The Amulet~ A Minecraft Diary...

By ChattinwithCat

4.1K 109 25

Jessica Irene Odinson, or as her friends know her, Aphmau-no-last-name-given, has a secret. Cliche right? Wha... More

The Amulet
The Visitors
Oh, sh*t
The trip
Hey Jess! Wait-
NGL this is just fanservice
The End
The Car Ride
Them (huh, how familiar-)
Welcome home
The Carnival
For Lily, and also a rescue
Home, safe and- goddamn it

No, I don't think I am

148 4 2
By ChattinwithCat

Jess turns to Aaron, happy face falling to one of indifference.
"I'll catch up to you later, I can get one of the guys to drop me off."
Travis nods along, finding himself having more fun with Jess's old friends than he was with the group, which was surprising.
"Aphmau, you're coming with us. We have to talk. Come on, we're leaving." Aaron storms over, grabbing her wrist and trying to pull her with him.
"No, I don't think I am." She tries to yank her hand back, planting her feet and trying to not get pulled along. Adam stands up, standing next to her and glaring at him.
"She doesn't want to go with you!"
"Who do you think you are!?" Aaron snaps, "she's my girlfriend!"
"Aaron, if you don't let go of me I won't be very soon!"
He freezes, grip loosening enough for her to pull her hand back. Bruises form where his grip dug into her skin.
"I'm her friend, that's who I am. And I don't appreciate how you're treating her." Adam growls, wrapping a protective arm around her shoulder.
Aaron growls, rage filling his veins.
"Let's go, guys." Shelby steps forwards, taking Jess's unhurt wrist very lightly to pull her and Adam back to the group.
The group starts to walk away when Aaron runs forwards, about to attack Adam.
Ross, who was near the back of the group, turns around, his normally soft aqua eyes now a glowing red.
"Stay the fuck away from my friends." He growls lowly, stopping Aaron in his tracks. He tried to move but it was as if his brain wasn't his.
It was only after all of them had left and were out of sight that he was able to move, and became aware of the others trying to talk to him.
"What-what was that?" He looks at Lucinda, who closed her spellbook.
"A very powerful magic user, I guess. It took me a while to break the spell and it only finally worked when they weren't even here anymore."
"The squirrel-boy seemed so... Weak though?" Aaron shakes his head, "besides, why would Aphmau be friends with someone like that? She gets along fine with you, Lucinda, but other than that she avoids magic users."
Lucinda shrugs.
"Beats me. Let's go home. She has to come back eventually."

Jess sits in the car, wincing as Shelby prods her bruised wrist.
"Here," she lightly places her hand over the bruises. A bright light shines, and she removes her hand. The bruises are gone.
"Thanks, Shelby!" She grins, Shelby returning a smile.
Cory was driving, as he was just about the only one in the car who wasn't fuming. He was mad, of course, but he was very good at channeling that anger. That's why he reacted with super speed when a car came barreling past, stopping the car just in time to not get rammed into.
"AAH!" Shelby squealed, causing him to chuckle.
Ross clutched onto Max to keep him from flying forwards.

They made it back to the gang's place; they weren't staying in the hotel, of course, because as it turns out they've been living here for at least a year.
"I can't believe you guys were so close this whole time..." Jess says, trying to shake off the fear that Aaron had caused.
"Yeah! C'mon, Jess, I've got some dry cloths for you!" Shelby took her hand, leading her to her room. They looked through her closet, as they had in the old days, and gossiped quietly.
"So, you and Cory finally get together?"
Shelby turned bright red, holding up a bright orange tank top with a raised eyebrow. Jess shook her head, and Shelby shook her head too, throwing it back into the closet.
"No, he... He probably doesn't even like me in that way!" She holds out a pair of black shorts, which Jess nods at, Shelby agreeing and throwing it onto the bed.
"Oh, girl, come on! Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Jess holds out a pair of white shorts, and her and Shelby both nod, causing her to toss it onto the bed. Shelby shakes her head at Jess's comment, changing the subject.
"So... I guess you're dating Aaron, huh?" Jess shrugs at her.
"Eh... He asked me out and I didn't want to hurt his feelings... But I think I'm gonna end it. He... He's really protective and controlling..." She subconsciously rubs her wrist.
Shelby nods.
"You go, girl! You deserve better!" Holding up a black tank top, she looks to Jess for approval, which she receives.
They used to do this all the time, make outfits for each other and talk about whatever's been on their mind.

