I Think Your Love Would Be To...

By littleninja0

367K 8.4K 3.1K

Working for Post Malone shouldn't be too hard right? Simple, just don't fall in love More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Author's Note
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Author's Note
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Author's Note
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 24

4.3K 92 32
By littleninja0

"Go. Someone will notice we're both missing." Austin whispered as he pulled away from my lips, his forehead still pressed against mine as he broke our intense kiss.

I inhaled slowly, nearly forgetting about the party downstairs. I nodded at him before I pecked his lips once more as he helped me down from the bathroom counter.

I hurriedly pulled up my underwear and adjusted the bottom of my dress as Austin leaned against the opposite wall with his arms leisurely crossed, watching my every move.

I chuckled quietly, noticing the slight amusement sparkling in his deep irises.

"What's so funny rockstar?" I asked as I ran my fingers to smooth my disheveled hair.

"Us. Sneaking around like we're a couple of teenagers." He laughed as he shook his head.

"You're the one that can't keep their hands off of me." I shrugged teasingly.

"Oh please groupie, you're the one that couldn't wait to get into my pants." He jokingly said as he raised his eyebrow. "You couldn't wait to see what Post Malone was working with."

"You're full of shit and you know it Austin." I laughed as I poked his chest playfully. "I'm going back downstairs before we get caught." I said as I turned to leave the bathroom.

He grabbed my wrist, pulling me back to face him. His tall figure looming down at me as he studied my face carefully.

"What happens when we do get caught?" His tone was serious and his eyes filled with wonder as he waited for my response. "Would that be so bad?"

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out as I was unable to come up with an answer. The truth is, I hadn't thought that far ahead and I was becoming much too comfortable with playing it by ear.

But Austin's raised questions made me think. What would happen if everyone knew? What would that mean for him and I? Would I keep working for him? Would we continue our little arrangement? It's not like this was going to turn into a relationship right? I mean I couldn't be Post Malone's girlfriend anyway. There was too much attached to that title and I wasn't ready for a normal relationship let alone one that would be magnified by the public and the media.

Okay Lena you're getting way too ahead of yourself. Who said he even wanted a relationship with you?

"We won't get caught." I simply stated, after thinking long and hard, not wanting to open this can of worms that I so desperately was trying to avoid.

He gave me an uncertain look, as if he was unsatisfied with my answer as he unfolded his arms and ran his hand through his curly hair.

"Whatever you say Lena." He said tiredlessly as I turned once again to leave the bathroom.

This time he grabbed ahold of my waist, pulling me close into his embrace. "One more?" He asked with a boyish smile forming on his face.

"One more kiss or one more orgasm?" I slyly asked as I raised my brow, earning a wicked smile from him.

"Bad girl." He whispered, sliding his tattooed hands further down my back to gently grip my ass.

I returned a grin as I stood on my tiptoes and placed my lips firmly against his. I savored the taste of him that I had quickly grown accustomed to as we were pressed up against the wall.

"You're obsessed with me." I mumbled into the kiss, feeling his mouth twist into a smile against mine.

"Isn't lover boy still downstairs? Don't wanna keep him waiting." He chuckled sarcastically.

"Leave him malone." I giggled, knowing my words would rile him up even further.

"Wooow. That was a low blow." He rolled his eyes at my jab.

"That's what she said." I pressed my lips to stifle my snicker.

"That's my joke, damnit Dwight!" He scowled, quoting Michael Scott from The Office as we both couldn't contain our laughter any longer.

Our gazes were fixed on each other as we childishly giggled together.

His laugh was simply beautiful and for a split second, I forgot all my worries and things didn't feel so complicated anymore.

As we managed to catch our breaths, Austin pulled me in one last time, both of our lips curved into smiles as we kissed.

"I thought you said one more."

"I lied." He muttered, attaching our lips for what seemed like the thousandth time.

"I'll see you down there beautiful." He broke the kiss, finally letting go of me. I gave him a short nod before I opened the door to make my way back to the loud music and swarms of drunk people.

I casually made my way down the steps to see the party still going strong, no one seeming to notice that Austin and I both had disappeared.

