Katsuki Bakugou [Male Reader]...

By homerunning

439K 8.3K 2.2K

Book of oneshots for our favourite hothead. ... More

Heat (SMUT)
I Can't Believe This is Mine
I'm Going To Do It Right
Sleeping Together
You Wouldn't Shut Up
Prove it (SMUT)
Why Do You Go Easy on Me?
Hiding (LIME)
Out to Eat
School's Out
New Years
Stupid Reason
Cute (LIME)
One More (SHORT "LIME?")
Is It? (SMUT)
You Looked Tired
A/N (slightly important?)
You Know Why? (SHORT)
Pretty Words
Pretty Words (2) (SMUT)
A/N (break)
Comfort Bath

Mutual Jacking (SMUT)

13.7K 237 158
By homerunning

Underaged/Underaged Implied (13-14)
Read at your own risk


Looking at Bakugou with narrowed eyes, [Y/n] cocked an eyebrow. The defensive nature of his words was somewhat amusing to him, but it still irked him to retaliate.

"You're getting it all wrong," [Y/n] said, ringing his index finger around the top of his thermos. "I would top," he scooped some of the dripping noodles out of the thermos, eating them happily.

"You fucking wish!" Bakugou slammed his hands on the table, making [Y/n] frown and look at some broth that had flicked onto his uniform. "I'm better at you in everything, what makes you think you'd be able to fucking TOP ME??!" 'His shouting is incessant and annoying,' [Y/n] thought. 'I'm not sure how I put up with him on a day to day life.'

"Cause you're a try-hard," [Y/n] said, slurping up the clump of leaking noodles on his fork, before wiping his mouth clean with his sleeve. "Everyone knows try-hards are just suppressed bottoms," smiling teasingly, [Y/n] crossed his arms over the table. Bakugou's eye twitched and he scoffed loudly, rubbing his temple in annoyance.

"For fucks sakes, how big of a dumbass can you be?!" he slammed his hands on the table again, making [Y/n] whisper an intelligible 'can you stop.' "You're more of a try-hard than me!!!"

"Okay, now you're just projecting. I barely try at all, dude!" staring incredulously at Bakugou, [Y/n] tilted his head a bit. Huffing, Bakugou crossed his arms and leaned back a bit.

"Tch, yeah," he muttered. "You're fucking worthless." To this, [Y/n] rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair.

"Not worthless. How do you expect to get into U.A with this attitude?" [Y/n] asked, glaring at Bakugou. "And not just that. You're fucking school record, too. It should talk all about you using your quirk in school, and destroying school property, and threatening another student, and-"

"Shut the fuck up," Bakugou said, a strange grumble emitting from his throat, reminiscent of a dog's growl. He didn't say anything more, but [Y/n] could read all over his expression.

Opening his mouth to speak, [Y/n] was cut off by the bell ringing loudly. Sighing quietly, he screwed the lid back onto his thermos and sucked his plastic fork clean. He stood, along with Bakugou, and the two walked back down to class, [Y/n] tossing out his fork in the trash along the way.

The dismissal bell was music to [Y/n]'s ears, but truthfully, so was it to the majority of the kids in the class. Standing and slinging his bag over his shoulder, [Y/n] shuffled alongside his peers out the class and down to leave the building. Seeing a familiar mop of spiky hair, [Y/n] migrated across the crowd of schoolmates towards him.

"What's up, Kacchan?" [Y/n] grinned, wrapping an arm around Bakugou, but it was quickly shrugged off by him.

"Don't call me that, asshole," Bakugou, grumbled, small explosions crackling in his palm, making [Y/n] laugh quietly and look off. The two exited the building and when Bakugou began to follow [Y/n] back to his place, he couldn't help but feel pleased that the other wanted to spend more time with him. Or, get away from his 'annoying assholes' of parents, as he would use as an excuse. [Y/n] found his stubbornness endearing.

