Only You // Park Seonghwa

Od Dazzlingbyeol

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"Right then i know, i am madly in love with you" ... Viac

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923 38 38
Od Dazzlingbyeol

"Park Seonghwa!"

'Who's calling me?'. Slowly Seonghwa's eyes fluttered open. As his vision was getting clear, he saw Hongjoong's was crying like a madman. 'What is happening?'. He turned his head to the side and saw Wooyoung, Yunho and Yeosang were crying too.

"Thank God you're awake!" Yeosang said in between his sob. "Hang in there! I already call the ambulance. Thank God we found you,"

A few minutes ago, Hongjoong was driving so fast that they almost hit a car but he managed to dodge. They stopped their car when they saw a few cars stopped at the front and some people came out of their car. Hongjoong knew something was not right as he sprinted out of his car towards the crowd. The others followed him from behind. Their eyes widened in shock when they saw Seonghwa was lying on the ground. His body was covered in blood.

Seonghwa could taste the coppery blood pooling in his mouth. His body started to feel every sort of pain. He could feel the aching and cracks in his bones. Each crack felt like rocks were burrowing into his skin. He sucked in cramped air, feeling his lungs caving in on themselves. He brought a hand to his stomach where it pained the most. He looked at his palm and saw blood covering it. It just came into his mind that he got into an accident and he was now lying on Hongjoong's lap. He saw few people crowding him and his friends, whispering at each other with worry etched on their face.

Yunho held his bloodied hand and he looked as if he was trying to say something but the words stuck on his throat. He covered his mouth with his hand as he was trying to muffle his cry. Seonghwa suddenly coughed and blood spluttered out of his mouth.

"Shit, he's getting worse. Where the hell is the ambulance," Hongjoong's cries were getting louder.

"Hongjoong..." Seonghwa called Hongjoong with his weak voice. "You're right about it," he paused as he tried to suppress the pain that grows inside him. "I should have told her early. I messed up everything,"

Hongjoong didn't say anything as he felt as if there's a lump in his throat. It pained him to see his friend in this state. Seonghwa tried to reach something inside his pocket. Their eyes caught his movement as he took out a small velvet box. He accidentally slipped it and it fell on the floor. Wooyoung caught it before it can roll further.

"What's this?" Wooyoung asked as he took a look at the box.

"You..."Hongjoong's eyes grew wider at the sight of the box.

"I couldn't give it to her," Seonghwa continued. The three of them shifted their glance from the box to Seonghwa. Seonghwa smiled meekly as he looked at Yunho. "Can you give it to Nara for me?"

"What are you talking about, Seonghwa? You should give this to her yourself!" Yunho cried, his voice was trembling.

Seonghwa ignored him and added. "I hurt her...Tell her that I'm sorry..." he coughed again and more blood came out of his mouth. It splattered on Hongjoong's coat. Seonghwa winced in pain and squeezed his eyes shut as if it can numb the pain.

"Stop talking Seonghwa. You're going to make it worse!" Hongjoong panicked. "How long is it until they reach?" he shot a question to Yeosang.

"I don't know...I don't know! They should be here at any minute but I don't know where they are!" Yeosang cried.

Seonghwa held his chest as he slowly opened his eyes again. "Can you tell Nara...I love her so much..." his breath was getting heavy as his chest heaved up and down. He tried to turn his head to look at Yunho. "Take care of her. You deserve her...more than me...". His breath became ragged, his voice stuttering in shallow gasps, and was slowing with pain. From Hongjoong's arm, he looked into Yunho's eyes, tightened up again as he could feel another wave of pain washed over him. He tried to reach for Yunho's hand and Yunho quickly grabbed his. Seonghwa gave his friend a weak smile as tears streamed down his cheek.

"Stop talking nonsense! You're going to take care of her. You're going to tell her that you love her!" Yunho paused as his cries became louder. The others can't bear to watch the scene as they closed their eyes. Tears never stop running down their cheeks. "You can't go now," he almost whispered. "You have..." he was about to tell him about Byul when he saw Seonghwa's eyes shut tight.

"Park Seonghwa! Park Seonghwa!" he shook his hand a little. There's no response from him and Yunho slapped his cheeks gently. "Seonghwa!". The others start to panic. Hongjoong shook his body as he called Seonghwa's name but the latter didn't show any response.

"You can't die yet Seonghwa. Nara and Byul need you..." Yunho cried as he brought Seonghwa's hand to his lips.

"Byul?" Yeosang asked as the others looked at Yunho.

Yunho squeezed his eyes shut as his lower lips quivered. "Nara is pregnant...with Seonghwa's child. He doesn't know yet,"

Wooyoung could feel his heart dropped and he squeezed the small box in his hand with his shaking hand. Yeosang brought his hand to his mouth as he tried to muffle his cry. Hongjoong buried his head on Seonghwa's chest, calling Seonghwa's name, asking him to wake up. The scene was too heartbreaking that some people in the crowd started to tear.


