Into the Unknown

By Kdogg6417

116 6 3

As a fairy, Ella made an oath with Count Dracula, if she came with her, he would spare her family. So in orde... More

Chapter 1

116 6 3
By Kdogg6417

At the age of eight years old, Ella Rosemary gave up her freedom in order to save her family from vampires. 

Ella Rosemary had a short ginger hair that stopped right above her shoulders, she had golden eyes. She wore a sleeveless purple dress, that went to her knees, black tights, and purple shoes. A vine around her waist, armbands, and brown leg warmers...forget to mention her fairy wings. That's right Ella not only saved her own kind fairies but her family from a family of vampires. About once a month she had to drain out blood into a bag, so if the vampires had to do a quick dash into the sunlight, They can do it in the sense without burning, plus it made them highly drunk. At the age of twelve, Ella was at a smaller, which was the size of a butterfly and sat on the dashboard of a hearse. Her normal size was the size of a mouse. The vampire family that took her captive was currently running away from a mob on Transylvania. They were driving through a small town called Stokely looking for the castle.

"I'm sure we should have taken a left back there," Vlad argued as they looked at the map.

"Could you stop breathing down in my face," Ingrid demanded, scrunching her nose. "You can't have brushed your teeth for weeks. Am I the only one gagging here?" Vlad checks his breath with his hand. "Can't believe we have to speak this stupid language."

"We've got to keep a low profile," Vlad reminded her.

 "And...and...why did we have to move anyway?" Ingrid asked.

"Please be quiet Mistress. Ingrid, I'm trying to read the map," Renfield said.

"Don't tell me to be quiet," Ingrid said flicking the back of his ear. "Insect biter."

"Right! That is it!" Renfield retaliated and tried to whack Ingrid.

"Don't touch me you...fungus!" Ingrid snapped. The hearse is swerving from side to side as they argue.





"Turn right!" Vlad shouted.

"Can't do it!" Renfield shouted. "Fart breath!"

"Spider licker!" Ingrid responded.

"Scab picker!"

"Snot eater!" 

"Renfield!" Count roared from the back angrily. Renfield slammed on his breaks as everyone drew quiet. They hear the coffin bang, two pale bony hands, pull apart the curtain. "What is going on here?"

"Sorry for disturbing you, master," Renfield apologized.

"Silence!" Count ordered.

"Ingrid wants Renfield to turn the hearse around to go back to Transylvania," Ella revealed as she hopped on to the steering wheel.

"Oh you do, do you?" Count asked. "And what about the angry torch-wielding angry Transylvanian peasant mob. hm? Would you like to go back to them, too?" He then had a flashback and shuddered.

"Yeah, well, better going back to face them than living in this dump," Ingrid said. " I mean look at it, it's so normal."

"And gross, too many buildings," Ella added.

"Normal, buildings," Vlad repeated. " That's just what I was thinking."

"Can I proceed now, master?" Renfield requested.

"Yes," Count answered. "Yes, yes."

"Good, it smells like a zombie's armpit in here," Ingrid complained. Count sniffed the air, he pulled back the curtain traveling Zolton. "Thought so, it's Vlad's stupid stuffed dog."

"Hey, he's not a dog, he's a wolf," Vlad corrected. "And he doesn't smell."

"Well, actually, Master Vlad, I do smell a bit," Zolton corrected. "My sawdust seems to have gotten a little damp on transit." He coughed.

"Renfield, drive," Count ordered. Renfield did as he was told. Not too long after that, they pulled up to the castle. It was rugged. "What is that?"

"Home sweet home," Vlad answered. Ella sat on the coffin as Vlad and Ingrid wheeled their father into the building. "Maybe Dad should go on a diet."

" I heard that," Count said. Once the coffin stood, Count pushed the door opened. Ella fell over from the push, Vlad caught her and put her on his shoulder. "Well, here we are. It's not exactly what I was expecting. I mean, where are the cobwebs? The damp? The rotting corpses?"

