Renascence (M.K)

By onee-chama

390K 18.3K 16.7K

Year 1915 - She stand stiff. Her heart was throbbing unease inside her chest whilst she vividly gaze into th... More

四十 三
四十 四


6.5K 390 299
By onee-chama

"Make a splendid killing spree, Rokuro and if you succeed, I will bestow you my blood."

Rokuro nodded. The oath words of his supreme leader gird him with encouragement. For years, the lower moon two demon have been seeking for strength.

Like the other inferior descendants, he also aims to gain position. He dreamt to be addressed as part of the elite upper moon kizuki and this rare chance was finally favouring him.

His previous myriad years of silent supplication towards his progenitor have been heard, now his eyes sparkle with reverence, kneeling before the man's high figure and complying to a new task given to him.

He crumpled his palm into fist, exposing his white knuckles as he says, "I am your device. I will do all I can to please you my master."

Muzan remained stoic. He was not impressed by the pledge worlds of his subordinate. He just wanted Rokuro to oblige the plan he concocts much pleasing if this would cost for him to trade his life.

"Dismissed." Immediately, Rokuro dissappeared before his sight. He faultlessly site the lower moon two's bloodlust. It transfered to the first passenger car and Muzan was right away glut with appeasement after he audibly heard the hysterical shrieks of the civilians, denoting the massacre has occurred.

Another swift appearance of an underling female demon, kneeling again behind his back made Muzan emit a consistent impassive expression.

"Mukago." He coldly uttered her name. The female one raised her head to look at her leader. There was a discerned gladness spread onto her face the moment she heard her name being said by her progenitor.

"Master, I am here and will be only yours to command." She felt the pounding of her heart. It was filled great zealous as she look at the deity face of the man she have feared and respected.

She was clad with a plain red yukata. Black and white - four line collar that was tied up at the back. He has a sickly, yellowish skin two dark red stripes were plaster on her both cheeks and there was a pair of white small horns were protruding from either side of her forehead.

Her eyes were odd. Gray - white rings around and dark red sclera with the kanji symbol "lower moon four" carved on her left iris.

"Just in time." The response of her master eventually twinge something inside her chest. She was outright covered with arising anxiety. She did not know if it was suppose to be some sort of compliment - which her leader barely does or was it a sarcasm that would end her up into a novel peril.

"If this lowly demon have wronged you, please let me do something as a conciliation, master." Her voice trembles whilst she can feel her breath hitching in the every seconds she kneeled before his venerable figure.

Muzan perfectly heard her words and the pools of his eyes went deep and dark as his gaze hardens towards his sight that no one could perceive.

"Make sure you will not oppose your words." His voice slip harsh and sharp out of his tongue, making Mukago feel his scowl creeping through her veins.

"I will not dare." She made a confident reply and Muzan's face creased in disgust.

"Well then," He breathe and suddenly, the lower moon four kizuki felt the ambience inside the restroom alleviating a bit.

"You and I need to perform a real act of play."

Mukago brows wrinkled in confusion; however she kept her mouth silent as the supreme demon swept a glance to her and a menacing smirk crept on the corner of his thin lips.

"I am accompanied by a mortal woman." Hearing this, her mind was piled up with more unanswered inquiries but nevertheless she still went silent.

"I want you to act as the threat, attempt slaying her before my presence." He nonchalantly ordered and the lower four kizuki could still never grasp the comprehension yet she was drawn with relief, knowing her task is quite simple rather than Rokuro's.

She mentally smiled to herself and nod her head in concur.

"Yes, master." She replied.

"Then I have to save her, and in the end I get to kill you." The supreme demon's lips curled up into a sick smile and Mukago's eyes widen in tremendous surprise.

The fear amplified throughout her petite body, she lose her breath as she can feel the sudden loud abdominal pulsating of her heart.

Her both hands shook together. Terrified, she continue to bow her head down.

Her eyes began to water with tears. She fought them back from falling off on her cheeks considering she knows what more heavy consequence she will be facing the moment the progenitor sees her whimpering infront of his hallowed figure.

'His crafty plots and machinations.' She thought to herself as sweat trickle down on her forehead and neck.

'He was completely a different level, he is decisive and he knows how to take everything according to his own advantage!' Mukago bit her bottom lip in fright and dissatisfaction after she realized how calculating her preeminent leader was and there's nothing she can do but to only conform into his orders even if it will cost her life.

"This meeting is dismissed. Now, out of my sight." Another disdained and impudent order from Muzan meekly made his subordinate nod as she vanished in the area with no trace.

Exiting the restroom, his expression went dim as he walked aimlessly and made his way back to the dining car.

He halted. Leisurely, lowering his head when he saw someone casually walking towards his direction.

