SAO: Fatal Bullet (Fatal Bull...

By JPPoole

9.3K 110 141

You are Devil. Your ArFa-sys is Angel. This is the world of GGO set in Fatal Bullet and the story of how you... More

Meeting the Counterparts
SBC Glocken
Changing the End Game
ArFa-sys Parts
Integral Factor Special
Maverick Strikes
Searching for Parts
The Dates / Yuuki's Date
Tired of Being Second Best
Where She Belongs
Hanging Out with the Alternatives and a Livid Girlfriend
Is This Going to Be a Thing?

GGO Newbie/ The UFG

1.4K 18 25
By JPPoole

Devil POV

It all started awhile ago. I had never played MMORPG's before. I was excited though. I am a badass gamer in my own right. Anyway, I get a text from a friend who you know as Kureha to enter GGO. Honestly, still to this day, I don't know why I answered.


I have just logged into GGO. This is my first MMORPG and I'm super nervous. Everything looks very cool though. I can't believe this looks so real and yet it is virtual. As I am admiring the scenery, I hear a voice.

???: Sorry about that.

I look and turn to see a girl dressed in pink with pink hair. For a second I thought she was from Lazytown.

???: Signing up for the tournament took longer than I thought.

I walk over to her with a smile.

Devil: Hey. Long time no see, Kureha.

Kureha: I'm surprised you recognized me since I look so different. Anyway, let's hurry up since the tournament is about to start. Do you need a background teaching session?

Devil: No. I looked it up on the internet.

Kureha: Huh. I'm impressed.

We heard some squealing nearby. It was a boy surrounded by many girls.

Kureha: It's Itsuki. He's one of the top players in GGO.

Devil: He looks like a model.

Kureha: That's what your paying attention to?

Itsuki leaves the girls and walks over to us. I can already tell I'm not going to like him. Something seems off. I don't want to give a bad impression. I could be wrong.

Itsuki: Hello. You must be Kureha. I've heard about you. You're famous from jumping from squad to squad.

Kureha: That's me. I'm flattered that you know me.

Itsuki: Of course. Who is this? He's a newbie isn't he? I can see he has the beginner gear.

Kureha: This is Devil. I invited him to come play with me. This is his first MMORPG though.

Itsuki: Huh. Well, welcome to GGO.

End of Flashback

Maverick: Who is this Itsuki person? Everyone talks about him as if he's gone or something.

Devil: He didn't seem bad at first. We had no idea what was coming.


Itsuki had just walked away from me and Kureha.

Kureha: Ready?

Devil: Ready as I'll ever be.

Kureha and I entered the tournament where she taught me the ropes. I learned very quickly which impressed her.

Kureha: That's about it. You're a natural at this.

Devil: You've seen me play video games before. Are you really that surprised?

Kureha: Haha. You have a point.

Kureha and I keep walking until we come face to face with Itsuki and his partner.

Itsuki: Look at what we have here.

Kureha: Devil, as soon as you get a chance to run, get out of here. Itsuki is very talented and I'm sure his partner is as well.

Itsuki: That is a good idea but it won't do you any good. Kureha will be by herself and I'm sure you'll get oneshoted, newbie.

Devil: So you'll shoot us either way?

Itsuki: Most likely. But I honestly don't want to waste the bullets.

Kureha: Are you going to let us go?

Itsuki: Of course not. This is GGO and we're fighting. Tell you what. Would you rather die by my bullet or a monster?

Devil: Monster.

Itsuki: Okay. There is a difficult boss up ahead. My friends and I have had a bit of trouble with it. If you two can take it out, then we'll let you go.

Kureha: What do you think, Devil?

Devil: Fight and survive.

Kureha: Got it.

Itsuki: Good choice. Good luck.

Kureha and I go to face the boss that was ahead. The doors opened to reveal a monster that looked like a mechanical spider. Being only armed with a handgun frustrated me. But I am part sniper so I zoomed in and got some shots off. Kureha finished it off with a shot from her launcher.