"Look, Mr. Count, you said just find a castle," Ella brought up. "It was the best one me and Vlad could find on the internet at short notice." The moment he stepped out of the coffin, the dust rose, acting like a ripple effect. "Well, I suppose I might feel better when I've had someone to eat." He looked at Ella.

"Don't look at me," Ella said as Renfield closed the coffin. "You eat me, you break your oath, and you die."

"I'm already dead," Count reminded her.

"You'll be extra dead turned to dust," Ella said. Count shuddered at the thought.

" All right, I'll get my things," Vlad said. " Bagsie the tower room."

"Uhh, I don't think so," Ingrid denied. "I'm the eldest, I'm having that one."

" But I called it," Vlad argued.

"When?" Ella asked.

"In the hearse," Vlad answered.

"Right," Ingrid said. "Well, I called it before you were born. So kiss my cape."

"Please, this is very simple," Count groaned. "Vladimir and Ella will have the room."

"What?" all three of them asked. 

"This is a castle," Ella reminded him. "Why can't I have my own room?"

"Ella, I want you to keep an eye on Vladimir," Count ordered.

"Brilliant," Vlad groaned, he looked at Ingrid. "Oh, Ingrid, I do believe you were about to chew on that."

"This is because he's your favorite, isn't it?" Ingrid asked.

"Yes, that's right," Count confirmed.

"I hate you more than garlic," Ingrid hissed at him. She marched out to the hearse.

"Why don't you go back to breather size and grab your own stuff?" Vlad asked as he grabbed her stuff as well as his.

"As soon as you have to drain some of your blood each month to provide sunblock for your father so he can step into the sun, then I will grab it," Ella said.

"Unbelievable," Vlad groaned as they entered the castle. "Thanks, Dad."

"Oh, Vladimir, there's no need to thank me," Count said. He grabbed the boy's face. "You are the son and heir of the Dracula family. So you're right, you should have the best room, under the best protection."

" Well, actually, I only wanted the tower room because I thought I might get a TV, and the reception is better up there," Vlad admitted. 

"Arrgh!" Count growled, flipping his cape to face the boy again. Count gave them a lecture before sending them up to the tower to unpack. Ella grew to the size of Vlad, but a bit more shorter. She was allowed to put her on one side of the room, at night she goes back to her normal size and sleeps on Vlad's pillow.

"A TV? A Tv? If you want to see moving pictures, Vladimir, run around the portrait gallery," Vlad mimicked the Count. "Does he think he's living in the 19th century?"

" Of course not, Master Vlad, the Count thinks he's living in the 17th century," Zolton answered. "He's a few hundred years behind everyone else."

" I hate being a vampire," Vlad complained. " It really sucks."

"It sucks, even more, living with them," Ella groaned.

"Hmm, isn't that rather the point?" Zolton asked. 

" I just hoped this move will be a new start for us," Vlad wished. " You know, a chance to be less--"

"Vampiric?" Zolton asked. 

"Exactly," Vlad said. " Come on, take a look a this." They went over to the window, Vlad opened as they all looked outside. "See? Semi-detached houses, streetlights, a newsagent, a golf course it's all so normal."

"For humans," Ella pointed out.

"That's the point," Vlad said. "New life, new neighborhood. Time to check 'em both out. Ella, take your human form."

"But Vladimir, your father has forbidden us from leaving the castle," Zolton reminded him. 

"Remember what you said in the hearse?" Ella asked. "We need to keep a low profile."

"Zolton and Ella, I'm a preteen vampire," Vlad pointed out. "That means I've got the reflexes of a night hunter combined with the incredible ability to sneak up behind my parent's back." Zolton sighed. "And Ella, you need to lighten up, you are a preteen fairy, your only job is to look after me and provide sunblock to dad. So you are coming with me, rather you like it or not."

"Yipee," Ella said with no enthusiasm. 

