The Reincarnated Villainous Y...

By Drifting-Clowd

915K 54.7K 28.2K

Published on 4/5/20 In Neo's past life, he was a wicked person who sought to kill his little brother, the rig... More

Volume I Character Sheet
Chapter 1: Neo
Chapter 2: Rainier
Chapter 3: Odum
Chapter 4: Gareth
Chapter 5: Sutton
Chapter 6: Tea
Chapter 7: Aurelion
Chapter 8: Notes
Chapter 9: Academy
Chapter 10: Lackeys
Chapter 11: Professor
Chapter 12: Town
Chapter 13: Alleyway
Chapter 14: Coffee
Chapter 15: Handkerchief
Chapter 17: Emblem
Chapter 18: Royce
Chapter 19: Smile
Chapter 20: Office
Chapter 21: Delphinium
Chapter 22: Lavender
Chapter 23: Cornflower
Chapter 24: Letters
Chapter 25: Khartier
Chapter 26: Fairy
Chapter 27: Elliot
Chapter 28: Serian
Chapter 29: Lester
Chapter 30: Infirmary
Chapter 31: Guinivere
Chapter 32: Friends
Chapter 33: Cornflower p.2
Chapter 34: Apothecary
Chapter 35: Asphodel
Chapter 36: Julius
Chapter 37: Odum p.2
Chapter 38: Aurelion p.2
Chapter 39: Brothers
Chapter 40: Rainier p.2
Extra 1: Gentle Evening Star
Extra 2: Professor Rickman's Rehearsal Period
Extra 3: Aurelion's Friends
Extra 4: The Tragedy of Ohmlet Act I
Extra 5: The Tragedy of Ohmlet Act II
Chapter 41: Ricin Flower
Chapter 42: Emerald Hummingbird
Chapter 43: Leotine Moores
Chapter 44: Arcadia Siblings
Chapter 45: Laurel Elysium
Chapter 46: Odum Siblings
Chapter 47: Benedick's Pilgrimage
Chapter 48: Cornflower's Lament
Chapter 49: Holy City
Volume II Character Sheet

Chapter 16: Conversations

22.4K 1.4K 718
By Drifting-Clowd

This chapter is brought to you by Seesaw by SUGA. 

Edited by: bafflinghaze


The dining hall was a crowded space with serving staff rushing from table to table.

A waiter was immediately assigned to them once they sat down.

It was a well-known fact that the Noble Academy was the best school in the Empire. An education facility catering to the rich and powerful would not be lacking anything—be it materials, resources, or dining.

It was all incredibly extra, but what could they do about it when they had more money than they could ever spend in an entire lifetime?

The food in the academy's famous dining hall was deemed excellent, made by the best chefs on the continent. The staff consisted of top graduates of the Servant Academy, the Gourmet Academy, and even the world's renowned Vinification Academy of the Francois Republic.

Nothing but the best for those born privileged.

Not that there was anything wrong with being born privileged.

"Any refreshments, My Lords?"

"Water is fine."

Neo handed his menu back to the waiter.

The waiter bowed with a charming smile. If he was nervous about serving Neo and his companions, he didn't show it.

"Your order..." Finneas trailed off.

"Should I have gotten more?" Neo held up a hand to call for another waiter, but Finneas quickly cut him off.

"No—wait, how the fuck are you going to finish all of that?"

"It's just some bread and soup."

"That's four bowls of soup and five sandwiches. Who the hell is going to finish all of that?!"

Finneas didn't bother to filter himself. Seeing as he wasn't dead after cussing him out, the other naturally decided there was no need to keep himself in check.

Perhaps it was because Nazareth had apologized. Sometimes, a simple apology from the one person Finneas wouldn't have expected to get an apology from was... nice. Uncharacteristic, but nice. He was more thrown off by the action than the emotional weight behind the apology.

Neo glanced at Tybalt, who so far remained tight-lipped. The other boy caught him staring and they made eye contact.

Slowly, Neo asked, "Do you mind sharing?"

The lavender-eyed boy smiled, but it was hard to tell what he was thinking. "Not at all, but I can't promise I'll help you eat it all."

"That's fine. I can finish the rest."