I saw Charlie wrapped into a conversation with Smitty as I reached the last step.

I walked into the kitchen to grab my drink, noticing that I had finished it before I left.

I opened the refrigerator and bent down to grab the jug of sangria to quickly refill my cup.

"Where did you two love birds sneak off to?" I heard Vanessa's voice from behind me just as I began to close the door.

I turned around to face her, ensuring that she saw my dramatic eye roll before I answered. "We are not love birds V."

"And I don't know what you're talking about." I jokingly pretending to act dumb, though I knew Vanessa had me figured out.

"You think I didn't notice you guys sneaking upstairs to have a quickie?" She teased as she handed me her empty glass.

"Fine. But it wasn't a quickie. We were just fooling around in the bathroom." I mumbled quietly as I filled both of our glasses to the brim.

"Did you he make you cum quickly?" She questioned, causing my cheeks to turn the darkest shade of red.

I shyly nodded, "Well yeah."

"Then you had yourself a quickie girlfriend." She smirked as I slightly groaned at her.

"Naughty girl. Getting off with Mr. Rockstar while Prince Charming is down here waiting for you." She winked.

"Charlie and I are just friends." I sighed as I looked over to him. "Nothing more."

"And he's not Prince Charming."

"So who is? Austin?" She cocked her brow as she took a sip of her drink.

I tucked a piece of my long hair behind my ear as my gaze shifted to Austin coming down the stairs.

His smile literally lit up the entire room. He looked happy and I couldn't help but wonder if it was because me. All I knew was that deep down, I was hoping more than anything that I was the reason behind it.

"I-I don't know." I mumbled softly as I stared at the very man who was turning my world upside down.

"Well I suggest you figure it out because Charlie is on his way over here." She nudged my shoulder before she walked back into the living room.

I took a long sip of my sangria as Charlie approached me.

"Hey. I'm probably gonna head out. We have a long day of filming tomorrow and I should probably get some rest." He said in a calm voice, giving me a small smile.

I could tell he was slightly disappointed with my answer from earlier, when he asked me out. But I wasn't completely lying to him. I was constantly going to be traveling for Austin's tour and I didn't want to lead him on by giving him the wrong idea. And going on a date with him would do exactly that.

I tried to ignore the part of me that felt like saying yes to Charlie would be betraying Austin in some way. We weren't together and it wasn't like I would be cheating on him. But it would just feel wrong to go out with another man when Austin was between my legs every chance he got.

However, if I was being honest with myself, I didn't want to go out with anyone else.

I pulled myself out of my extensive thoughts and plastered a smile on my face. "It was really good seeing you. It's been forever."

"I'm glad I saw you too Lena. Take care of yourself and best of luck with the new job." He said before embracing me for a tight hug.

"I'll walk you out." I let go of him and began to lead him through the thick crowd of bodies.

As we made our way through, I noticed Austin  standing by the front door chatting along with Brian, who turned his attention to me once I caught his eye.

"Lena! I'll keep in touch with you about upcoming projects and so forth. Definitely looking forward to working with this guy." He pointed at Austin with a grin.

"Sounds great Brian, thank you so much. I'll see you guys hopefully soon." I said before I gave him a quick hug.

As he let go of me, I noticed Charlie extend his hand towards Austin.

"Nice to meet you again Austin. The show was incredible."

"Yeah you too. Thank you for coming." Austin took ahold of his hand, firmly shaking it.

"Take care of Lena." Charlie added with a grin as he let go of Austin's hand and reached into his pocket for his keys.

"I will." Austin answered quietly, his gaze shifting to me.

I opened the door to let both of them out, saying my final goodbyes as I waved them off.

As I stood in the doorway I felt Austin's presence radiating onto my back as I heard him take a step closer to me, leaning over my shoulder. His breath dancing on the crook of my neck gave me a delicious flashback to just moments ago.

"Meet me down here tonight." He mumbled quietly into my ear.

I closed the front door, locking it shut before I turned around to face him.

"Didnt have enough time with me during our little bathroom escapade?" I chuckled, butterflies entering my stomach at the burning intrigue in his eyes.

"All the time in the world isn't enough when it comes to you Lena."