Nara almost dropped on the floor as she tried to drag her feet towards the emergency room. San helped him to walk as he held her arm. Her body was weak; her mind was blank. She felt as if her soul left her body the moment San came to her house and told her about Seonghwa.

"You guys are joking, right? Tell me this is a joke," she whispered as tears ran down her cheek.

San couldn't say anything as he too was crying but he tried to be strong in front of Nara. They reached in front of the emergency room where everyone was there including Seonghwa's family. His mother was already on the floor crying as her husband hugged her tightly. His brother was seating on the chair, face in his palm as he was crying silently. Wooyoung and Yeji were hugging each other as they cried and so does Mingi and Jongho. Yunho stood there in silence as his gaze was glued to the white tiles below. His tears were already dried and his eyes were puffy. Nara went straight to him as she clutched his shirt.

"Jung Yunho, you guys are pulling a prank on me, right? Tell me it's not Seonghwa inside there," her weak hand pointed towards the emergency.

Yunho looked at her sadly. "I'm sorry...Nara,".

"No. No," she moved backwards, almost fall to the ground but Hongjoong caught her before she did.

Nara slowly shuffled towards the emergency room with the help of Hongjoong. The door automatically opened, revealing a body that was covered with a white sheet. Nara brought both her hands towards her mouth as she slowly went near the body. Her hand was shaking as she tried to reach for the white sheet. The others went inside the room too except Seonghwa's family as they couldn't bear to see him lying lifelessly on the bed.

Slowly, Nara pulled down the sheet and Seonghwa's calm face came to vision. He didn't frown nor did he smile. His face was too calm as if he's accepting his fate. Her trembled hand reached for his face as she caressed them softly. "It's cold...his body is cold...Seonghwa is always warm...and comforting,". Her tears dropped on his face.

"Wake up, Hwa," she whispered. "I won't get mad at you. I promise. So please..." she clenched the white sheet. "I need you...Byul needs you," Nara held his cold hand and brought it to her cheeks as she lowered her body to his level. "His hand is too cold..."

Nara's leg became weak and she fell to the ground as her hand slipped from Seonghwa's. "It can't be...his body is not supposed to be cold," she wailed. Hongjoong crouched beside her and pulled her into a hug as he too was crying along with her. "Seonghwa that I know is always warm,". Hongjoong hugged her tighter and she cried on his chest. Her tears were drenching his coat. There's still some traces of Seonghwa's blood on it. Mingi and Jongho couldn't bear to watch the scene as they went outside to cry. Nara's body started to feel so weak. She cried too much that her energy drained and she suddenly fainted.

"Shit, call the doctor! Nara faint!" Hongjoong shouted at the others. Mingi and Jongho who were outside the room scrambled around as they looked for the nearest doctor or nurse.


Nara's eyes slowly fluttered open and she saw the white ceiling above her. 'Where am I?'. Her eyes landed on her hand where there's a needle inserted through her skin. She looked around and realised she's in the ward. Nara heard the door slid opened, revealing Yunho's shock face.

"You're awake!" he strode towards her. "Are you okay?" he helped Nara to sit up.

Nara looked at Yunho. He's wearing different clothes from before. Yunho was wearing a black suit and his hair is a bit dishevelled. "They already buried him?" she asked with a weak voice.

Yunho nodded silently and he took a seat beside the bed. "The doctor said Byul is fine. You just need to rest,"

"I want to go to the funeral hall. I want to pay my respect," she said as she reached for her slippers.

"I help you," Yunho held her arm as she climbed down the bed. "Yeji brought you funeral clothes if you want to change,"

Nara nodded and mouthed thank to him. Yunho waited outside as she changed her clothes. They went to the funeral hall after she finished changing which was located on the other side of the hospital. As they reached the hall, Nara saw the others were there, standing with both their hands at the front, head hung low. Wooyoung was still crying as Yeji tried to soothe him down. Nara saw Seonghwa's family stood at the side of the altar where they placed Seonghwa's portrait on top of it. He was smiling brightly in the picture as if he's the one who's trying to cheer up everyone in the hall.

Nara stepped closer to the altar. Her legs were getting weak as she went closer. Tears started to threaten to fall on her cheek. She looked at Seonghwa's portrait and it pained her. It pained her that she couldn't see his sweet smile again. It pained her that she couldn't hear his addictive laugh. Tears stung her eyes as she paid her respect. Slowly she raised from the floor and bowed to his family. Seonghwa's mother stepped closer and pulled her into a hug. Nara cried in her arms.

"I'm sorry mother," she said in between her sob. "I failed to make him happy,"

Mrs Park rubbed her back gently and whispered. "Don't be sorry, honey. It's a blessing that you appeared in his life even just for a short time," she said with a sad tone. Mrs Park released her and Nara went towards the others. They gave her a group hug. Yeji hugged her the tightest.

