I Am Living With an Idiot

By BrightWhiteSnow

23.3M 744K 396K

Vena Anderson, a nineteen year old girl has moved away from home to attend college. She has no desire to live... More

||The Beginning||
Two || Hi My Name Is Vena
Three || Goodnight James
Four || Wow this looks good
Five || Where are we gonna eat?
Six || Tell me about yourself please
Seven || This is Awkward...
Eight || Oh God, Not Her
Nine || I Could Hit You So Hard Right Now
Eleven || You Are So Infuriating
Twelve || Grayson Would Not Be Jealous
Thirteen || The Agreement
Fourteen || You're Bluffing
Fifteen || All In Good Time James
Sixteen || Uh Oh This Can't Be Good
Seventeen || You Are So Adorable
Eighteen || I See You're Capable
Nineteen || Truth or Dare?
Twenty || Don't Panic
Twenty One || This Is Going To Be A Long Night
Twenty Two || His Darling
Twenty Three || Those Six Words
Twenty Four || Live a Little
Twenty Five || Staring is Impolite
Twenty Six || Game Over
Twenty Seven || Once a Player always a Player
Twenty Eight || Nothing More, Nothing Less
Nothing more, Nothing less {Grayson's Pov}
Twenty Nine || How Can I Trust You?
Thirty || Worth The Risk
Thirty One || Stupid Sweet Talk
Thirty Two || Life is Beautiful
Thirty Three || We Need To Talk
Thirty Four: How Serious Can It Be
Thirty Five || You Scared Me
Thirty Six || Such a Great Story
Thirty Seven || Afterwards
Thirty Eight || So Honest
Thirty Nine || Bouquet of Lillies
Forty || I Hate You
Forty One || His Kisses
Forty Two|| A Dilemma
Forty Three || I Don't Want to Hear it.
Forty Four || All Is Almost Forgotten
Forty Five || Maybe I Need This
Forty Six || Drunk Protests
Forty Seven || Hold My Hair
Forty Eight || Trust me J.H.
Forty Eight || Trust me V.A.
Forty Nine || Tease
Fifty || Get Out
Fifty One || Betrayed
Hello from the other side
Fifty Two || He Didn't Cheat On You
Fifty Three || Don't Raise Your Voice
Fifty Four || This Should Be Good
Fifty Five || Christmas Tree
Fifty Six || Wake Up
Fifty Seven || The City
Fifty Eight || He's Home
Fifty Nine || That's Cool
Sixty || Calm Your Testosterone
Sixty One || Presidential Debate
Sixty Two || Family Dinner
Sixty Three || Explosive
Sixty Four || Punch Your Teeth In
Sixty Five || Of Course
Sixty Six || Calvin Klein
Sixty Seven || Big Spoon
Sixty Eight || Before It's Too Late
Sixty Nine || What if?
Seventy || He Never Knew
Seventy One || Cupcake
Seventy Two || Abandon
Radish Notice!
Seventy Three || Forgive Him
Seventy Four || Messy Situation
Final Author Note: Important.
"I Am Living With An Idiot" Playlist

Ten || As You Wish, Darling

545K 15.5K 14.9K
By BrightWhiteSnow

Please comment throughout the chapter.

Thank you, BWS

*Think before you post a comment or send a message, because even though you can't see me, doesn't mean that what you say won't hurt me.*


I have been sitting on my bed for nearly 2 hours. I didn't understand why he was treating this like it is no big deal. It is, I mean only two and half hours ago I woke up next to James.

My roommate.
My old classmate.
The self-centred prick, who is sitting on his ass in the living room.

My god, I am so hungry and I can sense that James ordered food just to lure me out of my bedroom. I drag myself off my bed and open my door quietly and creep down the hallway with my phone in my hand. I peek my head around the corner and I see James eating pizza in front of the T.V. I can't tell what he is watching, but who cares? It dosen't matter.

"I don't see the point in creeping around the apartment, Vena" a voice speaks.
It takes me a minute to figure out exactly where that voice came from. I thought it was the voice inside my head, but I guess it is the voice outside my head. Also known as James.

I walk out around the corner and walk to the couch and just as I was thinking about sitting down, I remembered that it was this couch that I slept with James on.

You didn't really sleep with him.

Those words ran through my mind.

I finally sit down on the couch because this is my apartment and this is my couch. Not his.