A male waiter brought an empty iron tray on his left hand whilst he faintly whistles a rhythm. Muzan formed his lips into a tight line. Malice flashed in the depths of his red demonic eyes as he waited for the man to pass by him to his opposite direction.

When the human past by him, the Kibutsuji took the chance. He flew his hand full tilt and scrape his blade - edge nails direct to the waiter's nape. Fresh florid blood spurts out from his victim's skin whilst he move a step away from the male mortal.

Muzan apathetically watched his victim's transformation. He begin to desperately choke and plunging down on the surface of the floor. The iron tray clanged on the gray carpet. Thick black veins manifested out on the either side of his temples and arms, fangs grew on his teeth whilst he growl both in pain and hunger. The waiter's once white sclera has turned pitch and the irises of his eyes shed crimson red.

Viscous saliva droop on the corner of his lips, signifying its starvation.

"Go berserk and feast yourself with human flesh." Muzan's deep and authoritative voice ordered his new converted kin as he points his index finger to the second close door of the passenger car.

The lowly demon creature snarled in response. He wildly and quickly run towards the bunch scent of human passengers and flee out from the sight of his leader.

Unexpectedly, Muzan utterly went static on his stance. His face ashen by his own astonishment when he caught the abrupt scent of two demon hunters inside the dining car.

His expression slightly changed. He was now infuriated but he outstayed to ensconced the real weight of his anger.

'Rokuro you shall not fail me.' He clenched his jaw.



"Anything you want to order again, madam?"

She spot out a male figure. She looked up to meet the bright smiling face of the yellow haired waiter. Y/n noticed this one is quite young to be called a man but rather still in a juvenile age of a teenage boy.

He is a young one with a fair skin, downward-sloped scared and unsure - looking eyes with a faded beautiful colour of soft brown and gold.

He looks innocent and a bit frangible. Y/n cannot help herself but to gave him a amiable and tender smile.

"Just water is enough." She says and the yellow haired waiter avidly nod his head. Y/n's pupils dilated in motion when her attention was immediately avert to the other teenage boy.

He was also wearing a waiter clothing. He possessed a ruffled black to red hair with burgundy tips combed back, exposing his forehead. He has dark red eyes and an odd scar on the top of the left of his forehead.

Y/n was perplexed as she curve a skeptic looking expression infront of them.

"Aren't the both of you quite too young to be working here as waiters." She told them in a soft and approachable demeanour. The other yellow haired teen boy wince his body in surprise and then his usual sloped anxious eyes was even filled more pressure.

Y/n looked at him with concern when she noticed she might have already offended the two young males.

"Please don't take it in a wrong way, I am just a bit inquisitive."

"We don't usually work here." The tanned skinned ruffled headed boy gave an awkward soft laugh and scratch the back of his head.

"Yes! we don't work here in purpose," The blond one blurted out and afterwards his voice fell when he realized he had no more reserved excuses to utter before the comely looking woman.

"We are part-timers." He added yet the tone of his voice was tainted with uncertainly, it ended more like  a question than a statement. In the other hand, his other friend, the burgundy haired boy did a mental face palm and tapped the shoulder of his fellow one.

Y/n raised her hand and cupped her fingers on her chin as if she was in process of deliberate thinking.

"Ah, I see.." She murmured and the blond headed one sigh in sudden relief. Y/n look over at the two standing young men and she grinned.

"I would like to know your names." She says with enthusiasm. Her jovial personality begin to amp up the atmosphere as she talks to them.

The blond to orange haired boy suck his breath. His eyes blurry with undefined tears whilst he bit his lower lip and vehemently vowed his head infront of y/n.

"Its my honor to be talking to a very beautiful woman like you!" He exclaimed. His face was full of fervid emotion, making the Mizuno woman slightly withdrew back on her seat.

"My name is Agatsuma, Zenitsu!" He exclaimed again and y/n have observed that truly this boy - bowing infront of her - is a very ardent one. She escape an amuse giggle and softy pat the bouncy bowl like haircut of the teen boy.

She sweep her friendly glance straight to the other young man and right away, the burgundy headed boy bent his upper body and slowly bow his head infront of y/n.

"I am Kamado,Tanjiro. Nice to meet you!" He gave a sweet smile and y/n did the same thing. She was delighted to get acquainted with these two young lively male teenagers, something she never had encountered before.

Y/n's crescent happy eyes ceased beaming and her lips form into a tight small circle when she noticed a wooden box that was carried behind Tanjiro's back. She linger her gaze on it for the brief seconds then she went silent.

It was very odd how she anticipatedly felt an eccentric aura inside of that unknown wooden box. She immediately eradicated it out of her mind and smiled again to the slightly tanned skinned boy.

