Fire + Water

By christygurl10112

640 22 13

There is a girl named Alex and there's a girl named Chloe. They don't know each other at all and Alex gets t... More

Waking up, Alex/Chloe
Discovering their powers
Meeting Each Other
Away For a While
Warm Up
Seeing Mom
New Announcement

She's What???

33 1 0
By christygurl10112

The next couple of days Alex slept in bed by herself.  She got up and went into the bathroom and she took a shower.  When she got out of the shower she put her robe on and started walking down the hall to the kitchen.  She stopped at Chloe's door which was halfway open and looked in.  She saw Chloe sleeping with Max, she was about to go in but, she didn't because she didn't want to fight so early in the morning.  She walked into the kitchen and Lilly was sitting at the round kitchen table drinking coffee.  "Good morning," Lilly says.  "There's nothing good about this morning," Alex says pouring herself some coffee.  "Sit down and tell me what's wrong," Lilly says.  "Nothing's wrong," Max says,"right Alex"?  "Right," Alex says walking out of the kitchen and back into her room. 

She put on some black yoga pants, some black and pink running shoes, and a black cross back shirt.  She walked back into the the kitchen and purposely bumped into Chloe and she fell.  "Alex, watch where you're going," Max says helping Chloe up.  "Oops, my bad, she was in my path," Alex says laughing.  She leaned on the counter and looked at Chloe.  Max walked over to her and said,"Apologize, right now".  "Sorry, Max," Alex says.  "To her not to me," Max says.  "You don't want me to apologize to her, my way of saying sorry to her is to kill her because, I'm sorry that she's living so if you want me to apologize, fine, I will," Alex says.  Alex put her hands up and had ice cold air in one hand and water in the other one.

"Which do you choose, or should I let Max choose"?  Alex says looking at Chloe and then Max.  "Alex, you need to stop," Max says.  "Stop what, I can't be mad my boyfriend is having sex with Chloe"?  Alex says.  Max didn't say anything after that.  "See, I knew it, and you're supposed to be mad at me," Alex says.  "Who told you that"? Chloe says.  Alex walked over to Chloe and said,"No one told, I found out about it myself, and you should really learn to leave your doors closed and locked, anyone can walk on and kill you".  "Well, you need to learn to mind your own business," Chloe says.  "Are you kidding me Chloe, you probably really don't value your life right now, because I'm seriously about to kill you," Alex says.  "You can't do that," Chloe says smiling.  "Why not"? Alex says getting annoyed.  "Because, I'm pregnant," Chloe says.  "What"? Alex says backing up a little, then she looked at Max, and back at Chloe.

"You heard me, you can't lay a finger on me," Chloe says laughing.  "That's what you think Chloe, I don't give a damn about you or your baby, you really don't wanna make me mad, okay, you got that Chloe," Alex says turning around and walking over to Max.  "I need to talk to you," Alex says.  "Okay, let's talk, right here, right now," Max says.  "No, not here, but right now, let's go," Alex says grabbing his hand and she pulled him in front of her.  Alex stopped walking and fell to the floor and Max turned around and saw that Chloe had threw a fire ball at her back.  Lilly got up and then she fell.  Alex started coughing up blood and Lilly tried to reach her.

Max helped Lilly reach Alex and she grabbed her hand and Alex stopped coughing up blood and Lilly was able to get up.  Alex tried to get up, but she fell. Max helped her up and Chloe said,"What are you doing, put her down, let her stupid sister help her, come over here and help me in the chair".  "No, do it yourself," Max says.  "Excuse me, what is with long with you Max, I'm carrying your baby," Chloe says.  "That's not my baby, I would know, I did not have sex with you, you went and did that yourself, so you better leave me out of this," Max says.  Max picked Alex up and took her into her room, Max put her down on the bed and he went into the bathroom and he grabbed the first aid kit and went back into the room.

"Alex, I need you to take your shirt," Max says.  Alex tried to take her shirt off but, it hurt too much so she said,"I can't, it hurts too much".  "Okay, just lift your arms up," Max says.  Alex lifted her arms up and Max took her shirt off.  "You should really start wearing a bra," Max says.  Alex laughed and said,"Shut up Max, don't make me laugh, it hurts".  "Sorry, but this is gonna hurt, like hell, I'm not gonna lie to you," Max says.  "Okay, let's just get this over with," Alex says.  Max took the bottle of alcohol and poured it all of her back, and Alex screamed, that's how much it hurt.  Lilly came in and said,"You okay".  "Do I look like I'm okay," Alex says looking at Lilly.  Lilly left the room and she closed.

