Love is Eternity

By dEaYrEkSness

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Yolei Inoue is struggling to live the happy, perfect life she ones lived. With tragedy striking her family sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

85 2 3
By dEaYrEkSness

Reminders: Minor details may be incorrect. This story contains OCs and some characters maybe OCC. Sorry for my grammar/spelling, and please no flames.

Note: This story does contain smut, lime; I suck at writing them thou.

WARNING: This story contains strong language. Rated M for language, violence, and mature content (smut/ lime).

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon.

Chapter 10

Ken was finally here; he looked up at the place Yolei was. It was some abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Ken took a deep breath to calm his nervous. Ken only thoughts were to find Yolei and keep her safe. But he needed to make sure he didn't do something stupid to piss Lee off.

Ken finally entered the warehouse. He walked deeper into the building but couldn't see well or hear anything. Hopeful Lee hadn't given Ken the wrong location. Just then Ken heard a noise from behind. Turning around Ken saw was something coming towards his face fast and then everything went black.


Ken slowly opened his eyes. His head hurt and he couldn't remember what had happened. He had been... looking for Yolei and then everything went black! He as hit with something shit!

Ken tried to get up to continue his search, however, noticed he was unable to move. He looked at himself and noticed he was tied to a chair. Struggling, Ken tried to break out. What the hell was Lee doing?! What the hell was the crazy man planning?! Ken was done with Lee's games. He just wanted to make sure Yolei was safe.

"Lee what the fuck is going on! Let me go now!" Ken yelled. He didn't know what type of game Lee was playing but he didn't like it.

Just then Ken heard a door being open and saw someone walking in. Ken knew it was Lee, however he wasn't alone. As Lee came near Ken, Ken got a better view of what Lee was carrying.

Ken cursed as he noticed an unconscious Yolei in his arms. What the hell had he done to her?

Ken struggled harder to get free. He needed to get Yolei away from Lee. "What did you do to her? Yolei? Yolei wake up!" Ken yelled.

"Don't worry, she's fine. She was being mouthy when I told her you were here. Needed to shut up the bitch," Lee said. As he stood in front of Ken, Lee smiled down on Yolei, then dropped her to the ground.

Ken heard a noise and knew Yolei was hurt. Fuck! If only he could free himself and get to her. Ken felt helpless. He was so close to Yolei but couldn't do anything for her. Ken had hurt Yolei many times and he knew he had to make it up to her. He knew he needed to get her free and away from Lee.

Ken knew getting angry won't help so he would try something else. "Lee you called me here, what do you want?" Ken asked. Ken knew Lee wanted something. And Ken was going to find out what.

Lee smiled at Ken, so finally he could hurt Ken, he could take the one thing Ken loved most...Yolei.

Smiling Lee looked down at Yolei. She was helpless and Lee could do whatever he liked and Ken couldn't do anything to stop him.

"Do you know what I want Ken? I want to hurt you... I want to take everything you love away from you. You ruined my life... so I thought why not ruin yours? Why don't I take something you love away from you... and I know you love Yolei," Lee said looking down at the purple haired woman on the ground.

"Look Lee... whatever you want just tell me and I can give it to you. You want to hurt me then hurt me, or take everything I have, take my money, my company whatever. This has nothing to do with Yolei," Ken pleaded. "So please leave her out of this!"

Lee smiled at Ken. Would Ken really give him everything he wanted? Was Yolei more important to Ken then his multibillion-dollar company? Was she really that special? Lee thought about it. If he listened to Ken and took what Ken offered; then Lee wouldn't be getting what he wanted. Lee wouldn't get to hurt Ken the way Ken had hurt him! Lee knew Ken was faking all this, there was no way Ken would give Lee anything. No Lee wasn't stupid!

Lee looked down at the purple head and then back at the blue head, "do you think I'm stupid?! Come on there's no way you would give me anything just to save her life," Lee said, turning his attention to Yolei. "You know what I can't take your lies! I want to hurt you and I know just how to do it!"

With that Lee kicked the purple head woman on the ground.

Yolei finally opened her eyes from the pain and grabbed onto her aching stomach. She couldn't believe Lee kicked her. Yolei couldn't believe this. She looked up at Lee with tears in her eyes and then she froze. Wait... Ken was here? Yolei couldn't believe it. Ken really did come for her! "Ken," Yolei asked. She needed to make sure he was okay.

"Yolei are you okay?! Lee please stops!" Ken begged; he couldn't take this anymore. He didn't want to see Lee hurting Yolei, while Ken was useless to help. No! Ken was going to save her this time! He owed it to her for everything he'd done to her.

Lee ignored Ken and turned his attention to Yolei. "I see you're finally awake," Lee said, with that he bent down to Yolei.

