The Edge Of The Universe

By Ray_Jack56

92 0 1

The world has always been bent on finding out if there other life out there in space. Join Scott and the rest... More

Chapter One: Origins
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

19 0 0
By Ray_Jack56

(At the Military Base)
"Seargent!" General Lincoln yells for his second in command.
"Yes Sir!"
"Why haven't you and those science germs gotten my ship up and running!"
"Er... I... I don't know."
"Look, you know what I want... Huh... Guns, lots and lots of guns. So, Seargent, when I request for guns, I expect you to give me GUNS!!"
"The scientists said that the ship is more advanced than they thought, it might take more time to even get into the ship."
"Maybe I can help with that." A voice says, emerging from the shadow is a tall, blonde haired, pearl green eyed man.
"And who might you be!" The general yells.
"I'm the man that's gonna help get into that ship."
"How can we trust you... Huh?!"
"Easy... You don't, I just do my work, get you your GUNS, complete my research and get out of your way, by any means possible."
"Hmm... I like you, but if you are going to be on board this project, we'll have to get a real name, James McMauguckhan."
"The name's Brandon."
"Brandon, I like it! Get to work, Justin Bieber, you've got a lot of work to do."
"Happily, general." He says with a mischievous smile on his face as the general leaves the block.


(Meanwhile at Roxanne's burgers)
Chris walks in the restaurant, looks around to see me already there and settled in.
"We agreed at 10, looks like you've been for over 20 minutes." Chris says taking his seat.
"Oh yeah, I had to leave home early in order to escape my mother's rage."
"So now we're past the intros, why don't you begin with the reason we're here."
"Yeah, school, you remember Mike Thompson from Boulderville High right?"
"Yeah, sure, what does this have to do with him"
"He's the one that went five feet bow the ground."
"What?! How?"
"Hey, keep your voice down, we don't want to let everybody know what I did or something."
"Trust me that should be the least of this town."
"What do you mean?"
"You don't know, where you benn, man!"
"C'mon spill!"
"OK OK, check it... One week, up to more than seven confirmed murders by 'The Man In The Black Suit'.
"Whoa... Are you sure?"
"Yeah I should know, my dad was one of 'em."
"God really? What happened?"
"OK... Last week, I overheard my dad making a call with one of his 'confidential' clients saying something about the man in the black suit getting upset with my dad for a mishap in Colorado."
"Colorado? But what does Colorado have to do with us here in West Bay."
"Same thing I thought,a until I looked it up on the internet that mass black market seller caught and apprehended performing illegal transactions between the U.S Army and the Black market overall dealer in Colorado."
"Now I get it."
"All we know about my Father's death is that the next three days after that call, cops came to our house to report to us that our father was found at the bottom of a cliff on his return from the state, the Cops, Army, Department of Defence all of them classified it as a freak accident but I know something else happened that night and I'm gonna find that 'Man In The Black Suit'..." He says sarcastically, "I'm gonna make him pay." Just then Chris' phone began to ring.
"Ah, it's my mum, she wants me to come back home right away. It's good to talk to you again, man!" He says picking his things and leaves.
I stay behind and reflect on what Chris has just told me. I was lost in thought of the probability that the items that are being transferred are alien tech.
I was too deep in thought, i didn't notice that one of the waiters were trying to attend to me.
"Sir, sir. Are you going to order anything?"
I look up to see a girl with dark haired and the best set of sea- blue eyes I had ever seen.
"Um... Sorry I was lost in thought back there, I'll have a soda please."
"OK coming right up."
Moments later she comes back with the soda.
"Here it is."
"If you aren't busy, my shift will be ending soon, we could ditch this place and just... Hang."
"Sure, I'll be here."


(At Scott's house)
"Daniel why are you so tense, come sit. It is our day off, so why don't we make the most of it."
"I'm sorry but I can't rest now, while our enemies are out doing God-knows-what!"
"You're afraid, aren't you?"
"Of course,I'm afraid."
"Not about that, you're afraid Scott would become like him."
"I've know, it's the look in your eyes."
"Speaking of him, I got good and bad news." Says Tom(Scott's uncle) over the TV screen.
"Tom, brother, what's the news."
"Where should I start?"
"Um... The good news."
"OK we have located Zardon."
"Great, where is he?"
"My crew saw him entering a off-grid military vehicle but we were able to follow it to a hidden military base somewhere in the Eastern borderlands of the cliffs."
"OK, what's the bad news then?"
"We were also to uncover he's planning more or less, he's target."
"Go on, what is it?"
"He's after your son, Dah-nuel."
My dad pauses in great fear and surprise.
"Do you know why?" My dad was able to speak out of his 'Coma'.
"No, that was all we were able to get, sorry you had to hear this from me brother, just wanted to give you a heads-up."
"Yeah, thanks Tom."
"I'll let you know when I find anything else."
Transmission ends.
"This is my worst fear come true. Mia, we have to protect Scott from that monster. He could be planning anything and I'm not ready to lose my son yet."


