Mean Boys Two

By hemmofanatic

2M 74.1K 161K

"Get in loser we're going to college" More

Mean Boys Two
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Favor
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
I'm Sorry This Is Not A Chapter But It's Important
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Character List
Character Ask
Muke Answers
Cashton answers
The Girls Answers
The Other Band's Answers
Mr. Clifford Answers
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-One
Part Forty-Two
Part forty-two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Five
Part Forty-SIx
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Forty-Nine
Part Fifty
Part Fifty-One
Part Fifty-Two
Part Fifty-Three
Part Fifty-Four
Part Fifty-Five
Part Fifty-Six
Part Fifty-Seven
Part Fifty-Eight
Part Fifty-Nine
Part Sixty
Part Sixty-One
Part Sixty-Two
Part Sixty-Three
Part Sixty-Four
Part Sixty-Five
Part Sixty-Six
Part Sixty-Seven
Part Sixty-Eight
Part Sixty-Nine
Part Seventy
Part Seventy-One
Part Seventy-Two
Part Seventy-Three
Part Seventy-Four
Part Seventy-Five
Part Seventy-Six
Part Seventy-Seven
Part Seventy-Eight
Part Seventy-Nine
Part Eighty
Part Eighty-One
Part Eighty-Two?
Part Eighty-Two
Part Eighty-Three
Part Eighty-Four
Part Eighty-Five
Part Eighty-Six
Part Eighty-Eight
Part Ninety

Part Eighty-Seven

6.2K 672 1.9K
By hemmofanatic

Please take a minute or 5 or 10 or 60 to prepare yourself for the subliminal mind f*ck of subliminal mind f*cks.

You've been warned.

Buckle up people.



Glancing up from my tea I watched as Gobi finished lighting the last candle on the table infront of us, the only source of light in the otherwise dark room.

“A lock of your hair please.” Gobi said calmly.

“A lock of my what?” I demanded.

“You’re hair.” Gobi sighed.

“What like pull it out?” I questioned.

Nodding, he held out a manicured hand.

“I’m not ripping my hair out!” I scoffed.

Rolling her eyes, Morgan walked over to me and grabbing a small fingerful of my hair ripped it out.

“Ow!” I cried, jerking back.

“Oh shut up.” She laughed, “Try being a girl with thick hair and trying to brush your hair after a few days without showering.”

Carrying the hair over to Gobi she dropped it onto his palm.

“Thank you.” He said pleasantly, before dropping the hair into an upside-down skull.

“What’s happening exactly?” I questioned.

“You’ll see my boy.” He replied, before dropping a few drops of a liquid into the skull with the hair.

“How is any of this going to help Destiny?” I sighed.

“Can you shut up please?” he snapped.

My eyes widening, I fell silent.

“Good boy.” He laughed, “Now, may I see your hand?”

Wordlessly, I held my hand out and Gobi took it in his pudgy palms lightly.

“Wonderful fingers you have boy.” He informed me, before reaching inbetween his massive breasts and removing a large jagged knife.

“Wow!” I shouted, “No!”

I tried jerking my hand back, however before I could,  Gobi  ran the sharp blade across my palm. Crying out, I watched as seven drops of my blood spilled into the skull before he released me.

“What the hell are you doing you sicko?” I demanded.

“Ashton hush.” Morgan warned.

Ignoring me, Gobi began doing weird yoga stretches infront of the skull before pulling an iphone six from between his breasts and setting it down on the table.

“What are you doing?” I questioned.

Paying me no mind, Gobi pressed a button and the small apartment was suddenly filled by loud music.

“Pass that dutch, pass that dutch, pass that dutch, pass that dutch, pass that dutch.”

Putting his hand over his head, Gobi began turning in slow circles around the skull, muttering quietly under his breath.

“What the heck is happening?” I whispered.

“No idea.” Morgan muttered, “Just going.”

“Great spirits!” Gobi cried, squeezing his eyes tightly closed, “I call upon the great and powerful spirits from the great beyond! I summon your might from beyond the grave!”

“Gobi!” I cried, “Dude, dudette…. This… what are you doing?”

