Katsuki Bakugou [Male Reader]...

By homerunning

439K 8.3K 2.2K

Book of oneshots for our favourite hothead. ... More

Heat (SMUT)
I Can't Believe This is Mine
I'm Going To Do It Right
Sleeping Together
You Wouldn't Shut Up
Prove it (SMUT)
Why Do You Go Easy on Me?
Hiding (LIME)
Out to Eat
School's Out
New Years
Stupid Reason
Cute (LIME)
One More (SHORT "LIME?")
Is It? (SMUT)
You Looked Tired
A/N (slightly important?)
You Know Why? (SHORT)
Pretty Words
Pretty Words (2) (SMUT)
A/N (break)
Comfort Bath
Mutual Jacking (SMUT)


6.9K 173 19
By homerunning

"Katsuki-tan ..." the young boy whispered quietly, garnering the attention of the previously weeping boy sitting on the leather sofa in the nurse's office. "Does it hurt?" the boy asked, his big eyes showing none but concern as the beady shine moved when he lowered himself to look at the bandages covering the other boys leg.

"No .." Bakugou sniffled, wiping his nose roughly with his forearm. He didn't want to be seen crying, especially in front of his friend, [Y/n]. He had been able to hone his abilities to stay tough over the few years he's been alive, but it was on occasion his fascade would falter.

Climbing onto the withered sofa, [Y/n] carefully scooted beside Bakugou, who's eyes grew glossy and wet one again. Brushing his hand over Bakugou's, [Y/n] assessed the bumps of his knuckles and softness of his young skin, before dragging his hand up over his baggy shirt, the fabric against his fingertips scratchy but soothing.

And suddenly, he hugged him.

"Its okay, Katsuki-tan! Your hurt will go away soon," he nuzzled his face against the others cheek, who almost instantly melted into his arms.

"[Y/n] ..." he whined quietly, clawing at his shirt almost pathetically as he rested against him. The stinging pain radiating up his leg and through his veins was unbearable at his age, but his mind was distracted from it by [Y/n]s secure caressing.

"I'll even carry you home if I need to!" [Y/n] exclaimed, pulling back and holding Bakugou's face in his hands, cupping his flushed, soft cheeks. "Don't be sad," he kissed the tip of his nose and hugged him again.

Huffing, Bakugou gently pushed [Y/n] away and hopped up onto his feet, his sneakers squeaking against the pristine tiles as he winced from the pressure surging through his bandaged leg. Though, through a pained expression, Bakugou gave [Y/n] a small thumbs up, making the other boy grin.

"Nothing I can't handle!" he said proudly, putting his hands on his hips as [Y/n] slid off the sofa to stand in front of him. He gaped at him in awe, surprised at how calm he was about this. It was the most tough thing a kindergartner could do: pay no mind to a wound.

"You're so strong, Katsuki-tan!"


Standing in front of the blemished wooden door, the once endearing and caring child hesitated, biting his lip. However, pushing past his own reluctance, he gently knocked against the scratched surface. There was no response, but he wasn't expecting one. Instead, after having knocked as a warning, [Y/n] grabbed the shimmering doorknob and opened the door.

Bakugou was seen on his bed, laying on his side and staring at the wall. He was still in his uniform, his bag propped up against his desk. Sighing quietly, [Y/n] took a couple steps into the tidy bedroom, approaching the bed.

"Bakugou-chan?" he headed over and kneeled down beside the bed. "Are you okay?" he tilted his head, though he already knew the answer, no matter how many times Bakugou would try and convince him otherwise.

After only getting an intelligible grumble as a response, [Y/n] frowned and stood, turning and very gently sat on the bed, his eyes scanning over Bakugou, who turned his head so his face wasn't visible, being dug into the pillow. Taking his hand, [Y/n] hesitantly and carefully began to stroke Bakugou's arm in a soothing manner.

"I-" [Y/n] stopped and just gently held his arm. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you ..." To this, Bakugou grunted and sat up, glaring daggers at [Y/n].

"I didn't need your help! I didn't need anybody's help! I could've fucking handled that on my own!" Bakugou exclaimed, his hands balling into fists. Shaking his head, [Y/n] reached over and ran a hand through Bakugou's hair.

"I know that we're big kids now, Bakugou-chan, but everybody needs help sometimes. I wish I could've been there to be of some sort of assistance," he leaned over and pressed a light kiss to the other boys forehead. Though, he was shoved back, a loud popping of an explosion being heard.

"Fuck off, you weirdo! You aren't required to be around me all the time, obsessed assho-" Bakugou was cut off by [Y/n] hugging him. His eyes widened and he froze up, his muscles tense as [Y/n] dug his face into the others shoulder.