I sit down on the warm leather and I glance at the T.V. He's watching How I Met Your Mother, I love that show.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He glances at me and then back at the screen, "I know that is what you are thinking about" He assumes.

I scoff, "As if you know what I am thinking, let me tell you something James, you would be the last person I would be thinking about" I glare at him.

He shrugs at my insult like it didn't hurt him. God dammit, I take pride in my insults, and he just lets them roll off his back like it is nothing.

"I don't know why you are getting so worked up about this, Ven" He says.

I think he forgot how to say my name. "It's Vena" I say. I cross my arms over my chest. "Okay, Ven" He smirks.

"Listen James, I was thinking maybe we could make a deal" I say glancing at him.

His perks up and he turns my way. "What may this deal be?" He raises his eyebrow.

"If you would just hold on, I will tell you" I say.

He puts his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay okay, carry on" He urges me.

"Okay, So, I was thinking that if you keep your mouth shut about last night then I will let you make one new rule" I say.

He laughs, "That's terrible. I have a better idea. How about you sleep with me and I will keep my mouth shut" He smirks.

Did I hear him right? Did he say that he wants to sleep with me? Did he just blackmail me? What the hell just happened.

"Excuse me?" I blurt out.

He smirks, "I'm kidding, Vena. I just thought you needing some more traumatizing experiences --even though I know alot of people who would love to be in that position me" He states.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. Cocky son of a bitch.

I rest my head against the back of the couch, suddenly James speaks up. "Why were you so mad that we slept together?" He asks randomly.

I snap my head in his direction, "Huh?" I ask.

"You heard me" He states.

I sit there for awhile thinking. Why was I so mad that I slept with him... Oh, that's right. It is because I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WITH MY ROOMMATE!!!!

"It's because I'm not supposed to sleep with my roommate" I say calmly.

He shrugs, "It was bound to happen sooner or later, Vena" His attention goes back to the screen in front of him.

"Whoa whoa whoa, are you saying that you fell asleep with me on purpose?" I ask.

He turns his head towards me and takes his hand in mine. I try to pull away, but he has a strong grip. I stare deeply in his bright blue eyes. The sun shines off his dark brown hair.

"Vena, sometimes people need someone to be there for them even if they don't know the situation that the other person is in. You were there and I needed someone to just stay with me, as corny as this may sound, I actually enjoy being with you, Vena. Even though you completely freaked out on me and you weren't even concious when we were together, it was worth it because it felt like someone was there for me, even though you weren't really" He says and lets go of my hands.

"I'm sorry, Vena. Let's just start over" He says. I glance up at him. I nod.

"Yeah, I would be okay with that" I say.


"James, do you want to come with me to Walmart?" I yell at him from my room.

He opens the door and peeks his head through the doorframe."Why are you going to Walmart?" He asks.

I lift my head up from my phone and look at him. He stands there with his a bright smile, his blue eyes beam at me.

"Hello? Earth to Vena?" He says waving his hands in front of my face.

When did he enter my room? "Oh, um, because I need to get a new laptop for school" I answer plainly.

"Yeah, I think I will" He says, he lies down on my bed.

"Get out. I'm gonna change" I say.

He just sits there and stares at me. "I said get out" I say sternly.

He jumps to his feet and heads to the door.

"I'm only leaving because I respect your privacy" He says.

I scoff, "Ha! that's funny. You and respect do not belong in the same sentence" I say to him.

He turns around and looks at me. "Maybe to you, but others would beg to differ" He says and walks out and shut the door behind him.


"So, what kind of laptop are you looking to buy?" the sales clerk asks. I look at James, who stands close behind me.

"What would you recommend?" I whisper to him.

He directs his attention to me, "Mm?" he says. "I said, what kind of laptop your you recommend?" I whisper to him again. He brings his mouth to my ear, his hot breath blows on the side of my face. "Why do you want to know?" He whispers.

I look into his blue eyes, but then quickly look away. "I'm looking for a Mac" I say moving away from James.

All I wanted was an opinion.

"Okay, right this way" The sales clerk directs me. He shows me the variety of sizes. In the end I choose the cheapest.

James left me 20 minutes ago so that I could pick one, but I think the real reason was because he got bored. I would too, I take my dear time with these kinds of things. I decide that I am going to look for him because I know he won't come looking for me.