"Come on, turn to your human form," Vlad ordered. Aceso did as she was told, she turned to human, which meant, her eyes turned a brown color, her wings disappeared, and some of Vlad's old clothes, since the Count wouldn't bother getting some for her. Her clothes were old brown baggy pants, a black shirt, and a green zip-up hoodie, that she kept open with flats. She wore a green bow headband in her hair. They started to sneak downstairs as they heard Renfield crying and Count yelling at him. 

" Two weeks from Transylvania and all I've had to eat is some black pudding in motorway services," Count complained. "It's not good enough. I need a juicy peasant or at least a steak!"

"Steak, "Renfield whimpered.

"Extremely rare," Count said.

"Don't worry, Master," Renfield said. "I'll think of something." The two bolted to the entrance hall, then started towards the door. 

"Going somewhere?" Count asked appearing in front of them. "Ella, why are you in your human disguise?"

"Yeah, just popping out," Vlad answered. He bolted around his dad and popped out, Count grabbed him and pulled him back inside. 

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Count winced as his body steamed up. Ella immediately rushed over and began to perform healing magic. "You're not going anywhere, young vampire and young fairy. Go to your room!" He pointed towards the tower.

"But Dad," Vlad tried to argue. Count gave them a look, they turned away in defeat.

"And go back to your regular form!" Count ordered. Ella turned back to her butterfly size and sat on Vlad's head as they went back up to the tower.

"You know which room is yours, don't you?" Ingrid asked. "It's the one that should be mine."

"I'm coming, master!" Renfield shouted he ran overthrowing a bucket on him.

" I hate sunlight," Count growled. "Get me that dropped filled with fairy's blood!"

"Uh, I forgot that as well," Renfield said in a low voice.

"RENFIELD!" Count roared angrily. Up in the room, Count joined them to lecture them.

"I'm disappointed in you, son," Count said. " I mean, where's this bad attitude coming from? The cheeriness, the-the optimism. Ugh, love of the outdoors."

" I like the outdoors," Ella said.

"Oh, this is about you," Count glared at ger.

"Dad," Vlad groaned.

"And the clothes you wear--why?" Count asked. "Why the bright colors? Makes my eyes hurt." Vlad looked down at his clothes.

"It's what kids wear," Vlad answered.

"Well, not my kids," Count denied. "Vladi, come stand here." Vlad stood up, Count grabbed the cloak off the mirror, then put it around his son as they looked into the mirror, only Vlad's and Ella's reflection was shown. "This is what we are son, we're vampires. What are we?"

"Vampires," Vlad answered.

"There's no escaping that, just like how Ella can't escape being a fairy," Count said. " You know, in a few years you'll come into your full powers and your reflection, like mine, will disappear. Now, I am going to sort out the food situation." He looked around the tower.

"Can't we have something normal, like a hamburger?" Vlad asked.

" Oh, a person from Hamburg," Count said.

"No!" Vlad denied.

"Vampires," Count said. "You can't escape it." Vlad looked at his dad in the eye. "It's your destiny." He laughed walking away.

"Fruit would be nice for me," Ella shouted. "You know I don't eat meat."

"Ugh," Count rolled his eyes as he slammed the door shut. Vlad took off his cloak throwing it to the ground. He picked dit up in frustration and accidentally threw it out the window.

"Look at what you have done," Ella said.

"Oh, great," Vlad panicked. "You may be able to leave the castle without getting caught, you get it."

"Fine," Ella huffed flying off his head. She charged out the window, and the stopped halfway down at the sight of some strange boy standing at the bottom. He was holding Vlad's cape. The boy threw the end of a hook up that was attached to a rope. "Oh, no." Ella shrunk her self to the butterfly size and sat on the boy's head so he wouldn't notice her as he climbed up. Soon he began to reach the top, Vlad looked at Ella strangely as she came into view, his eyes grew wide at the sight of the boy coming into view, the boy looked at Vlad.

"Ahh!" they both yelled. The boy started to fall backward. 

