Love is Eternity

By dEaYrEkSness

952 16 3

Yolei Inoue is struggling to live the happy, perfect life she ones lived. With tragedy striking her family sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

45 1 0
By dEaYrEkSness

Love is Eternity

Hi all, so I split this chapter into two. I'll post the next one hopefully soon. In process of editing it. Hope you enjoy.

WARNING: This story contains strong language. Rated M for language, violence, and mature content (smut/ lime).

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon.

Chapter 9

Mantarou and Hawkmon finally got back to the apartment, after a few hours of trying to settle things.

They couldn't believe how long this had taken! As they had made it to the store, Mako stood in front with a frown on her face. She told them that someone had thrown a rock though the window, however nothing was stolen.

Mako had told him that she had called the police and they were on the way. They had waited for the police to show up. Once the police arrived Mako and Mantarou spent close to an hour answering questions and filling out a report. Finally, when the cops left Mantarou and Hawkmon walked Mako to her car and then started their own way home. It had been a crazy night.

Mantarou couldn't wait to get home. He was tired and just wanted to go to bed. He knew it hadn't been smart going out as he had work the next day; but there was no way he would have Yolei gone out. And it made him feel better knowing she was home safe. Mantarou was still worried about Lee. The man was out there and the last thing Mantarou wanted was for Lee to get to Yolei.

Mantarou looked down at the sleepy bird. Hawkmon was also tired. Mantarou smiled at the bird, as he got his keys out. Mantarou put his key in the door but stopped when he turned the doorknob. Did Yolei not lock the door after he had left? Seriously he needed to talk to her.

Walking in with a frown Mantarou called to Yolei, however, she didn't answer. Maybe she'd gone to bed already? Mantarou frowned, but didn't want to wake her up, no he would talk to her tomorrow. Tell her she needed to careful, protect herself.

"Okay I'm going to bed," Hawkmon said as he started towards Yolei's room. Mantarou wished him goodnight and started towards the kitchen.

Just as Mantarou got to the kitchen rubbing his tired eyes he heard Hawkmon's worried voice, and then Hawkmon was there behind him.

"What happened?" Mantarou asked looking at the bird.

Hawkmon looked up at Mantarou with wide eyes. Hawkmon started, "Mantarou! Yolei... Yolei's not in her room and the room's a mess... and... and there's blood on the bed?!" Hawkmon screamed.

Hawkmon couldn't believe what he had seen once he had walked into the room. He had been tried and just wanted to beside Yolei. However, once he got into the room his tiredness had disappeared.

Yolei's room was a mess... things were thrown everywhere.... And he had spotted the blood on her bed. It wasn't a lot of blood but there was still blood... Hawkmon didn't know whose blood it was but prayed it wasn't Yolei.

Mantarou panicked after hearing Hawkmon. No! No! Mantarou went running into Yolei's room to see what Hawkmon had seen, and his heart stopped.

Mantarou froze as he saw her room... no! What the hell happened?! "Yolei? Yolei! Yolei!" Mantarou yelled looking around the house. No... Yolei... where the hell was Yolei?!


Mimi opened her eyes; the ringing was annoying. Getting up Mimi looked around for the light, wondering who would be calling this late. Getting up Mimi looked at the caller id and frowned seeing Yolei's number, was Yolei okay?

Answering the phone Mimi started asking if everything was okay? However, the voice Mimi heard on the other line surprised her. It wasn't Yolei but Mantarou and something was wrong.

There was a long pause before Mantarou started talking, "Mimi...Yolei... Lee... someone... I... I."

What?! What was Mantarou trying to say? Mimi knew something was wrong with Yolei and didn't like hearing Lee's name. What had Lee done to Yolei?

"What happened?" Mimi questioned.

"Mimi, I left her alone for a few hours and when I came back... her room was a mess and there was blood... and oh god! What if Lee did something to her?" Mantarou cried. He shouldn't have left Yolei alone. He couldn't stop blaming himself for this! What if something bad had already happened to her?!

Mimi tried to calm Mantarou down... there was no point in panicking. "Mantarou, did you call the police?" Mimi questioned.

Mantarou said yes and that they were on their way. Mimi sighed that was great. She told Mantarou to wait she was on her way over. Mimi knew Mantarou and Hawkmon were a mess and they needed someone with them. Mimi also wanted to be near them, be near Yolei. They had to find her, they had to get her back. If Lee did have Yolei there was no telling what he would do! Yolei was her best friend and Mimi wanted to be there with Mantarou and Hawkmon looking for Yolei.