I have been looking all over the store for the last 30 minutes and this laptop is getting heavy in my arms. I, being me of course, did not think to put his number in my phone. Wow, sometimes I can be stupid. I wouldn't even be in this situation right now if it weren't for my stupidity.

I turn down the frozen food aisle and there is no sign of James. I swear I have gone down this aisle 3 times already so I should only expect that he isn't down here.

I go to the check out and pay for my purchase. I walk out to the parking lot and walk to my car. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn my head around, there stands James with a smirk on his face.

"So, you were gonna leave me here, were you?" He asks. I stare at him in disbelief.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" I yell at him.

He shrugs, "You know, around" He replies.

"Around!?" I yell, "I have been looking for you for the last half hour!"

"I'm surprised, Vena. I never thought you would miss me this much" He smirks. My jaw drops open, literally.

"What? No, I most certainly did not" I say standing up straighter.

"Sure you didn't"

As he is walking to the care I carefully reach into his sweater pocket and grab his keys.Once I have them I run towards his car and get inside the drivers seat and lock it. James was right behind before I shut the door.

He reaches for the door handle and pulls on it and it just snaps back, he does it again and again until he stops and looks at me with a glare on his face. He stares at me with concentration.

I laugh and put the key in the ignition, I turn the key and and car starts. Panic spreads through James face. I put the car in reverse, His eyes widen at my gesture.

I put my foot on the gas pedal and he steps away from the car. I pull out of the parking lot with a smirk on my face. I straighten out and stop next to him. He pulls on the handle, but it is still locked. I press the unlock button, but he doesn't notice.

"JAMES! GET IN" I yell. His attention is brought to me and he reach for the handle. I lightly step on the gas pedal.

He steps to the side and reaches for in again, I step on it again. He looks up at me instead of taking this opportunity to open the door. A smile creeps on his face showing his white teeth. I hadn't noticed that he opened the door.

He hops in and puts on his seatbelt. "Works everytime" He says smugly, "Why'd you do that anyways?" He asks turning to me.

"It seemed enjoyable and it shut you up" I say as I step on the gas. I pull out into the intersection.

"Your not driving my car" He says suddenly glancing out the back window. "Yes, I am" I reply.

"No your not" he says.

"Yes I am" I tell him.

He glares at me, "I swear to god if you crash my car, I'll-"

"You'll what?" I glance at James and he stares at me still glaring.

That's what I thought.


James and I walk through the door of our apartment. He shuts the door behind us and locks it. I bring my new laptop in my room and set it up. 20 minutes later James walks in, shirtless. His toned abs glow as the sunlight hits them.

"Hey Vena, I see that you are enjoying the view" he says. I bring my attention up to his face. His smirk spreads across his lips. I look away quickly down to the thin screen in front of me.

"What do you want, James" I ask returning my attention to setting up my laptop.

"Is it a crime to want to spend time with my roommate?" He asked smugly.

I roll my eyes at the screen, "Yes, yes it is" I reply. I glance at him and smirk. He shrugs and walks into my room and lies down at my bed.

Great...now my bed is gonna smell like him...which wouldn't actually be that bad.

I shake my head and push that thought out my head.

"So Vena, what are you majoring in?" He asks.

I shake my head, "It is none of your business" I answer.

"Oh, but it will be. You'll see"

He says, "School starts in two days and then I will soon find out" He says. I turn my head to look at him and he sits there with his hands behind his head.

"You listen here, James. You will give me my privacy or I will be forced to kick you out" I snap at him.

He lets out a suppressed chuckle, "You can't do that for two reasons", He holds up two fingers, "The first reason is because I already paid rent for the next three months and the second reason is because you can't afford to live here alone" He reason. All of that was true and I hated to admit that.

"All I am asking is that you respect my privacy" I turn and look back at the screen.

"Okay, I will" He mumbles.

It has been 30 minutes and my new computer is finally set up. I pick it up and reach down to the outlet and unplug the charging cord from the wall. I glance around my room, and what I thought I was gonna see was made bed, but instead I see James peacefully sleeping there. I want to wake him up so bad, but I won't.

If he is not awake in 25 minutes then I am going to wake him up myself, which could be quite amusing.

I walk into the living room and set my computer on the coffee table and go into the kitchen and get a glass out of the cupboard and get myself a glass of chocolate milk. I walk back into the living room and turn on the TV. I pick up my phone and plop down on the couch. I turn on the screen and it reads: 'two unread messages' I swipe the screen and the first message reads:

Vena, please talk to me. I just want to talk, nothing else. Just hear me out.