Arriving at his house, [Y/n] took out his key and unlocked the front door, entering, with Bakugou following behind him. Removing his shoes, [Y/n] dropped his backpack off on the floor and began to unbutton his uniform, heading to his bedroom. Bakugou followed closely, looking up and down the walls, staring at the decor. He's been to [Y/n]'s house a numerous amount of times, but he would always look around each time.

"What do ya wanna do?" [Y/n] asked, opening the door to his bedroom and stepping in as his blazer slid off his shoulders. Shrugging, Bakugou began to unbutton his own uniform as he sat on the bad and pulled off his shoes with his feet, tossing his blazer on the floor.

"I don't give a shit," Bakugou tossed his feet onto the bed and leaned back against the headboard. "I'm only here so I don't have to go home," he muttered, pulling out his phone. Humming, [Y/n] whipped out his phone as well.

It didn't take long for Bakugou to go as still as stone, hearing a lot of lewd noises from [Y/n]'s phone. When Bakugou snapped his head to look at [Y/n], the latter glanced over his phone and chuckled.

"What the fuck are you doing??!!" Bakugou yelled, making [Y/n] pause the video he was viewing.

"Watching porn."

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WATCHING PORN?!?!?" he shrieked, fumbling with the phone he was holding. [Y/n] shrugged and turned the video back on. "YOU PERVERTED BASTARD!" Bakugou kicked [Y/n], making him flinch, explosions going off in his hands.

"Heyyyyy," [Y/n] whined, rubbing the thigh Bakugou had hit. "You're one to talk. There's probably a mutated fish-human creature in the sewers by now with how much you splurge in my toilet."


"Sure sounds like it."

"FUCK YOU!?!?"

After things had settled down and the pain of being absolutely pummeled subdued, [Y/n] scooted back and leaned against the headboard next to Bakugou.

"So," [Y/n] smirked teasingly. "Wanna watch with me?" he wiggled his eyebrows. Retracting his hand, Bakugou swung it to blow [Y/n]'s face off, but his hand collided with a metal shield that slowly retracted back into [Y/n]'s forearm when Bakugou pulled back.

Sucking in a breath through his gritted teeth, Bakugou glared daggers at the other boy. [Y/n] shrugged and opened a different video, beginning to watch that one. Bakugou knew [Y/n] wasn't going to stop - not because he was determined to watch the porn, per se, he was more determined to irritate him, and he was aware. However, when the main attraction of the video began, it was hard to ignore. Bakugou tried to distract himself with his own device, but whenever a loud moan was heard, his eyes would drag to the other's screen.

"Their acting is crap," [Y/n] said bluntly. "But the chick has nice tits, so you win some you lose some," he leaned back and crossed his legs. 'Pervert...' Bakugou whispered, pushing out his lower lip as he watched. "What? You wanna watch now?" [Y/n] asked, smirking playfully as he nudged the other. Scoffing, Bakugou looked away, but evidently looked back.

Narrowing his eyes, [Y/n] glanced at Bakugou, before readjusting his position and gently resting his hand on the other boy's thigh, making his hair puff up a bit. Eyeing the hand on his leg, Bakugou shifted around a bit, but remained silent.

"This ones boring," [Y/n] muttered and changed the video once again, gently rubbing Bakugou's thigh with his thumb. Bakugou tried to swat [Y/n]s hand away, but the latter just put it back.

"Fuckin faggot," Bakugou grumbled, staring bug-eyed at the light hand on his thigh. [Y/n] laughed quietly and changed the video again. Bakugou was confused as to why he was changing the porn so much, but in the end, he didn't care as he wasn't invested in any of the videos at all.

"I know what you are, but what am I," resting his cheek against Bakugou's fluffy hair, [Y/n] turned and sniffed softly. "Ooh~ you smell nice," he laughed softly. Mumbling under his breath, Bakugou put a hand to his mouth, shuddering from all of [Y/n]'s touches. "Fruity!" he smiled idiotically as he dug his nose against his scalp

"You fucking moron," Bakugou tried to move away from [Y/n], but was stopped by a squeeze of his thigh. "Stop?!?" Bakugou grabbed [Y/n]'s wrist, who sighed and lifted his head once more, changing the video again. "Dumbass," Bakugou tilted his head down to watch the video better, though he didn't care about seeing the video really.