Yolei tried to move away, however Lee grabbed onto her arms, stopping her. He wasn't going to let her go. He let one of his hands run over her cheek, then down her body. He could feel Yolei shaking and he loved it. Lee looked up at Ken, he could see the anger in Ken's eyes and continued. Lee brought his lips over Yolei's.

"Fuck! Lee don't touch her! I swear I'm not lying I'll give you everything! Just... just don't hurt her!" Ken yelled. He couldn't watch this! He couldn't watch this man touch Yolei! Watch this man force himself on her! Ken wanted Lee away from her, however Lee wouldn't listen to Ken. No matter what Ken said, Lee wouldn't believe that Ken was willing to give up everything he had just to save Yolei! That Yolei was more important than anything Ken owned. Ken didn't know what to say to make Lee believe him.

Lee broke the kiss and looked down at the girl. He really loved her, and he knew Yolei still loved him. She just needed to be reminded. This was why he had to do this to her. This was why he had to teach her a lesson. Lee smiled at Yolei, he knew she hated his touch, however, today he was going to make sure she would never forget his hands on her body. He was going to make sure she always remembered that she belonged to him.

With that though in mind he lowered both his hands and felt her body. He could hear Yolei telling him to stop, but he wasn't going to. He was going to make sure that she remembered his touch everyday of her life!

"LEE! P...Pl... Please stop!" Yolei sobbed. She tried to push him off, she tried to stop him, but she couldn't. She couldn't do anything. Yolei hated feeling this helpless; she hated this part of her.

Yolei closed her eyes as she felt him undoing her shirt, no! She didn't want to be taken like this. Not in front of KEN! Oh god... Yolei couldn't stand this, she wanted everything to stop, she just wished the world would stop!

"46-758-07. That's the code to the safe at my house. You can also find the deed to my company, and everything I own there. Let her go and I swear I'll give you everything you want!" Ken yelled. It was the only thing he could do. It was the only thing he could think of. He needed to stop Lee.

Lee froze and got off Yolei. He turned towards Ken. Was Ken telling the truth? Lee wasn't sure.

Yolei wiped the tears in her eyes and looked at Ken in disbelief. Ken was saying he would give Lee everything he owned just to save her?! No! NO! Ken couldn't do that.... Ken must be crazy!

"Ken no! You can't do that!" Yolei said. She wasn't going to let Ken give up everything he worked so hard to get just for her!

"Yolei... I love you. I'm stupid that I didn't realize before. But its true. I love you and I'm not going to let him hurt you anymore," Ken said. He really did love her and giving up everything he had meant nothing to him if it meant Yolei would be save.

Yolei couldn't believe what she was hearing. Ken just told her he loved her?! Was this real. No, no she couldn't think of that right now. She needed to stop Ken. "No! Ken you can't give this disgusting man anything," Yolei said turning her attention to Lee, who was starting back at her. She could see the anger in his face.

"You fucking bitch," Lee said. He had been patient with her for too long. Lee knew he had treated Yolei to well. Guess he needed to hurt her to teach her a lesson. With that he bent down and slapped her across the face.

Yolei fell on her back, and didn't get time to recover, as she felt was his hands around her neck, squeezing tight.

Lee didn't want Ken's money anymore. No, now all he wanted was to teach her a lesson and if that meant kill the bitch, he would do it! Yolei needed to realize that if she wasn't going to be his or accept his love then she won't get anyone's.

Yolei tried getting his hands off her. It was getting hard to breath, and she felt weaker. She needed him to let her go! Yolei tried to loosen his hands but couldn't. Yolei closed her eyes; she was really going to die this time. She had thought about dying many times... however, now she wasn't sure if she was ready to die. She wanted to tell Ken that she loved him too. She wanted to feel his lips on hers again. She wanted to see her brother, her sisters, all her friends and Hawkmon one last time. She couldn't die like this!

She could hear Ken's voice, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. Just when Yolei thought she was going to die, Lee's grip around her disappeared. She felt Lee being pulled off her. She couldn't move and she couldn't open her eyes. All she knew was that Lee was off her and that she wasn't dead!

She could feel the air rushing back into her lungs as she started to cough. She was so glad she was still alive!

"You bastard!" Ryuu screamed as he pulled Lee off Yolei. He heard about this Lee guy from Ken and Kai before. However, Ryuu never thought this guy would come back to hurt her again! This guy was crazy! But this time Ryuu was going to make sure Lee didn't get away. Time they were going to get Lee sent to prison for his whole life.