(Somewhere in the forest)
"Hahaha... So you got kicked out of three schools under two semesters. Now that's crazy." Tasha(the waiter from the restaurant) laughs about my story.
"Yeah and my parents won't let me love without it, especially my mum."
"At least, you got parents to take care of you."
"What do you mean, you're an orphan?"
"Yeah. My parents were killed by... Never mind."
"No please tell me."
"You'll think I'm crazy just like the rest of them."
"C'mon, I won't think you're crazy, please."
"Fine but promise me you won't think otherwise of me."
"My parents were killed by aliens when I was just six years old."
"Oh my gosh!"
"I knew you wouldn't believe me..."
"No, the crazy thing is do."
"Hmm... You're different, aren't you Scotty."
"Yeah I guess, what did you call me?"
"Scotty, you don't like it?"
"No, it's good, it's good. I just it wasn't like for sure yet."
"Is this for sure?" She moves closer and gives me a peck on the check.
"Um... Yeah... I... I guess (stammering)


Meanwhile at the army base, Brandon was enlisting the best of them to go for a secretive re-con mission.
"Hey! What are we even going to get, Huh?!" One of the soldiers yelled angrily to him.
"WE are going to get the key to unlock that ship."
"A boy. Yea, right!" The soldier says rolling his eye and how stupid it sounds.
Brandon moves closer to him to check his name tag. "Jones, isn't it?"
"Yea, what's it to ya?". He chuckles to get the attention of his peers.
Brandon grabs his shirt furiously and sends a shiver down their spins on the thought of what Brandon would do to him.
"Look just because you work here with me doesn't mean we are equals, you understand?"
Jones says nothing but stares at Brandon.
"I said DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" This time taking Jokes off the ground and lets out a small growl.
"Sir yes sir". Jones finally mutters out of breath. Brandon releases him and drops him knees down onto her floor. He turns back to move to his office.
"I hope I don't have to come out there to save your butts."

In the woods, I was with Tasha walking around some trees and talking.
"That's so insane". She says laughing and smiling.
We walk to an opening in the woods. But I stop at a point.
"What is it?" She asks confused.
"I'm having a bad feeling, like something is coming."
"What could it possibly be".
I look around for some moment and take in a quick sniff of the environment, "Phosphonitrate". I gasp recognizing the smell.
"Phosphonitrate, that's the synthetic compound for..."
"Smoke grenades!"
Just then smoke grenades come flying out from different corners of the opening.
"Tasha... Stay... Close... Tasha?!" I say between coughs looking for her. I see her through the smoke on the ground already knocked out.
"Who's there... Show yourself..." A figure walks through the smoke and moves towards me.
"Huh? Looks like lil' ol Braddy was right, you are a tough one." The future who I know find out is a wearing an oxygen mask and U.S. Military uniform.
"Who are you?"
"Son, you can call me the devil." He stabs me with a taser pole in the stomach.
I feel dizzy and fall to the ground.


