See If I Care

By 0Aratay0

127K 3.5K 794

Everyone thinks they know the prophecy. The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches Born to... More

Before we start


2.3K 77 25
By 0Aratay0



-June 20th, 1992-

{Sirius' POV}

He woke up with a pounding headache. He sat up from where he had slumped in his chair, twisting his body to relieve it of the soreness from the position he had been in. He shook his head, trying to clear it. Then he focussed on his surroundings. And was met with the weirdest sight.

A snake and two humans were having a conversation. At least, that's what he thought was happening. It was kind of hard to work out what was happening when he could only hear hissing and Moony's occasional input in English. It was definitely one of the weirder sights he had seen.

"Oh yes, I completely agree," Remus said.

"What do you agree with?" he asked, running his hand through his hair.

"Oh, your awake." Remus turned to look at him, as did Lexa, no Alex, and the snake. Alex hissed something and he shivered. He hadn't heard anyone speak Parseltongue before, but he was pretty sure that was what Alex was speaking in.

"Alex!" Remus reprimanded. Alex only shrugged.

"How long was I out?" he asked.

"Over an hour, nearly two. Do you know what happened?" Sirius felt the anger that had abated when he woke up come back full force. He growled slightly, channelling his inner dog.

"Dumbledore happened."

"Oh?" Remus raised an eyebrow. He sighed, unsure where to start with his explanation.

"That bastard erased all the memories I had of Lexa. He did the same thing for Lily and Prongs. He said it was for the greater good and that Lexa couldn't take any of the attention away from Harry," he growled. Remus growled and Alex released a string of words in a large range of languages. He recognised one of the words as French, but he got the gist of what they were saying from that one word alone.

"Alex. I may not be able to understand what you're saying anymore, but I can tell that your language isn't appropriate," Remus scolded them. Alex stuck their tongue out at Remus, hissing under their breath.

"I'm regretting allowing you to learn all those languages," Remus sighed.

"You didn't let me learn the languages though. You had no say in the matter." Remus sighed in response.

"Where did you learn that many languages pup?" he asked. Alex scowled at him.

"I'm not your pup, my name is Alex. I understand that it wasn't your choice to forget me, but I still don't forgive you. For more than just forgetting me." He racked his brains, trying to work out what else he had done. His mind was still a little fuzzy from the restored memories. Then it hit him.

"I'm so sorry for what I said Alex. I never used to think about trans people like that. I don't know what happened that made me change my thoughts about them." Alex didn't reply, simply crossing their arms and looking away. The snake that was sitting next to them slithered across the couch to lay on their lap.

"Alex. Please. At least try to be civil," Remus said. Alex shook their head.

"Sorry Remus. My emotions are getting the best of me. I'm going to explore the forest to get rid of the anger." They then turned to their snake, hissing something. They walked out of the room, the snake following them. He turned back to Remus.

"How did your memories come back?" Remus asked. He ran his hand through his hair before answering.

"When Alex introduced themselves. Mainly the parts about being my heir and being the child of Lily and James. And their birth name. I have no clue what Dumbledore was thinking when he erased our memories. How did you remember?"

"I didn't forget. When did he block the memories?" Remus admitted.

"It was about two weeks after their second birthday."

"That makes sense then. That week was the week of the full moon, so I wasn't around. I don't think Dumbledore would have been able to find me even if he tried to." Sirius nodded. That made sense. They sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke.

"So, do you think we could try? I really miss you Remy."

"I think we can try. I missed you too, Siri." His heart leapt at his nickname. He hadn't been called that since they broke up and he had missed it.


{Alex's POV}

As soon as they left the house, Alex transformed into their magical cobra form. They slithered into the forest, Akira sliding across the ground next to them. They let their snake instincts guide them as they explored the forest, leaving their mind free to wander.

They contemplated everything that Sirius had said. His memories had been tampered with. He was made to forget them. They weren't really that surprised that it was Dumbledore who had done it. Dumbledore liked being in control and if he could justify doing something for the 'greater good', as he said, then he would. He wasn't dark or evil or anything, he just always thought that he was right.

Their problems as a snake seemed so much simpler. It didn't take long for them to let go of their anger towards the man and decide they would give him a chance.

Akira lunged playfully at a rabbit that crossed their path. The rabbit spooked and Akira let out a hissing laugh. Alex knew that she wasn't hungry, simply enjoying the reaction of the animals.

Alex thought back to their conversation with Remus and Akira while Sirius was unconscious. They had cast their translate spell on their guardian so that Akira wasn't left out of the conversation. Remus had seemed quite impressed with the spell. They had also explained how they had formed the Griseo Gardiens. He seemed quite on board with the idea they had and had agreed to join the group. He was a light wizard, but a dark creature who didn't fully support the ideals of the ministry at the moment. He agreed that there needed to be an overhaul of the system, the balance between light and dark restored.

Once they were sure that their thoughts and emotions were settled, they simply enjoyed exploring the forest with Akira. A short while later, they changed back to human, looking around the forest.