"... Where the fuck does it all go?"

Tybalt looked at him in amusement.

The waiter arrived with a pitcher of water.

"Is elderblossom water fine with you, My Lords?"

Neo made a gesture for him to serve it.

The waiter poured the water into tall glasses and garnished it with blossom petals and mint leaves.

It was very fancy water.

Throughout the process, Neo noticed that despite the smile on Tybalt's face, there was tension in his shoulders.

The waiter soon left and Neo reached over to grab one of the glasses. He placed it in front of Tybalt, who looked at him in surprise.


Being an illegitimate son of a baron, Tybalt was even lower than the commoner students in the Academy, who are personally invited by the Academy and living on scholarships and Imperial Grants.

The dining hall was expensive, but most students could afford it. Tybalt could not. Oftentimes, Nazareth or Finneas would buy his meals, but having to rely on them for a proper meal might have made him more ashamed of his circumstances.

Finneas downed his complimentary glass of water. All that crying made him thirsty.

Neo held back a smile, but his mirth quickly faded away once Tybalt set his eyes on him.

The calculative spark in the other's gaze shot a shiver down his spine.

"Naza, we are still not finished with our earlier conversation." A fox-like smile stretched across the boy's lips.

Neo didn't think they would continue the conversation so soon after what happened.

He sighed.

Sweeping the wisps of hair out of his face, he clasped both his hands together and set them in front of him, narrowing his eyes at Tybalt.

"Is it so hard to believe I have simply grown tired of playing this role in Aurelion's life?"

"This...?" Tybalt stared at him in confusion.

Neo shrugged. "The plotting, the scheming... Don't you and Finneas have other dreams to chase besides sticking with me? It's not like I'll be here forever..."

"Naza..." Tybalt paused. "Are you dying?"

There was an awkward silence between them.

"Strangely enough, you are not the first person to ask me this," Neo continued without a single ripple in his expression. "No, Tybalt. I am not, in fact, dying. I am, however, about to enact a new plan for my life from this point forth because I know there is no point in trying to kill Aurelion."

Tybalt stared at him closely. There was no change to his smile as he examined him for any potential deception.

After a while, he answered, "Say Finny and I go along with you. How would this benefit us? And how would it benefit you?"

Neo hesitated.

He didn't want to admit he would feel awfully lonely going to the Academy without the presence of Tybalt and Finneas by his side.

He forced them to be his companions because he saw his brother surrounded by friends and wanted. There was no loyalty in an unequal friendship made up of coercion and threats, but Nazareth didn't want to appear as if there was no one by his side.

Slowly, he asked, "Do you think we can try again?"

Tybalt didn't say anything.

Finneas looked completely at ease watching the exchange between them. He placed his trust in Tybalt's hands, knowing that the re-negotiation of the terms of their companionship was in order.

Neo sucked in a breath.

Tie-making and companionship between comrades and friends were practically ceremonial in Noble Society. It was a custom in the empire for children of noble birth to join circles and friendships to further their connections.

He had made many ties and connections in this world. The ones shared between his current circle of friends, Finneas, Tybalt... and Royce...

It was meant to be sacred.

None of them were really children anymore. Tybalt had gotten more and more clever and more and more jaded. Finneas had grown paranoid and calloused.

Nazareth... he was no longer as young as he used to be.

The terms they had made between them have long expired the moment he reappeared in this world. It would make sense for the four of them to renew the purpose of their association—even if they were currently missing one member.

"For the deal between us," Neo began. "We will help one another achieve our own goals. Whatever it is you and Finneas wish to do, I will aid you in succeeding."

"My, that is quite generous of you, Naza. A little too generous, which makes me skeptical. Our last deal had only benefited you, so how do you benefit from this one?"


Tybalt hummed. His eyes slanted lazily.

"Naza, this almost sounds like you're trying to break ties."


It took a moment before he realized what Tybalt just said.

Neo gaped. "Wait, I didn't mean that—"

Tybalt chuckled, but there was hardly any warmth to be seen on his face. In a lazy tone, he spoke.

