The Mysterious Mr. Black

By therandomantic

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There's something about Mr. Black that Michael cannot point out. When he started working for him, buried mem... More



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By therandomantic

Chapter 20 (Part Four)

"Let me help you with that." Hector offered when he saw me carry the grocery bags all at once. I think it is a universal law that it is better to suffer from carrying a bundle of grocery bags all in one trip than return again but with shame. 

"No. It's alright. I got this." 

I most certainly do not got it. One of the bags gave out and now several goods are on the ground.

"Thank you." I said when he started to pick up all that fell on the ground.

When we both entered the house, I  thanked him once again and started to sort the supplies while Hector went back to his room. After finishing my task, I returned to the mini reception area and amended his records. The payment, I gave to my mother.

"So where's our guest now?" my mother asked.

"I think he's upstairs." I replied.

"Doing what?"

I shrugged. "I don't know." 

"Listen, why don't you go upstairs and invite him for a little trip." she suggested.

"But mom. He might be resting." or doing something I don't like to witness if you know what I mean.

"Nonsense! And what do you think he might be doing upstairs. He decided to stay here for the week, I don't think he would love to spend it all week inside his room." as usual, before I could contest to her request, she started pushing me up the stairs.

"You don't know that. Maybe he likes to spend his time in private. Who knows, he might be doing a guy thing you know."

"Come on now, don't be silly." she shook her head but then whispered sometime later. "Knock if you have to." 

"Fine. Just stop pushing me." my mother smiled with her victory and waved goodbye before disappearing in sight. 

Here we go again. I knocked three times and waited for his response.

"Yes?" he said

"Can I come in?"


I turned the knob and found him busy with his personal belongings. 

"Do you want to get out for a while. I could be your guide." I offered.

"Sure. I'll just arrange my things and then we'll go." he said.

"Where do you wanna go?" It was a stupid question since he was new here but I wanted to know if there was something else on his mind before I can show him what Carmona Rosa has to offer.

"Do you know where I can find Rick? I gotta hand him the downpayment first."

I nodded. "Uh-huh."

"Okay then. Let's go." he changed his outfit into a simpler one. We said goodbye to my parents before heading out on our way to Rick's Auto Shop which is a ten minute walk from here. I took a glance at the man beside me and it looks like he's got no intention of starting a conversation and so I took the initiative.

"What will you do in California?"

"Why are you curious anyway?" he said.

"If I'm being honest, there's still something about you that isn't quite right. I feel like you're not telling the whole truth."

He stopped from his tracks. "May I ask why?"

"I don't know. You refused to be admitted to a hospital when you are obviously in need of medical care." He looked at me in the eye, observing if he could trust me.

"I told you, I'm seeing some friends in California and we're supposed to go to Cancun for our spring break. Go to a casting call in LA if I'm in the mood."

"So you want to be an actor?"

He sighed and put his hands inside his pockets. "Not really no. But it pays a lot if I wanted to be independent."

"You ran away?" 

He laughed. "No! I told you I'm on a spring break. You know what, why don't we walk a little faster. The sun is killing me."

We continued on walking until we reached the auto repair shop. Rick and Hector talked or a long time about his car, the cost, the repairs, parts needed and timeframe. I kept myself entertainted by watching one of the guys cover a primed car with paint. I never noticed that they're done talking until Hector tapped my shoulder.

"It's almost lunch, any recommended diner nearby?"

"Does that mean your treating me to lunch?"  That sounds leechy. "Cause I don't have cash right now, I'm just saying." except for that five dollars at home.

"Don't worry. If I asked you for something, I'm paying." 

My broke ass self was celebrating internally. It's a one of a lifetime experience to have a wealthy guest, might as well take advantage for it. I chose my favorite diner which I only dined for a handful times since my parents would often choose the cheapest available resto in town.

"What's the best meal here?" he asked.

"Their specialty fried chicken meal, which is what I would take please."

"Okay. Make that two please. How about your drink?"

"Uhhhmm..." I mumbled as if I was looking at the options but in actuality I expected him to ask that and I already prepared my answer. "Ice tea would do."

He smiled and gave the menu to the waitress. "Then that makes two fried chicken meal and two ice tea."

The waitress repeated our orders and tried to offer some specialty of the day. Hector declined and she left us but I heard her giggle as she walks away. My hunch was now confirmed-- she's having a little crush on my companion. I noticed that when she was repeatingly tucking her hair behind her ear while she was smiling so widely with eyes intently focused on Hector. I've never encountered a waitress so joyfully dedicated in her job before so I guess that concurs my conclusion.

"Is your name really Hector Montgomery?" 

He raised his eyebrows. "Yeah. What about it?"

"It doesn't suit you. Sounds like a made up name if you ask me."

"Blame my parents if you want to." he then proceeded to take a sip on the glass of ffree water.

"Hector... Hector... There's something I about it." I thought about it for a second and a silly thought appeared on my mind. "Hector... sounds like a pornstar name."

He almost spilled his drink when he snorted. "Are you always this blunt to strangers?" he asked me.

"Maybe?" I admitted. "My classmates sometimes tell me to  shut my trap when I observed something they don't want to hear."

"Is that why you got no friends?" he shot back.

I gasped a little. I knew he meant that as a joke but what he said stings a little. "I don't know." I whispered. "I was always the weird kid in class. I guess, I lack the social skills since our home is far from town and I'm the only teenager in our limited neighborhood."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't-" 

Just in time, the waitress came back with our orders. Good. A distraction from the awkwardness that now surrounds the table.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. That was a tasteless joke. Hector apologized after the server was gone.

"I know and it's okay since you're paying for this glorious food." I seized the cutlery and took a bite of my anticipated meal. "Now that's what I'm talking about."


We have already left the diner and we are already home but I noticed that Hector is still staring at me once in a while. It's making me self-conscious that I decided to confront him. "What?" I said.

"You know... I was thinking about what you said earlier."

"It's fine, really." 

"If you want I can be your friend." he said. We both stopped walking.

"Come on now. I don't want your pity friendship. You're our guest and I'm okay with that."

"I mean it. You seem like a nice person."

"Now this is awkward but um after a week, you'll be out again on your own and I will be here on my own. In the second week, we both have forgotten that we even encountered each other. So to save the drama, let's remember, you're our guest and I'm one of your host."

Hector shook his head and laughed in disbelief.

"You know, you could gain more friends if you would stop being cynical. I really do want to be your friend and I promise you, I won't forget about you. You basically helped me last night and I'll always remember that. If you want, I will call you once in a while or someday I'll come visit your place again and then we'll have lunch with your favorite meal like an old friend. How about that?"

He sounded sincere with his words but the eyes tell more and I knew he was telling the truth. His eyes were one of his best asset, piercing but full of warmth. So alluring you could practically stare at them all day long.

"Okay." I said.

"Now that wasn't so bad isn't it?" he said then placed his arms around my shoulder like old pals. It made me uncomfortable at first since I'm not used to other people touching me but I found myself smiling for the rest of our walk.

It was the first time I made a friend. He promised not to forget about me and I know I should have done the same but sometime later, I was the one who have forgotten about his existence. Not until now that I'm thinking about what went wrong a week later.


Follow me: @therandomantic      :)

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