Into A New World- A Male Read...

By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

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You were just a normal person, until you got kidnapped-i mean borrowed by 2 gods.....and someone who has suff... More

Bio (Updated)
Prologue-part 1
Prologue Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Poll results and title change
Chapter 11
New story

Chapter 7

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By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

After the fiasco at lunch, we headed to our next class which was with Dr Oobleck...I wonder why it's doctor?

When we entered we were greeted with what seems to be the child of Sonic the hedgehog.

Oobleck: Good afternoon student I'm your teacher DR Oobleck!

You: Damn boi he fast!

We all sat down and payed attention to his lesson which was on history, good thing I was good at history back home! Even though both worlds have different histories

After 30 minutes things were gonna esculate as Dr Oobleck asked who was neglected for their faunas heritage, I look to see a few faunas put their hands up including Velvet

You: Man I feel bad, if only peace was a thing

Azazel: If you want peace, prepare for war....

Oobleck: Now can anyone tell me what the faunas had which was an advantage in the battle of Fort castle?.....weird name

Then Car-i mean Dickwad the 3rd threw a paper ball at Jaune who responded with a hey

You: I'm suddenly reminded of the old Lego ads now

Oobleck: Ah Mr Arc you're actually contributing, finally I had enough of your lazy ass!

You: Uhh aren't professors supposed to be not swearing?

Oobleck: Well Mr Branwen....I am not a professor...I'm a doctor

You:........Oh you sneaky bastard

Oobleck: Now Mr Arc, the answer?

Jaune: Uhhh binoculars?

Oobleck: Well done Mr Arc you got it right!

Jaune: Really?!

Oobleck: Sike that's the wrong answer!


Jaune: :(

However Oobleck saw Cardin laughing and looking like a lazy bastard and so he decided to question him next

Oobleck: What about you Cardin?

Cardin: Well I think it's easier to train an animal

You: Wanna test that theory?

Cardin: Huh?

You: Let's test it, let's see how easy it is to train you?

Cardin: What do you mean, I'm not some dumb animal?!

This setted off all the faunas in the room and my friends

You: Really? Because I'm sure you look like some overgrown baboon in the jungle

The class started to chuckle, causing Cardin to be angered

Cardin: What did you say?!

You: I said you look like an overgrown Baboon! Did you not hear that? Actually now that I think about it, calling you a Baboon would be insulting to the monkey, or baboon faunas, so I should compare you to trash...actually that's insulting to trash as well...then how about simply nothing? Oh wait that's still bad on nothing!

Ren: What about whatever is lower than nothing? But then again....still bad on that

You: You're right!

The class couldn't contain their laughter, even Oobleck was laughing!

Azazel: Oh my Oum kid calm down!

You: I can't.....especially with someone who thinks with a micro sized brain and a miniature sacred area!

The class had enough and were full of laughter

Azazel: Kid hold the savagery! That kid has a family!

You: I know they're next!

Cardin had enough and stood up but was put down by the death stare of Dr Oobleck

Then Blake and Weiss (or was it Pyrrha) had a bit of fun by mentioning what the actual advantage Faunas has and even compared the human captain to Cardin....I'm sure they're related!

Cardin: That's it!

He got up but you weren't having that and got up yourself

Oobleck: Mr Winchester and Mr Branwen, sit down!

You: Dr Oobleck please allow me to do this and I will give you your daily shippings of the goods

Oobleck: What type of good?

You: The illegal and hyper type of goods

Oobleck: Say no more Mr Branwen

Cardin: But Professor Ooblec-

Oobleck:.....What did you say?

Cardin: I said Profess-

Oobleck: Mr you mind if I join you after class?

Cardin: Eh?

You: Nah he's all yours!

Cardin: WHAT?!

Oobleck: Thank you Mr Branwen!

Class ended and you, RWBY and NPR has to wait for Jaune as he had to stay back to to get additional work along with Cardin who got a beating from Oobleck

Pyrrha: You know i will brake his legs

You: Can I join? I still need to do it since Nora asked

Nora: Yeah I'm still waiting!

You: Do you wanna join?

Nora: *blushes* Yeah!

You: Neat, also Ren.....nice savagery

Ren: Thanks

Weiss: Hey what about us?!

You: Oh yeah both you and Blake made me proud there

You decided to give Weiss a head pat, causing her to blush and the other girls to be jealous

Weiss: What are you doing?!

You: A head pat it, you don't want it? Ok then

You retract your hand but Weiss keeps it there

You: Eh?

Weiss: I didn't say stop

You: Oh..ok

Ruby: No fair I want one!

Yang: I want your hand somewhere else if you know what I mean, and I think I would place my hand somewhere among you~


Azazel face palms but questions his niece

Azazel: God dammit Yang....

You all went back to your dorms to do your.....homework....but during the night you heard someone in the hallway so you open it to see Ruby saying to Jaune that he's not a screw up and he's a great leader

You: Jaune.....if you need me to break his legs, you call me and Nora

Ruby: Y/n!

She uses her semblance to envelope you in a hug which you returned

Jaune: W-what do you mean?!

You: I know Cardin is up to something

Jaune: Nahhhhh

You: -_-

Jaune: Trust me I'm fine

You: Alright but if you're lying then everyone in RWBY and JNPR has to punish you with their own punishment

Jaune: *gulps* Fine!

Azazel: So you have chosen....death

You go back to sleep since you all had a trip tomorrow

Time skip brought to you by Chibi Nora planning to kidnap you while the other girls are trying to prevent her

Meanwhile in Salem's place

Salem is seen sitting down with Tyrian and Watts on the other chairs, it was quiet until Echo comes through with a file

Salem: Echo did you get what I asked for?

Echo: Yes m'lady

He throws the file on the table as pictures of RWBY, JNPR and TSFM show as Salem inspects each one

Salem: Okay interesting, Too innocent, not a god damn Schnee, A bimbo, pathetic, questionable......oh my~

When she looks at the picture of you she liked her lips, causing Echo and Watts to pray for your unfortunate soul

Salem: Good job Echo really good job.............but I'm not satisfied


Salem: I need more pictures of the son of!

Echo: EHHH?!

Watts: Calm down they have a trip tomorrow so it's fine

Echo: Ehh I guess you're right

Salem: Now if you don't mind I'm gonna take this picture to my room....for research purposes

Echo: More like-


Echo: Ok!

Cinder: *from a distance* You can have that picture but I'll have his body~

Poll ends next chapter!

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