As Mimi and Palamon walked into Yolei's apartment, Mimi gaving Hawkmon a hug, before putting him down beside Palamon. Mimi turned her attention to Mantarou. She wanted to know what had happened!

"What happened?" Mimi asked, looking around the apartment and seeing the police doing their work.

Mantarou frowned from his seat... he didn't know what to say. One-minute Yolei was there, the next she was gone. "I don't know... I thought she would be okay... I didn't think anything would happen..." Mantarou frowned. He put his face in his hands. If Lee did something to Yolei, Mantarou would kill Lee!

Mimi frowned as she watched Mantarou. Mantarou needed to know this wasn't his fault. She put her hand on his back and he looked up at her. "Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to Yolei. Did the police talk to you?" Mimi questioned looking around at the officers doing their job.

Hawkmon was the one to talk this time, "They said they would try their best to find Yolei. They sent someone to Lee's house, but no one was home and no one can find Lee..."

Palamon put a hand on Hawkmon's back, as the bird started to cry. "Hawkmon don't worry, we'll find her," she said. Making the bird small a little.

Mimi smiled at her partner. She hoped Yolei was okay. Where they hell could Yolei be? If Lee didn't take Yolei to his place, then where did he take her?!

"I swear if Lee hurts Yolei in any way I'll kill him," Mantarou hissed a little too loud. One of the officers turned towards him and sent him a frown. Mimi smiled at the cop before she faced Mantarou again.

"Mantarou saying something like that in front of them," she gestured with her head towards the working officers, then continued, "it's not going to do Yolei or you any good. And don't worry; Yolei can take care of herself. She'll be okay," Mimi really wished that the last part was true.


Yolei opened her eye... her head hurt, and she didn't feel well. Looking around Yolei panicked when she noticed she couldn't see clearly. Everything was dark!

Yolei tried to get up but noticed she couldn't move. Yolei tried to remember what had happened and then it all came back to her!

Lee... he came to her apartment. He had forced his way in and Yolei had tried running but she couldn't get away. She remembered hurting Lee... she had cut him hoping it would give her time to run, however, it had only made him angrier.

The last thing Yolei remembered was Lee hitting her over the head with something hard, before everything went black.

Oh no! Yolei realized she was somewhere; she didn't know where with Lee... He had her... NO! no! Yolei struggled trying to get loss; she realized she couldn't move because she was tied up. Shit!

NO! She couldn't be alone with Lee... no she couldn't! She needed to get free and run before he came back!


"Okay thanks. I'll let you know if we find her. Thanks, Mako," Mimi said as she disconnected the phone.

Mantarou, Hawkmon, Palamon and Mimi had looked everywhere and called everyone that knew Yolei or Lee. And they still hadn't found anything! The police had left and said they would see what they could do. However, Mantarou hadn't like that answer so they started their own search.

Mimi frowned. Lee must have taken Yolei somewhere no one else knew about. Mimi didn't like this! She didn't like the thought of Yolei being alone with Lee. God knows what he could be doing to her!

No Yolei would be alright. Mimi couldn't think like this. She needed to stay positive and have trust that they would find Yolei soon and that Yolei would be safe.

Mimi turned towards Mantarou and noticed him watching her. Mimi frowned and shook her head no; Mako had not heard from Yolei and didn't know where Lee may have taken her.

As they reached Mimi's place, she opened the door letting them all in. They needed to rest for a bit before they started their search again.

Mantarou frowned! He couldn't take this! He was scared and angry! Yolei was with Lee... His baby sister was with that demon! Who knew what Lee was doing to her? Mantarou knew he should have never let Lee knew Yolei. He should never had introduced the two. If only Mantarou hadn't Yolei would still be here with them.

As much as Mantarou wanted to kill Lee, he knew right now wasn't the time to think about this. Right now, he needed to focus on Yolei and how to find her. There had to be someone else that could help...wait! What about Ken?! From what Mantarou remembered Ken was some big shot, he had resources that could help them to find her. If anyone could find her it was him! They needed Ken's help.

"What about Ken? Should we call him?" He asked Mimi. However, once he mentioned Ken's name, he noticed the hateful look on Mimi's face. Something wasn't right.

"That bastard can't help with anything!" Mimi hissed. After what Yolei had told her, Mimi was never going to go to Ken for help. Ken didn't care about Yolei. He wouldn't do shit to help them!

Mantarou frowned. What had Ken done for Mimi to hate him this much? Ken had always been a very kind kid. Mantarou never thought he would hear Mimi calling Ken a bastard!

