Push (BXB)

By AllAboutTheSmut

563K 19.8K 4.7K

Makil Oliver is a 19 year old genius who just graduated college with a Masters in Communication. His life has... More

The Whole Package
Rain Check
Date Night
Blue on Blue
Goodbye To You
Office Affairs
Fire With Fire
Daddy Ares
Face Off
99 Problems
Daddy N Law
Don't Cry
Author's Reveal
Where Everything Began
Where to Begin
Mr. Parker
Finally Encouragement
Mr. Parker's Surprise
Two Mr. Parkers
Don't Hate Me


8.7K 360 56
By AllAboutTheSmut

***Grey's POV***

Things have been so much calmer since the incident with Carl. Mak is easing off the antidepressants. His anxiety has been almost non-existent. Mak is all around in a better mind set.

We have finally found our comfortable routine. God it feels like forever since we have been in a pattern of happiness, it was long overdue.

We returned to work, thank the heavens. I even began to miss my own office. Kip and Mario still work as our CPOs. I reassigned the other six members of our security team.

That night when Mak found his own form of oblivion, my Dad came over. My baby was so excited. He has some sort of hero worship towards my father. I understand it. However, Mak is the real hero.

Thanks to Mak, six other kids came forward with prosecutable cases. Mak may not get his personal abuse vindicated. However, second hand justice is better than none at all.

Tonite we are meeting the boys for drinks and a night of fun. It's been a rush hour minute since we went out on the town. I'm excited. Mak is a great companion in anything, but the bar scene brings out his playful side. That's one of my favorite personalities of Mak.

As the clock hits that glorious five o'clock hour, I quietly stand to stretch with a groan. It doesn't matter which executive seat you purchase, nine hours of sitting on your ass causes your body to feel ninety years old. I turn off my lap top, grab my keys and grab my phone. I hit the lights as I close my door and lock it.

Turning around, I am immediately engulfed in warmth. Mak wraps his arm around me as he tilts his head to smile charmingly into my eyes. I lean down to kiss his beautiful lips.

What a fucking dream.

I slip my hand around his waist and yell for Mark to hurry the fuck up, we aren't getting any younger. Soon after, I hear my best friend closing his door. He whines dramatically and groans as he comes to stand beside us. He acts like he worked all day or something.

If watching porn at your desk is work, I guess he should be beat.

"What time are we meeting up?" Mark questions with his tired voice.

"Seven, the usual." I inform him. We walk in comfortable silence to our elevator. I push the button for the garage while we huddle inside, waiting for the doors to close.

The elevator stops on floor one so that Kip and Mario can step in. We step closer to one another. The two burly body guards fill the entire front row.

Even knowing that Carl is in jail doesn't stop my CPOs from building a meat wall in front of my beloved.

"How was your day?" I ask Kip.

"Boring, it was more fun when Mak had stalkers." Kip grumbles.

"I will take boring over head hunted any day." Mak squeaks up.

"Me too buddy." Mario reaches up and rubs my baby's back.

"I don't want anyone to be after you Mak. It's just I would have appreciated at least catching Susan stealing supplies from the office. I mean, we stared at dead air all day." Kip chuckles as he replays his extremely boring day.

"That's what the bar is for. No doubt you can scrape your knuckles when a drunkard grabs your man's ass." Mark laughs knowingly.

Kip will rip a fucker apart for breathing the same air as Mario. And he says he's not possessive. I roll my eyes at my internal thoughts.

The elevator doors open and we all step outside.

Mak slides into the Aston Martin while I close his door. Mark shoots off to his sleek Audi R8. Kip and Mario jump into Kip's obnoxiously large Chevrolet Silverado.

My hand automatically finds Mak's once inside my Aston Martin. I smile at my love. He's just so fucking beautiful.

We drive thru the Manhattan rush hour traffic, discussing the day and our adventure tonite.

As we walk thru the doors of our home, we deposit our keys and cell phone on the table. We quickly strip once in the room and head to the shower. We both work soap into one another's bodies. Then we wash the other's hair.

Once we are clean we wrap up in our towels to get dressed. We work in comfortable silence as we choose our outfits for the bar. I can't help the way my eyes slide down Mak's exposed flesh while he stands staring at his wardrobe. I drink in the lines and planes of his delicious body. His back muscles flex while he reaches for the shirt he chose.

I quickly slide my hands around his abdomen and plant a soft kiss between his shoulder blades. He shivers under my touch.

The way his body reacts to my touch is purely sinful.

I trail wet open mouth kisses up his collarbone. He lays his head to the side, granting me more flesh to devour. I chase the kisses with a sweep of my tongue, eliciting soft mewls from my love.

His hands drop the shirt. He reaches both arms over his head and runs them up my neck, caging my lips to his neck.

I sway our bodies gently while I continue worshipping his creamy skin.

When my lips reach the soft spot below his ear, Mak giggles.

I peck him over and over in his sweet spot. He giggles repetitively. I love the sound of his soft giggles.

"Grey." Mak moans out in a whiny warning.

I smirk against his neck and turn his body around. I grab his hips and hoist him into my arms. He wraps his legs around my waist as the towel unravels and slips gracefully to the floor.

I walk him to the back wall and press his back against the wall. Then I capture his lips in a heated exchange of adoration and love. Mak holds my face in place as he kisses me back hungrily. I feel him hardening against my abs. My dick pays respects to his glorious reaction. It becomes silken steel.