"You cut your hair, you turn in your schoolwork, you ace Rickman's quiz, and had no objections to playing Lady Rose. Now you wish to reevaluate the companionship we have with one another. You're like an entirely different person, Nazareth," Tybalt's eyes seemed to see through him, his penetrating gaze carving into his bones.

He suddenly leaned in.

"Or are you even Nazareth?"

His words were spoken with a dangerous hiss, hidden beneath eloquence and fancy embellishments.

Neo felt his back grow stiff.

"You believe me to be an imposter?" he asked.

"Perhaps." Tybalt took a sip of water. "I don't know what you've done to Naza, but the abnormalities you've been showing are more obvious than you would like to believe. Naza's handwriting would never deteriorate to your level. He is also right-handed, which you are not. His appetite has always been poor, so the amount you've been indulging in would have lasted him at least a week. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but you have severely underestimated how cruel he could be."

He crossed his arms.

"Of course, these observations could easily be overlooked. You might be the Naza we all know and appreciate. You could have readjusted your behavior due to circumstances. It's not like any of these habits would truly keep you under suspicion. For all I know, Naza hired you to test our loyalty. It would explain your terrible acting and piss-poor imitation."

A sharp smile made its way onto Tybalt's face. "But you fumbled and gave yourself away."

Neo was quiet. He didn't think Tybalt knew him so well. It was actually quite embarrassing to be outed by a sixteen-year-old teenager.

"Naza has spent years training to speak like the rest of us. His accent has become second nature, and yet, when facing a crying Finny, you're telling me he would go back to speaking like a child of a brothel because he didn't know how to handle a few tears?"

Tybalt wasn't wrong about the accent.

The aristocratic accent Neo favored in the past was practically ingrained into his head after many years of training. Even during the final confrontation with Aurelion, Nazareth never revealed it once he made his debut in Noble Society.

But what Tybalt didn't know was that Nazareth kept his accent in secret. It was never trained out of him despite all the tutoring he received. Nazareth was just very good at hiding this flaw, and so it was assumed he perfected his speaking.

"You are trying to take Naza's place and playoff your unnatural behavior as a change of heart, but in reality, you have placed yourself under my suspicion. So I ask you again... who are you?"

The air around them was thick with tension. The students in the dining hall seemed to be background noise, far away from their conversation and oblivious to the interrogation happening in their midst.

Neo surrendered under Tybalt's impressive analysis.

"You are right." He drew his hands up slightly like a criminal being caught red-handed. "Nazareth would never. He is too prideful to do such a thing," he admitted.

He could explain being left-handed. He was, after all, once left-handed. The tutors his father hired for him during his childhood trained him on his right hand. His experience in the modern world had stripped the training away during his infancy and childhood.

As for his horrible handwriting, it would be easy to write it off as being too lazy to bother. The increase in appetite could also be overlooked with some medical jargon and the developing body of a healthy teenage boy.

All these things could be explained.

But not the accent.

Nazareth had always been careful of his origins.

He was never relaxed. He was always high-strung and self-conscious behind all the violence.

Neo was too relaxed. He was far too comfortable in his skin and Tybalt had caught on to this. Who knew good self-esteem would expose him?


"Those are some great observations, and I commend you on them, but there's one thing you've gotten wrong."

Tybalt's smile faded into a frown. "But—"

"I am Nazareth."

His companions both looked at him in alarm.

This time, it was Neo who smiled—albeit it was a tired one.

Once again, silence drowned their table.


"—So you died on the day before graduation at the hands of your own brother because you kidnapped some commoner he took interest in, traveled to another world and grew up to become some medicinal scholar, proceeded to die again because you overworked yourself to death, and the last time you were here Royce died, Finneas ratted you out and then exiled himself—"

"—He was exiled by his household and remained in a villa by the countryside, but yes—"

"—And I leave the academy to live a sad, uneducated, and lonely merchant's life two months before graduation?"

A pause.


Tybalt and Finneas were dumbfounded.

"It's all true," Neo insisted.

The two boys shared a look.

"You don't believe me?"

"Okay, say we believe you," Tybalt finally relented, pinching the bridge of his nose. Gods, give him patience. "It would mean you are coming back here to change our fates, am I correct?"

"It was never my intention to come back, but I died and woke up here. I thought this was a second chance to fix what happened."