When Max was finished cleaning the burn he bandaged it up.  "It should heal over night, you'll be okay," Max says.  "Thanks,"Alex says.  Max nodded and he threw everything away and washed his hands. When Max was about to leave Alex grabbed his arm and said,"I still wanna talk to you".  Alex threw a different shirt on before he turned around. "What do you wanna talk about"?  Max asked.  "I just wanna know why you were mad at me," Alex says.  "I'm over that, okay, I'm not mad at you anymore," Max says.  "You're lying," Alex says.  "And why would you say that"? Max asked.  "When you're lying, you never look at me," Alex says.  Max turned around and sat down next to Alex. 

"Tell me how you feel," Max says.  "I umm, I feel like I'm losing you and you don't wanna be together anymore, if we break up, I'm gonna leave, and you can stay here with that bitch Chloe, you know I don't like her anymore, it would break my heart for you to go out with her, and, and, I don't know, if I can live with that, and you know what I mean when I say I can't live with that, that's how I feel Max," Alex says.  Alex got up and she walked the closet and got a suitcase and she started packing her stuff.  "What are you doing Alex"? Max asked.  "What does it look like, I'm packing my stuff, looks like you've made your decision already?  If you go out with Chloe, I will find out," Alex says.

"Alex, I'm not breaking up with you, now stop packing," Max says.  "I don't believe you," Alex says getting up and walking over to her dresser.  Max followed her and he grabbed her and pulled her over to the bed and sat her down on the bed.  Alex got up and pushed her on the bed and got on top of her.  "You're gonna listen to me now, okay, you got that Alex," Max says.  Alex rolled her eyes and turned her head away from Max.  Max turned her he'd towards him and said,"You're gonna look at me when I'm talking you, okay".  "Talk then, I'm listening," Alex says.  "Thank you, I'm not breaking up with you, so you can get that out of you're head Alex.  I love you to death and you know that, I would never cheat on you, and I would never hurt you," Max says.  "I love you too, Max, I'm sorry," Alex says. "Apology accepted," Max says.  "Shut up, Max," Alex says laughing.  "It doesn't hurt when you laugh anymore"?  Max asked.  "No," Alex says.  "Take your shirt off and turn around," Max says.  "Can you get off of me now, I can't move"? Alex asked.

Max got off of Alex and she sat up.  She sat up and took her shirt off and turned around.  Max slowly took her bandage off her back and the burn was gone.  "What is it"?  Alex asked.  "You're burn is already gone," Max says.  "That was fast and that's a good thing," Alex says,"I'm gonna take another shower, wanna join me"?  "I'm good," Max says.  "Your lost," Alex says walking into the bathroom and she got into the shower.  Max walked into the bathroom and said,"Alex".  Alex looked at Max and said,"Yes".  "I have an idea, I bet you'll like it," Max says.  "Let me guess, you let me kill Chloe, and you get to choose if I freeze her or drown her or both," Alex says.  "No, nothing like that," Max says.  "Then, I'm not interested, unless it has something to do with Chloe," Alex says.

"It is, to get her back for what she did to you," Max says.  "The only way to do that is to kill her, are you even listening to me," Alex asked.  "What did you say, I was distracted"? Max says.  "By what?  Never mind, I already know, get out, we'll talk when I get out," Alex says.  Max left the bathroom and a couple minutes later Alex got out the shower and put her robe on and she dried her hair.  She walked into the room and she went over to her dresser and grabbed a white V-neck shirt, and her underwear and she put them on.  She walked over to Max and he handed her a bra.  "Seriously"? Alex asked.  "Yeah," Max says.  Alex put it on and then put her shirt back on.

Alex got on top of max and said,"Tell me what your idea is, and it better not be stupid".  "It's not stupid," Max says.  "Okay, then tell me what it is," Alex says.  "Okay, let's make her think we did break up and I pretend to be her boyfriend and you try to get me back, then she'll get jealous, and you like seeing her jealous," Max says.  "Okay, but it's gonna hard for you to resist all of this, starting today right," Alex asked.  "As soon as we leave this room," Max says.  "Okay, whatever you say, no get out," Alex yelled that last part.  "Can you get off me"? Max asked.  Alex got off of him and he walked out of the room.

Alex got up and she walked out of the room and went into the kitchen and she grabbed a soda off of the counter and it was warm so she blew her cold breath on it and it was cold, she smiled and drunk some of it.  "Alex, can you grab us something to drink"? Chloe asked.  "Why don't you get it your damn self"? Alex mumbled.  "It's okay baby, I'll get them," Max says.  Max got up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed two sodas out of the fridge and gave one to Chloe and he drunk one to himself.  "I can't drink this, soda isn't good for the baby, go get me something else,"Chloe says throwing the soda at Max.

