Ever After 3 (x Reader)

By Reign1990

11.8K 499 233

You and Alex have survived a lot and come out the other end stronger, but when shadows from someone else's pa... More

Family Dinners
Midvale Mornings
Tears For Fears
A Danvers Night Out.
Naughty Elves & Strays
Evil Lena Luthor.
That Sneaky Elf
The Trap & The Elf Threesome
Admiring Your Wife's Bottom Is A Civil right.
Danvers Sisters Vs Failure
Cranky Alex
Suited And Booted
The Big Question

The Many Errors Of Kara Danvers

669 32 3
By Reign1990

(Y/n) paced back and forth anxiously, she'd been wearing a hole in the floor of Alex's office ever since Alex had dragged her there.

How could Lena have disappeared?


"This was the whole reason why I moved here!" (Y/n) said frustrated with the course of events. "To keep her out of trouble!" 

What was it with that woman that she encountered such misfortune and bad luck so frequently?

"Unfortunetly, trouble seems to find Lena." Alex sighed. 

Kara had told them when she had calmed down enough how she'd gone to Lena's office to have lunch together since Connor came along, it was getting harder to have time alone.

Instead, Kara had found her office empty and a suspiciously ominous note on her desk.

"Just calm down." Alex finally said, blocking (Y/n) from marching further, reaching for her hands. Alex held them in her own and looked deeply into her wife's eyes. "We are old pros at this, don't worry."

"I'm not worrying, I know who is at the bottom of this." (Y/n) said, raising her voice; it was the same person who was responsible every single time Lena came into danger.

"Lex," Kara said knowingly. It was as plain as the nose on her face; whenever Lena befell near-death or kidnap, it was either Morgan Edge or her delightful elder brother.

(Y/n) nodded as Alex got that familiar knot in her stomach as she watched the look her wife and sister shared. "Now both of you calm down, we don't know anything yet it's too early."

Alex needed to stop something before it got out of hand. They needed to think logically at this time, not go off on a rage-filled tirade.

"Sorry, Alex, but I'm not prepared to wait," Kara told her sister firmly.

"I'm with Kara." (Y/n) nodded her gaze directed at her cousin, whoever was responsible for Lena's disappearance, this time, would pay.

Lex Luthor would be their first visit, that shiny cue ball knew something, and the two supers were determined to get it out of him.

Alex found herself in a position she hadn't seen herself before. She was the calm one and not the one going out gung-ho using violence for answers, just yet anyway.

Alex found herself amazed for a moment, she had matured, and she had no idea when it had happened.

Seeing the determination in her wife and sisters' eyes, Alex let out a long exasperated breath. "Fine, but there is no way I am letting you two go and interrogate Luthor, (Y/n) you go and check out Lena's office, you may be able to find something."

(Y/n)'s face fell. "What, why can't I go?"

Alex shrugged her shoulders and, with her finger, hit her wife on the nose. "Because I'm your boss."

"Fine, but I make no promises that I will not charge in that place and shove bald his head up his ginormous ass and make him wear his asshole as a wig!" (Y/n)'s promise made Alex pause for thought, that was precisely the kind of thing she would endorse later, much later when they had found Lena. The mess was sorted. Alex would have to tell (Y/n) how absolutely perfect they were for each other.

"Good idea." Kara supplied seriously. "I'll see to that." No one harms my Lena.


(Y/n) waited for no invitations before she barged into Lena's office at L-Corp, set on finding evidence. (Y/n) did not expect to see was the scene that met her.


"(Y/n)." Lena smiled as though Kara hadn't interrupted (Y/n)'s and Alex's fun sparring session like a bat out of hell, declaring prophecies of doom about her girlfriends' disappearance.

"What the....." The super's jaw fell open at the sight of her cousin sat behind her desk as large as life on the other side, a woman. "What's happening?"

At first, the strange woman was unfamiliar to (Y/n), her long black hair was pulled up in a tight bun that stretched out her skin, making her look frightfully stern.

The woman didn't look up as (Y/n) walked closer, she turned her head away slightly.

"I'm in a meeting (Y/n), excuse me, Ms. Smith, but my cousin can be very rude, she's probably come to update me on the status of her wife's bottom again." Lena joked with the woman, and although the woman let out a quiet chuckle, she did not look up.