"I'm Y/N." She introduced herself. Zenitsu and Tanjiro's face brighten up with awe. Her voice sounds so pure like a puddle of clear spring water in the early winter morning dew.

Her bright e/c eyes, gleaming with discernable intelligence along with her charming face she possess.

"Umm.. Y/N-san." Tanjiro was clasping his hand together and fumble it.

"What is it?" The woman in an instant saw the fluster reaction on his tame face then she noticed the sudden changes of Zenitsu's facial expression.

They both went resolute.

"If you don't mind is it okay if we ask for some informations?" Tanjiro gently outspoken his favor and y/n warm-heartedly gestured permitted him to continue.

"Actually we are in a middle of a mission." The yellow haired boy softy says that it almost turned into a whisper. Y/n was struck with no further understanding. She furrow her brows and says, "Mission? Is it a deadly one? because if it is, I will not help the two of you." Her tone was engraved with much concern but Tanjiro only gave a soft laugh and scratched again the side of his head.

Zenitsu began to shudder. His legs involuntary wobble in fear and in the other hand, Tanjiro remained amicable yet his both eyes were engulf with solemnity and mustered courage.

"It is." He answered, making y/n etched a light grimace, confounded.

"We have come to look for a man named Muzan and I know you are his companion." She taken back. The instant bafflement heap her entirely. She silently stared at this young teenage boy and narrowed her eyes.

'What does he mean by this?' She speak to herself, analyzing an immediate conclusion for her to get the idea.

She purse her lips and she miss her heartbeat the moment she saw how dead serious Tanjiro was as he stood beside of y/n's table and although she don't know this young man, one thing y/n could only presume he might have a grave history with Muzan.

"Y/N." The sudden calling of her name completely abstracted her out from her thoughts. She turned her head to look at the source of the man's voice and she straight away caught the gleaming eyes of Muzan.

Despite of being confused of the happenings, y/n offer her a warm smile.

"Im glad you're back, I'm sorry I made a mess on the table." She timidly chuckled and watched how Muzan's gaze followed. The excess sauce of the plum pudding have smeared the square cedar table and he was immediately amused when he saw how y/n hastily tried to wipe it with a white table napkin.

"Let the waiters do it Y/N." A gaiety chuckle was emitted out of him and it turned very infectious, making the Mizuno woman also join and laugh with him together.

"Shall we continue our dinner?" Muzan's voice was so very congenial and his smile turned out so sincere and honest a spring breeze in an early morning dew.

Y/n happily nodded her head but when she move her head to look at the two young waiter boys, she suddenly espy the overwhelming fear and hatred into their once bright faces.

Y/n was cast with so much puzzlement. She scrunched her brows and almost stood on her own seat when she saw the  unbearable expression on their faces.

Due from the extreme fear, Zenitsu move a couple of pace away from the table. His brown to golden eyes was flourished with immeasurable petrify. He lost his bearing and fell on the floor. He began to mindlessly crawl away from the two adults with his gaze never breaking off onto Muzan's face.

Meanwhile, Tanjiro remained rigid on his position. His dark red irises were unblinking. It was covered with harbouring hatred. His once tamed face became overcasted and instead it swathes an intention of killing as he gnash his white teeth, finding for the opportunity to take revenge.

Y/n directly sensed the tension wafted through the air inside the dining car. She look pass to the two young males then shifted her stare to Muzan. She cannot understand what was going on; Zenitsu's intensive fright he felt for Muzan and Tanjiro's loath flashing in the bottom of his eyes was slowly turning her sick.

"Do you know these children?" Muzan's white jade like hand was stroking his chin as his dark gaze fell onto Tanjiro.

Y/n swallowed her breath and gave a curt nod.

"I met them earlier."

"And as a matter of fact Tanjiro and Zenitsu are looking for you. Its a relief that now you're here." She innocently says and avert her eyes to the two boys and because of that, y/n misses to see the peril that shines in the depth of Muzan's red beacons.

The supreme demon propped his elbow on the table. His palm was resting on his right cheek. His gaze was filled with slight boredom and a sinister glint was coruscating through his red eyes.

"Ah, really?" He briefly responded with a tone of ridicule and low-key arrogance. Feeling laid back, he took a crystal goblet upon the table and slowly poured it again with champagne.

"But its a shame I don't remember a kid named Tanjiro and Zenitsu." His voice felt inexplicably gentle and soft with taint no interest, causing for the burgundy haired boy to huff his breath and grasp the hilt of his katana that was perfectly resting on his side.