"Mimi what happened?" Mantarou asked.

Mimi froze... shit she just called Ken a bastard in front of Mantarou. Mimi sighed; it had just come out. Mimi shook her head saying nothing, but by the look on Mantarou's face, Mimi knew he wasn't going to stop bothering her until she told him what was going on.

"I said nothing... just something Yolei told me about Ken. It's nothing. I shouldn't have said anything." Mimi said. She wished he would just drop it. They needed to find Yolei... and Mimi knew if she told Mantarou that Ken had hurt Yolei, Mantarou would want to kill Ken. Mimi knew right now that Mantarou was stressed about Yolei missing, add the angry for Lee and top it off with Ken hurting Yolei... that was too much for one man to control. Mantarou would lose it and the only person he could take his anger off at was Ken.

"Mimi tell me what the is going on! You need to tell me. If this is about Yolei, you will tell me," he said. He looked at Mimi and knew she wasn't going to say anything. Fine he would make her feel guilty. "Mimi you need to tell me what happened. If something happens to Yolei and Ken could have helped, I don't know what I would do," he looked at Mimi and saw that she was thinking about what he said. "If you are truly Yolei's best friend, you will tell me what happened between them," Mantarou finished.

Mimi sighed, she needed to tell him. He was Yolei's big brother. He needed to know, and he was right. "Okay, Yolei I'm so sorry but he needs to know," Mimi said to the skies hoping Yolei would forgive her. "Mantarou, Yolei doesn't talk to Ken anymore... because he... umm... he hurt her."

Mimi didn't know how to bring this up.

Mantarou frowned. How the hell did Ken hurt Yolei mean? He was a kind soul; he couldn't have hurt Yolei. "Mimi tell me what he did?"

Taking another deep breath Mimi started. She told him everything. She told him how Yolei tried to become more to Ken then friends, how when Ken's ex came back, he left her. She told him about the trip and the night the two had fought. Mimi told Mantarou of the disgusting words that had left Ken's mouth. The way he treated Yolei that night.

Mantarou couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't believe what Mimi was saying. All this was happening to Yolei and she never once called him?! He couldn't believe Yolei would keep this all from him. He was mad... Yolei should have come to her family... she should have told him about everything! About Lee and Ken!! He would have taken care of both of them for her. No more, he was not going to let these men hurt his sister! He was not going to let them treat her like this.

Mantarou was going to kill Ken first! He was going to make sure Ken felt pain! Mantarou wanted Ken to feel all the pain he put Yolei through, the way Ken broke her already broken heart!

"Mantarou, please calm down!" Mimi said, as she noticed the man storming towards the door. Once she had finished her story, she noticed the look in Mantarou's eyes. Mimi had known she was right; he was going to kill Ken. But right now, Mantarou going to kill Ken wasn't going to help Yolei.

"No! I'm going to kill him," he yelled as he got to the door. He tried opening it, however Mimi came in the way. "Mimi move out of my way.

"Mantarou, please think about what you are doing. If you hurt Ken do you think nothing's going to happen to you? Ken's rich, if people find out you hurt him, they can lock you up for a long time and then how are you going to help Yolei?!" Mimi said. She knew Ken would never lock Yolei's brother up, however others around Ken wouldn't care.

"Mimi, he hurt her... I just want to know why," Mantarou said, feeling his own tears. He was scared and angry. He wanted Yolei back now. He wanted to make sure she was okay. He wanted to make sure no one ever hurt her again! He wanted her safe with him.

Mimi sighed. She knew they needed to talk to Ken. Ken was their best chance at finding Yolei, however, Mimi knew Mantarou talking to Ken wasn't a good idea. "I'll go talk to Ken and you stay here." Mimi said.

"No, I'm coming with you. I won't say anything... I promise," Mantarou said. Mimi knew that wasn't a good idea, but they had wasted a lot of time already.

"Okay, but Hawkmon, Palamon you both stay behind. If anyone calls about new regarding Yolei call my cell," Mimi said as she started towards the door with Mantarou.

Both the Digimon agreed as they watched the humans leave.


Yolei closed her eyes. She tried getting free but couldn't. After countless attempts Yolei had given up. She was tried and hurt body was hurting. She was scared and didn't know what Lee would do. He had attacked her many times before; however, he'd never kidnapped her. This was new. She didn't know hoe dangerous he was now.

Yolei knew her brother was looking for her. She knew he would find her; she knew he wouldn't let Lee hurt her. However, a part of Yolei feared Mantarou would be too late. That Lee would do what he wanted with her and her brother would only find her dead body... maybe not even that.

