sangwoo x male reader

By killing_bb

259K 6.7K 4.2K

ok so in this, ima have yoon bum realize he doesnt love sangwoo just so our reader can have sangwoo and not h... More

i lost count of the fucking dots
love is odd
you little fucker-
obsessed with him


19.6K 544 306
By killing_bb

yoon bum and i where still sitting in the basement, along with sangwoo. after sangwoo had smashed bums ankles, he went for me next. i was currently sitting against a wall with my legs out-stretched. i just stared around the room, then a question popped into my head 'what would dad do if i where to come back?'. shit, he'd beat me until i'm almost dead, last time i was late he kicked down the stairs and threw beer bottles at me. i mean at least i don't have to see his crusty dusty musty looking ass right now. i quietly laughed at my own joke, it was only audible for my ears. bum was laying a few feet away from me, he kept groaning, i couldn't blame him though. my legs hurt like hell too

sangwoo gave us some pain-killers earlier so it didn't hurt as much but it was still there. i was lost in thought, until i heard a yelp in pain. i shot my head to bum, i didn't even realize sangwoo went over to bum, he had started cutting bum with the lid of the can of porridge. i was gonna say something until it got quiet and he stopped. i guess bum pissed himself from the puddle that was located where the piss would come from. sangwoo sighed and had bum get up and he draped bums arm over his neck for support and lead him to out of the basement. 

i didn't know what they where doing, and i got worried. ",,!" i heard a muffled shout. after a while sangwoo came down, but without bum "h-hey! wheres bum?" i asked, i was gonna yell at first but i realized my position and knew i could die "none of your goddamn business" sangwoo said I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at him. he grunted and undid my chains. he carried me up like he did with bum, i really didnt have a choice to try to get out of his grip, if i did he'd probably kill me. i guess ill just try to stay on his good side, i saw that bum was in the kitchen, he was in a new set of clothes. but i didnt get to examine him any longer cause sangwoo took me into the bathroom. "y'know, i notice you space out a lot" he said and turned the shower on "yea and what about it?"i said in a low voice "you should play more attention, someone might end up attacking you" he said. hahah so funny, bastard. he started rinsing me off. after a minute of doing that, he poured shampoo on me. "scrub" he said. i obliged and started scrubbing my (h/l) ( h/c) hair. i quickly did it and put my hands down indicating i was done.

sangwoo had rinsed my hair out with the shower head. he told me to wait where i was, he walked out. i sat there and thought i could probably crawl out the door, i could yell for help. but what about bum? i don't wanna leave him. i was lost in thought thinking about all the possibilities. i was staring at the door and i didn't realize sangwoo walked in. he scared me, he just suddenly said boo and kinda shook me. i jumped and stared at him in surprise. "i told you you should pay more attention" he said looking down at me, my gaze hardened as i kinda glared and said "tch" sangwoo frowned a bit "i liked that other look better on you" he started, i just put a confused look on "you're always either staring blankly or glaring, do you not show any other emotion?" he asked, though it seemed more of a statement. i just looked down avoiding eye contact.

he gripped my hair and made me look at him "look at me when i'm talking to you" he said. sangwoo just stared at me for a few seconds and let go. i rubbed where gripped to try to ease the pain. "here" he gave me a black shirt to put on. i grabbed it and put it over my head, also while putting my arms through. he had me sit on the bath ledge so he could put some shorts on me. i just stared down at the clothes on me, wondering where he got it, the shirt was kinda tight but it was fine "thanks" i said. sangwoo had brought his hand to my head bu this time, he kinda just patted it, 'weird' i thought. "c'mon" he said and took me to the kitchen. he dropped me on the floor which hurt like hell cause my arm fell on my left leg "fuck!" i said in pain trying to keep he noise to a minimum. i looked up and glared at sangwoo. he just turned hid head to the side confused "i thought you wanted to see bum?" he said my eyes widened and i shot me head back to see where he was.

he was by the counter sitting on a wheely-chair. he was looking back at me scared i smiled at him, reassuring him i was fine. he slightly smiled back, but i noticed a red stain on his shirt, it must be from where sangwoo cut him. sangwoo had walked away for a bit during this time i decided to talk to bum "you ok?" i asked worried "y-ya im fine. but what about you, sangwoo seemed pretty mad with you yesterday" bum said "don't worry about me, ill be fine" i  said with a small smile. i wanted to lighten up this situation. he smiled to but that expression went away quickly to a guilty one "(y/n)?" he asked shakily "yea" i replied "are you angry with me?" i was surprised "why would i be angry?" i asked back "well, cause im the one that got us into this mess,you could be with your dad right now, but your stuck with me here. im so sorry" he looked like he was about to cry

bum didnt know about my dad. i didnt want him to know-- well i didnt want anyone to know! "bum.." i chuckled "its fine! i'm not mad at all, i'm happy you're ok. plus its not like you knew this would happen" i reassured him. before he could say anything, sangwoo walked back in with a bucked. he put the bucket down in front of me, when it reached the ground some water splashed on me, i scowled at sangwoo "scrub the floors. as i told bum, dont cross the line that meets the stairs." he stated, i just nodded and started scrubbing the floors

(word count 1121)

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