I quickly pushed the covers off of my tired body and made my way to my bedroom door. I slowly creaked it open and peaked out, ensuring the house was quiet and everyone was fast asleep. It was near five in the morning and the team had just made it to bed as the party was seemingly never ending.

I closed the door behind me and tiptoed down the steps, anxiously awaiting to see my.. anxiously awaiting to see Austin.

No matter how many times we kissed, how many times he touched me, how many times he made me moan his name, the anticipation of seeing him always seem to trigger a rush of nerves to inherently take over my entire being.

Once I reached the living room, I saw him carelessly laying across the couch, aimlessly scrolling on his phone.

I took a second to admire how beautiful he truly was. The way he slowly blinked his eyes when he was thinking too hard, the way he slightly stuck his tongue between his teeth when he was trying to concentrate. I watched as he ran his fingers through his hair, as he always did when he was nervous.

I cleared my throat as he didn't seem to hear my silent footsteps, causing him to turn his head to my direction and instantly jump up to his feet.

I chuckled to myself at adorable he was as he made his way over to where I was standing.

I tucked a piece of loose hair behind my ear and gave him a small smile.

He looked at me like I was some sort of rare creature, gracing him with my presence as he towered over me, admiration gleaming from his baby blues.

I half expected him to pick me up and passionately throw me onto the couch or hungrily sprawl me across the kitchen island.

But instead he carefully took my hand in his, guiding me to the door leading to the backyard.

"Come on, we're going outside."

"Outside?" I chuckled as he led me out the door.

I helplessly followed as we finally reached the lawn chairs near by the pool. 

He sunk down into the chair as I stood over him, chuckling in confusion.

I went to sit in the seat next to him when he tugged lightly at my hand he was still gripping onto to.

"Nuh uh. Come here." He gestured to his lap. I shook my head and smiled, allowing him to pull me onto him.

I adjusted myself comfortably on his lap, trying to make sense of his actions.

"Austin what are we doing out here? I'm literally bare foot and half naked right now." I couldn't help but laugh softly.

"No pants, just how I like you." He smirked. He placed his hands firmly along each side of my hips as I straddled him in an oversized long sleeved black merch tee shirt, with Austin's picture right in the center.

"Oh you're not going to complain this time?" I cocked my brow.

"How could I ever complain about this Lena." He said in a matter of fact tone, rubbing his hand along my thigh.

"Do you always sleep in my merch?" His tone became cocky as he trailed his finger against my shirt, along the photo of him that laid in between my breasts. "I think you're the one that's obsessed." He wickedly smiled.

"Shut up, I'm only wearing this shirt cause its free. Your fans actually pay for this?" I rolled my eyes at him, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Ouch groupie. Hit me where it hurts."

"That's what she said!" We both exclaimed in unison before bursting into a fit of laughs.

I felt his grip tighten on me, as if I would disappear the second our laughter subsided.

His expression soon turned serious as he meticulously tucked a piece of my stubborn locks behind my ear before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Whenever I couldn't sleep or stayed up way too fucking late for my own good, I would always find a way to sit outside by myself and watch the sun come up. No matter where I am in the world, the way the sun rises always looks the same."

"It gives you a sense of familiarity whenever you're in an unfamiliar place." I said softly.

He closed his eyes briefly and nodded. "It helps me think. Helps me write."

I adjusted myself once again, my back pressing against his chest as I let myself relax into him. His hand trailed innocently up the front of my shirt, his fingers tracing delicately along my skin.

His touch didn't feel sexual or hungry as it usually was, but comforting and soft.

He pulled the cigarette from his ear, sparking it lit as we now sat in silence, watching the gradient of sun begin to peak into the sky.

"It's beautiful." I whispered as I leaned my head back slightly against his chest.

"Very beautiful."  I heard him mumble, resting his chin onto my shoulder.

He took a long pull, exhaling a heavy cloud of smoke.

"Why did you say no to him?" He asked softly.

My heart accelerated, caught off guard by his question as I looked down, picking nervously at my fingernails.

"It didn't feel right." I admitted as I heard his breath pause.

His next words were more than I was ready for as he almost inaudibly whispered.

"Does this feel right Lena?"

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