Katelyn paces around the room. Everyone gathered in one of the boys rooms, nearly everyone quiet or talking angrily. KC and Zane were stupidly calm, just talking casually over cupcakes.
"Are you not worried about Aphmau!?" She finally demands.
"Aphmau-Senpai can take care of herself! Kawwaii-Chan believes in her ability to make her own decisions!"
"She seemed really happy with those guys. As long as she's happy, I'm happy. Besides, she's got Travis with her. They're basically siblings, he won't let anything bad happen to her. I trust him." Zane glances away, before taking another bite of his cupcake.
Aaron snarls, staring out the window angrily. He doesn't know what exactly he's looking for, but he's not taking his eyes away for a second anyways.
"I can't believe Aphmau would just... Leave us! Leave me!" He growls, hands balling into fists.
"We just have to wait for her to come home. She'll explain then, I'm sure." Garroth pipes up, siding with Zane.

It was only after they had got dressed did Jess and Shelby realise they were basically twins. They both wore shorts and oversized sweater's, though Shelby's shorts were white and her sweater pink while Jess's were black and purple. After brushing out her hair, Jess put it into a ponytail with a purple bow. Shelby put hers into a similar ponytail, but puts on a simple pastel flower crown instead.
They giggle, noticing how they always seemed to match outfits.
They head downstairs, making a small snack in the kitchen while they wait for the boys. Adam and Cory walk down first, Max following closely behind. Barney tumbled down the stairs, struggling to pull on his purple and green hoodie.
"Oh ly lar..." He grumbles, the others laughing at him as he glares, "shut up, dirt's!"
They turn to the girls, who both sat on the counter, and Max and Barney burst out laughing. Adam and Cory stop, staring, before shaking their heads. Adam grins, and Cory snickers out a "You guys look like twins!"
"I am proud to twin with Shelby!" Jess exclaims, tail swishing.
"Yeah! Let's go, sis!" They jump off the counter, strutting to the living room and sitting on the couch before everyone burst out laughing.
"Hey, whatcha guys laughing about?" Ross walks down, wearing an extremely oversized pastel blue sweater and grey leggings.
"Hey Ross! You're basically twinning with us! Join us, brother!" Jess giggles. They weren't actually siblings but they might as well be. He grins and leaps onto the couch next to them, fluffy squirrel tail curling around him. Max blinks at him a few times, face turning a light shade of pink, before also shaking his head and glancing away.
Red and Travis came down last, laughing about something or another.
Travis had a green sweater and jeans, Red had his normal Red dino sweater and jeans.
"You- you actually said that!?" Red wheezes.
"I wish I had your confidence!"
They flopped onto the couch with the others, the rest of the boys joining. Jess takes note of how Barney sits close to Red, wrapping an arm around him and glancing at Travis. (Causing the Res's face to go as red as his name) From what Shelby had told her, they weren't dating but they were hopelessly crushing on each other.
"Can we watch a movie?" Jess asks, stars in her eyes.
"Yeah!" Shelby squeals. Jess, Ross, and Shelby got up to choose a movie, Travis going to make popcorn and Red leaving to collect a bunch of blankets. Adam, Max, Barney, and Cory just chose their spots on the couch.

Jess jumped, curling up closer to Adam.
"Why did we choose a scary movie!?" She hisses at Ross and Shelby.
Ross was practically burrowed into Max's hoodie, hiding from the movie all together. Max chuckles at Ross, wrapping an arm around him. Shelby was hiding her face in her hands, but every time there was a jumpscare she would huddle closer to Cory.
Red was having the time of his life, Barney and him laughing at every jump scare.

"How are you not scared!?" Shelby had squealed.
"Champions bloods!"
"Barney has 'champion blood,' he'll protect me," Red had snickered.

Adam wrapped an arm around Jess, hugging her slightly.
"I'm glad you chose a horror movie," he smirked.
For once, she was glad it was dark, because her face was as red as Shelby's hair.