Itsuki: Impressive.

Kureha: We defeated it. So you let us go.

Itsuki: Of course. I'm a man of my word.

Kureha and I walked until the path split left and right.

Kureha: Go ahead and pick a side, Itsuki. We'll take the one that you don't.

Itsuki: My friends are still wandering around here. We'll stay back. Go on ahead. We won't shoot you.

Kureha: Okay. Pick a side, Devil.

I chose to go right and Kureha followed. We kept walking until we reached a room with a teleport in the center. Behind it was a console.

Kureha: Itsuki is very talented but he's still just a player. Not many people are as nice as him so be careful. Ah! Looks like we're on the right path.

Kureha ran ahead to the console. I didn't walk all the way there and just stood on the teleport that wasn't activated.

Kureha: Okay. There should be a way to activate that. Here we go. Let's try this.

The teleport activated and I got a little nervous.

Kureha: Uh...oops?

Kureha turns to me.

Kureha: It's just a teleport. Stay calm. I'll be coming right after you!

I am then teleported away. I arrive and see a strange room. At the end was a large case. I don't know it held but it looked cool. I decided to touch it but then it turned on for some reason.

Computer: Master Program, start. Master Register: Devil, complete.

The case then went vertical and it opened to reveal a girl. I actually caught myself staring. She all dressed in white. She had white hair and even white eyes. I thought I was looking at an angel. She then levitated in the air but suddenly dropped.

End of Flashback.

Devil: That was when I met Kirito.

Maverick: What? But Kirito has never played this game before.

Devil: Yeah. I'm still wondering how that happened. Your Kirito is different than mine. Oh well. Mystery that we'll probably never solve.

Maverick: So what happened when he saw you?

Devil: Well, after a shot was fired which I learned later was from Asuna...

Maverick: Asuna? She's never played this game either.

Devil: Strange. I guess you have an Asuna of your own?

Maverick: Yeah. She's my girlfriend.

Devil: Huh. Well, my Asuna is dating Kirito.

Maverick: Gross.

Devil: Tell me about it. Anyway, meeting Kirito for the first time wasn't fun.

Maverick: Did you guys get into a fight?

Devil: No. He tried to kill me.

Maverick: What?


I heard a gunshot but apparently it missed as I caught the girl that came from the case. A boy with a purple photon sword ran at me. I didn't know what to do and I knew that I had no time to pull out my handgun. So I did the next best thing...I decided to protect the girl.

Girl: Master?

Suddenly the boy stopped. I saw Kureha arrive.

Kureha: Hold it right there!

Another girl appeared behind her with a gun.

Girl: You might want to put that down.

Kureha: When did you...?

The boy deactivated his photon sword.

Boy: We don't want to fight. Unfortunately we didn't make it in time.

Kureha: Didn't make it in time for what?

I stood up and helped the girl up. Kureha walked towards me along with the boy and girl.

Kureha: She is the rare item?

Boy: She is. She's an ArFa-sys. I thought this was my opportunity to get one.

Girl: Looks like you'll have to grind bosses until another drops.

Kureha: Okay. Well, ArFa-sys, I am your master.

ArFa-sys: Master Registration has already been completed. Devil, you are my master. Please standby.

Devil: When did that happen?

Boy: I thought that was the case. Even if we killed you, I don't think that would change anything.

Kureha looked at me and she was pissed.


Devil: I didn't do it on purpose!

Kureha: I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES! Well, she is partly mine as well. What is yours is mine.

ArFa-sys: Kureha is Devil's superior. Confirmed. Please Standby.

Kureha: Unbelievable.

The ArFa-sys's attitude suddenly changed.

ArFa-sys: Hello, master! Would you like to name me? Be warned! If I don't like it then I'll explode.

Kureha: Well, are you going to name her? She'll be following you wherever you go.

Devil: How about...Angel?

Angel: Name accepted. I am happy to see you're more competent than you look, master.