Max got up and it looked like he was about to hit her, but he didn't.  Max walked into the kitchen and said,"Come here".  "Me," Alex asked.  "Yeah," Max says.  Alex put her soda down and she walked over to Max.  "Kiss me, make it look like you kissed me though," Max says.  Alex kissed him and she made sure Chloe saw it.  Max stopped and said,"This is gonna be harder than I thought".  "Told you," Alex says.  Alex grabbed a water and she took it over to Chloe.  "I don't want anything from you, you were just kissing all over my boyfriend," Chloe says.  "Well, if you don't want anything from me, get the hell out of my cabin, and walk home," Alex says.  "Fine, I will," Chloe says getting up.

Chloe got up and she walked out of the cabin and shut the door behind her.  "She'll be back, she has no where else to go, if I'm lucky, she won't come back," Alex says.  "Yeah, now you need to put some pants on, do you even have any clothes here, you always wear a shirt and some underwear," Max says.  "Why, you don't like how i look in them"? Alex asked.  "Yeah, the thing is I can't concentrate," Max says.  "You could have just said that," Alex says taking her shirt off," Can you concentrate any better now"?

Max picked her up and took her into her room and said,"You've got to be kidding me Alex".  "What, I told you it would be hard to resist me"?  Alex asked laying down on the bed.  Max laid down next to her and said,"You are so unbelievable".  "I know," Alex says,"So, is she really pregnant"?  "I don't know, we'll just have to see, in the next couple of months," Max says.  "Tell me the truth Max, did you or did you not have sex with her," Alex says.  Max turned towards Alex and said,"I didn't, you may not believe me but, I didn't".  "Okay, that's all I wanted to know, and I do believe you,"Alex says.  "I know you trust me," Max says.  "Yeah, give me your shirt," Alex says. 

Max took his shirt off and gave it to Alex and she put it on.  "You're never getting this shirt back," Alex says.  Max got up and grabbed another shirt and he put it on.  Alex slipped into some black tights and she left the room and went into the living room and sat down on the couch.  There was a knock at the door and Alex got up to get it.  She opened the door and it was Jack and Chloe.  "Jack, what are you doing here"?  Alex asked.  "You kicked my sister out, and I just think that's cruel," Jack says.  "She doesn't live here," Alex says.  "She told me she does so are you saying my sister is a liar"? Jack asked.  "Yeah, that's what I'm telling you, now please leave," Alex says.  "If I leave, Max leaves," Chloe says.  "Why would he leave with you"? Alex asked.  "Because, I'm a helpless pregnant girl and I have no one to protect me, and he's my boyfriend," Chloe says.

"Well, get your stuff and get the hell out," Alex says opening the door.  "What, you're making me leave, but i said max is coming with me," Chloe says.  "No he's not, go get your stuff and leave," Alex says.  Chloe walked into the cabin and went into her room and started packing her stuff.  Jack came in and said,"Your really gonna make her leave"?  "Yeah, didn't you hear what I just said to her, i can't stand her," Alex says.  Jack pushed Alex into the wall and started chocking her and he said,"Watch what you say about my sister, you might find yourself dead".  Jack let her go and Alex said,"Sorry".  Alex sat down on the couch and turned the her back to Jack.  "You still gonna make her leave"?  Jack asked.  "I said yeah, get that through your head, okay," Alex says.

Jack pulled her head back by her hair and put I knife to her throat and said,"You sure"?  "Yeah, I'm sure, do it," Alex says.  Jack took the knife away from Alex's neck and let her hair go.  Alex got up and she walked into her room and slammed the door.  "What's wrong"? Max asked coming out of the bathroom.  "Nothing," Alex says.  "You're lying,"Max says putting some clothes on.  "Chloe is Jack's sister and they came here and he almost slit my throat, but good thing he didn't," Alex says.  "Is he still here"? Max asked.  "Yeah," Alex says.  Max swung the door open, and went over to Jack and punched him right in his face and they started fighting.  "Stop, stop fighting right now," Alex yelled.  They didn't listen to her and they kept fighting.  The whole house filled with water then all of the water went away.  "I said stop," Alex says again. 

They stopped fighting and looked at Alex.  Her eyes were pure blue and she looked very mad.  "Get out," Alex said.  Jack still was standing there.  "I said, get out now," Alex said a lot louder.  Jack left and he slammed the door.  "Don't forget your sister," Alex said to the door, but Jack never came back.  Alex went over to Max and said,"You okay"?  "Yeah, I'm good," Max says.  "No your not, look at your face," Alex says turning Max's face toward her.  "I said I'm good Alex," Max says a bit louder.  "Sorry," Alex says. After a couple minutes in silence Max said,"I'm sorry Alex".  "It's okay," Alex says," We have to leave here, tonight, okay".  "Yeah, let's do that," Max says.

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