Protected by the Beast ✔

De HephziLolami

251K 10.5K 1.8K

Riley Evans witnessed a gruesome scene on the fourteenth of February when she was out on a date with her boyf... Mais



11.8K 425 114
De HephziLolami

Word count: 1855

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Riley's POV


You know that feeling when you keep sensing a prickling sensation on your body, like there are eyes on you. Yes that exact feeling is what I've been enduring for the past few days now.

I could feel eyes on me. I could swear it, someone had been watching me for a while now but it was so discrete that whenever I turned around, there would be no one suspicious out there.

Sometimes after getting home, I would randomly turn around before stepping in because the feeling of someone watching me all the way from wherever I went down to my house kept me wary. 

I didn't like walking alone these past few days, but then again I still didn't feel safe even when I was around people because it felt like something bad could happen to anyone around me.

I didn't want anyone else around me to get hurt!

It had been a week since this stalking or following thingy started, and I wasn't even feeling safe anymore. I was beginning to even consider leaving the Parkers, my new foster parents and going back to the orphanage.

I didn't feel safe staying here with them any longer.

Also, the Parkers were likely to get hurt if the bad guys were truly after me.

"Calm down. Relax and take short breaths in, you're just being paranoid." I tried to convince myself inside the restroom of the coffee shop where I was currently standing, heaving a sigh when two ladies came in.

They were gossiping about a man who loved cheating on his girlfriend and the girl had refused to leave him.

I didn't care, so I shut them out and just mentally gave myself a pep talk.

I eyed myself through the mirror and realized my collar bone was even more evident these past few days, probably due to how tensed, stressed and worried I'd been with all the weird stalking thing. I was barely eating. Whenever I thought about the whole thing with Dan, I would easily lose my appetite.

I had been getting nightmares of what happened that night and even dreaming about the same happening in different scenarios. I would see the same men from my dream killing people in the market, killing people in the zoo park, shooting at schools and just leaving dead bodies lying around while I'm left crying and begging the dead people to wake up.

It was terrifying.

There was always lots of blood, and the bloodied whispers from choked breaths of those wounded people, urging me to run. Begging me to never look back.

To just keep running.

My foster mom was beginning to get worried and suggesting I go for therapy due to screaming during the nights and my heavy sweating that usually woke me up in the mornings.

The fear of it all was threatening to consume me. The monsters increased with each passing night.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the bathroom door slammed with a loud bang.

And my breath hitched as I registered the very weird situation of things. 

There was a man in here, very unfriendly looking and he had a permanent scowl on his face. He was in a black leather jacket that had so much button designs in random patterns, and black jean trousers.

He vaguely reminded me of the John Wick movie character and his specially custom made attires but that wasn't the time to think about all this. 

The man had a stern face and there was a deep, terrifying cut on the left side of his face that dragged from his right eyebrow to his cheek.

He was wearing black gloves in both hands and just looking around with beady eyes. My instincts kicked in, this place was no longer safe for me.

"Sir, you can't be in here." The lady applying makeup beside me stated, but I wasn't listening.

My eyes were looking for a way I would maneuver out of here. There was a bulge in his pants, and I was sure that was not his manhood. The realization of what it was had my heart beating like crazy in my chest. He was armed!

"Sir, I said-"

I grabbed the mop stick and attacked, baring my teeth at him with so much fear, anger and determination brewing inside me.

The man swiftly dodged and it only hit his shoulder, making him release a grunt of irritation as he looked down at me with disdain. Before I could blink, he pulled out a pistol and aimed but just then, the other lady had started screaming.

A nasty snarl escaped his mouth as he faced her and shot. My eyes widened. The sound wasn't a loud bang but it was sharp nonetheless. It was a swoosh sound and my legs almost failed me as different thoughts began to run through my mind.

I'm dead.

I'm going to die.

This is the end for me.

The friend of the lady who'd just been shot was in the toilet stall, and she wasn't quite done with her business because she still had her pants down but she came out regardless with a shriek.

I ran into the stall beside the one I'd used a while ago and locked the door with slightly trembling hands, dialing 911 swiftly.