"Lena, a word please." (Y/n) said, heading for the balcony door.

"She probably found a new crease, lady time that happened she mourned for three days until she realized it was just where her wife had been sitting," Lena said, rolling her eyes. What was wrong with (Y/n) today that she was interrupting her meeting?

"First of all that was one time and I was right to worry, Alex has the most perfect ..."

"(Y/n) no offense to you, but I don't want to spend all day hearing about your wife's backside." Lena sighed impatiently. "What did you want?"

"Kara said you had disappeared." (Y/n) rushed out as she lunged forward and pulled her woman into her arms, holding her as tightly as she could.

The relief was starting to settle in the super, but that fear that took over when she thought someone had hurt her cousin again.

"She said what?" Lena gasped the breath being squeezed from her lungs as (Y/n) refused to let go.

"Disappeared, she said you were missing." (Y/n) cried. "You are you aren't you?" (Y/n) asked, pushing Lena away, holding her at arm's length as (Y/n) inspected every inch of the raven-haired woman's face and body.

"Of course it is, what the hell is going on?" Lena demanded to manage to free herself from her cousin's grip.

"I told you, Kara said....hey, what happened to the woman?" (Y/n) asked her gaze drifting to the inside of the room where the seat the dark-haired woman sat was now empty.

Lena turned her head, and her brows furrowed, the woman was indeed gone. "That's you, you bring your craziness in, and strangers judge me."

"Hey, it was your girlfriend screeching you'd been kidnapped I was happily about to get ...errr you know by my wife, I'd rather be doing that right now." (Y/n) defended herself.

What had Kara seen and mistaken for this Lena Luthor drama? It was definitely something that Lena had become well known for, but here the woman was alive and well in her office.

"I don't like the way you say that like she's not your blood relation." Lena rolled her eyes before returning to her office. "The craziness must be genetic."

"Hey, no way she's my second cousin, and I'm not crazy." (Y/n) said following Lena inside.

When (Y/n) entered the office, Lena had her cell phone to her ear, and (Y/n) was satisfied by the look on her face and that infamous elevated eyebrow she was calling Kara.

Kara was in deep shit.


(Y/n) set down the bowl of pasta in front of her wife, Alex looked up and sent her a smile, it had been an extraordinary day, but Alex had to admit she was glad it had turned out to be nothing.

They'd returned home later than usual, the sun had already set, and they sat in their kitchen the blinds closed, and the light switched on.

Little Bear was curled up in the corner after taking Alex's not so subtle hint that begging for food was not something they as a family tolerated. Mainly when he ate more than them.

Yogi was in his new favorite spot asleep under the coffee table; he would go there to leap out on Bear and promptly hide, occasionally his wait would get too long, and he'd fall asleep.

"Do you think it's bad that Kara is a journalist when she can't read a simple note correctly?" (Y/n) asked, twirling some spaghetti around her fork.

"Just be thankful it wasn't the disaster she made it out to be." Alex shrugged. "I'd like to have a few years of drama-free after everything we've been through."

"That woman, though, there was something about her." (Y/n) said mystically, she'd seen her somewhere she just knew she had.

"Something about her?" Alex repeated.

"Yeah, I can't place her, and maybe my mind is playing tricks on me because she wouldn't look my way, but then I was more concerned with Lena, but the more I think about her, the more I think I've known her."

Alex's eyebrows drew together in contemplation. "Maybe she just reminded you of someone."


"Just enjoy your dinner, you had a lot to take in today, there was me in a suit and our little sparring session." Alex smiled, her eyes lifting up to gaze at (Y/n) a teasing twinkle in the depths of her dark eyes.

"Yes, you in a suit, that was quite something, but I prefer you in nothing at all."

"I am aware of that." Alex chuckled. "Everyone is aware of that."

(Y/n)'s cheeks blushed slightly.

"I was thinking about names last night." Alex nonchalantly added.

"Oh, names for what, goldfish?" (Y/n) teased.

"Names for our child, of course, you can't tease me anymore (Y/n) it doesn't work, especially when I have ammo to hit you back with." Alex smugly smirked.

"You've become too evil."

"Well." Alex grinned. "I am married to you." 

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