No! Yolei couldn't think that. She had people that loved her. They would find her, hopefully soon.

Just then Yolei hear a door open. She turned towards the sound. It was still dark in the room and she couldn't see well, but she could tell someone was inside with her, and they were coming closer.

"Yolei dear, I see you are awake. I was afraid that I really hurt you," Lee said as he got closed to the purple headed girl.

He smiled and licked his lips as he watched her lying there on the floor helpless. He finally had her where he wanted. He had her tie on the ground where he could do whatever he wanted, and she wouldn't be able to get away, not this time.

However, even though he had Yolei there helpless, Lee wanted more. Lee wanted Yolei's lover to watch as he ruined Yolei. Teach Ken a lesson.

Lee wanted Ken to watch as he touched Yolei, as he made her scream for him. He wanted to make Ken feel helpless, as he shoved his cock deep inside Yolei and fucked her until she was a mess.

Lee licked his lips thinking about it. That would be so fun... but first he wanted to hurt Yolei. He wanted to break Yolei. He wanted to show her that there was no one in the world that cared about her. That she was alone now, and she always would be. That Lee was the only one that would ever love her.

As Lee got in front of Yolei he bent down and grabbed her face in his hands bring her face closer to him.

"See Yolei I knew you would come back to me. I knew you were alone in this world," Lee said, as he brought his face to her and kissed her cheek. He could taste her salty tears and he loved it.

"No... let me go!" Yolei screamed, struggling to get free. She didn't want to be here. She just wanted Lee to let her go. Why couldn't he just leave her alone?

"Yolei, why would I let you go when I finally have you? You know I always loved you, still do. And I know as much as you act like you hate me... you really don't. You love me too. I know you still wanted me," Lee whispered as he brushed his lips against hers.

Yolei tried pulling back. "No... I really hate you. I could care less what happens to you!" Yolei screamed. Lee was crazy to think she cared about him. After everything Lee done to her, Yolei could never forgive him.

Lee smiled. "Is that so, well it doesn't matter anymore. Now you are mines. Do you even think Mantarou cares what happens to you? All you ever do is cause problems. If you weren't alive do you think your brother would still be here in Tokyo; when he has so many things back in US waiting for him? Do you think he cares what happens to you right now? He's probably waiting for you to disappear or get married off, so he can live his life without have to feel burdened with you," Lee said, as he kissed her ear.

He could feel Yolei shaking under him, he knew what he was saying was getting to her. He had spent many months with Yolei and knew what she felt. If he kept this up, she would be broken in no time.

"Yolei, you know it's true. Why don't you save him the trouble and become mines? I'll make sure I take care of you," Lee said as he ran his tongue down her cheek, he liked tasting her.

Yolei finally pulled away. No! No! Her brother was looking for her... Yolei knew it! He would find her! "No! Mantarou's going to find me and once he does, he's going to kick your ass!" Yolei yelled. She couldn't lose hope. She wouldn't.

Lee frowned. He was so close. Frowning he stood up and looked down over her. If she wanted to act like a bitch, fine! With that he kicked her in the stomach and smiled as he watched Yolei scream.

Lee bent down again. He grabbed Yolei by the hair and brought her face close to him. "Do you really think your brother's going to find you? I bet you he's happy that he doesn't have to keep babysitting you," Lee spat.

"S... Shut up," Yolei hissed, as she stared Lee in the eyes. She wasn't going to let him know he was scaring her. That a little part of her mind, believed what he was saying.

Lee knew Yolei was acting brave, however inside she was scared. Scared of what he would do and scared that maybe he was right. That maybe no one really cared for her. He smiled and brought his lips to hers, in a rough kiss. He knew it surprised Yolei and he love it. He loved it when she wasn't ready and couldn't fight back.

Finally breaking the kiss Lee stood up. He would come back to show her that she was truly alone. But right now, he had other things to do.

As Lee left the room, Yolei fell to the floor hugging herself. She wanted to be home, she wanted to be away from Lee. A part of her wanted Ken. Yolei wanted to be in Ken's arm. Wanted to feel safe with him, wanted him! Whenever Ken held her, she would feel safe and she needed that right now.

Who was she kidding? Ken wouldn't come for her. No after everything they been though, Ken wasn't coming for her. And Yolei wasn't sure if she was ready to face him. Yolei felt her tears falling; maybe Lee was right. Maybe she really didn't have anyone.