"Don't be like that, Bakugou-chan!" [Y/n] said, grabbing the fabric of Bakugou's blazer. "Stop refusing me! I want to be there for you, I really do! But I can't help you if you don't let me ..." he said quietly, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

Reaching up and grabbing a fist full of [Y/n]s hair, Bakugou stared, bewildered, into the oblivion. Though, when he felt the shoulder of his blazer slowly dampening, he shuddered and frowned deeply.

"Damn crybaby ..." Bakugou grumbled, loosening up and leaning against [Y/n], who only held him tighter. "Why can't you just leave me alone ..." he murmured, trembling as he screwed his eyes shut, embarrassed with how much the other boy merely holding him made him feel.

"Because I seriously like you, and I don't want you to feel bad, ever!" [Y/n] pressed a soothing kiss against Bakugou's jaw, making him inhale sharply.

"Normal friends don't do this ..."

"We don't have to be normal friends, Bakugou-chan."


"Hey-" but any attempt to gain the attention of the much taller and more well-built Bakugou was futile, another loud explosion going off, drowning out his voice. "KATSUKI!" [Y/n] called out, making Bakugou pause, smoke dancing from in between his scratched and dirtied fingers. He turned, rigidly, and stared at [Y/n], his expression not welcoming whatsoever. "Please, come here?"

"NO! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Bakugou snapped around, explosions popping and crackling in his palm. "YOU ARE SO ANNOYING, GET LOST ALREADY!" he shouted, slamming his fist into the charred tree beside him, which had endured a multitude of his explosions - it was a miracle it hadn't fallen yet.

"Katsuki, please ..." [Y/n] sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "This is nothing ... You'll be the greatest hero to live, but that won't happen as easily if you get pent up on things like this," the boy cautiously approached, his head a bit lowered.

"You don't understand the half it! THAT BASTARD THOUGHT I WASN'T WORTH IT! Do you understand what that means for me?!?!?!?" Bakugou cried, his eye twitching as he gripped his shirt tightly. "AND HE THOUGHT THAT DAMN NERD WAS WORTH IT?? BUT NOT ME!?!?!??" he turned and let off another explosion against the tree beside him, which cracked dangerously, threatening to topple.

"Katsuki," [Y/n] kept making hesitant and careful steps forward, the occasional leaf crumbling under his discoloured shoes, the laces hanging loose, dragging along the grass. [Y/n] only needed to get close enough - he knew he wouldn't get through to him with words.

"NO! You aren't getting anywhere, go the fuck away!" Bakugou straightened his posture, and if looks could kill. "You're such a dumbass, I hope you die," he had a twisted scowl on his face, digging his feet into the ground. The crisp breeze circulating the wooded area made the two boys hair sway in the wind as [Y/n] just continued approaching, stepping over a thick root, a thin branch snapping under his weight.

Soon, [Y/n] was close enough. He tackled Bakugou to the ground, grabbing his arms and shoving them above his head, staring at him with big eyes. Chains shot from his wrists and wrapped around Bakugou's, as well as going down to restrain his legs, too.

"Hah?!" Bakugou pulled against the chains roughly, his eyes darting around. "GET THE HELL OFF ME!!" he tried to kick [Y/n] off, but he just pulled against the chains painfully.

"Sorry, Katsu," [Y/n] said quietly, leaning down and kissing Bakugou's cheek softly. "I knew I couldn't do anything but this, please forgive me," he began to kiss down his jaw and then pepper soft and sporadic kisses around his neck.

"Fuck you!" Bakugou shouted, writhing against the chains. He shuddered with the light kisses, groaning loudly in annoyance. "Get off ..." he mumbled, pouting as [Y/n] pressed a hard kiss against his cheek again.

"Katsu, I love you so so so much, please stop refusing my help," [Y/n] whispered softly, leaving a gentle kiss behind Bakugou's ear. Wrapping his arms around Bakugou's torso, he pulled him into a kneeling position and gently directed him down. He held his head against his chest, stroking his hair gently.

"Why are you like this," Bakugou mumbled into [Y/n]s shirt, still subconsciously struggling against the metal links. "I-" he groaned quietly, digging his face into [Y/n]s clavicle. Instead of finishing his sentence, Bakugou just hummed silently, pushing his head up a bit into [Y/n]s hand.

"Deep breaths, Katsuki-chan," [Y/n] whispered against Bakugou's fluffy hair, scratching his scalp soothingly. "You'll get over this soon, I promise," he kissed his head lightly. "Well, that goes without saying," he laughed a bit. "You've always been so strong," he muttered under his breath, nuzzling closer to the other boy.