It's from Zeke, great...

I ignore it look at the next message. It reads:

Hi sweetie, call me,

Love Mom.

I turn off my phone and concentrate on what is happening on the TV screen in front of me.

Only 3 more minutes until I can wake up James. These three minutes will be the longest three minutes of my life. I look up at the clock and it reads: 1:28 PM.

Two more minutes.

I stand up and walk unto the kitchen and grab a glass and open the freezer and grab a handful of ice and drop it in the glass.

1:29 PM

I walk with the cup to my bedroom and James is still sleeping there peacefully. Not for long...

He lies on his back with his arm draped over his chest. I pick up an ice cube out of the cup put out on his bare chest. I lift the waistband of his sweatpants and dump the rest of ice cubes down his pants. I run back to the living room and plop down on the couch. 3..2...1...

"VENA ANDERSON GET YOUR ASS IN HERE" I hear James yell. I chuckle as he rounds the corner with an furious expression on his face. It is hilarious when he is mad.

"Good afternoon, James. How was your nap?" I ask. He narrows his eyes at me. His chest looks wet and I know why...

"Vena, Why the hell did you do that?"

He ask as calmly as he can in this state. "It seemed pretty humorous" I chuckle.

"Well it wasn't why didn't you just leave me? I was tired" He states, leaning on the wall.

"Oh, you poor baby. Would of you liked me to crawl into bed with you?" I ask mockingly.

A smirk appears on his face and he opens his mouth to talk but I cut him off. "Wait, no. Don't answer that" I say glancing over at him.

He chuckles and walks over to the couch and sits down beside me. He takes the remote that sat on my thigh and changes the channel to a soccer game.

There is a silence between us, so I decide to break it. "Did you ever play soccer?" I ask him. He removes his attention from the TV and looks at me. "Yeah, I still do" He replies turning his attention back to the screen, ending the conversation.


"James I'm hungry" I whine like a child from the couch. He glances over at me from the kitchen, where he is making dinner.

"That is why I am making dinner" He states, looking back at the sizzling pan. I stand up and walk into the kitchen. I sit down on the bar stool with great difficulty.

"Hey, so are you going to tell me what you are majoring in yet?" He asks me.

I let out a chuckle, "Never" I state. He looks up at me and points at me with his wooden spoon, "All in good time, Missy" He laughs.

He looks back down at the pan and continues to stir around the vegetables. "If I tell you what I'm majoring in, then will you tell me what you are majoring in?" He asks, he turns off the stove. "Okay" I smile evilly.

"Physiology, that's what I'm majoring in. Now it is your turn" He states.

I laugh, "Well I'm not gonna tell you" I smirk.

"You tricked me!" He slams the spoon down on the counter.

"You little bi-" The doorbell cuts him off. I put my finger in the air.

"I wonder who that could be" I say casually with a smirk on my face. I hear him groan in frustration as I turn and open the door.

There standing is my best friend, Grayson Dalton. He pulls my body close to his and wraps his muscular arms around me.

"Vena, I missed you so much" he whispers in my ear.

"I missed you too" I reply.

James walks through the door with a look of disgust in his eyes. He crosses his muscular arms across his chest and walks towards us. Greyson pulls away from me and stands up straighter as James approaches him. It doesn't matter how tall he tries to stand, he will always be 4 inches shorter than James. "What the hell are you doing here?" James barks at the brunette boy that stands beside me.

"I could ask you the same thing" He retorts. I step between them and I place my hand on James chest.

"Now Now, boys. I don't want a fight here. Grayson, he is by roommate, so don't jump to conclusions and James", I start, I turn to his and glare at him, "stop being a douche" I state.

He puts his hand over his heart, "Ven, that hurt, right here, " he points to his heart. I roll my eyes and turn to Grayson, so in which has the look of extreme anger in his eyes.

"Out of all people in New York, you choose him. That is pretty pathetic" He states.

I scoff, "I completely agree with you. I have to live with this asshole for the next 12 months because I can't afford this place on my own" I state. I glance at James and is giving me a glare. Ooh, he's gonna kill me.

"That's not how you were the other night. You seemed to be enjoying yourself in my arms" He smirks at Grayson.

I think my jaw just hit the ground. He did not just say that, I'm gonna stab his in the eye with a butter knife, it probably wouldn't do as much damage as a steak knife would, but it's a start.