"So we can be certain your life in that world changed you for the better?" There was still uncertainty in Tybalt's voice as he asked this.

"Not for the better, no," Neo admitted. "The treatment I was given there helped me become someone I've always wanted to be. I know what kind of person I am, but the world I lived in previously showed me how to handle my shortcomings, so although I had the potential for bad, I was also given a chance to do good."

Tybalt sighed in defeat, "So this really is a change of heart... I want to believe you, I really do. But there is still no evidence besides what you've told us. Are you going to wait for the future events to unfold—"

"I don't want any of it to happen, so I'm going to change it—"

"Then you can't prove those events will truly happen. What other evidence do you have?" Tybalt countered.

"I don't have anything else besides my experience..." Neo mumbled.

He could remake something from the modern world, but the Rhine Empire was going through its own version of the Industrial Revolution. Magic engineering and new inventions were being discovered and produced every day.

Besides, his companions knew of his abilities with poisons and talismans. Even if he made something or discovered an antidote for an illness, his personal skills would be enough to explain his discoveries.

Neo didn't think there would be a day where he would actually have to prove he was from the future.

Tybalt sighed again. "I'm sorry, Naza, but I can't wrap my head around all of this..."

"You two... I have no fucking clue what the hell I'm supposed to believe," Finneas was watching them with a dazed look. He was extremely confused by the entire conversation.

Aghhhh! This was impossible!

Neo wanted to take Tybalt by the shoulders and shake this stinky kid back and forth in frustration!

"Tybalt, we have a Magic Tower eight miles from here. Why aren't you able to comprehend time travel and reincarnation?" he finally snapped.


The look Finneas shot him was very judgemental.

Tybalt had never felt so irritated by a conversation in his life. He maintained his smile, but the politeness of it had dimmed a lot.

Neo took a calming breath. Finally, after counting to ten in his head, he turned back to his companions.

"Listen, I haven't tried analyzing the reason for my return. It could very well be an unnatural phenomenon, but I'm afraid to think too deeply of my current position. I don't know why I'm here, but I have so many regrets in this world. I don't want our lives to turn out the way they did."

Neither Finneas nor Tybalt knew what to say. Nazareth was acting strange. Nazareth was from the future. Nazareth was a forty-year-old man stuck in his sixteen-year-old body...

Tybalt was a genius. Clever, cunning, and charismatic. But Nazareth was always a difficult puzzle to solve. Adding on to his claims of time travel and reincarnation, the bastard Odum was about as unpredictable as a ticking mana bomb.

He gave up.

"I have never questioned your intentions. When you decided to be wicked, the four of us promised to be wicked together. And though our friendship was questionable, I always felt like you were never close to any of us in fear of backlash."


"Perhaps a part of you wanted to protect us, in its own crazy way. Royce's death... could have been avoided, but maybe that's why Finneas and I were able to live. Who knows? We were all that was left. You could have pushed us into hell with you, but you left openings for us to escape. I can't answer for Royce, but if what you say is true, then thank you for what you did."

Neo huffed. His memories were hazy toward the end of that lifetime. He didn't know what his goals were anymore.

"Royce was tortured to death and there was no escape. Your reputations were stained through connections with me. I would have thought you would be even more resentful for what I did. I don't take gratitude since nothing I did would deserve a kind word."

"That's what you think—"

"You don't know how miserable we were..."

"Then we can do exactly as you say. We can prevent the following year from becoming the chaos you've described. I highly doubt the son of a flower shop owner would have the resources to obtain next year's scholarship, but if he does appear, we'll just avoid him. Easy."

"Easy..." Neo trailed off with uncertainty.

Tybalt nudged him on the shoulder. "You just focus on what you need to do to 'repent'. And as long as you promise not to kill us, Finny and I will still be here to support you."

Neo's eyes seemed to shine as he whispered, "You will?"

"I am?" Finneas asked.

"We are." Tybalt glared at him.

Now it was Finneas' turn to butt in, only because Tybalt was starting to be smothering. Sly and cunning, his ass. This guy is mother-in-law material. See how serious he was a few moments ago? That was an act to fool you!