“Come my minions! Rise for your master, let your evil shine! Help this boy to help his poor girlfriend and travel back in time!”

Suddenly a thick smoke began pouring from the mouth, eyes and nose of the skull.

“Auncle what is going on?” Morgan demanded.

“It all started on a Tuesday.” He said rather manically, “The first Tuesday in October to be specific.”

Opening his eyelids, he revealed white orbs, his pupils rolled back in his head.

“What’s happening, let’s get out of here!” I cried.

Turning on my heel I started to run away however reaching out, Gobi grabbed me by the shoulder, digging his sharp nails into my skin.

“You have to choose!” he laughed hysterically, “One decision could change everything! Don’t fuck it up.”

“What are you talking about?” I demanded.

“Good luck Ashton.” He said hoarsely, “Your eyes will open at the close.”

“What?” I demanded.

“Goodbye Ashton.” Gobi cackled.

My eyes widening, I started to say something, however before I could my legs gave out beneath me.

“Ashton!” Morgan cried.

Suddenly sand began pouring out of my mouth, nose, ears and leaking from my eyes. My legs turned to sand, then my arms, my hands crumbling before me, and then finally, my body. Collapsing, my head twisted in the pile of sand until everything around me began to dissolve, fading to black.

And then, with a gasp my eyes flew open. Looking around I found myself lying on the floor, desks and feet surrounding me.

“Big foot.” A familiar voice coughed above me.

“Yeah, well, I’m sure that’s not the only big thing about him!”


“He’s got big feet. And big hands, I’m sure he’s also packing quite a….”

“Mr. Horan!”

Stunned, I scrambled to my feet and looking around the room found a very fetus Niall, Louis, Harry, Charlie, Erin and the rest of the class for that matter, watching me carefully.

My mouth widening in surprise I looked down at my purple shirt.

“Ashton.” Miss Norbury said slowly, “If you’re alright, please take a seat.”

“H….how did I end up here?” I demanded.

“Well.” Niall said, shoveling some chips into his mouth, “First your Mommy and Daddy met eachother, then they fell in love, or they were just horny little shits, either way, they did the do, and oops, Mommy’s eggo is prego , fast forward eighteen years an…..”

“Mr. Horan!” Miss Norbury warned, “That’s quite enough.”

Shrugging, Niall fell silent.

“Ashton sit down please.” Miss Norbury sighed.

Stunned I shuffled over to my seat, my mind reeling.

“Hey.” Niall whispered as I sat down, “Don’t worry about Louis, the guy that tripped you, he’s just an asshole.”

“An asshole with a good ass.” Harry muttered behind him.

“Shut up!” Niall laughed, “I swear to God, you’re too gay to function.”

My eyes wide, I looked between the two.

“I’m Niall.” He laughed, turning back to me, “And that’s Harry.”

“I know.” I replied.

“How?” Harry laughed, “It’s your first day.”

“Oh.” I mumbled, “I just um…..”

“Why do I hear talking?” Miss Norbury demanded.

“Because you came to school high as a kite again!” someone in the back of the room called out.

Startled I turned around and found a tall, attractive boy, examining his nail beds.

“Shut up Gwen.” Erin laughed.

So that was Gwen Coco? The punk who’d stood Destiny up at a dance.  Pissed off beyond belif I rose to my feet.

“Dude what are you doing?” Niall laughed, grabbing me by the sleeve and pulling me back down, “I know you’re used to African school where you like, write squiggles in the dirt or some shit but this is Murica baby.”

“Land of the free where everything is equal for everyone as long as you’re not a child, gay, female, or….”

“Are you on this tangent again?” Niall groaned, “You’re being pissy.”

“I can’t get married!” harry hissed, “And my sister can’t be president so I have a God given right to be pissy.”

“Can you all like, shut up?” Erin laughed, turning to face us.

“Yeah if you give me a hand job.” Niall chuckled.

“I would.” She giggled, “But I gave Michael one earlier and my hand is tired.”

“Is your mouth tired?” Niall questioned.

“Niall stop!” Harry hissed, smacking him on the back of the head, “Blow and hand jobs objectify women.”

“How!” Niall demanded.

