The Hidden Player: Land of th...

By AnimeFan0930

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With the defeat of Heathcliff or Akihiko Kayaba the world of Sword Art Online is ended. Things return back to... More

Chapter 1: Reality
Chapter 2: Adjusting
Chapter 3: Motivation
Chapter 4: Welcome To ALfheim
Chapter 5: The World Of ALfheim
Chapter 6: Leafa
Chapter 7: The Caged Queen
Chapter 8: Journey To The World Tree
Chapter 9: Going To The Corridor
Chapter 10: The Legrue Corridor
Chapter 11: Battle In The Corridor
Chapter 12: Treaty In The Valley
Chapter 13: The General Of The Salamanders
Chapter 14: Sigurd's Plan
Chapter 15: Secrets Of The World Tree
Chapter 16: The World Tree
Chapter 17: Choices
Chapter 18: Leafa
Chapter 19: Making Peace
Chapter 21: The Real Quest
Chapter 22: Game Over
Chapter 23: The True Ending
Extra 1: The Red Band
Extra 2: The Lycan
Extra 3: The Stone
Extra 4: The One Who Consumes
Extra 5: The Finale

Chapter 20: Raid Of The World Tree

1.1K 21 3
By AnimeFan0930

Inside The World Tree


The moment was now time was pressed for Y/N and Kirito. They needed to get to the top of the World Tree now. So planning on how they were going to get to the top wasn't exactly important. Now Y/N, Kirito, Leafa and Recon were going to be the first party to single handedly going to reach the top and get higher than other groups. Knowing the seriousness of this mission there couldn't be any mistakes.


To say that it was foolish for a group consisting of a Dragoon, a Spriggan and two Sylphs was correct. I didn't know how we were going to get to the top past all of the guardians. The last time it was just Kirito and I, we barely made it to the top. Kirito died and I was about to end up the same way even after using one of my strongest spells.

"Okay here's the plan, Shi and I will be in the front attacking while Leafa and Recon stay in the back and heal us" Kirito said explaining the plan. "Um why are you two going to be in the front would it be better for all of us to attack?" Recon asked. "Yeah that doesn't make any sense for just the two of you to attack" Leafa said. "Well you see the guardians won't attack you if you stay back far enough and heal us" I explained.

"If the situation calls for it and you two need to attack, do whatever you have to" Kirito told them. "Alright here we go guys, let's reach the top" I said as the guardians began to spawn in.


The group then got into position and readied their weapons. Things began immediately Y/N and Kirito began to cut down as many guardians as they could. Y/N sent out waves of flames cutting a large amount of guardian in half. Kirito did the same he cut down as many guardians as Y/N did. When they took a lot of damage they'd back up and have Leafa and Recon heal them.

It went on like this for some time, they had actually began to make some progress. However things began to change when the guardians began to instantly respawn. The guardians soon then went after Leafa and Recon when they saw them heal Y/N and Kirito.

When they tried to swarm on them Y/N created a massive fire wall protecting them. Leafa noted that the guardians had a different targeting algorithm from other regular monsters. As more guardians went after Leafa and Recon he took offensive for Leafa and protected her. He attacked them with offensive magic and got their attention.

To the suprise of the others Recon used a self destruct spell. He used the spell sacrifice to kill a large amount of guardians. Leafa knew the toll of using that kinda of spell. Recon's death counter was going to be very long. Recon's spell killed a lot of guardians around him creating an opening for everyone.


Recon created an opening that Kirito and I could use to reach the top. I had just killed a guardian when Kirito got my attention. "Shi there's an opening we need to take it" Kirito called out to me. As Kirito and I rushed to get past the guardians through the gap more guardians instantly filled it and blocked our way.

Kirito flew back for Leafa to heal him I decided to try and create a new gap for us. "Elemental duality: Fire and Lightning" I chanted as I created a ball of flames in one hand and a ball of lightning in the other. My sword got engulfed in flames while the lightning formed around my dagger. With those two blades I killed all of the guardians that got in my way.

When my spell faded away I tried to rush into the new gap I created. Just like before a giant swarm of guardians came in and blocked me. Before they could swing at me I used a wind spell to blow myself back to the others.

Leafa caught me and began to heal me "it's impossible guys the grand quest can't be beaten" she said. Out of nowhere guardians began to surround Leafa. Right as they were about to attack her out of nowhere came soldiers of the Sylph and the Cait Siths with their dragons. Sakuya and Alicia had arrived with their troops just when we needed them most.

With the dragons they destroyed a whole group of guardians. I overheard Leafa talking to Sakuya and Alicia. Apparently it was the money Kirito and I gave them that allowed them to be here. I smirked a bit I guess trying to impress girls goes pay off. Hopefully Rika doesn't find out about all of that or I'm a dead man. Sakuya then laid her fan out and ordered her troops to clear a path for us. Alicia had her troops use their dragons to take out all of the archer guardians.