"Die, [Y/n]," Bakugou grumbled, his voice muffled against [Y/n]s puffy shirt. His face felt warm, goosebumps riddling his restrained limbs as he lay, now weak, against the other boys figure. The feeling of prickly leaves and grass scratching at his knees was irritating, but it was of no mind when [Y/n] began to draw abstract shapes on his back with a loose hand.


No words were spoken as [Y/n] sat beside Bakugou, gazing at him lovingly. Bakugou just stared at his feet, gnawing at his lower lip. The silence wasn't eery, the air carried no tension - it was merely nothingness. However, motion erupted when [Y/n] gently laid his hand on Bakugou's shoulder making him flinch, wherein [Y/n] instantly retracted his hand.

Instead of making any more subtle movements or attempting any subliminal messaging, [Y/n] knew directness was the best course of action when it came to Bakugou. And so, he abruptly engulfed him in a secure hug. Bakugou made no tries to fight it, nor speak against it - simply, he returned the hug, holding onto [Y/n] desperately. He dug his face into his shoulder and just melted against him, wanting nothing more but to stay in [Y/n]s arms for the rest of eternity.

[Y/n] said nothing whatsoever. He knew Bakugou has heard it all: all the "You're so strong!"s, and the "You're so brave!"s. He just spoke with his actions, beginning to intersperse kisses all over his face. Bakugou was too tired of everything, he had no energy to threaten [Y/n] with an explosion, to tell him off for doing this. Instead, he took it. He always wanted it, even when he said he didn't, but he wasn't about to say he didn't. Not anymore, and especially not right now, when he needed it the most.

"Katsuki," [Y/n] whispered softly, his face pressed up against the other boys warm cheek. Letting out an acknowledging hum, Bakugou tilted his head a bit, inviting [Y/n] to spot his neck with more of his fluttery kisses. "I love you," he breathed, beginning to do just that as he worked his way across his neck to his collarbone and back up.

"You better," Bakugou grumbled, burying his hand in [Y/n]s hair. He closed his eyes gently, letting his mind be filled with the pampering he was receiving, and direly needed.


It felt as all time slowed down. That wasn't something [Y/n] ever thought to feel. He never understood 'all time slowed down.' That seemed dramatic to him - nothing slowed down, life is now, right? Though, he stood corrected when the support beams just couldn't hold up. The eery crumbling followed by the snap, all so vividly replaying in his mind like a broken record player

The dust clouds that erupted from the concrete colliding with the street below blinded [Y/n] and made him fall back, rubble and debris flying everywhere. The pedestrians around had all been saved, they were all secure on the sidelines, but one. One was stuck under a fallen telephone pole and some stray pavement. The building that dared to fall was daunting to this person, and to all the surrounding heroes who made sudden assessments. No one would be able to save this person and make it out unharmed.

However, that didn't stop Bakugou. His ambition was painful, and though he was temporarily held back by another hero, he went for the lunge. Running to the person, he was able to get them out. Everybody was on their toes, watching in horror as Bakugou struggled with the final bit of rubble, but he managed and began to hurry them out. Though, when the sickening crumble became apparent, his reflexes kicked in and he tossed the person into the sidelines before the building collapsed.

Lingering dust was the only thing in [Y/n]s field of vision as he stared at all the collapsed concrete, piling over his Katsuki-tan. He was still processing when other heroes went in and began clearing out the debris, in search of Bakugou. It was only until his limp body was pulled from the destruction did [Y/n] run over, falling to his knees beside him once he was pulled a safe distance away.

Immediately, [Y/n] checked for a pulse. He was hit with the most relief he's ever felt in his life when he felt one, though dim. Pushing Bakugou's hair back, [Y/n] stared at his scarred face, bug-eyed. While literal hell went on around the two, [Y/n] could only focus on Bakugou, tears welling up in his eyes.

"You dumbass ..." [Y/n] mumbled under his breath, pulling Bakugou up. He embraced him tightly, though he was aware Bakugou was probably in severe pain, so he tried to hold himself back. When Bakugou began to writhe in his arms, he instantly pulled back to inspect his expression, which showed he was flickering in and out of consciousness.

"[Y/n]?" Bakugou mumbled, his voice raspy as his vision began to align, seeing [Y/n] so close up, blocking the sun that illuminated all of behind him like some sort of angel. The sound of loud yelling and calling drowned out around him like he was listening through water, Bakugou haphazardly grabbed onto [Y/n]s arms, blinking a lot. "Are ... They safe??" he tried to look around, but a harsh sting going down his spine made him stop instantly.

"Yes!" [Y/n] said abruptly, tears now streaming down his face. "Are you okay?! I thought you were dead!" he ugly sobbed, quickly hugging Bakugou again. Bakugou could only snort to this, returning the hug, though with weak arms.

"Nothing I can't handle, damn crybaby ..."

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