"JAMES" I yell at him.

Grayson grabs my arms and turns me so I faced him.

"You slept with him!" He states angrily.

"There you go again, jumping conclusions. No, I didn't. In fact, I wouldn't dream of it" I state, glancing at James.

He smirks, "I object" He says smugly.

I grunt and turn to Grayson and he looks a bit relieved. "Good" He states.

James chuckles from behind me, "Why Grayson, You afraid I screwed your love" He states. I can just sense the smirk in his voice.

That's it.

I thought I could deal with him being here right now, but I can't. I turn around quickly and grab ahold of James's ear, catching his off guard.

"OW! shit!" He yells at me, trying pry my finger off his ear, that only makes me grip them harder.

"I'll be back it a second, you can take a seat if you like" I said to Grayson. He nods and takes off his shoes. I turn around drag James by his ear.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow" He weeps. I walk him into my bedroom and let go of his ear roughly.

"What the hell was that?" I yell at him. He sits down on my bed, rubbing his ear.

"Two things, one, OWWW!!" He yells. I lean against my desk as he goes on, "and two, it was me showing him, what he had coming to him" He states. He stands up and walks over to me, standing 4 feet away from me.

"Why do you hate him so much" I ask. He straightened his posture.

"I hate him because he has done some terrible things to me" He states.

He moves away from me and plops down on my bed, resting his head on my pillow.

I sigh and walk out the door, closing being me.

I walk out the room and enter the kitchen and see Grayson sitting there with his phone in his hands. The sunlight that shines through the window glistens on Grayson's dark hair. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Vena, I have something important to tell you" He states. I hesitate to sit on the couch in front of the chair that he sits in, but I do. "What it is?" I ask, bringing my leg up and resting it on my knee casually.

"Well, you seem excited" He states. I shrug.

I stare at him for 3 minutes, waiting for an answer. "God dammit! What is it" I say playfully.

"Okay Okay, I'm going to ASA" He states. I look down at my lap for a second trying to figure out which college that is. Then it hits me, that is a college in New York, in which I am attending. I jump up rush to Grayson's arms, that he offered to me. "This is amazing" I pull away to say. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug his again.

"Yeah it is, I am living in the empty apartment downstairs, so I will be close to you"

I smile. "That's great" I say. My best friend puts his arm around my shoulders. "Oh, my god. Vena are you pregnant" I hear James voice say smugly.

I whip my head around to the direction of the kitchen.

"NO!" I yell.

Grayson winces and look back at him for a second and then return my attention back to James. He stands there with him arms crossed.

"No, he is going to ASA and moving in downstairs" I say happily. James rolls his eyes and walks towards us.

I stand up and stand tall as James towers above me.

"Oh is he now?" He says innocently.

"Yeah he is" I smirk.

"Okay" He says calmly and steps away from me.

He turns to leave the room, "Oh and Grayson, I don't want to be seeing you here" He states harshly, "Ever" He adds.

Before I could tell him that that is not his choice he already turned the corner. I heard his door slam.

"Well Vena, this was fun. We ought to do this again sometime" He stands up.

I laugh, "Will do"

He smiles. He starts to put his shoes on, I grab a hold of his leather jacket.

"Don't listen to him" I state.

He nods, "That was my plan"He says opening the door.

"Well I'll see you later" I say. He nods and shuts the door behind him.

"JAMES HENDERSON, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" I yell. I hear a loud laugh and he turns around the corner with a book in his hand.

"Sit your ass down" I say harshly. He doesn't wince. He opens his book and starts to read it again. I grab it out of his hands and shut it, making him lose his place. "What the-" He starts.
"I want you to get this through your tiny little brain, okay? I will not have you making decisions in who enters this apartment and who doesn't" I point at him. "That is not your decision, it is mine. My apartment, my rules" I state.

He scoffs and stands up and walks towards me, I back up until I hit the wall. James places his hands on the wall behind me, trapping me in his arms. He leans and breaths on my cheek.

"As you wish, Darling" He states and looks at at me with those bright blue eyes. He backs up away from me and grabs his book that I dropped on the floor, at some point during his little stunt. He sits down on the couch. I rush into my room and lock it behind me.

What had just happened?


4448 words. updated on Sunday, December 28th, 2014 at 10:10 PM

Please leave me comments on what you thought, it encourages me to write more- BWS

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