Devil: What is that supposed to mean?

The boy and girl turned to us.

Boy: Well, I guess we should be going. We still have a tournament to win. My name is Kirito.

Kureha: Kirito? I've heard about you. One of the top players in GGO and wields a photon sword. I can't believe that I almost shot someone so famous.

Kirito: My partner is the Berserker Healer.

Girl: Kirito, you don't have to say that!

Kirito: I'm sorry. This is my partner: Asuna Yuuki.

Asuna: We should get going, Kirito. Hopefully the prize is something we can get for Yui.

End of Flashback

Maverick: Wait! You have a copy of my daughter?

Devil: Well, she isn't my daughter. She is Kirito and Asuna's.

Maverick: How? Where did you go wrong for that to happen?

Devil: I don't know. Anyway...


Asuna: ArFa-sys, bye bye!

Kirito and Asuna left. Angel told us that she was a special type of ArFa-sys. She was a Type-X. The rarest ArFa-sys in the game. She then gave me a gift called the UFG. She taught me how to use it. An announcement was made that the tournament had ended.

Kureha: Looks like Kirito and Asuna won. They're quite the pair. Anyway, we should get going. We'll be teleported back to the lobby.

Kureha, Angel, and I were teleported back to the lobby. We met up with Itsuki and told him what happened. He was upset about the events and called me the luckiest person in the game right now. Kirito and Asuna appeared and said that were going to go celebrate. They invited Itsuki but he declined. Afterwards, I headed to my room.

End of Flashback

Maverick: That's quite a way to meet Kirito.

Devil: Yeah. The journey had just started. But I already knew that I was going to like it here.

I look and see Kirito and Asuna.

Devil: How long have you been here?

Kirito: We just got here.

Asuna: Is that a problem?

Devil: No.

Asuna gives Maverick a kiss which shocks me for a second. She isn't my Asuna. Or actually, my Kirito's Asuna. Just then Yui appears.

Asuna: Don't worry, honey. You'll get better and then beat Devil.

Yui: Don't worry, daddy. I believe in you.

Devil: This is going to take some time to get used to. So in your world, you and Asuna are together?

Maverick: I'm dating more than just her. I'm dating her, Koharu, Lisbeth, Silica, Argo, Leafa, Yuuki, and Sinon.

Devil: How can you handle all of that?

Angel appears next to me.

Angel: You're no different, master. You have your own harem. You have me, Kureha, Zeliska, Philia, Strea, Rain, Premiere, Seven, and Yuna.

Maverick: I thought I had it bad.

Devil: I have those same girls from my world. Except none of them are dating anyone.

Maverick: What's stopping you?

Devil: They like Kirito.

I can see Kirito (SAO) smile.

Devil: I don't know why but they do.

Maverick: Why are there two separate sets of our friends?

Devil: I don't know but I doubt we'll figure it out any time soon.

Maverick: What happened next?

Devil: I'm done with story telling today. What we should do is get our groups together. I would like to see how our counterparts behave with each other.

Maverick: That would be interesting. I just have one question. Is there a person who is supposed to be me?

Devil: There is. You're looking at him.

Maverick just stares at me in disbelief. I just laugh.

Devil: Maybe someday you'll be as badass as me. But I'm not expecting that for a while. Anyway, see you later.

I walk away with Angel to my room.

Maverick POV

I see Devil and Angel walk away. I also just realized why he named her that. The two are an unstoppable pair. They're the famous Devil and Angel.

Asuna: I wonder what my counterpart is like. I want to talk to her about why she chose Kirito and not you.

Kirito: Hey! I'm not that bad!

Asuna: I wouldn't date you in a million years.

Kirito: That hurts. Maverick, why are you always taking everything away from me?

Maverick: Be quiet. You're starting to sound like Klein. Yui, can you look up info about the counterparts from GGO?

Yui: Sure. I'll get on that right away, daddy.

Maverick: This is going to be interesting.

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