I woke up in some sort of secret remote base. I tried to move but I realized I was tied up to a pole. I look around for Tasha and found her tied up to a chair.
"Look who finally woke up."
That voice, I recognize it. The man the voice belong to turned out to be the one who stabbed me with the taser pole.
"You. What do you want from me?, look if you're looking for someone to hold for a random, let the girl go, and kill me."
"Hmm... Look at you, acting all heroic and stuff. As tempting your deal is, I'm not here to kill you. Apparently the boss wants you alive."
"Who's your boss. I don't have any beef with anyone."
"Why would he send us on a mission like that, just to retrieve you. What makes you so special, huh?"
He keeps looking at me like I'd done something to him then just leaves giving them the sign to keep an eye on us.
I try using any of my powers to get out of here but I can't. Meanwhile Tasha was waking up to see me grunting and willowing in between the ropes.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh Tasha, you're awake... I was just, trying to get a little lose to get out of here."
"Where is here." She says looking around.
"My idea, nowhere." She looks at me confused,"Well an off-map U.S. military base of course."
"Uh-huh, and why are we here."
"I'm still trying to rap my head around that part."
I continue to try to get out through the ropes.
"YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET OUT THAT WAY." A voice said to me.
I get confused and look towards Tasha."What?"
"What did you say?"
"I didn't say anything"
"Then who did?"
"Okay whoa, did you hear that?"
"Nope, Scott are you okay?"
"Yea, I'm perfectly fine."
"You sure?
I nodd and look at the ground and start talking to myself in my mind.
"Ok, Scott, you've been here for only God knows how long. So you're probably just hearing things."
"No, you're not."
"Who are you?"
"I'm you. Well you're 'alien' self-conscience."
"My 'alien self-conscience', so what up?"
"What up is the only reason I'm here is that you've let your human emotions control everything about you and that has made you weak. You are never gonna escape this place in this state."
"What do you suggest I do, huh?. Do you like have a better way of getting us out of her."
"Yes," he stretches his hand out in form of a handshake, "let me have control."
I hesitate."If I do, what happens?"
"Well in a single statement, you'll witness your inner gronckonian(their alien race)."
"I can't."
"What do you mean you can't? I'm your only chance of getting out of here."
"Yes but, you'll kill Tasha."
"Who cares, after this, she won't even want to be around you."
"Ah... Fine. Just let's go."
I shake the hand giving him control.
In the base, the lights started going haywire and everything electrical items in the platform was short-circuited.
"Who's doing that?" One of the soldiers yelled.
"It's not me." Another yelled.
"It's the boy." Another yelled pointing at me noticing my eyes had already gone blood red.
I get up breaking the ropes used to hold me into shreds. One of the soldiers picks up a gun and shoots rapidly at me. But I am able to evade every bullet and reach him within breathing range, and snap his neck off with my bare hands.
Another comes up with a taser pole and stabs me in the back with it. I fall to the ground on my knees, another comes with another taser pole and stabs me too. I began to get up to my feet, turned back, held the part of the pole that produces the electric chargeand shove the poles through their stomach and guts all the way to the other side of their body.
In fear the other soldiers retreat. I come back to my normal state of being and wipe the blood on my hands on a nearby rag. I run to Tasha to untie her.
"Don't touch me!"
"Come on Tasha, you're being difficult."
"You lied to me after I told you about my past. I knew it was too good to be true."
"Tasha! We need to leave now, we'll handle this later.
She sighs and lets me until her.
"So what do we do now, huh alien?"
"Urgh... Please stop that. Come on, we're taking the trial in those forests. They lead to city hall. Let's go!"
Once out of the base, we made a run for the trees and once we were sure we were out of sight, we stopped to catch our breath.
"Tasha, I think we're almost there..."
"I don't need your help. I can get there on my own." She runs off into the trees and disappears.
I thought it best not to pursue her. We both need space apart to settle our minds.


Meanwhile at home, my parents were worried sick. Looking for me.
"Computer, are you sure you can't link to his phone." My dad says trying to find a way to find me from the supercomputer of our house.
"No sir, Scott's phone is currently in a state of disassemblance." The computer alerts.
"Oh Scott, where are you?"
"Have you tried that thing you used to track Zardon in 2000." My mother says from behind.
"Yes, ALICE,"
"Yes, sir." The computer chokes back.
"Track Scott through his blood."
"Right away sir."
"What does it say?" My mum asks eagerly like something crucially bad had happened.
"Wait, it's still pin-pointing his location, it says... He's... Right on the porch?"
"That's not possible."
Then I walk into the house to see them surprised to see me.
"Scott, where have you been." My mum runs over to me and gives me a hug.
"I'm fine mum. Dad, we need to talk."
"What is it? My dad takes a seat on the sofa in the sitting room. While I sit on the single person couch beside him.
"Some guys from the military jumped me in the woods. They took me to this base. Their crew leader kept speaking of this 'boss' dude, that he wanted me for some reason."
"Yes, that 'boss' happens to be Zardon, the rogue gronckonian I told you about."
"The one who tries to kill you?"
"Yes, it may seem he has returned and he wants you."
"But why?"
"I don't know". He looks at me with concern,"hey, look at me, this guy is dangerous. I don't want you anywhere near him. OK?"
"I'll try."
"What do you mean you'll try?"
"This guy kidnapped me, ruined my life, he... He just has to go done and get the opportunity to do it. I'm taking it." I walk to my room ignoring my dad and mum calling me back from the sitting room.


A/N Hey guys. Hope you love this chapter. Took me time but here it is.

Feel free to comment what you think about it.

Don't forget if you like the story. Vote, share and comment.

Have any ideas for me. Contact me 09055974942(whatsapp or calls)

Thanks for reading you guys;)

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