Once Ryuu had walked into the room, he had seen Lee choking Yolei. He couldn't believe this! Ryuu needed to help her and that's what he did. He pulled Lee off Yolei as Kai ran to help the purple head woman. Ryuu wanted to kill Lee right now. However, he couldn't.

Ryuu pushed Lee over to John as he walked in. "Lock him up. The bastard deserves to be locked up for life," Ryuu spat as he looked at the police chief and then Lee. With that Ryuu walked over towards Ken and started untying the man.

Ryuu frowned at Ken. Ken was covered in blood and it looked like he had a naught wound on his head. "You okay man?" Ryuu asked as he untied the last knot.

As soon as the ropes were off Ken went running over to Yolei. He wanted to make sure she was okay. He needed to know she was safe. He couldn't believe Lee would try to kill her; he couldn't believe someone wanted to kill Yolei. Ken could still see Lee's handprints around Yolei's neck, and it pissed him off. As Ken got in front, he moved Yolei's hair from out of her face, he wanted to see her face. As he moved her hair out of the way he frowned.

Yolei's face had burses, her neck was covered in marks, and her tears flow freely down her face. Ken wanted to hug her, wanted to hold her and make sure she was okay, but he couldn't. He couldn't touch her after everything he put her though.

Kai seemed to know Ken was struggling so Kai wrapped his arms around the girl hugging her against him.

"Yolei you're going to be okay. Lee's not going to hurt you ever again," Kai said rubbing her back. He could feel her shaking and he wanted her to calm down. Kai looked at Ken and could see the concern on his face. Kai knew Ken should be the one that was holding her. The only one that made her feel safe.

Lee smiled watching the scene in front. Did these people really think they could stop him from having Yolei. Lee wasn't done with her. He wasn't going to rest until he had her... and if she kept running away from him, he would just have to make sure no one else could have her!

"Like you can really protect her," came Lee's voice. All eyes turned to him expect Yolei. He could still see her shaking and knew he had changed her forever. Lee kept his eyes on Yolei as he continued; "I can see you've done a great job now. Just remember Ken, Yolei is and always will be mine. I'm not going to let you take her away from me."

How dare Lee say that! How could he?! Ken couldn't hear this anymore. He wanted to destroy Lee. He wanted to show Lee that Yolei wasn't his! Getting up Ken went over towards Lee. He would have punched the man had John no stopped Ken.

"I will never let you hurt her again. Trust me Lee... this was your last time you'd be able to hurt her," Kenn hissed into Lee's angry face. Ken would not let Lee think he won. Lee needed to know it was over. He would never hurt Yolei again. Ken was going to make sure Lee never got out; that Lee would never be able to reach Yolei. Ken turned to John, "take this disgusting man away."

Ken watched as the angry Lee was put into the police car then taken away.

Once he was gone Yolei didn't know if she could move. She was still scared. Lee said he would come back. What if he got out of jail somehow and came for her? She would be alone. No, no, Yolei needed to have faith in the justice system. They would protect her. And having Kai hold her, having him here, made Yolei feel a bit better.

Yolei looked into Kai's eyes, she didn't want to be here. She wanted to be away from here. She wanted to go home! "I... I want to go home ... Please take me home. Please!" Yolei half begged. She wanted to be away from here. She wanted to forget this whole day!

Kai started back at her. He had never seen Yolei like this. He looked at Ken and knew that Ken was just as worried.

"Kai, I think it's a good idea if you take her home," Ryuu said. He knew Ken wanted to hold her, say something to her but Ken just couldn't right now. Kai looked at Ryuu and nodded before he helped Yolei up and started his way out. John had told Yolei they would send some cops and a paramedic to her place to check on her and get a statement in a few hours, before the pair left the scene.

Ken watched as Yolei left with Kai. He wanted to say something, he wanted to hold her, tell her he loves her, and he always would but he couldn't. Ken knew that deep down he would only hurt her. He couldn't make her happy. Ken frowned. Why did he have to mess up his relationship with Yolei! Why couldn't he have realized from the very start that he truly loved her? That she was the woman he wanted to spend his life with.

"Ken, I think we should take you to the hospital. I think your head's still bleeding," came Ryuu's voice from in front. Looking up Ken noticed Ryuu standing there watching him. Ken shook his head telling Ryuu he was alright. However, as Ken stood up, he wasn't sure.

As Ken stood, he felt dizzy. He would have fallen had Ryuu not been there for him. Shaking his head, Ken tried to stead himself. He wanted to see Yolei. Ken wanted to know she was safely home.

Ryuu frowned at Ken's stubbornness. Ryuu knew Ken needed to get that injury looked at. He needed to make sure he was okay. Sure, Ryuu was still mad at Ken for everything he had done to Yolei. However, Ken was like a little brother to him and Ryuu still cared for him! And watching Ken with Yolei, Ryuu knew Ken loved Yolei as much as she loved him. He'd seen what Ken would give up and do wo save Yolei.