I press my cock against his ass while massaging his juicy globes.

"Baby, we're going to be late." Mak pleads.

His exact request is beyond me.

"Mhmm." I agree into his mouth.

Mak tangles his fingers into my hair and pulls me back. I suppress the whine that threatens to escape.

I lean my forehead against his and sigh huskily.

"Later?" I ask knowingly.

"Ravish me later, Daddy." Mak nods at my request.

This fucker.

I grip his ass painfully as I struggle to comply with his wishes.

I move to step back and let Mak slide down my legs. I gently place him on his feet and peck his lips in acceptance.

We separate and Mak makes quick work of covering his tempting body in clothing. He yanks on his tattered skinny jeans. He slides his black studded belt thru the loops and corrects its position. I watch as he slides a red t shirt over his head and covers his chest.

I internally groan while he covers my personal canvas.

Mak pulls on his leather jacket and flips the sleeves.

He bends down and puts his socks on before pulling his black boots on. He looks back at me and winks as he catches me eyeing his perfect ass.

I wink back, turn around and drop my towel. Being the seductive fucker I am, I make slow work of standing in front of my man. I choose my skinny jeans and Calvin Klein's with drawn out thought. I grab my jean button up and white v neck.

I turn and let him see my titanium rod standing proudly. Then I smirk as Mak's lustful eyes rake up and down my naked body.

Being intensely teasing, I brush by Mak letting my ass sweep past his clothed crotch.

Mak follows me like a stray puppy. I bend completely over and slide my grey Calvins up my legs. I do the same with my jeans, silently enjoying his watchful stare. I turn so he can watch my abs flex as I roll the snug v neck over my chiseled chest. I purposefully flex my biceps while Mak gulps audibly.

Take that you little shit.

I smile ruefully while slipping on my jean button up. I hurriedly tie my boots on. I look down and trail my eyes hungrily up Mak's form and button the shirt slowly while coming up to meet his eyes.

I stare at him from the corner of my eye. Then I pinch my bottom lip between my thumb and forefinger releasing it with a moan. Adding icing to the cake, I lick my lips and sigh while fully before turning around and walking out of the bedroom too slowly.

I hear his footsteps before I feel him jump on my back. His lips take my earlobe and he runs his teeth down the shell. I hold back the tremble that threatens to break my facade.

I lift my arm behind me, grab his thigh and swing him around as his back slams against the dining room wall. I delve straight into his sweet mouth with no warning. Mak gasps as I suck his air into my mouth. I swipe my tongue inside of his moist cavern and greedily steal his breath with a devouring assault.

Mak audibly whines as I deliver the searing, lustful kiss.

When I pull back, Mak's chest is heaving. His eyes are blown wide and his hips are circling my torso. He presses his hard on up and down my stomach.

"Daddy will ravish you later." I promise with a pat to his butt. I set him down, grab my keys and phone. Then I smirk as he pants while following behind me.

"Fucking tease." Mak spits at me.

"You will be spanked for that later, count on it." I promise.

"Pshhh, okay." Mak huffs.

I let Mak take the lead into the elevator. When the door closes, I pull my hand back and land a powerful blow on his ass cheek. His feet come off the floor. He literally moans loudly and adjusts himself.

"Yes, sir." Mak whispers as he clutches my shirt and kisses me slow and torturously all the way down to the garage.

"It's gonna be a long night." I whisper under my breath.

"You can count on it." Mak winks.

We finally make it to the car at 6:40 pm. We rush thru the streets trying not to be late.

As I pull into the parking lot at the bar, I rush out and grab Mak's door. I open it for the love of my life as he blesses the crowd with his presence. I wrap my arm around his waist and give him a tight squeeze before gripping his chin and kissing him yet again.

I spot Mark coming from his vehicle. Mario and Kip get out of Kip's truck as well.

Skipping the crowd, we waltz past the line. I nod at the bartender as we walk forward to find a place to sit.

"There." The bartender points to a roped off booth. I nod and mouth thank you. The server comes and sets down a set of beers before the next one brings tequila shots.

"You call ahead?" I ask Kip.

"You know it." Kip smirks.

We lick our wrists, pour the salt on our skin and lick before slamming the shot and biting the lime.

"To closure, beginnings and happy endings." Mario smiles widely.

I look around the table and take in the faces of my amazing friends. I smile widely while I thank God for the blessings in my life.

Just as we finish our first beer, more shots and drinks find their way to our table. I lift my eyes to the server and grin wickedly at the sight.

"Daddy Parker." Mak jumps from the seat beside me and lands in my Dad's arms. My mom, Amelia, smiles beautifully as she rubs my love's back.

"Didn't know you were coming." I say as I stand up to kiss my Mom's cheek and hug my Dad.

"Kip said my boy missed me." Dad grins.

"I always miss you." I chuckle.

"He was talking about Mak." Kip chuckles.

"I'm not sure which one of us he is dating." I grumble.

"I love both my Daddies." Mak winks.

My Dad guffaws.

I am sure I just turned fifty shades of scarlet.

"Daddy?" My mom giggles.

I shake my head as I scratch my neck.

Mak slides out of Dad's muscular arms. He comes to me and sits in my lap. He wraps his arms around my neck and stares straight into my eyes.

"Daddy." Mak purrs.

This fucker.

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