"I'm here for you, Nara," Yeji said. "We are all here for you,"

Nara saw her brother and Seokjin and she went towards them. She gave them a weak smile before they gave her hugs too. "Sweetie, you have me and Namjoon," Seokjin caressed her back. "We will take care of you," he said and his eyes went towards her stomach, "and Byul," he smiled at her. Namjoon patted her head and nodded in agreement.

"You two are the best brothers," she replied.


Nara stepped outside to get herself some fresh air. Yunho had just given her a small velvet box with a ring inside. He told her that Seonghwa was supposed to give her but unable to do so. Her heart broke into pieces knowing that he wanted to give it to her that night. That was the night that she didn't know it would the last time she can meet him and hear his voice.

"If only I listen to his explanation. If only I..." she closed her eyes tight, trying to stop the tears from falling again. She told herself that she should have just followed her heart that night and hug him, feeling the warmness of his body as she listens to his heartbeat.

She took a seat on a bench nearby and let out a long exhale. She wiped the remaining tears with the back of her hand. She took out the velvet box from her pocket and opened it. There's a shiny gold ring inside. It is a very simple ring with a small star at the top, embedded with Swarovski crystals around it. It matched the necklace that he gave her. Nara bit her lower lips as she tried to suppress her tears that threatened to fall again.

"Can I sit here?" A voice appeared from her side.

Nara quickly wiped her tears and turned to her side. She saw Soojung, wearing a black long dress and she was smiling at her. Not a happy smile but a sad one. "Sure," Nara scooted to her right to give her space to sit.

Soojung thanked her as she sat. She glanced at the ring that Nara was holding. "He told me he that wanted to propose to you," Soojung started.

"Did he tell you that?"

Soojung nodded. She sighed as she continued. "I was at my friend's house when I saw him. I couldn't believe my eyes at first. He was delivering pizza to my friend's house,"

Nara looked at Soojung with her eyes wide opened. She couldn't believe what she just heard. "I have the same expression as you," she chuckled. "I thought I was drunk, but no. It was Seonghwa. So I asked him why is he wearing the delivery attire. Everyone who knows Seonghwa would find it weird. His family is so rich, why would he ran around the town, delivering pizza from house to house," she paused for a while before she continued. "He told me he wanted to buy you a ring so that he can propose to you,"

Nara clutched the box tighter in her hands. Tears stung her eyes. 'So that's the reason he looked so tired every time I met him. He's working all night after class just for this ring' her gaze fell on the box. Tears fell on Nara's cheek when she heard what Soojung had to say next

"He could just buy it with his father's money but he told me it will give more value if he works hard to buy it," Soojung said.

"Stupid Hwa. He didn't have to do that," she muttered as she wiped her tears with her hands. 'He did exactly like his father. Why Seonghwa? You don't have to. Having you is enough for me'

"He said you are the most precious and important person to him," Soojung added as if she can hear her thoughts. "I can see from his eyes how much he loves you when he said that,". The air became silent and only Nara's sobbing can be heard. Soojung's tears threatened to fall too but she held it in as she continued her story. "So I helped him. My sister has a clothing business. She offered him to become a part-time model. I told him that will be easier for him to buy the ring since the payment will be higher than his delivery job. He refused at first,"


"Because he's afraid you will misunderstand him if we were seen together," Soojung turned to look at Nara. "I work at my sister's studio so I will be with him almost every day and we went to the same campus as well," she took Nara's hand in hers. Nara looked at Soojung in confusion. "I'm pretty sure one of the guys might have a slip of tongue and told you about my past relationship with Seonghwa but I can assure you that I don't have any feeling for him even when we're in a relationship before,"

"Does it mean only Seonghwa liked you?"

"No. Neither Seonghwa nor me have any feeling towards each other. You're his first love,"

Nara crinkled her brows. "I don't get it,"

"We were young at that time and we thought it would be fun to become a couple but we're nothing more than just a close friend. That's why we broke up and act as if nothing happens," she shrugged as she lets her hands go but her gaze still fixed on her.

"He loves you so much, Nara. You're his first and last love," Soojung's voice was low at the mentioned of 'last love'. She bit her lower lips trying to suppress her tears but she failed as it dropped on her cheeks. "Sorry, I think I need to go," she excused herself as she didn't want to break in front of Nara.

"I'm...his first and last love...?" Soojung's words rang in her head. She opened the box again and took out the ring. Her heart hammered painfully against her chest, suffocating her. "I'm sorry Seonghwa. I'm sorry...I should have listened to you," she bit her lips harshly trying to stop the tears from falling again but she failed to do so. She crouched as she continued to break down alone outside, letting the cold wind brushed against her skin as she was engulfed with sadness and pain.

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