"Ken, Yolei is going to be okay. Kai will take her home safely and then her brother won't let her out of his site. Once we get you checked up and all clear, you can go see her." Ryuu said.

Ken looked up at Ryuu with water eyes. "Come on Ken, everything's going to be okay. She will be okay," Ryuu said putting an arm around Ken. Ryuu hadn't seen Ken cry ever. This was new.

"Ryuu... this is all my fault! I'm the one that got Lee to attack her again. If I hadn't met him, he wouldn't have hurt her like that! God if I hadn't hurt her, I would still be with her. I could have protected her. But no, I screwed up! I messed up and now I lost her! I lost the one woman I love," Ken said as he put his head in his hands. He truly messed up everything.

"Come on Ken you haven't lost her. She still loves you. I know it. Just the way she looked at you, you can tell that no matter what you did, she still loves you," Ryuu said. It was true; Ryuu knew that after all the things Ken had done Yolei still loved him.

However, Ken seem like he didn't believe it. Ken shook his head. "How can she love me after everything I put her through?" Ken questioned Ryuu. He couldn't believe that Yolei would still love him after all the hurt he caused her.

"I'm not sure, that's something you need to talk to her about. Now come Ken we need to take you to the hospital." With that Ryuu helped Ken up.

Ryuu knew once Ken was okay and when Yolei was calm, Ken would be able to talk to her, and get this whole mess cleaned up. He just hoped for the best for them both.


Days passed since the incident with Lee, and every time Yolei closed her eyes she would see him. She was afraid he would be there waiting for her when she opened her eyes. Afraid that somehow, he would get out of jail and come for her. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept peacefully.

"Yolei can I come in," Mantarou said. He'd been very protective, and there wasn't a minute were he would leave alone. Yolei felt bad that Mantarou was putting his life on hold to help her out again.

"Come in," Yolei responded, and frowned as he walked in. He didn't look like he was getting much sleep as well. "Are you okay?" Yolei asked as Mantarou came in and sat beside her.

"I'm okay. The really question is are you okay," Mantarou questioned. He waited for her respond however it didn't come. Mantarou frowned. He knew Yolei wasn't okay. Shaking his head, he continued, "Yolei I've been thinking and-"

"I think I want to move to America, with you. I mean... if you don't mind me coming with you. I don't want to stop you from living your life with Kathy. I would just be in the background," Yolei said looking at the ground. She had been thinking about this for days and she thought this would be best. However, she didn't want to be in Mantarou's way. She would stay with them for a few months until she could get her own life started again.

"Yolei," Mantarou started only to be stopped by Yolei again.

"I mean, I don't want to leave Tokyo. My whole life is here. But... but... I... I don't feel safe. I'm scared all the time, I'm afraid to go to sleep. I keep thinking that Lee's going to come back. That he's going to hurt me... and when you go back... I won't have anyone," Yolei said as tears fell from her eyes.

Mantarou hugged Yolei. There was no way he would ever let Lee hurt her. He would never let anyone hurt her. He could still remember the day that Kai had brought Yolei home, he couldn't believe his eyes, and after what Kai had told him about Lee trying to kill Yolei he knew she wasn't safe here in Tokyo. So, he had called his bosses asked to be transfers to America again, and talked to Kathy about having Yolei move in with them. Kathy had thought that was a great idea. However, Mantarou didn't know how to bring it up to Yolei. He knew she loved this place and that she didn't want to leave no matter what. So, when he heard her saying she wanted to leave, he was more than happy.

"Yolei, I'm glad you thought about this. And don't worry you wouldn't be in the way. I talked to Kathy about you moving in and she loved the idea. She really wants to meet you. We only have one problem... what are we going to do about the shop?" Mantarou asked pulling away from the hug.

"Don't worry I know what to do," Yolei said.


It had taken a few days but Yolei had all the documents she needed. She could finally give Ken what he wanted from her, and she could be out of his life like he had asked. Yolei took a deep breath. Did she really want to leave Ken? Could she really live without him? Yolei know the answer to all that. She knew she couldn't live without Ken... not after everything that happened. But they both needed to move on. He needed someone like Britney, someone like him, rich, successful and beautiful. Yolei could never be in Ken's life.

Looking down on the papers in hand Yolei knew she couldn't deliver these to Ken. If he told her to stay, she would. If she had to see him again... Yolei was sure she wouldn't be able to leave. She needed to find another way to give Ken these paper...Ryuu!