"It's not like anything has happened yet." His gruff tone of voice caught Neo's attention. Finneas was unused to comforting speeches.

"You can tell that future to fuck off. I don't mind you tossing away the whole scummy troublemaking bullshit you have going for you, but if you're going to act like some sad martyr, you can go suck its—ow!"

Tybalt stepped on Finneas' foot. He glared at him before turning back to Neo, who was starting to look bewildered. "What Finny means to say is to not worry about it for now. Although I'm still slightly skeptical, you haven't mutilated or poisoned anyone this week. As long as you decide to do better, we're sure everything will be okay, yeah?"

A small, little smile appeared on Neo's pale face. "Alright," he nodded.

The waiter soon came with their food.

"One thing I can't understand is why you decided to name yourself 'New'. I mean, it makes sense if you didn't want to call yourself Nazareth, but 'New'... really?"

Neo took a sip of water before he answered. "It was a different language, and it sounded perfectly fine. I thought about changing it back, but there was this religious figure whose hometown was called Nazareth, so I just stuck with it. The people there were really passionate about their religions and I didn't want to be dragged into an argument."

"Neo..." Tybalt tried to say. His pronunciation was slightly off, but it was close. "But... why?"

"Nazareth Everette Odum. Three names, three letters. It's an abbreviation."

Tybalt's expression was a mix of impressed and nonplussed.

"So what should we call you now?"


Tybalt pointed his fork at him with an expression of interest.

"Neo, Naza, Nazareth. Or that one title you got after going to school... what was it again? Dotter?"

Neo shrugged. "It's pronounced Doctor. And... it doesn't matter to me. You can call me whatever you want."

The boy huffed. "I know that, but it would be good to know your preferences."

He sighed. "You can still call me Naza, Tybalt. I implore you to, actually. Names don't make a difference to me. In the end, I am still myself, and there's nothing wrong with that."

Neo was going on a self-righteous tangent, but it was the truth. He couldn't give a shit on what he was called. When it came down to it, he, himself, remained the same.

Tybalt and Finneas shared another look. An awkward silence reigned, so Neo went back to his soup and sandwiches.

Tybalt still had one last thing to say, however.

"It's good to have you back, Naza."

Sure, for him and Finny, Naza was with them the entire time, but perhaps for Naza, it had been years.

Despite it all, including his somewhat treacherous role as a spy for Aurelion—and he didn't doubt Naza didn't know about that, especially if that future of his was true—Tybalt was still willing to welcome the boy back.

Naza ducked his head.

"Yes, it's good to be back."



Oho, what an unusual sight. The second Young Master of the Odum Family was making trouble with his older brother. And look, he even brought his friends with him.

The dining hall grew quiet.

Neo just wanted to eat in peace.

He raised his head from his soup and saw that ice-cube brother of his standing there imperiously. The younger boy was followed by his group of friends, consisting of well-known figures within the academy.

All of them were familiar faces, ranging between the ages of fourteen and fifteen. Neo was surprised by how young they looked. The confrontation between him and Aurelion grew more volatile in his third year. He only saw them as fierce youths, no longer children after all that he had put them through.

Neo's gaze met with a pair of eyes comparable to amber gold. The striking white hair, the soft smile, and the unmistakably kind aura were traits he remembered. Only one person in the royal family was currently in the Senior department of the Academy. Neo was most familiar with this boy out of anyone else because he was Aurelion's closest companion.

Crown Prince Serian Lupus Romulus, the only child of the Emperor and Empress. He was a candidate for the throne and one of many people Nazareth had offended in the past.

Not that he cared at the time. Nazareth wanted his younger brother gone. Even with a prince by Aurelion's side, he didn't care. If they got in his way, he would just try to fight them as well.

Nazareth was an idiot without any end goals. The only thing that kept him moving was the idea of killing Aurelion. Revenge, resentment, retribution, it didn't matter.

He often contemplated "What will I do after that?" and would be left without an answer. Aurelion was just an anchor that kept him alive. He was something to focus on because Nazareth didn't know what he wanted.

He didn't want to be taken back to the Odum household. He didn't want to be a young master. He had no need for siblings, and he definitely had no need for a family. The only thing he ever loved was his mummy, and when she died, his spirit died with her.