Sensing no severe threat, Muzan closed his eyes seemingly taking the moment to inaudibly inhale his breath then he says; "Y/N, would you like some dessert? I can take another order if you want." He let out a smile but the entire dining car was eventually fell into silence and even the orchestra ceased their performance after everyone caught sound of a hysterical hollering, coming from the young man named Tanjiro.

"Muzan I will kill you! I will let you pay for what you've done!" Tanjiro shouted with an overflowing wrath. He pulled out his nichirin katana and straightly draw it towards Muzan.

Y/n was startled. In reflex she rose onto her seat. Her heart pause a beat and her facial expression was exposed of bewilderment.

"What's going on?" She was breathless. The utter pang of anxiety and terror crawled all over her system as she look at Muzan who was still insensitively sitting in silence on his chair.

"I have told you already, I don't know this boy and I'm clueless of his assaults." Muzan lied. His voice turned into a low monotone whilst he lowered his head and crossed his arms through his broad chest.

Then before Tanjiro could jabbed his weapon onto his male nemesis, a sudden loud cry from the other side was audibly heard as it echoed inside the spacious dining car.

Y/n diverted her eyes to look at the scene only to be shrouded with horror after she saw a woman being savagely attacked and bitten by a demonic - looking creature.

All of the people inside the dining car panicked and scrambled. They were all desperately striving to escape the area. The loud unison shrills and beseeching of help were mixing through the heavy atmosphere. The tables were turned, the white and yellow lights were blinking and red gush of blood was terrifying sprayed onto the once flawless fabrics of curtains and carpets and corpse of several victims were left in vain, slumping helpless on the floor.

Abruptly another grotesque male demon appeared on sight. He ferociously charged a wild attack directly to Tanjiro and the loud screaming of Zenitsu began to wholly rang straight to the ears of y/n.

She appallingly watched when Tanjiro was tackled by this another incongruous demon creature who looked to be very hungry. The man fell on top of him, extremely in endeavour of inflicting and tearing into him then Zenitsu run into action. He pulled away the purple headed male demon - with a strange kanji symbol onto his left eye - but Zenitsu was strongly whisked as his fragile body flew away and been severely thrashed on the wall.

Placing her hands over her mouth, y/n forced herself to stop from making a scream. She was completely petrified. She slowly back away yet her mind was still fresh, abstracted from the supernatural incident she was witnessing.

'What the hell is this?' She tremors and absentmindedly shook her head in disbelief.

'What kind of creatures are these?'

She sweep her gaze to her left and again she caught a similar scenario. Another female demon dressed in red plain kimono with ruddy stripes across her cheeks were feasting into another human, the victim's muffled screams died down and the pool of blood drenched the carpet.

Blood rolled from her mouth. Y/n felt immobilized just as she look at the female demon, her peculiar eyes with a kanji totem carved over her left iris were like piercing daggers.

She dropped her male victim and stared at y/n. The Mizuno woman felt an instant formation of a hard lump inside her throat, forbidding her from breathing properly.

She staggered backwards and all of a sudden she felt a wide hand grasping her wrist. She loudly gasped and attempted to scream but when she saw the eyes of Muzan that was softly looking at her face, the panic and fright immediately vanished out of her mind.

"Lets leave now." He told her loud and clear whilst he made certain his hand won't slip his hold on her as they pressed themselves out of the crowd and finally escaping the massacred dining car.

"How about Tanjiro and Zenitsu?!" Y/n was reluctant to abandon the place, knowing the two boys were still trapped inside.

Muzan turned his head over his shoulder to look at the distressed woman he was dragging along with him. His eyes was embellished with a cryptic expression yet it resume to blaze everytime she would stare on it.

"We have no time." All Muzan can briefly replied back to her.

Running and passing through the corridors of the train, Y/n could only deflect her eyes everytime she would see a dead passenger or a dead employee through their path.

As they continue to walk without rest back to their compartment coach room, y/n would only tighten her hold on the male's hand and undeniably, Muzan could outright feel how Y/n have already instill her trust to him from the moment they met again.

Muzan lowered her head to look at his own hand being securely gripped by the Mizuno woman whilst her eyes were veil with fear and trouble.

He halted and stared at her for meantime. He placed his both hands onto her hand and let out a assured smile.

"Don't worry I will never leave you." He softy told her with his smooth and soothing kind of tone that could right away bring protection for y/n.

She look into his eyes again and it seems like a masterpiece that was billowing and giving ease.

"You don't need to promise me anything Muzan-sama, I know that we will be safe together." She flashed a beam but unknowingly for y/n, Muzan's plan will just starting to assemble. Every event that was occurring around them were all part of his carefully made script.

The act is about to begin and y/n must prepare herself for the play.


A/n - short update T . T 

I hope this chap is interesting jajsja

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