The Mysterious Gift

By ChynaJudai17

137K 5.1K 547

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Author Note*
Characters -Pt 1*
Chapter One*
Chapter Two*
Chapter Three*
Author Note*
Chapter Four*
Chapter Five*
Chapter Six*
Chapter Seven*
Chapter Eight*
*Author Note*
Chapter Nine*
Chapter Ten*
Chapter Eleven*
Chapter Twelve*
Chapter Thirteen*
*Author Note*
Chapter Fourteen*
Chapter Fifteen*
Chapter Seventeen*
Chapter Eighteen*
Chapter Nineteen*
Chapter Twenty*
Chapter Twenty-One*
Chapter Twenty-Two*
Chapter Twenty-Three*
Chapter Twenty-Four*
Chapter Twenty-Five*
Chapter Twenty-Six*
Chapter Twenty-Seven*
Author Note *

Chapter Sixteen*

3K 146 18
By ChynaJudai17

Christoph's POV

"Sì padre", I said to my father on the phone. Right now he is discussing something but I'm just too tired. Dealing with Nikolai's combat and language training has me pretty occupied as well as keeping the mother of my child calm with the whole idea. She thinks he's too young and shouldn't be apart of it, which is stupid to me. He is the heir, he has to start now so he is prepared for anything. I swear women just-

"Christoph, mi senti, cazzo?"

"Yes padre I hear you," I said looking down at the phone chuckling.

"Giuro che tu e Apollo siete fottunti bambini," then hung up.

I bust out laughing. I already know this old man is furious.

Short fuse ašs.

Anyways let me go get a sandwich, I'm hungry-


Snapping my head, I slowly walk out to where the sound was with my gun in hand.

Can never be too careful.

Walking into the room I sigh slightly to noticed it was just Nikolai, wait why is he downstairs he's supposed to be napping.

"Nikolai, figlio stai bene?"

He nodded.

" Quelle che è successo", I asked.

He closed his mouth and put down his head.

"Nikolai, farai meglio a rispondere nel secondo successivo".

With his head down, he picks the phone up from where it was on the floor to show him. "Mamma".

I took the phone from him and started talking.


"Hello? Christoph why didn't you pick up the phone?"

"Makayla I didn't know you called", I said to her as I look down at Nikolai who was touching his head.

"Well you should of had the phone near you."

"Well how was I supposed to know you would call me!?"

"Also why does Nikolai have your phone? You know he doesn't need to have your phone Christoph! Who knows what you have in there."

"Makayla he was sleep in his bed how was I to know that he would get out"

As I'm talking, Nikolai pats my leg and I look down at him. He holds his hand up at me. "Papà sembra rosso".

"MERDA! Makayla meet me at the hospital".

"Christoph what !? Why the hospital? What happened to my baby? You always doing something! See this is why I don't want him around"-

"Makayla damnit just meet me at the fûck1ng hospital!", I scream in the phone.

Hanging up I threw the phone across the room!

Hearing it crack, great now I'm going to need another one. 

Disregarding the phone, I swiftly lift Nikolai in my arms running out to my car putting him in his seat while he's crying.

Ughhh these stupid fûcking straps is not working! Trying to hurry, Nikolai starts screaming. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him.

"Nikolai è abbastanza", I said in a firm voice.

"You are a big boy Nikolai, Big boys don't ....", I paused waiting for him to finish it.

"Big boys don't crwy," he whimpers.

"They what Nikolai?"

He looks at me with those same eyes as mine but bigger, "They kill those that hurt them." He finished with a straight face. We have taught Apollo Jr and Nikolai that saying. It is the Vasiliev Mantra. Every male from the day they are born are told this mantra repeatedly until it can be said back.

"Bene", I smirked at him.


Closing the door, I turn around.

The last person on earth I want on my damn property, again, Scarelet Provvo.

Scarelet Provvo, my ex-girlfriend, that to this day thinks we are going to get married.

"What do you want Scarelet?"

"Christoph, my love when are you coming back to me? You know you miss this".

I glanced at her.

Scarelet is alright looking but not better than Makayla. So I don't know why she thinks I want this whöre.

I chuckled.

"Scarelet, I don't know why you insist on being an annoying bītch, I stalk slowly to her, you got ten seconds to strut your no having ašs off my property before I slice your stomach open and feed your intestines to my alligator".

She turns her shaking body and runs to her car. She looked terrified. Good because she knows I'll do it with a smile on my face.

I walk back to the car, hop in, then pull out my driveway to the hospital.

*  *  *

Pulling up to the hospital, a doctor and a few nurses run out to my SUV. They know our vehicles and when we pull up someone better be outside to help with no questions asked or the hospital may get shot up, again.

As they grab Nikolai they take him to the back and I stay in the waiting room.

I texted my family that Nikolai was in the hospital and they let me know they were on their way. As I put my phone in my pocket I feel someone starring at me. Picking my head up and looking to my right I notice a women looking at me.

Who is that?

Putting my hand on my gun I take one step in her direction about to head over to her when I heard that voice.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where my son is".

Turning to the voice I found the source, Makayla, at the front desk.

Looking back over the women was gone. What the fûck? Shaking my head I need to focus on my son, I'm seeing things.

I walk over to Makayla tapping her on the shoulder. She looked at me with the most devilish eyes, oh shìt she's mad.

"Christoph WHAT HAPPENED!?"

"Makayla can you calm down I will explain to you", I tried to reason with her.

"No you can tell me what happened to my baby!"

I swear she jumps to conclusions for no reason, I'm pretty positive he is fine. He is my son of course. I grabbed her hand but she snatched it from me. Sighing, "he went down the stairs on his board I guess to bring me the phone and hit his head but he is fin-"

"Christoph he is not fine if he is in the HOSPITAL! I can't believe you let this, you know what, yes I can. You want him to be an heir to your bullshït and I will not allow it. He is my son! He is only about to be three Christoph, just fûcking THREE! I want him to be that and nothing else."

A/N: I am changing Nikolai age to him turning three. So if you was here before the age change there will be updates to other chapters. You can imagine him any age but this is the AGE I'm picking if you don't like it sorry not sorry.

Nikolai isn't just her son.

"That is MY son just as much as he's yours Makayla so don't ever say that to me," I said so calmly.

The next thing she said made my blood boil.

"Well I've been taking care of him since he was forcefully put in me so don't worry about him! I'll keep taking care of him like I've been doing." With that she walked off to the doors where the doctor was standing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1416 Words.

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Language Translations:

Nikolai, figlio stai bene - Nikolai, son are you okay

Quelle che è successo - What Happened

Nikolai, farai meglio a rispondere nel secondo successivo - Nikolai you better answer in the next second

Papà sembra rosso - Dad look red

Christoph, mi senti, cazzo - Christoph do you fucking hear me

Giuro che tu e Apollo siete fottuti bambini - I swear you and Apollo are fucking children

Nikolai è abbastanza - Nikolai that's enough

Bene - Good

HELLO LOVELY READERS ! I am updating previous chapters as well as making new chapters. No I'm not going to have a set schedule anymore on when I will be updating due to my work schedule. Right now there is three chapters finished but not published due to editing and debating if I actually want to keep them or not. I'm very indecisive person unfortunately.
So a couple changes you'll see is:
1. The kids ages (because of how I want it to end)
2. Wording in other chapters
3. Some things may get deleted as well
4. The language translations will be at the end of each chapter now (so let me know what y'all think)

ALSO loving the comments from everyone! Keep it up.


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