"Ken, we need to talk," Ryuu said walking into Ken's room. Ryuu hadn't talked to Ken since the day in Ken's office. Ryuu knew if he wanted to help his friend then he needed to talk to Ken. Ryuu needed to hear what was bothering Ken, why he was acting like this. And Ryuu knew he couldn't do it alone, so he brought Kai along. Ryuu also hoped the two could make up with each other again

However, as Ryuu and Kai walked into Ken's room, Ryuu was shocked at what he was seeing. There on Ken's couch was Ken and on top of him was some random blonde-haired woman. Ryuu shot him a questionable look. Ken didn't do random hook-ups. That wasn't like him.

Kai on the other hand gave Ken a disappointed look. Kai still couldn't believe Ryuu had convinced him to forgive Ken. Now looking at Ken, Kai didn't know if he could forgive the guy. It looked like Ken was having the time of his life. After breaking two girls heart, Ken was moving on to another it seemed.

"Hi guys," Ken said, breaking away from the heated kiss. He looked at Ryuu and Kai over the blonde woman's shoulder. Ken had to say he was surprised to see Kai. He hadn't seen or talked to Kai since what happened with Yolei.

Ryuu was the first to talk, "Who the hell is this?" He said pointing to the blonde that was now traveling her kisses down Ken's neck.

Ken smiled. "This is Zey, I met her at the club the other day," Ken said sending his friends a smile. He looked at Kai and said, "I didn't think I would be seeing you anytime soon."

"I brought him. I think you two need to talk. It would do you some good Ken," Ryuu said. He knew something was wrong with Ken. Ken never picked up random girls from clubs. Ryuu watched as Ken didn't stop the blonde from kissing him and knew this wasn't their shy Ken. Ryuu started talking again, "This is getting out of hand. Can you please do something about this," Ryuu said to Kai, as he pointed to the blond on top of Ken. It was really starting to piss Ryuu off.

"He's your friend," Kai said looking outside the window. Walking into the room Kai had noticed something was wrong with Ken, however, he wasn't going to do anything. Kai could care less. Ken wasn't any of his concern.

Ken pulled away from his partner and gave his friends a dirty look. "Look, if I want someone to tell me what to do, I would have called my parents. Now if you have a problem leave."

Ryuu couldn't believe Ken just told him to leave. In all their time together, Ken never talked to Ryuu like this. Ryuu felt like beating the shit out of Ken but knew he couldn't. It wouldn't be right. Taking a deep breath Ryuu looked at Ken, "This isn't you Ken. You're not this one-night stand kind of guy."

Ken stopped Zey, and she looked from Ryuu to Ken. Noticing Ken wasn't in the mood anymore, she stood up and walked towards the door. She turned and told Ken to call her before she walked out of the room. Once she was gone, Ken looked at Ryuu. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Ken stood up. "You think you know me?! Well Ryuu you don't!" Ken said walking towards Ryuu.

Kai turned his attention towards the two. He was surprised to see Ken acting this way. Kai knew that this 'new' Ken was pissing Ryuu off, and the last thing Kai wanted to see was Ryuu and Ken trying to kill each other. They both probably would have if at just that moment the doors hadn't opened and in entered a man and woman.

All eyes turned towards the door, and Ken was surprised to see Mantarou and Mimi coming in.

Ken would have said something if Mantarou hadn't already crossed the room and knocked Ken to the ground.

Ken grabbed his right cheek from the pain. He looked up at Yolei's big brother with angry eyes. "What the fuck was that?" Ken yelled as he stood up.

"You bastard! How dare you hurt my sister!" Mantarou yelled. He would have attacked Ken again, if some tall man didn't stop him. He sent the other man a hatefully look; however, he couldn't escape the hold.

Ken stood up ready to attack Mantarou. So what, if he was Yolei's brother? He didn't have any right coming into Ken's place and attacking him. However, Ryuu had grabbed onto Ken before he could land a punch at Mantarou.

"You fucking bastard! I swear I'm going to kill you," Mantarou yelled. He wanted to kill Ken. Yes, he promised Mimi he wouldn't hurt Ken, however as they got to Ken's place, Mantarou had changed his mind. He wanted to hurt Ken. He wanted Ken to feel like shit! Mantarou was not going to let Ken live a happy live when Yolei wasn't.

"Ryuu let me go," Ken hissed. He looked at Mantarou with anger and tried pulling away from Ryuu.

Ryuu looked from Kai, who was holding the brown-haired man, to Ken, and then the pink haired woman. He had no idea what was going on, but he knew these people knew each other. "Ken calm down." Ryuu said.