The two just sat, watching the video in silence. Neither of the boys felt any investment with the video, they just watched out of boredom, or anything close to it. However, when [Y/n] changed the category of videos to gay, Bakugou narrowed his eyes and glanced at him. Smiling goofily, [Y/n] turned on a blowjob video.

"We should try one of these," laughing silently, [Y/n] was constantly cracking jokes about all the videos he switched to, all the while occasionally rubbing along Bakugou's thigh.

He didn't want to admit it, but Bakugou was hard. Not from the video, he never got a hard-on from watching others have sex. No, he was hard with all the affectionate touching he was receiving from [Y/n].

"Have you ever done anything like this?~" [Y/n] asked with his playful mocking tone. Getting elbowed in the side, [Y/n] just laughed it off and changed the video again.

After a couple more minutes, though it felt like hours, [Y/n] dragged his flat palm gently over the curve of Bakugou's legs, towards his crotch. This caused a painful twinge, making Bakugou cringe and grab [Y/n]s wrist again. Tilting his head, Bakugou twitched a bit, inhaling heavily, [Y/n]s scent (which wasn't the most pleasant considering his age) filling his head.

"Asshole," Bakugou mumbled, closing his eyes as he gripped [Y/n]s wrist tighter. Looking at Bakugou in his peripherals, he set his phone down, the video still playing, and began to inch his hand towards Bakugou's growing bulge.

"Are you turned on?" [Y/n] asked, flummoxed. He glanced at the tent in his pants and laughed nervously, narrowing his eyebrows as his breath hitched. Bakugou only grumbled in embarrassment, rubbing his legs together uncomfortably. "Woah ..." [Y/n] very hesitantly rested his hand right beside Bakugou's clothed erection, his fingertips brushing over it's side.

"Stop ..." Bakugou whined quietly, bucking his hips lightly. "Don't- oh, fuck you," Bakugou shivered, making [Y/n]'s face go beet red. He began to feel dizzy, completely floored with Bakugou's reaction to this.

"I- Can I?" [Y/n] lifted his hand and hovered it over Bakugou's crotch, his heart practically leaping out of his throat as he stared, wild-eyed.

"No ..." Bakugou breathed heavily, clenching his hands into fists as he bit his tongue harshly. "No don't. Oh shit, let me leave ..." he whispered, explosions popping and crackling in his palms.

"But-" [Y/n] lowered his hand a bit, his palm brushing against the tip of Bakugou's hard-on. A moan being caught in Bakugou's throat, he shivered and bit the inside of his cheek. "Oh ... Oh fucking hell," [Y/n] laughed sheepishly, his fingers twitching as he stared. He was certainly getting hard himself and bit his lower lip.

"I hate you. You fucking pervert. Kill yourself," Bakugou stared hazily at the hand that was hovering dangerously over his dick. Another painful throb made him exhale shakily. "Y-You ... Are you gonna ..." he stared at the hand, his hips shaking expectantly.

"I-I mean ..." [Y/n] gulped down a hefty ball of saliva. "I can ... I-If you let me?" his mind was racing. He wasn't actually expecting anything like this to happen - he was rather scared, actually. He's never thought of doing something like this unironically.

"Die ..." Bakugou bucked his hips up again, making [Y/n] let out a startled sound when his erection bumped his hand. "Fuck fuck fuck," Bakugou was equally as stunned by the touch, squirming around in humiliation.

Sitting up, Bakugou tried to get up and leave, probably to the bathroom, ironically, but he was stopped by [Y/n], who fumbled to his knees and grabbed his arm. Turning to look at [Y/n], his face went red at the sight of the other boys boner. He hadn't noticed [Y/n] was equally turned on, and it made his heart palpitate, beating behind his ribcage

"You- um," releasing the other boy, [Y/n] sat back. "I can help, but um, if you don't, uh w-want it, then ..." he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck as his breath fluttered.