Living two lifetimes, Neo racked up enough regrets to be his new anchor. He wanted to change things. He wanted to repent and make up for all that he had done. For once, Neo desired to be happy.

"Aurelion," he greeted.

Both Odum siblings wore their default expression, but their surroundings had frozen over.

Aurelion frowned. "Information. You said to meet up." He held up his hand, making a "give-me" gesture.

Use your words, Aurelion. Please.

Neo saw the irritated expression on his brother's face, minuscule as it was. Even now, he knew this brat best, and by the little wrinkle between his brow, it was obvious he was uncomfortable by the situation but impatient for information.

Neo reached into his jacket and brought out a thick folder.

Ignoring the startled looks of his brother's companion, he placed the folder in Aurelion's hand.

"I forgot the time. Don't lose it."


The atmosphere turned awkward.

"... Did you eat?" Neo eventually asked.

His brother shook his head. "No. Guinivere took my lunch from my bag."

"She took your luck...?" he repeated in disbelief.

Was all that breakfast not enough for her?

The exchange between the brothers brought surprise onto the faces of both their companions, but they remained quiet.

Neo wasn't aware of how concerned he sounded. He took the last remaining sandwiches on his plate and placed them inside a cloth napkin before handing them to Aurelion.

"At least eat something. We still have fifteen minutes."

"... Okay."

Aurelion turned around and was just about to walk away with sandwiches when he suddenly stopped.

"Father says to quickly wrap up the investigation. We have until next week, so your other companions..."

Neo wasn't sure what he meant at first, but then he recalled the conversation he and their father had when he first came back.

Ah, yes. The shady noble families.

He once got into contact with them through Iron Lotus and made a few exchanges for favors. Of course, it was all for the sake of terrorizing Aurelion, but since his current agendas have changed, Neo would have to cut off all interactions with them.

By being in contact with these people, it would only lead him, and many others, to ruin.

"Thank you for the reminder. I will see what I can do."

A flash of wonder partook Aurelion's expression.

"Will that be all?"

"Yes," his answered.


Neo stood up from his chair.

"Done already, Naza?" Tybalt asked.

Finneas didn't say anything. He was eating his quiche without a care in the world.

He nodded. "Finish without me. I need some air."

Before he left, however, he grinned and said, "I know about the deal between you and my brother. Time traveling is real."

He quickly made his escape before Tybalt could give him a proper retort.


Aurelion watched as his brother left the dining hall on his own. The red ribbon swayed with every step he took and the younger suddenly wanted to pull it.


Sapphire blue eyes met amber gold.

Aurelion turned stone-faced once more as his gaze fell on the Crown Prince.

"Shall we go?"

He nodded.

Their group returned to their table.

Memphis Deerborn, the son of a knight captain, couldn't help but stare at the sandwiches in Aurelion's hands. "Uh, are you really going to eat that?"

Aurelion didn't respond. Instead, he, too, stared at the sandwiches.

Before anyone could stop him, he grabbed one and took a bite.

Everyone gaped.

He blinked.

A moment later, after he swallowed, he said, "This wasn't worth the money."

There was a collective sigh from the group of friends.

Their friend's brother didn't poison the sandwiches.


Crown Prince Serian gave a worried glance at Aurelion.

He had never witnessed a friendly interaction between the Odum brothers.

It was after knowing Aurelion for many years that he was able to understand a world filled with danger and brotherly feuds.

Having long acknowledged the risk of being beside Aurelion, Serian stuck close because he wanted a friend.

Aurelion was the future duke of the Odum Ducal. Loyal, trustworthy, and reliable. Not even the illegitimate Odum bastard could scare him off.

But Serian was concerned.

He trusted Aurelion and knew the other was capable of making good decisions, but he also knew how the other could be.

Serian was a little cowardly and too much of a pushover, but it didn't mean he wouldn't protect the people he cared for.

Nazareth had hurt Aurelion many times before. If this was just another trick...

Serian would never forgive him if he broke his brother's heart once more.


Step 16. Go to lunch and be questioned by your companion. The crown prince and your brother might be there, too. 

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