That was it! Yolei would give them to Ryuu to pass on to Ken, and then she won't have to see Ken. She wouldn't have to say good-bye. Smiling Yolei started her way towards Ryuu's home. She knew he was home, after trying his office first.

As she neared his home Yolei took a deep breath. What if Ryuu tried to stop her? What if he told Ken that she was leaving?! No, she would explain to Ryuu not to let Ken know any of this, and give Ken the papers when she was gone, and everything would be fine. Yes, everything would work perfectly fine! It just had too. It was one last thing she was going to keep a secret from Ken.


"So, let me get this straight. You're moving to America and aren't even going to tell Ken? But you want me to give him the deed to your family's shop?" Ryuu said running his hands though his hair. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was Yolei serious?! She was moving to America with her brother, and not going to tell Ken. Not even see him once?

"Yes. Will you do this for me?" Yolei asked, hoping Ryuu would just say yes and not question her. However, she knew that wouldn't happen. Ryuu was too good of a friend.

"Are you crazy! Have you even talked to Ken since..." Ryuu trailed off.

"... No.... not really, I mean he called and Hawkmon picked up. I just couldn't talk to him. Please do this for me!"

"Why? I mean why are you avoiding him? You do know he almost died saving you," Ryuu questioned.

"Because I'm scared! I'm afraid if I see or hear his voice that I won't be able to leave. That no matter what, I'll want to stay here in Tokyo for Ken," Yolei yelled. It was the truth and Yolei had been so afraid to know that this was the only thing holding her back.

Ryuu looked at her in surprise. He couldn't understand if Ken and Yolei loved each other so much then why were they being stupid and trying to be apart. Ryuu frowned as he said, "Then that's a good thing. Talk to Ken and stay!"

Yolei shock her head no. Why couldn't he just accept her decision of leaving Tokyo, "I can't."

"WHY?! Why can't you just stay and tell Ken that you love him and want to be with him?! Why ruin both his and your live by moving away?!" Ryuu yelled. He couldn't understand her, and it was pissing him off. Why did this woman think running half-way across the county was the best solution?!

"WHAT IF HE LEAVES?! What will happen when Ken leaves me... then what? I will have no one. I would be alone, and.... and if Lee comes back... I... I," Yolei cried. She could feel her body shaking just thinking about Lee.

Ryuu frowned. He hadn't thought about Lee. Now that he looked at Yolei he could see how much she was afraid of that man. God knew what he had done to her. But she was telling that man still control her life. She was letting him win but taking Yolei's love for Ken away.

"Yolei... you know Ken would never leave you, and there's no way he would every let Lee come near you," Ryuu said in a softer voice. She had been though a lot; it wasn't right to get mad at her.

"You can't be 100% sure that Ken wouldn't find someone else. We both can hope that he would stay happy with me, but we can't be sure. And Lee.... I'm not sure what he will do... but I don't feel safe here alone. I can't wait for Ken, and I won't wait for Lee. If I go to America, I will be safe. I will be somewhere Lee can't hurt me and I know my brother would never leave me. Please I know you don't like this, and I don't even like leaving Ken, but I think it would be for the best."

Ryuu stared at her for a bit. He understood where she was coming from... they didn't know if Ken and her would last forever, and if she didn't feel safe here. She needed to feel safe. If this was what she wanted, then he'd do her this favour.

"Okay, I'll give Ken the papers and I won't tell him," Ryuu said.

"Thank you," Yolei said as she walked over and handed him the deeds to the shop. As he took the papers from her hands, she hugged him. He had become a great friend and Yolei was really going to miss him.


"So, have you gone to see Yolei," Kai asked as he walked into Ken's office. Since the day he had taken Yolei home, he had wanted to know if Ken had gone to see her. After everything that happened, he knew that there was no one else Yolei loved more than Ken. He hated to admit it, but Ken was the only one that could make her happy and safe.

"No," Ken said, not looking up. He wanted to go see Yolei, but he just couldn't make himself go.

Kai couldn't believe this, after everything that happened, why was Ken not going to Yolei and telling her he loved her and wanted to be with her?!

"Ken what are you doing? You should go get her! If you just keep sitting here and feeling sorry for yourself then you will never get her. You're going to lose her," Kai said. He couldn't understand why Ken wasn't doing anything. He knew Ken loved Yolei, he'd seen it.

"I... I can't! All I ever do is hurt her!" Ken yelled, finally looking up at Kai, "and I'm not going to hurt her anymore. Beside... you would be better for her, at least you would be able to protect her." Ken finished.