"I got you!" Vlad shouted grabbing him. 

"Thanks!" the boy shouted.

"Who are you?" Vlad asked.

"What a good time to have a discussion," the boy said. Vlad pulled the boy into the room, they all stared at each other. Well, mainly they all stared at the boy, while the boy stared at Vlad.

"Shall I bite him, Master?" Zolton asked.

"Not yet," Vlad denied. 

"Right, Vlad, Ella, you rancid little worms," Ingrid marching towards the room.

"Quick! Hide! HIde!" Vlad ordered shoving the boy under his bed, Ella flew out and landed on Vlad's head. "Ah, here you two are in my room."

"It's not your room," Ella denied getting of Vlad's head and turning to her human disguise. 

"What's that smell?" Ingrid asked sniffing the air.

" Smell? What smell?" Ella asked. 

" Can you smell a smell, Zoltan?" Vlad asked. 

" No, Master Vlad," Zoltan answered. "Only your sister's cheap perfume."

"Shut it four wheels," Ingrid demanded to push them over. " I can smell something different." She walked around the room. " Something rather..uh!" She looked under the bed. "Aha!"

"No!" Vlad and Ella exclaimed. 

" I can't wait to tell Dad about this," Ingrid smirked. 

" I can explain," Vlad said.

"Oh yeah," Ingrid said.

"Climb in through the window, nothing to do with me," Vlad said.

" A massive pile of laundry climbed in through the window," Ingrid said walking over to them. 

"What?" Ella and Vlad asked looking under the bed.

"Where'd he go?" Vlad asked.

"Who?" Ingrid asked. "The dirty sock fairy?"

"Uh, yeah," Ella answered.

"You two are such losers," Ingrid said before marching out.

"Zoltan, did you see where that boy went?" Ella asked as Vlad put Zoltan back on his wheels. 

" Unfortunately, Iw as distracted by the sawdust running down my left side," Zoltan answered. 

"We better find him before Dad does," Vlad said. They bolted out of the room, down to the main hall. They entered the main hall to find Count sniffing out the boy, the boy was hiding the best he could. " Daddy?" Count jumped looking back at them. 

"Can I have a word?" Ella asked.

"Not you two," Count denied. "I'm trying to find dinner! And Ella! Get back into your fairy form! Help me find that human!" Vlad began to try to find an answer as Ingrid marched over.

"Well, it's just I think I've got my first fang," Vlad said.

" A fang?" Count repeated. " Oh, my boy! Let me have a look."  Count grabbed Vlad and looked into his mouth, in that time Ella created an illusion, so they wouldn't see her whip the stranger out of the room and back up towards the tower.

"You can't just go sneaking around a stranger's house!" Ella hissed pushing him their room. " You nasty intruder!"

"I just wanted to have a look around," the boy said. "Are you really a fairy?"

"No," Ella quickly denied.

"Hello," Vlad greeted walking into the room. "We haven't been properly introduced. My name's Vlad, this is Ella. And, oh, you must be the kid who just climbed in through our window and started wandering around."

"Robin," the boy said. " I brought your cloak back."

"Oh, thanks," Vlad said taking it from him. The boy leaned towards Vlad, holding out his neck.

"What are you doing?" Ella asked.

"Aren't he going to bite me?" Robin asked.

"Bite you?" Vlad asked. "Why would I bite you?"

"You can if you want," Robin offered.

"No!" Vlad denied.

"Oh, ok," Robin said, there was a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"You're lucky my dad didn't find you," Vlad informed. 

"You've got no idea what he's capable of," Ella added.

" I know exactly what he's capable of," Robin nodded. "You're vampires, aren't you? And she's a fairy."

" Haha, don't be ridiculous," Vlad laughed.

"What silly idea," Ella agreed.

" Talking wolf? Bloodthirsty dad? First Fang?" Robin listed. "And your dad said told Ella to go back to her fairy form."

"Oh bats," Vlad sighed. " I knew this would happen."