"I can't believe you would do this to her?! I thought you were Yolei's friend!" Mantarou yelled.

"What did you do Ken," Kai asked Ken. What did Ken do to Yolei to have this man want to kill Ken?

Mantarou stopped struggling and looked at both men. So, they didn't know the real Ken. They didn't know the scum he was. Well he was going to change that. "Your friend here is a liar. He acts like a kind soul, however he's not. The bastard doesn't care who he hurt, as long as he gets what he wants. How dare you hurt Yolei?! How could you say those things to her? How dare you treat her like... like she was nothing! You knew she was weak. She was going through a hard time, and this is how you treat her?!! I going to kill you!" Mantarou wanted to hurt Ken so much right now. But the other man wouldn't let him go.

"What are you talking about?" Ken asked. What was Yolei going through? She never talked about her personal issues with him. If she had he would have helped her. However, she wouldn't tell him anything. He'd asked but she never opened up too him. He had thought of the worse in her... was is true that she had another reason for all that she had done? Had he really thought the worse of her when she was just a girl that needed some help from a friend?

"Cut the crap Ken. You knew Yolei was alone. You knew she needed money to save our mother; so, what you played with her feels; then when you decided you didn't want her you call her a whore! How dare you speak to my sister like that. How dare you play with her feelings, her heart. I thought you were her friend. I thought you cared for her... but looks like you never really cared. All you care about is yourself." Mantarou yelled. He would have keep going but stopped as he noticed the look of horror in Mimi's eyes.

Ken froze. He... He didn't use Yolei. No, he loved her... he would never use Yolei. Ken knew he had hurt her that day. He had said things that he himself was disgusted at. He had wanted to take it all back, but knew it was too late. He knew he could never have Yolei. She was too good for him, she deserved someone better. He would never be that man. After that day Ken also realized his true feeling, he'd be denying all this time. He loved her! He still loved her! He'd had feelings for her for a while but could look past friendship to realize them.

Ken could feel Ryuu's grip tighten on his arm. Ken knew Ryuu liked Yolei and he knew that Ryuu would hate him once he found out what he had done to her. Ryuu also deserved a better friend then Ken.

"I... I would never use her! It's true she needed money, but I gave her. I did it because she was my friend! I lov-..." Ken stopped himself. No, he couldn't tell them he loves her, "What do you mean save your mother?" Ken said instead. He knew he had treated Yolei badly. But what had Mantarou mean by save their mother? Had something happened to her?

"Mantarou...he doesn't know," Mimi finally said. She gave Ken a hateful look, then turned her attention towards Mantarou. "Yolei didn't tell him anything. She didn't want him to find out." Mimi said.

Ken finally broke out of Ryuu's hold. He was confused and wanted to know what the hell was going on. What was Yolei hiding from him? Was she okay?

Ken went over to Mimi. Grabbing her arms, he made her face him. He knew she was mad at him, but Ken needed to know if Yolei was okay. "What didn't Yolei tell me," Ken asked.

Mantarou was the one to answer. Breaking out of Kai's hold he came towards the two and pulled Ken's arm off Mimi. He didn't trust Ken anymore, "Don't touch her," Mantarou hissed. He turned to Mimi and asked why?

Mimi didn't know what to say. Yolei didn't want Ken to find out. Yolei had wanted Ken to love her on his own and not feel pity for her. Yolei had wanted to tell Ken, but things had changed.

Kai's voice broke the silence that had built up. "What happened to her?" He asked.

Mantarou turned to the man that had restricted him and answered. He told them about their parent's car accident, their father passing away, and their mother falling in a coma. He told them everything... all the things Yolei had given up for her family. Shared all the things she'd lost.

Ken swore once Mantarou was done. Yolei had been through so much and she never told him. She had been struggling and Ken hadn't seen any of it. Why couldn't she have told him? Ken hated himself right now. He had treated Yolei like shit, and he had not once wondered what she was going though. He had only been thinking about himself. He knew something was wrong, be he never tried getting her to trust him.

Ken felt numb, broken. He couldn't think. He wished he could go back and changed everything that had happened between them.

Ryuu was the one to break the silence this time. He wanted to talk to Ken alone. He wanted to hear Ken tell him what he'd done to Yolei. However, first he wanted to know what bought Yolei's brother here. "Is that it?"

All eyes turned to Mantarou.

Mantarou shook his head no. As much as he hated Ken, Mantarou knew they needed his help. If Ken ever cared for Yolei he would help them. He had too.

However, Mantarou never got to speak as Mimi was the one to start. She turned to face Ken and said, "We needed your help, Ken. Yolei's in trouble, and if you ever loved her; you'll help us."