Kai couldn't take this anymore, the next thing he knew, he grabbed onto Ken's shirt pulling Ken off his chair and closer to Kai. "Don't you think I would have had her if I could?! I've tried to get Yolei to fall for me, but she loves you and only wants you. The other day I could see how much she loves you, the way she looked at you. She would never look at anyone else like that but you! She's still in love with you no matter how much you hurt her!"

"But...But I-" Ken started only to be stopped by Kai.

"Shut up! Yes, you hurt her... then just make it up to her and stop feeling sorry for yourself! Go fight for her!" Kai hissed. He didn't like when Ken was like this! He's take the kind Ken over this weak man.

"What are you two lover bird talking about," came a voice from the door. Both Kai and Ken turned their heads to see Ryuu walking into the room. Kai let go of Ken and stepped away.

Ryuu frowned as no one answered him. "Ken here, this is for you," Ryuu said as he handed Ken the papers. Ryuu knew he'd told Yolei he won't give Ken the papers until she left but he just couldn't do that. He just couldn't have her leave without giving Ken one more chance to win her back. He wouldn't hurt Ken like that.

Ken opened the papers and frowned. He read over the paperwork twice to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. These were the deed to Yolei's family shop? Why was Ryuu giving these to him?

Looking up at Ryuu with questionable eyes, Ken waited for an answer. However, he didn't get one. "Ryuu... what is this? Why do you have the deed to Yolei's shop?" Ken questioned.

"Cause Yolei wanted me to give this to you. Ken, she's moving to the States, to live with her brother. I thought you should know before she leaves," Ryuu said watching Ken's reaction carefully.

"Ken this is your last chance. Go to her and tell her how you feel for her or you'll lose her forever," Kai said as he looked from Ryuu to Ken. This was Ken's last chance to win Yolei back!

Yolei was going to leave him. She was going to go without even telling him. No, Ken wasn't going to sit back and watch her leave. He needed to tell her how much he loved her, how much she meant to him!

With that thought in mind, Ken got up and headed out. He needed her to know how he felt, before she left him forever.


"Yolei, do you really need to take this too?" Hawkmon questioned as he helped Yolei pack.

Yolei and Hawkmon had been busy packing things all day, while Mantarou had gone to settle things around Tokyo. He wanted to make sure that there was nothing to stop Yolei from moving to US with him. He had to make sure she had nothing in Tokyo that would call her back.

Yolei couldn't believe this was her last day in Tokyo. That tomorrow she would be on an airplane flying halfway across the world. She remembered how sad Mako and Mimi had been when Yolei had told them, but Mimi had promised to visit her.

Yolei really wanted to go see Ken. She wanted to see him one last time, before she left. She wanted to feel him just once. But she was afraid she wouldn't have the strength to leave if she saw him.

"Yolei are you sure you don't want to say bye to Ken," came Hawkmon's voice.

Yolei looked down at the bird. She hadn't noticed she was in her own thoughts until Hawkmon broke her out of them. She shook her head no. No, she didn't want to say bye.

Hawkmon frowned as he looked at her, "Yolei don't you think it's only fair for him to know you are leaving?" Hawkmon questioned. As much as he didn't like what Ken had done to her, he knew that Yolei still loved him and she would regret not saying goodbye.

"No Hawkmon, I think this is for the best. Let's not talk about this please," Yolei said. She didn't want to hear this anymore.

Hawkmon sighed but didn't question her. With that they continued packing until they heard a knocking on the front door.

"Mantarou really needs to take the key when he leaves," Yolei said as she started her way to the door with Hawkmon.

As Yolei opened the door, she froze. No... he wasn't supposed to just show up now! No now.

"Ken," Yolei said breathless. She still couldn't believe he was here.

"Yolei I need to talk to you. You can't leave!" Ken said as he looked at her. He hadn't seen her since the day Lee had attacked and looking at her now Ken could see what Lee had done to her. Yolei looked different, she was hugging herself and he could see the fear in her eyes when she first opened the door. He wanted to hug her, to kiss her and tell her everything was going to be okay, but he stopped himself. If he touched her right now would she hate him forever?

"Yolei... I... I wanted to say that I'm sorry about everything I've done. I'm sorry about what I did to you when Britney came back, how I treated you when... when I... I... I shouldn't have done what I had. I wish to God that I could take back that day, I can't believe that I lost control of myself and would hurt you like that! I can never forgive myself for the wat I treated you. For all the disgusting things I said to you... you have every right not to forgive me!" Ken looked down, "But I want you to know I was mad. I was mad that you would sleep with Kai... I couldn't believe you would. I was hurt. I thought you sleep with Kai, but I know you didn't. I didn't like the thought of you being with any other guy but me. I didn't like thinking you let him touch you... I'm so stupid. I didn't see how much you truly meant to me. But I have no right to put any of the blame on you... it wasn't you that I was mad at. It was me. Really I did..."