"Please don't get an angry mob and drive us out of town," Ella pleaded.

" I think you're underestimating suburban apathy," Robin said. "Anyways, vampires and fairies are awesome."

" Awesome?" Vlad and Ella repeated as Robin stepped towards them. 

" I know everything there is to know about them," Robin informed. " Or at least I thought I did." They looked into the mirror. " How come you got a reflection?"

"Well, we don't come into our full powers until our sixteenth birthday," Vlad answered. "So I've got a reflection. I can't turn into a bat and I don't bite people."

"Really?" Robin asked. 

" I don't get burnt by sunlight and I have no adversary reaction to garlic," Vlad added.

"You know, for my first vampire, you're not coming across as very--" Robin began.

"Vampiric?" Vlad asked.

" Can Isa y for my first normal kid you're not coming across very--" Ella began.

" Normal?" Robin asked. 

"First Fang?" Ingrid's voice echoed the room. "You scrawny little scab." They shoved Robin back under the bed. They looked back to see Ingrid in the doorway. "Talking to yourselves, you little freaks. Didn't dad say to turn back to your fairy form?"

"Right," Ella breathed as she turned back to normal, sitting on Vlad's head.

"My darling sister, how nice of you to be rudely walk in without knocking," Vlad said.

" Stick a stake in it," Ingrid rolled her eyes. She started to sniff, following her nose back to the bed.

"Ahh, yes, my socks," Vlad said as they watched her pull out Robin.

"How did that get there?" Ella asked Robin's eyes landed on her normal form.

"Hello," Robin greeted looking at Ingrid.

"What are you two playing at?" Ingrid demanded. "You know we're not supposed to mix with breathers. What if he found out that we're--"

" Vampires? A fairy?" Robin finished. 

"Yes!" Ingrid confirmed. "Hang on, he knows."

"Yes, it's fine," Vlad said.

"He promised not to tell," Ella added.

"Oh, he promised," Ingrid repeated. "Oh, that's fine then." They all nodded. Ingrid grabbed Robin by the collar. "Listen to me, meat face, swear by all the is morbidly evil not to tell anyone about us on pain of longer and gruesome death."

"You're very pretty," Robin complimented. 

"Yes, I am," Ingrid said. "Now swear."

" I swear," Robin nodded.

"Good," Ingrid said letting him go. " Now let's get you out of here before my father decides to have you for dinner and us three for dessert."

"Thanks, Ingrid," Vlad said.

"Oh," Ingrid scoffed looking at him. " You don't think I'm saving this stinking blood bag just to be nice, do you? Oh no. Us three are going to have a little conversation about room allocation." They both groaned, they succeeded in getting Robin down to the door. There was a knock, Ingrid opened the door. "Yes?" There were two boys and a young girl.

"Uh," a boy said throwing his apple to the side. 

"Have you seen anyone wandering around here with a cloak?" the girl asked.

"Yeah, loads," Ingrid said she grabbed Robin, shoving him out the door. "But I presume you want this one." Vlad and Ella (In her human form) appeared at the door to see the others. "Now get lost."

"You're quite rude, aren't you?" the girl asked.

" It's my thing, deal with it," Ingrid said.

"See you then, Robin," Vlad said.

"Yeah," Robin agreed. "Come to mine if you fancied at any time. Number 22 down the hill."

"Oh thanks," Vlad said. "Oh, hey." He pulled out a piece of paper. " Maybe you can do me a favor." He held it out. " Get these things for me?"

"Sure," Robin agreed, looking at the list.

"So, will we be seeing you again?" the boy on the left asked. 

"Perhaps," Ingrid answered. 

"Catch you later," the boy said throwing finger guns, they all looked at him. Ingrid slammed the door shut.

"Humans are weird," Ella noted turning back to her normal self. She sat back on Vlad's head. 

"I can't believe you two were so dumb," Ingrid groaned. " Do you have any idea what Dad would have done if he caught us talking to those breathers?"