Ken looked at her. Of course, he loved Yolei... he still loved her. He would do whatever he could. What could have happened to her?! Panic filled him. Was she okay? Where was she?

"We can't find Yolei... we think Lee," Mimi started, she watched Ken closely, and saw the panic in his eyes. She knew Ken still loved Yolei, but he was too afraid to admit it. "We think Lee took her." Mimi finished.

Ken froze. What the hell did she mean?! Where had Lee taken her? But Lee shouldn't have been able to reach her. What the hell! Ken's heart was beating so fast. Who knew what Lee could do to Yolei? "What are you talking about? Where is she?" Ken questioned looking from Mimi to Mantarou. He needed answers now.

Mantarou frowned. He really didn't like the idea of asking Ken for help, but, Mantarou knew Mimi was right. Ken had power and money; he could do more for Yolei then any of them could.

Mantarou took a deep breath and told them about what happened. He told them about leaving her and when came back home to find the door unlock, and a sign of a struggling.

Ken's heart skipped a beat. Yolei! Oh God he hoped Yolei was okay. He hoped Yolei was safe and Lee hadn't done anything to her. Ken frowned at the thought of having Yolei alone with Lee. He had seen what Lee had done to her in the past, but she had always had someone to help her. But now she was alone with Lee. Ken wasn't there to help her.

Shaking the thought of Lee hurting Yolei, Ken picked up his phone and called John. Ken wanted answers. He needed to know why Lee hadn't be put away from last time. And he wanted to make sure the police did everything in their power to find the woman he loved.

He needed to make sure she was safe. He needed to tell her how much he loved her... He needed Yolei.


Yolei cried as she laid on the floor alone.

Lee had been coming in and out of the room. He was trying to break her, and she knew it. He came back and told her no one was looking for her, he told her no one cared about her and Yolei was starting to believe him.

She didn't know how long she'd been here, but it felt like forever. Yolei was starting to lose hope. What if Lee was right and no one wanted her? She had been lonely since her parent's accident, so why would someone want her now? No... no... they were looking for her. She had to keep believing that.

She heard the door open again and closed her eyes. She didn't like when he would come in. It was still dark in the room and she didn't know where he was. Yolei jumped when she felt a hand running though her hair. She felt another hand on her face bring it up. She felt Lee's lips on hers and Yolei didn't stop him.

She was tired of fighting him. She had fought, and fought but was to tired, weak to stop him. Yolei was tired of stopping him; she didn't care what he did to her anymore. Yolei just wished whatever he wanted to do; he would do it fast.

Lee deepened the kiss. He smiled as his tongue entered her mouth and Yolei didn't fight back. Lee missed tasting her. He loved it when she let him do what he wanted, let him claim her.

As he kissed her, his hand on her face traveled down her body. He wanted to feel her body. He wanted to feel her naked against him. He wanted to feel himself deep inside her. He smiled at the thought. It would happen soon. He just needed to be patience.

However, he wanted Yolei's lover to watch as he did things to her. He wanted Ken to see how Yolei was broken. He wanted to show Ken that no matter what; Yolei was Lee's and always would be!

He pulled backed and started his way to the door, however he promised Yolei he would be back soon.

Once he was gone Yolei just laid there on the ground looking up at the ceiling. "Someone please..." Yolei whispered to the dark ceiling.


Mimi looked towards Mantarou; she was worried about him. He hadn't said a word since they left Ken's place. Mimi knew he wasn't happy about asking help from Ken, but they really needed it. They had to put their anger aside and focus on Yolei.

Once they had shared the news about Yolei, everyone in that room had been ready to help. Ryuu had suggested splitting up to cover more ground. So, they had split into pairs. Mimi knew leaving Mantarou with Ken wouldn't be a good, so she was with Mantarou. It was the only way to make sure nobody killed each other and did their best to look for Yolei.

So here Mantarou and she were back at the shop. Maybe Lee came here to get something or... Mimi didn't know! They had looked everywhere they could think of and now they were just hoping Lee would just show up somewhere! God knew what he was doing to Yolei.

Mimi looked up at Mantarou and noticed him watching her, "What?" Mimi asked.

Mantarou shook his head nothing, however, didn't look away from Mimi. Mimi knew there was something on Mantarou's mind. Mimi continued to stare at him, until he finally started talking.

"It's just that... do you think we did the right thing by asking Ken for help? I mean can we really trust him?" Mantarou questioned. It had been eating him up since they had left Ken's place. Was it safe to get Ken involved? Would Yolei be okay with seeing Ken after everything?