Kirito and flew back to back "you know I always wondered which one of us would win in a fight" I said "no holds bard?" Kirito asked. "Yeah well ya know maybe after this we duke it out" I said. "What are you two talking about right now?" Leafa asked as she flew up to us. "Oh you know nothing much" I answered "it's not really important" Kirito said. "Okay you two get your heads out of your asses and focus" Leafa said hitting the both of us.

"Ouch, okay okay we will" both Kirito and I said at the same time as we readied our swords. Now with Leafa we flew together and fought off any guardians that got close to us. "Okay I have a plan to create another gap for us to get through" I said as I killed an incoming guardian. "Well tell us" Leafa said as she killed a guardian. "I have just enough energy to partially use my transformation spell" I said.

"What do you mean partially?" Kirito asked as he dodged a guardian and Leafa killed it. "Geesh sorry I'm the only one with a plan" I said as I cut a guardian's head off. "No no no, we could use a plan right about now" Leafa said cutting an arrow coming at her. "Well now I'm not going to do it" I said. "Shi!!!" Leafa and Kirito said together. "Okay okay, I unleash my potential: Inner Beast" I said unleashing my wings.

Scales began to grow all over my body as my claws got longer and feet began to change. I wasn't fully transformed into a dragon but I had transformed enough to get all of the physical and magical boosts. "Stand back I'm about to clear us a path" I said engulfing my blade with magical energy.

As my blade grew in size I only had to swing it once to kill all of the guardians blocking the way to the top. I put my sword away and began to fly as fast as I could through the gap "hurry up Kirito" I said. "I'm coming I'm coming"  Kirito said speeding up behind me. All of the guardians then focused their attention on to the two of us and began to pile together trying to stop us.

"We need to push through" Kirito said trying break through the guardians. "I know man I know all we need is an inch" I said as I heated up my claws. "Hey guys use this" Leafa said throwing her sword up to us. Kirito caught her katana with the two blades and my claws we managed to actually go all the way through and breached the top.

Both Kirito's and Leafa's blade hit a large door thing. "What the" Kirito said "what is that?" I asked. "Whatever it is it won't open" Kirito said as he tried use his sword to open it. "Here let me try" I said moving him back. I took out my sword and dagger and began to rapidly swing them hitting the thing. When I finished there wasn't a single scratch on it. "What the hell" I said in frustration. "We need to get this thing open" Kirito said "here I'll go again" I said.

This time I used my breath attack on it I made sure to use every element. When I was done and out of MP and saw that nothing happened. "Yui what is this thing, shouldn't it open for us?" Kirito asked Yui. Yui appeared and began to scan the door for a minute. "I don't mean to rush you little bit but time is of the essence" I said to her seeing the guardians coming up to us. "I'm trying uncle" Yui said before she stopped.

"So what is it Yui shouldn't this door open?" Kirito asked. "Well you see daddy and uncle this door lacks a quest flag" Yui explained. "What does that mean?" I asked Yui. "Daddy and uncle this door is locked by the system administrators, this door was never intended to be opened by players" Yui explained to us.

Both Kirito and I didn't know what to believe this whole grand quest was a lie. More and more guardians began to respawn in. Things weren't looking good for us this might just be the end of the line for us.

I saw Kirito thinking "what is it man?" I asked "that card Asuna dropped for me maybe that will work" Kirito answered. "Yeah that might just work, what do you think Yui?" I asked. Kirito handed the card over to Yui and she began to inspect it. "It'll work" Yui said taking the card to the door. She then placed it on the door and began to do something to get it to open.

The guardians got closer and closer "here take this" Kirito said throwing me a  vial full of liquid. It was an MP potion I drank it and had enough MP to use a spell to keep us safe. "Okay Yui I'm going to need you to open that door very quickly" I said to her. "Winds that scorch the earth below: Flaming Torrent" I chanted. A large flaming tornado appeared and killed all of the incoming guardians.

"Okay you two hold on" Yui said as she got the door to open. There was a bright white light that appeared as Kirito and got sucked inside. "I better not get probed!!!" I yelled as everything got bright.

A/N: There we have the raid on the World Tree is over and now it's time for things to get real. I know a lot of you have been waiting for this and I can promise you it will be worth it. Only two more regular chapters before I start going into the extra chapters. I have decided that I will have the GGO season be it's own story like this one. I'll notify you all when that begins with an announcement on my profile board. I understand that I didn't post a new chapter last week but some things came up involving COVID and one of my family members testing positive. I myself tested negative as did the other members of my family, my little nephew took that medicine and he now is no longer COVID positive. Now I'm always answering any questions you readers may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better than the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you all later

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