My hands were shaking as I tried not to scream while I kept dishing out instructions in my head about what I should do before the man got here—  which would probably happen in less than a minute from now.

My hands shook with each passing second as I panted in fear.

Finally, the call connected. A thud from outside made me jump in fright as I yelped and my goddarned phone dropped into the toilet seat just as I prepared to start speaking with the emergency representative.

Shrieking at my darn luck, a rain of colorful words spewed past my lips.

I restrained from screaming, my eyes probably as wide as saucers.

My last hope just went into the dirty water containing spit. Disgust and nausea rolled up my gut at the sight.

Who used the toilet last and failed to drop the lid?

What sort of bad habit was that and why would I have to be unfortunately inside this particular stall today? Argh!

All of a sudden, the door was banged furiously. I flushed and shut my eyes tightly, clasping my hands together and praying that a miracle would happen and someone would come in to save me. Anyone.

I couldn't hear the voice of the lady from earlier, meaning he had shot her as well and I was deeply sorry they had just been killed because of me but now my resolve was hardened.

I struggled not to burst into tears as my legs trembled. That man was here for me. I could see it in his eyes when I attacked with that mop stick earlier.

The more these people tracked me down and wanted to get rid of me— which wasn't needed anyway, since there was no one I could report to— the more I wanted to stay alive and get my vengeance for everything I'd been put through.

My boyfriend was gone because of this.

The man kicked at the door several times and I rested my back against it with my hands stretched out on both sides to hold onto the door firmly, not that he wouldn't knock me down with the door if he really wanted to.

The last kick was hard and it had me flying forward. My face hit the top of the water closet at the last minute and I hit my lip on the edge, making me wince at the instant headache that accompanied the coalition. Blood splashed into my eyes and I panicked as I was momentarily blinded.

I wiped at my right eye till I could use it to see faintly.

My stomach was taut and tense as I realized this was it, I was going to die.

But then, there was nothing.

No sound came from behind me, I wasn't shot at. I was still trying to make sure my eyes were still in good condition.

I turned around with slightly wobbly legs. The man was still staring at me, lips curled up in disdain.

"You're coming with me, penguin." He spat lowly and grimaced as if he was staring at a maggot.

I flinched and squirmed as he reached for me, climbing the toilet seat as I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Who are you? I'm not going anywhere with you, you killer! Leave me alone! Help! Anybody out there, there's a killer in here!"

I scratched his face with my nails as he stepped in and grabbed me, thanking goodness I'd only just sharpened said nails.

He grunted but caught both of my hands in one large one of his and carried me by the waist, throwing me over his shoulder while I trashed and struggled.

"Put me down! Help!" I screamed, punching his back as dread swirled in the pit of my belly.

"Shut the fuck up you little penguin!" He grunted.

"Drop me, please. Let me go! Hello! Someone help me! I'm being kidnapped!"

"I just saved your ass from getting trafficked by some losers! I hate talking, don't make me knock you out!" He snarled as if my shouts were getting on his nerves.

"No you shut up, yo-you monster! Where are you taking me? Who are you and where do you think you're taking me to?! You've got the wrong person! Drop me bat shit!" I screamed.

I watched the women lying on the ground through my upsidedown position, feeling my ginger hair sway in my face as he walked. There was no blood oozing from their bodies but they had their eyes shut and looked more like they were actually sleeping.

Didn't he shoot them? Why was there no blood?

Ignoring my shouts of protests, he carried me out while the people in the cafe just looked on with shocked filled expressions.

"Help, someone call the police!" I screamed though no one made a move as he walked out and then opened the door to a SUV, dropping me into it afterwards as he ignored my struggles to escape.
"Help me! Please, I'm being taken against my will!" I screamed one last time and watched the door get shut in my face without anyone helping.

I broke down and cried, still banging the door.

"Keep still or I'll strangle you." My kidnapper kissed his teeth as he grunted out the words from the front seat but I flung at him with a snarl. He grumbled under his breath and pressed a hand on my head to push me away from his reach while I tried to claw at his face again.

Then his fingers came hard on my neck immediately he restrained me and as I struggled, I suddenly felt my body go limp.



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