The scary movie ended, and Travis got up to flick the light on.
"I wish Zane was here- I mean someone in general! It was kinda scary..." He mumbles.
Ross was actually asleep, curled up into Max. Shelby was pressed up against Cory's side, flower crown slightly askew, and Jess was curled up with Adam, hiding her face in his hoodie.
Red and Barney just laughed at them, standing up to put the popcorn bowls into the sink.

Max picks Ross up bridal style, carrying him up to his room.
Shelby pulls out her phone, checking the time.
"Hey, you guys should get back soon... It's 7:00."
"It's what!?" Jess jumps up, Travis jumping up as well.
"Oh no, the gang's gonna kill us!" Travis runs towards the door.
"I'll drive you," Shelby grabs her keys, running out the door. Travis follows her.
Jess waves to Adam before running out, hopping into the back seat as Travis claimed shotgun.
They make it to the hotel at 7:30, Jess and Travis hopping out.
"You need me to come with, just in case?"
"We'll be okay. Thanks, though, Shelby!"

"They're back." Aaron growls, watching the two leave a car from the hotel room. Everyone sits up, Zane immidiately looking to the door. Travis had been gone a while, he was starting to worry.
Not that he wasn't worried about Aphmau, too, of course!

Aphmau walks through the door, Travis following him.
Zane jumps up, gesturing to Travis to follow him.
They go to a shadowy corner of the room.
"I don't know what will happen... They aren't happy with her... I don't want you to be pushed into the middle of that..." He mumbles, Travis nodding, watching Aphmau stare Aaron in the eye as he walks towards her. He knows she'll be okay, but he can't help but worry.
"Thanks, Zane. I hope everything turns out okay..."
"I do too. I'm glad you're safe though."
Travis smiles.
"You've got a soft side, no wonder Aph cares about you so much."

"Aphmau," Aaron stares at her, trying to stare her down. She stares back indifferently.
"Where were you?"
"Hanging out with Adam and the others."
"I don't like you being around them. Too many guys."
"They're my friends. You don't control me. And there are plenty of guys in this group, too."
The group stared at them in surprise. This behavior wasn't too crazy for Aaron, he has always been protective, but Aphmau had never had so much... Indifference in her voice. She was always happy, or sad, or even scared, but never... Emotionless. Angry, even.
"I can keep an eye on these guys. You and that Adam guy are awful close." He spits out Adam's name like it's acid.
"Yeah, yeah we are."
"... You're grounded. You can't go anywhere without at least one of us with you; Travis doesn't count. He's just as guilty."
"Where is Travis?" Garroth looks around.
"You can't ground me! I'm an adult! I can make my own choices!"
"You're my girlfriend, and as your boyfriend I forbid you from seeing those guys!"
"Well, then I guess I can't be your girlfriend anymore!" She glares at him, calm demeanor breaking into fury.
"You're choosing them over me!?"
"Yeah, I am! Travis?"
"Yeah?" He steps forwards, Zane behind him.
"I'll be at the guy's place if you wanna drop by. I can't be here right now." She turns and slams the door.
"Look at what you've done! I can't believe you guys!" KC yells, the others doing a double take.
"I'm going to talk to her. I hope you're happy." She leaves, following Aphmau.

"Aphmau... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just sat by as he yelled at you... Can we still be friends?"
"Of course, KC. You haven't done anything wrong. If you want to visit, just ask Travis; he knows where I'll be. Stay safe, yeah?"
"Of course."
Aphmau knew she was serious because she wasn't talking in third person.
"Oh, and please, call me Jess. I didn't... I wasn't entirely honest when I said my name was Aphmau." KC smiles.
"I understand, Jess."

Jess finished shoving her stuff into her bag, leaving her room key on the desk. She left the room.
"What are you wearing? Where are you going?" Aaron demands.
"Cloths. And I'm going to my real friends." She glares at him, leaving and taking out her phone, ignoring the gang who was following her.
"Shelby? It's Jess. Aaron got hostile. Can I stay with you guys for a bit?" She whispers.
"I'm on my way. I'll be there soon."
The car pulled up in a record 10 minutes, and Jess got in. She waved to KC, Zane, and Travis, who waved back.
"I'm sorry. They... Aaron told me I couldn't see you guys anymore. I couldn't let that happen, I couldn't loose you after I found you again."
Shelby smiled at her.
"You're our friend, Jess. It's okay. I'm just glad you're safe."

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