$I think it's time to head back Akira.$

$Ok. But I do not know where we are.$

$I can apparate us back to the house,$ they offered. Akira agreed, slithering up and around one of their legs. Once Akira told them she was ready, they twisted on the spot. They landed in front of the small cottage and headed inside, Akira uncurling from their leg and following them.

Remus and Sirius looked up from their discussion when they entered the room.

"Have fun exploring?" Remus asked. They smiled at the man.

"Yeah. Exploring with Akira was a good way to organise my thoughts and emotions. Everything is so much simpler as an animal." They sat down on the couch, ignoring the questioning look that Sirius sent them.

"Sirius, I would like to apologise for my actions earlier. I allowed my emotions to cloud my judgement. It was not entirely your fault and I shouldn't have taken it out on you." Sirius stared at them for a short while before smiling.

"It's not your fault. I understand why you reacted the way you did. If someone had forgotten about me and then said my identity didn't exist, I probably would have reacted worse than you did." Alex returned Sirius smile. They looked between Remus and Sirius, noticing that Remus looked much more relaxed now.

"So, Uncle Pads, how have you been?" Sirius beamed.

They spent the rest of the day talking until Sirius had to leave. He said that he was expected at the Potters for dinner. He left and Alex turned to Remus.

"Are you happy?" Remus smiled at them.

"Yes. I didn't realise how much I missed Padfoot. Now, you were explaining the Griseo Gardiens. How much have you planned exactly?"

"Well, we already have members of each magic classification as well as each blood-type. This means we will be able to cover more ground and understand the way different people act. We have worked out the Voldemort isn't dead, long story, but that our first task would be to stop him. We can't repair the world if the world is ruled by him. Our main goal, if he comes back, would be to protect innocents.

"We also know that our ages will make people not trust us or think that we are just having fun. At the moment, Terry, Padma, Mandy and Anthony are researching how to combine Polyjuice and Glamours so that we can take on an alternate identity. The aim is for it to be basically undetectable, like Polyjuice, but to work the same way as a Glamour, with no time limit. We will operate in the utmost secrecy, using codenames.

"The main thing we are going to attempt next year is to get more basic rights for creatures that are being shoved aside, such as Veelas, Goblins, Centaurs, Werewolves and Vampires. We will be writing up contracts to be put forward by respected authority figures in the magical world. We will be trying to bring people into the group, possibly into the main group, but most likely just as contacts who don't know who we really are," Alex explained. Remus nodded.

"That sounds like you have a lot of thigs worked out. How would I join this group? And would I be part of the Griseo Gardiens or a contact?" Alex thought for a moment before deciding.

"You would probably join the Griseo Gardiens. I would have to contact the others to ask, but since you already know who's in it, it would make more sense. And it would probably be good to have an adult who can tell us what's going on while we're at Hogwarts."

"You've really taken on this leadership role, haven't you pup?"

"I guess. I mean, I have the responsibility of being the Guardian of Magic and spent ten years in the past learning how to be the best I can. I didn't expect my friends to be as eager to help me as they were, but I wasn't going to pass on the help. It will definitely be easier with a support group."

"You mentioned new spells?" Alex nodded and stood up.

"I'll show you with my wand. Even though it's easier for me without a wand, it's more effect if you can see the wand movements. I made a shield spell, the translate spell, which you've already seen, and a spell that allows short messages to appear in the air in front of the recipient. It also makes a warning flash if the message is meant to be private, which gives the recipient 30 seconds to get somewhere private before the message shows up." They flicked their wrist, wand shooting into their hand from their wand holster.

"Praemunio praesidio." Remus eyes widened as the gold and silver shield emerged from their wand and surrounded them.

"Go on. Shoot any spell you want. It should block every spell until it weakens too much." Remus nodded, drawing his own wand. He began casting slowly, beginning with low level spells and working his way up to more powerful spells. Alex watched as the spells hit the shield and were absorbed. Eventually, Remus was casting the darkest curses he knew that were legal, a worried look on his face. He shot off an extremely powerful blasting curse and Alex watched the light be absorbed into the shield before the shield shuddered and burst apart in a shower of golden and silver sparks.

"That is an incredible spell. I can't believe it held for as long as it did."

"The amount it lasts depends also on how powerful the caster is, as well as how fast the opponent is cursing," they explained.

"That is still an amazing creation. What about the other one?" Alex nodded and turned away. They thought of the message they wanted to send to Remus before muttering the incantation.

"Envoyer missurum." They moved their wand in a short wave, as if they were writing something down quickly. They turned just in time to see a flash of silver in front of Remus. The writing appeared and they smiled as they watched Remus read the message.

I love you Remus.

"And I you Alex. Are you going to give those to the hospital or auror department?" Remus asked, wiping a small tear from the corner of his eye. Alex shook their head.

"Not yet. Those spells are going to be used by the Griseo Gardiens. I know how useful they would be, especially the shield one, but I don't want them falling into the wrong hands. I don't want them being used for the wrong reason."

"If that's what you want. They're your creations after all." Alex smiled at Remus, before ridding themselves of their composure and throwing themselves at their guardian, hugging him tight.

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