“I’m sure Erin is good for a lot more then getting you off.” Harry scoffed.

“Not really.” Charlie muttered.

“Hey!” Miss Norbury cried turning around, “All of you be quiet!”

Frowning, I looked down at my desk.

Suddenly a piece of paper hit me on the side of the face.

Surprised, I picked it up and unfolding it found four words written in sloppy handwriting.

‘Have lunch with us.’

An hour and a half later I was sat at Niall and Harry’s lunch table with the rest of the 1D boys, listening to them carry on about nonsense I didn’t care about.

“Hey.” I sighed, rising to my feet, having had enough, “I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you doing?” Liam questioned.

Shrugging, I shoved my hands in my pockets before turning on my heel and walking directly over to where Luke, Michael and Calum were sat.

“I’m exhausted.” Michael muttered, taking a sip of his water, “Regina was a total bitch last night so I had to go get Des and then she was crying all night, big surprise there so I got like one hour of slee….”

As I stopped infront of their table Michael fell silent.

“What is he doing here?” Luke whispered.

“So you see him too?” Calum questioned.

His eyes, widening Luke nodded.

“I’m sorry, are you lost?” Michael laughed.

“Um no.” I said slowly.

“Oh my Gosh!” he replied, laughing, “You’re the new kid aren’t you?”

“Yeah.” I sighed, “I guess.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you look freakishly like Even Peters?” he demanded.

“Yeah.” I replied.

Michael frowned, “Are you just going to stand here like a dumb ass?”

“No, Michael.” I said slowly, “I actually have a few things to say.”

“What?” Luke questioned eagerly.

“Michael.” I laughed, “Stop being a dick to everyone. We all know you’re a massive kitten, no scratch that, a care bear, with a massive heart and you’ll do anything for the people you care about so quit acting like a dick. Luke. Don’t ever change man, but just a quick note, don’t feed babies pickles and don’t ever take Destiny snowboarding. Ever.”

“What the frick?” Michael cried, “How do you know my sister and why the hell would she go snowboarding with this oaf?”

“I’m from the future.” I replied bluntly.

“No you’re not!” Michael laughed, banging his fist on the table, “If you were from the future you’d have a since of style and wouldn’t be wearing that God awful, hideous purple shirt!”

“There’s nothing wrong with this damn shirt!” I cried.

“Yes there is!” Michael laughed, “And that bracelet is the ugliest effing thing I’ve ever seen!”

“Yeah okay buddy.” I scoffed, “Ease up on the hair dye.”

“What?” Michael cried, “Why? NO!”

“Your Dad is bald.” I answered, “Male pattern baldness is genetic, by the time you’re nineteen you’ll be halfway there.”

“What the hell?” Michael cried, “You freak you don’t know shit!”

“What is going on over here?” Glen Coco laughed, stopping beside me.

“Oh I’ll tell you what’s going on!” I cried, “I’m going to beat your ass, that’s going on!”

Grabbing his tray, I ripped it out of his hands, dumping his lunch on the ground, before hitting him in the face with it. His eyes rolling back in his head, Glen wobbled a moment before falling over.

“What the hell?” Erin screamed, dropping to her knees next to Gwen.

“That’s for Destiny.” I spat, “And this, this is for Charlie.”

Reaching over onto the next table where a girl had the contents of her backpack spread out, I removed a pair of scissors before grabbing Erin’s hair in a handful and hacking it all off.

“What is wrong with you?” she screamed.

“Oh my God.” Calum  muttered, “You…. You’re a freak.”

“Psycho!” Michael snarled.

Rising to his feet he pushed me down. Surprised, I fell backwards onto my bottom. Closing my eyes as my fell, I inhaled sharply before opening my eyes. Letting out a gasp I scrambled to my feet and looked around wildly.

I was in a bar, surrounded by about twelve girls staring up at a stage where Luke, Calum and Michael had just walked out.

Stunned, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small slender remote.

“Oh my God.” I breathed, realizing that I could travel through time freely with the simple touch of a button.

“Get up here loser!” Michael snapped, startling me back to the present, “We’re banding.”

Sorry I havne't update in a while. I will a lot more tomorrow. 

Thanks for reading :)

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