"Ken," Yolei said cutting him off. She knew Ken was regarding all the things he had done to her, and she could see the pain he was in, so she needed him to stop hurting himself. She needed him to shut up before she did something stupid. "Ken."

Ken looked up at her. He knew she wanted to say something, so he stayed quiet and listened. However, when she didn't say anything Ken frowned. Was she still so angry with him that she couldn't talk to him? Did she really hate him this much?

"Yolei, I just wanted to say that no matter what happens I love and care for you! I have never felt this way about anyone. I guess I was just scared to admit that maybe you truly are the only girl for me. I was afraid you would leave me, so I tried not to get close to you, but clearly that failed. You were one of the best friends a kid like me could ask for. I didn't want to lose you as a friend, I don't want you to hate me," Ken ran his hands threw his hair; he could see the tears in Yolei's eyes and hoped he hadn't said something to hurt her. "Yolei, I just wanted to tell you that after everything that has happened, I'm sorry and I won't ever stop loving you. I thought you should know how I feel, before you leave."

Yolei looked at Ken and could feel her tears falling. Why would he do this to her?! Why couldn't he just let her leave quietly, let her leave before she felt guiltily.

"Ken... I...I... I should hate you right now," Yolei said as she watched Ken look up at her in shock, "but I can't. Because I still feel the same way I did the first time I'd met you. I'm so stupid, that I fell in love with you! Of all people it had to be you! Ken, I forgive you for everything you have done."

Yolei could see that made Ken happy, she felt bad for what she was going to say next, "However, we can't ever be together. We are so different, and we are going to keep hurting each other. I.... I can't do this," Yolei said. She had been trying so hard to stay strong; to not cry in front of Ken, but she couldn't do it anymore.

Ken took a step closer. What did she mean they could never be together?! No, he needed her! If she left him... he wasn't sure what he would do. "Yolei no don-" Ken started only to be stopped by Yolei.

"Ken please don't say anything. I need to go," Yolei said as she started her way back into her apartment; however, she stopped as she felt a warm hand wrap around her hand stopping her.

"Yolei please, don't leave me," Ken said. It was his last hope to make her stay. He didn't want her to leave, he needed her to give him one more chance, and if she did, he would show her how much he loved her!

Yolei couldn't say anything. She needed time to think about everything that Ken had said, she needed to think everything through... and see if she really could live without Ken. Turning to face him, Yolei put her free hand on his and removed his hand, "Ken please..." Yolei said.

Ken let go and Yolei walked into her apartment. She needed to be away from Ken so she could think, so she could really think, knowing that Ken wasn't watching her.

Ken watched her leave, had he really lost her for good? With that Ken walked away feeling he's lost everything that mattered to him.


Hawkmon watched as Yolei came back into the house, he watched her carefully to see if she was okay. He had left Ken and Yolei alone, so they could talk about everything that was going on, and now Hawkmon wasn't sure if it had been a good idea. "Yolei are you okay?"

Yolei looked down at the bird and smiled, "Yes I'm okay," Yolei said. Was she okay? She had seen Ken after so long and he had just told her how much he loved her, how he only wanted to be with her... was she okay leaving him now?

Looking at Hawkmon, Yolei asked, "Hawkmon... what should I do? Do you think I'm doing something wrong by leaving Ken?" Yolei wanted to know, she needed to know!

"Yolei you know I can't tell you... this is about what you think is right. How do you feel deep down? Will you be happy living in US with Ken far away, or would you rather stay in Tokyo near Ken? I can't tell you what to do." Hawkmon said. He wanted Yolei to know she had to make this decision for herself; she needed to see what was good for her! Hawkmon would support whatever Yolei decided.

"I love him Hawkmon, I love him so much...," Yolei looked at Hawkmon, she was waiting for him to call her crazy and stupid, however Hawkmon just stared at her.

"Can you forgive him Yolei?" Hawkmon asked.

"I...I... I don't know."

"Yolei this is your choice. If you want to stay here and be with Ken, I'm okay with that. If you want to move to the US and start new, I'm good with that too! No matter what you choose just know I'm with you!" Hawkmon said, as she went over to Yolei.

Yolei smiled down at her partner. She knew she needed to decide soon, and she knew no matter what she picked, Hawkmon would support her. Bending down she gave Hawkmon a big hug.

She was glad he would always be on her side.


Ken couldn't sleep all night. He had spent the whole night tossing and turning. He didn't know if he had convinced Yolei to stay or not. He hoped if she did decide to leave, she would at lease tell him. Let him say bye one last time.

As Ken was deep in thought he hadn't noticed the knock on the door, until Wormmon started talking to him. "Ken are you okay? There's someone on the phone."

