot out of her mouth before she had time to make her features match it. "We either need to build a habitat that will allow us to live up here without of radiation poisoning and to create viable soil..." She trailed off as her eyes settled on Orion. 

Jade grimaced as she glanced at Orion, wondering if Jo knew his secret. Jade hoped so- he had hurt everyone and deserved to be punished. But it didn't matter one way or another. And Jade would make sure she was the on to deliver it. 

"How long do we plan on staying down here?"

Jo turned back to Jade. "I say we need to make a plan first before heading back to the surface, so  we need a day or two. Maybe three until we have something solid to work with."

"But possibly sooner?"

She titled her head to the side and gave Jade. "What's the rush?"

But before Jade had the chance to respond, Orion called Jade's name and she was gone. 

Jade took a deep breath. To her surprise, the simple act cleared her head, leaving her more awake and alert. She feared the filters broken and every breath she took was toxic. 

Jade craned her neck up towards the ceiling, imagining the sky above her. It didn't matter where they were, she was closer to the sun than she had been in years. Any spot closer was going to be infinitely better than the world they'd left behind.

For the first time since entering the bunker, she felt hopeful for the future. Maybe with this second chance, she could make up for the mistakes of her past. 

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