Lowering back onto the bed, Bakugou stared, bewildered. He was extremely flustered - he wanted to kill [Y/n] so bad, but the feeling was identical to how bad he wanted obvious relief. He couldn't help but continuously eye [Y/n]'s erection, small explosions cracking at the ends of his fingers.

"Here," [Y/n] gestured Bakugou over, leaning against the headboard again. He took his phone and turned the new video that turned on from autoplay off. Nervously and hesitantly, Bakugou scooted over and rested beside him.

Very tepidly, [Y/n] brushed his fingertips over Bakugou's boner. Bakugou covered his mouth, letting out a strangled and muffled groan, rolling his hips. His eyes darting around, [Y/n] began to very lightly stroke up and down the tent in between Bakugou's legs.

"Fuck. Oh fuck, fuck you so hard you fucking cunt," Bakugou shuddered at the fluttery feeling of [Y/n]s touches. His erection only grew with the gently strokes.

"Aw, jeez," [Y/n] laughed nervously, shifting his legs a bit. "Can I ... Touch it like, head on?" he asked, caressing his boner gently. Bakugou groaned and tilted his head, screwing his eyes shut as the side of his head brushed over the others shoulder.

"Do what you want," Bakugou muttered, bumping his cheek against [Y/n]s shoulder. His face instantly went a deep red when [Y/n] slid his fingers, up to his top joint, into his pants.

Dipping his fingers under Bakugou's boxer band, he dragged them over his hair and shuddered a little, but was encouraged to go onward with Bakugou's tremble and quiet groan. [Y/n]s face was flushed as he grazed the base of Bakugou's cock. Hesitantly, [Y/n] wrapped his index and thumb around his dick, blushing brightly from being able to do this.

"Ahh, shit," Bakugou rubbed his knees together, his lower lip trembling with the feeling. "I hate you," he murmured, beginning to unbutton his pants. Pulling his hand out, [Y/n] reached over and helped yank his pants down to his ankles, still moving rigidly in embarrassment with this whole situation.

"Oh crap," [Y/n] gasped silently as Bakugou eyed him expectantly. "Here, uh," sliding his hand into his boxers, he wrapped his hand completely around his dick and gently pulled it out, pulling his underwear down a little. "Aha, fuck," [Y/n] stared at his dick with wide eyes, before smiling softly, as Bakugou rested his head on his shoulder. Letting go of the other boys erection, [Y/n] licked his palm, dribbling some saliva onto it as lubricant.

Reaching over again, [Y/n] grabbed Bakugou's cock and began to pump it. It was a very irregular and nervous jack, but it was still something. It was absolutely euphoric to Bakugou, who was thrusting his hips up into [Y/n]s hand, moaning audibly, though suppressed, into the other boys ear. He felt completely humiliated and embarrassed, his heart beating wildly from how flustered he was. Huffing heavily, the sounds of kenetic squelching from [Y/n]s saliva and his dick filled his ears and it made him feel almost disgusted, but the pleasurable feeling was too overwhelming for him to care.

"You, um, you sound super cute, Kacchan," [Y/n] whispered, turning his head and pressing a deep kiss against Bakugou's cheek. He didn't know how he was acting so bold, he wasn't confident in this at all. Maybe his awareness was being fogged with the lust of the situation.

"Ahh .... D-Don't-" Bakugou gasped when he felt the kiss, shuddering again, his face burning at this point. "Don't d-do that ... D-Don't call me-" he was cut off by a moan when [Y/n]'s pumping picked up in speed. He cursed under his breath, thrusting up into his hand again.

The feeling of Bakugou's skin against his palm was a weird sensation. [Y/n] was getting super into this, closing his eyes and getting into a rhythm, just being astonished at Bakugou's sudden spasms in result of the pleasure he was receiving.