Ken looked at Wormmon to see he was near the open door, and the maid was holding a phone.

Ken shook his head yea and took the phone before he walked back to his bed. He needed to get ready for work, he couldn't just sit here all day thinking about Yolei.

"Hello?" Ken said into the phone.

"Ken... I'm calling you about Yolei." Ryuu's voice said from the other line.

Ken's heart stopped as he heard those word. What was Ryuu going to say about Yolei? she couldn't have left! Did she already leave. Did she really hate him this much, that she couldn't tell him goodbye? Ken's kept like his heart was breaking into a million pieces.

"I'm sorry man, she called me this morning and-" Ryuu said only to be stopped by Ken.

"No no no no NO! No Ryuu she couldn't have left...," Ken cried. He could feel his tears falling and he didn't care. No Yolei couldn't have left him, she couldn't have left him without saying bye!

"Ryuu I should have done more; I should have showed her how much she means to me. I can't believe I lost her forever," Ken sobbed.

"You haven't lost me Ken," came a voice from in front. Ken turned towards his open door and dropped the phone. There stood Yolei.

What was she doing here? He thought that she... that she had left, that she had made up her mind to move to the US with her brother.

Ken couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't believe Yolei was standing right in front of him. Ken was speechless, he couldn't think right now and didn't know what to say. He was so surprised to see her. He thought she left him.

"I... I couldn't leave. I got to the airport and my legs won't let me get on that plane. Not without seeing you one last time... But now seeing you so heartbroken I... I don't think I can leave you." Yolei said, stepping into the room. Closer to Ken.

Ken couldn't believe what he was hearing. After everything he had done, she still loved him. Standing up Ken ran over to her. As he stood in front, he couldn't control himself and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. He had been dying to feel her in his arms since the day he'd lost her. Now that he finally had her, he was never letting go. This was where she belonged. Ken was not going to lose Yolei again.

"Ken, can't breathe," Yolei teased. She didn't want to break apart, but she still had more to say.

"I'm sorry Yolei! I've missed. The day I found out that you were my true love; was the day I lost you forever. I think I was scared this whole time... I thought if I fell for you and then did something stupid, I'd lose you forever. I didn't want to lose you..."

"Ken, I love you and there's nothing you can do to make me hate you. Sure, we fought and been thought a lot, however there's a part of me that still loved you. Even after all the things you did and said; I still loved you," Yolei said as she took Ken's hands in hers.

"Yolei I'm....I'm so sorry. If I could take it all back I would. If I could take all the pain away I would," Ken said. Looking up at Yolei, Ken took his hands out of hers and rested them on her face. Slowly bring his face closer to hers until his forehead touched hers.

"Ken, I love you and I want us to start over again. I want us to start all over. I love you and want to spend every minute with you." Yolei said, closing her eyes.

Ken looked at her and he knew what he wanted to do; he knew how he wanted to answer Yolei's question.

Ken leaned all the way into her until her lips touched his. He could feel Yolei's breath on his lips and with that he claimed her lips.

Yolei smiled inwards as Ken's lips touched hers. She had been waiting for this, she had been dying to feel his lips on hers again, and now that she had it, she wanted it to last forever. She wanted to remember his lips always on her.

She deepened the kiss. She reached out and placed her hands on his cheeks bring him closer to her. She felt his hands wrapping around her waist and hold her tightly.

She moaned softly, as she felt his wet tongue touching her lips, with that she parted her lips and he slide between hers. She greeted it with her own tongue, feeling him in her mouth.

As they touched each other, she felt his hands slide down her back, to her bottom. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he squeezed her bottom lightly.

They kissed passionately, holding each other in their warm embrace. After what felt like eons to her, their mouths finally parted, and their eyes finally met. They continued to hold each other, silently staring into each other's eyes. After giving him a beautiful smile, she placed her head against his chest. She could hear his heartbeats and loved the sound. He stroked her hair gently, planting a loving kiss on her head. They could have been like this forever, neither of them saying anything, yet their actions tell everyone how much they loved each other.

Finally, Yolei spoke, "Don't ever leave me Ken." She didn't move from her place. She didn't want to see his reaction.

Ken looked down at her and smiled. There was no way in hell he would ever leave her again, "I never will," Ken said. With that he lifted her head so she would look at him and placed his lips on hers.

Ken knew this love was going to be for eternity, that no matter what happened they would always be together, even in death.


Sorry for the cheesy ending. But I'm a sucker for them! Hope you all enjoyed the story! I will write more, same couple; however not as dark/ mature.

Anyways, stay tune for more stories! Please keep safe and be kind to one another! <3 

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