"Cut our allowance?" Vlad asked.

"And our throats," Ingrid said.

"Oh, I think you underestimate me, my darling children, and sunblock," Count growled walking up behind them. 

"Split up, then perhaps one of us will live," Ella suggested. Before they got anywhere, Count grabbed Ingrid and Vlad. They sat in the main hall getting lectured.

"Mixing with zombies, I could forgive, understand even, but breathers!" Count yelled. "Socializing with possible dinner ingredients."

"Dad, we don't want to be driven out again," Vlad brought up. "Perhaps we should be blending in more. More blending, less biting."

"Then maybe we won't have angry mobs storming the castle," Ella said.

"Ah, now that was the result of a small misunderstanding between me and the village elders," Count explained. 

"You drained their blood," Ella reminded him. 

"Well, alright, a big misunderstanding," Count groaned. 

"Here's a radical idea, how about actually being friends without neighbors?" Vlad suggested, 

"Friends?" Count repeated. "With our neighbors?" He started to have flashbacks again, he shuddered again. "Right, that's it. Definitely no contact. Just go to your rooms! Ella! I need to drain some of your blood into that eye dropper!"

"Talking of rooms, we're swapping," Ingrid said.

"Nobody is swapping without my permission," Count denied. "In fact, from now on nobody does anything without my permission." He appeared behind the three of them. "Now my children, get out of my sight! You're a disgrace." The two vampiric children went up to their rooms, while Ella stayed in the main hall as Renfield took her blood a couple of times into small bottles. Afterward, Ella went up to the room. She laid on the bed, she always felt a bit dizzy after getting her blood taken.

"Here's some water," Vlad said handing her a glass.

"Thanks," Ella breathed as she took it, she took a sip. "Put it on the dresser."

"Why?" Vlad asked as he did as was told.

"Put a leaf in it," Ella ordered.

"Now that's just odd," Vlad said as he put a leaf inside. Ella turned back to her normal size, and laid on the leaf, floating around. 

"There's no time for laying around," Vlad said pulling her out of the glass. " I need you to get me to Robin's place."

"But I am just so tired," Ella complained as she laid on his head. 

"I will get you as many mangos as you wish," Vlad said.

"Done," Ella agreed. She grabbed Vlad's jacket, and with super-strength, flew him out of the window, and down to Robin's place. His room looked like how Vlad's room should look.

"Hey, Robin," Vlad greeted from the window.

"Wow," Robin breathed in surprise looking at them. "You flew up to my window."

"Um, no," Vlad denied. "Ella flew me up to your window."

"Oh," Robuned breathed. "Are you sure you're a vampire and not a burglar?"

"Yes, Robin," Vlad said climbing down into the room, Ella laid on her stomach on Vlad's head, she was even dizzier. "So, what happened to the camping trip?"

"My dad keeps falling asleep for some reason," Robin answered.

"It will wear off," Ella said.

"Oh, great," Robin frowned. He looked to see Vlad looking at stuff animals that took the form of a bat. "Is she going to be alright?" He poked the fairy's back gently, to Ella it felt like a push.

"She's fine, just a bit dizzy from getting her blood taken," Vlad answered. "Some juice should get Ella back to her feet."

"Cool!" Robin exclaimed.

"Not cool," Ella denied.

"Well, I'll go get some drinks," Robin offered.

"Some juice," Ella requested.

"A cup of blood, a little bit of milk," Vlad requested. Robin looked like he ready to offer his neck. "Joke." Robin's face fell, he headed out the room. Vlad picked up a small fake skull. " So this is what my room should look like." There was a tapping at the window, Vlad walked over to it.

"Must have just been a branch," Ella said.

"More than a branch," Count growled from behind. He grabbed Vlad and pulled him out the window. "You're lucky I don't drop you."

"D-Dad," Vlad whimpered, Ella clung on to Vlad's head even tighter. Count growled flying them back off to the castle. 

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