However, when he felt a hand on his erection, his eyes shot open and his rhythm faltered. He saw Bakugou's hand fumbling with his fly and the tips of his ears went bright red. He wasn't expecting Bakugou to reciprocate the motion, but he wasn't complaining. When Bakugou managed his pants and boxers down enough for his boner to spring up, he paused, rubbing his cheek against [Y/n]s shoulder once again. He wrapped his hand around his dick and began to pump it in the same rhythm as [Y/n]s. It burnt a little at the start, considering Bakugou hadn't lubed up his hand as [Y/n] had, but eventually, the sweat and precum worked as a substitute.

"Please don't blow up my dick," [Y/n] said, letting out a short laugh before it was cut off by a groan when Bakugou picked up his pumping pace to silence him. Being huffy, [Y/n] did the same for Bakugou, and was surprised with the loud moan that came from it.

"I-I'm gonna- I'm--" Bakugou bites [Y/n]s shoulder, moaning into his shirt. [Y/n] was a bit uncomfortable with this, but decided to go till he came, nonetheless. "Hahh ... Fuck- Oh shit!" Bakugou's own hand movements were now faltering and were more sporadic and quick, making [Y/n] moan, tilting his head and digging his face into the others fluffy hair.

"You're so cute .... so cute, so cute, so cute, oh fuck! Kacchan, you're amazing. I fucking love you, oh my god!!" [Y/n] sighed heavily, inhaling Bakugou's scent, shivering a bit.

"Shut up! B-Be quiet, oh fuck," Bakugou nudged his head up against [Y/n]s. "Hurry up and cum already, d-dumbaAasss!..." his hips twitched, tears stinging the corner of his eyes.

"Y-You- No, you can cum! Cum whenever you want ..." [Y/n] gasped and sighed. "You don't need to- to do it after me ..." he opened his eyes and stared into the oblivion hazily. Bakugou just grumbled in annoyance, but went back to moaning and groaning, melting against [Y/n] with how he was jacking him off.

The two were close - very close. Bakugou's hips kept bucking and twitching, his breathing extremely irregular. [Y/n] kept a solid rhythm, but felt as though he was about to have a heart attack.

"Kacchan ..." [Y/n] breathed. "L-Look at me," he whined quietly, nudging Bakugou's head gently. Hesitantly, Bakugou pulled his head back and looked at him, his eyes glossy and his face bright red. Leaning down, [Y/n] connects their lips, kissing him deeply.

His eyes widening, Bakugou groaned and squeezed [Y/n]s cock, making him wince. Attempting to pull back, he couldn't help but simply lean back in and contribute to the kiss. They weren't great at kissing, obviously. They kept clacking teeth, and they thought the feelings of their two tongues rubbing against each other was gross - but it was the thought that counted.

After a couple minutes of kissing, Bakugou pulled back and let out a strangled moan, cumming all over [Y/n]s hand. Staring dazed at the cum drizzling over his fingers, he was extremely happy he could make Bakugou do this, and evidently bucked his hips up and came as well, digging his face into the crook of Bakugou's neck. The caramel scent was making him feel inebriated.

Eventually, everything calmed down, the boys chests rising and falling from their deep breaths as they regained composure after their orgasms. [Y/n] couldn't help but grin, pulling his hand away from Bakugou's overly sensitive dick. Bakugou didn't take his hand away, just leaning against [Y/n] and nuzzling his head into his shoulder, breathing heavily. After wiping his hand off on his pants, [Y/n] wrapped his arm around Bakugou and held him gently.

"You- came ..." [Y/n] laughed airily, resting his head in his hair, relaxing into his warmth.

"So did you," Bakugou mumbled silently. [Y/n] giggled at this and just nodded, taking deep breaths.

The boys didn't speak any further, just relaxing against each other, until [Y/n] forced Bakugou to get up and clean so his mother wouldn't walk in on them like that when she came home.

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