The Omega is my soulmate

By Little_deku1

10.1K 374 84

There is no description More

Knowing the Alpha
Her soulmark
Even though I hate her I thank her
Your the one I want
She's mine
He knows
She's back
Your to annoying
Toxic Ex
Just the 2 of us
I'm doing it for you
Little girl
Thinking of you
Not a chapter

Her Backstory

412 18 3
By Little_deku1

||I think I made some mistakes on here also sorry I didn't post a chapter earlier.

(Amanda's POV)

Once I finished making the coffee AJ set down the food on the table. I went to the living room seeing Liz asleep so I kissed her lips waking her up.

"You hungry?"



I picked her up taking her to the dinning room sitting down on a chair with her on my lap she looked at me annoyed.

"If you don't want me to give you hugs you can just go sit in the chair next to me"

She nodded and sat down in the chair next to me eating the food AJ made.

"Hey love I have question?" Liz asked.

"Go ahead" I say

"Can you tell me about what happened to you parents?"

I dropped my utensil and sat there in silence.

"Umm y-you don't have to talk about it if you want to"

"No it's ok" I then began to explain.

(Beginning of past story)

"I was getting all my stuff ready to go sleep at AJ's house and we were only 13 at that time so I always had to make sure I was safe. But anyways when I finished packing some things I headed to the front door excited to hang out for a day with my bestfriend".

"Sweetie you ready"

"Yea mom I got some stuff so I'm going to leave n-"

"Amanda come here sweetie I want to tell you something before you leave"

"What is it dad" 

"Make sure you take care of yourself and also call me when you get there ok I don't want you to get hurt I want to make sure your ok".

"Dad it's only for one night I'm gonna be fine plus I'm gonna have AJ with me you know bestfriend best bro for life so don't worry I will be ok as long as he's with me"

"Ok but just call me when you get there ok and just so you know whatever happens just know you'll have us and people to take care of you"

" why are you being so nice all of a sudden"

"Because I love you and your mother does too so go on and go hang out with AJ "

"O-Ok bye dad tell mom I said bye and I will see you guys tomorrow"

"Ok bye sweetie...."

"I hugged him not know it would be the last hug I gave him I then left the house not knowing what would come next for me. Once I got to AJ's house I called my dad telling him I was ok and from that point on I knew everything was ok but it wasn't. Me and AJ had fun and did a lot of things together but soon morning came we woke up talked for a bit I then packed my things and AJ walked me home like the good friend he is. But when we arrived home the door knob was broken off.

"AJ hurry someone's in the house"

 I dropped my things panicking and rushed inside soon stopping in my tracks beginning to cry. My parent's were lying there dead AJ came and tried calming me down....but my expression soon changed to anger. I asked AJ to help me find who did  it and from that point on me and AJ have been looking for the person who did it until that day I found out who it was while I was fighting with a friend that there parents did it so now we don't talk anymore".

"I also found out my father didn't pay the money he had to pay to his boss they never explained anything else to that's basically what happened".

"AJ told me I was lucky that those people didn't know who I was. But those people soon found out who I was and you know there daughter became fake friends with me just to use me".

(End of backstory)

"Amanda I'm sorry to hear that" Liz said.

I just wrapped my arms around Liz's waist pulling her towards me and sitting her on my lap nuzzling my face into her neck.

"It's ok atleast I have you and AJ to love now" I mumble.

I then let out silent tears while tightening my grip around Liz's waist she hugged back rubbing my back comforting me.

"You ok to eat your food"

"Yea" I mumbled.

I lifted up my head exposing my tears but Liz soon wiped them away giving me a kiss on the lips. I smiled letting her go so she could eat her food I ate mine mostly in silence.

(After eating)
(Liz's POV)

"Amanda love do you want to sleep"


She got up heading to her room I followed behind her soon closing the door to the room. Once we were laying down Amanda wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me close to her.

"Will I ever lose you as well?" Amanda said turning to look at the ceiling.

"Of course not but why did you ask"

"Because I'm scared of losing more of the people I love"

I turned around and laid on top of Amanda.

"Well as long as we are together nothing's going to keep us apart"

"You sure"


I gave her a kiss on the lips then telling her to sleep she did so and went to sleep soon after I fell asleep as well.


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