"Don't worry, no matter what happens I don't think Ken can hurt Yolei. I think he really cares about her. The way he talked about her back there you could see he hated himself for what he did to Yolei and if he could he would take it back. I think all he really wants right now is to make sure that Yolei's safe. He wants what we all want. We need to have faith in him," Mimi said. She could see Mantarou was troubled with her answer, but he didn't question anything. Mimi was thankful he let the subject drop.


"I can't believe him! In all my years with Ken, I never thought he could hurt someone like that!" Ryuu said as he turned towards Kai. Ryuu still couldn't believe what Ken had done to Yolei. He couldn't believe the Ken, the nice one of all of them, had treated Yolei so poorly, treated her like dirt!

Ryuu couldn't talk to Ken right now; he didn't even want to see Ken's face. Ryuu was mad, at the moment Ryuu didn't want anything to do with Ken... he was mad.

Kai looked over towards Ryuu, Kai hated Ken more then Ryuu knew, but Kai knew this wasn't the time to point out how right he had been about Ken. No, right now Kai needed to make sure Ryuu was calm and keep all their focus on finding Yolei.

However, a part of Kai couldn't hate Ken. Apart of Kai knew that even though Ken had hurt Yolei, Ken really did care for her. Back at the house when Ken talked about Yolei, Kai had seen all the love Ken had for Yolei... Ken hated to know that Ken returned Yolei's love... he just hadn't realized until now. Kai just couldn't understand why Ken just couldn't show anyone how much Yolei meant to him!

Kai turned his attention in front and continued walking as he listened to Ryuu's angry rant.


Ken didn't know where he was going and didn't really care. All Ken could think of was, if Yolei was okay? Ken prayed to God that nothing bad happened to Yolei. He couldn't stand the thought of Lee touching her.

Ken frowned at himself. He couldn't believe what was happening! His whole life was a mess and he just kept making things worse. Ken knew that Yolei was taken because of him. This was all his fault! Ken had done nothing but cause issues in Yolei's life. This whole time he had blamed her for messing up his life, however, it had been him who messed her life up. He ruined Yolei's life, and Ken didn't think he could ever forgive himself for it.

Ken still couldn't believe he hadn't known about what was going on with Yolei. He should have noticed how she wouldn't talk about her family, and herself much. She kept her distance from the others. He should have known something was wrong!

He shouldn't have been selfish with her. He shouldn't have treated her like he had. Ken knew what he had done to Yolei was wrong, and he knew Yolei hated him more when he had picked Britney over her. She had even told him how much she hated him. He knew he could never have Yolei's love again, and he was ready for that. However, if anything happened to Yolei, Ken wasn't sure what he would do!

Just then Ken's phone started ringing startling him. Ken answered his phone not looking who it was. He just wanted to hear good news about Yolei, "Did you guys find Yolei?"

There was a long pause on the other line before someone started talking and it wasn't anyone he realized right away. "I have her," Ken froze it was Lee! Lee heard the gasp in Ken's voice and smiled.

Ken got a hold of himself before he started talking again, "Lee, I swear to God if you hurt her, I'll kill you! If you even touch her, I will make your life a living hell!"

Lee laughed. Lee wished he could see the look on Ken's face right now; the helpless look. "You know what Ken...Yolei looks so sexy right now. She looked her best when she's broken. Don't you think?"

Ken hissed and heard Lee laugh harder. This was not funny! "Where the hell is she? Tell me where she is and what the fuck do you want?!!" Ken yelled.

Lee finally stopped laughing and got serious. This is what he wanted. He wanted Ken to panic. Lee wanted Ken to come to him, begging for Yolei's life. "I want to meet you. Come to 75 Nippori Central Street... alone. If you tell anyone or call the cops... I swear, I'll hurt Yolei so bad that-"

"Okay!" Ken yelled cutting Lee off. Ken wasn't going to let Yolei get hurt! Ken would have said more if the phone hadn't been disconnected.

Ken put his phone away in anger. He couldn't believe Lee! Ken knew he needed to get to Yolei right now. He had too make sure she was safe.

Just as Ken was about to head out, his phone rang again. Maybe Lee called back?!

"LEE?!" Ken yelled.

"Ken you okay? It's Kai," Kai's voice came on the other line.

Crap! Ken couldn't talk right now. He needed to find Yolei. "I can't talk," with that he hung up and headed towards Lee.



Hope you enjoyed. Last part coming soon! Be safe.

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