The Stones of Power

بواسطة Weekyle16

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Adam Ordeis and his best friend Carter Vamir accidently travelled to a world filled with Animals and are on a... المزيد

Enter Thundera
Mysterious Stone
Jaga's Lessons
Omens Part 1
Omens Part 2
Ramlak Rising
Song of the Petalars
Old Friends
Journey to the Tower of Omens
Friend Or Foe?
Sight Beyond Sight
The Forest of Magi Oar
Into The Astral Plane
Secrets of the Stones
New Alliances
Native Son
The Pit
Curse of Ratilla
Clash of Blades
The Soul Sever
What Lies Above Part 1
What Lies Above Part 2
Journey To The Black Pyramid


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بواسطة Weekyle16

Panthro pounded his hammer against the metal hull of the Thunder Tank as he tried to fix it as it had broken down again and they had to stop so he could try and make repairs which was exceedingly difficult in the rain.

"The problem with a tank this old is it keeps breaking down." Said Panthro to himself as he unscrewed one of the bolts on the engine.

"Junk cylinder blew the whole drive train." Said Panthro.

When he finished he wiped away some sweat that had formed on his forehead.

"Let's see how this works." Said Panthro as he reached in and started up the engine.

It hummed as it powered up but something went wrong, and something popped.

Smoke came out from the engine and Panthro sighed.

He was surprised when the tank door opened and even more smoke billowed out as everyone dashed out of the tank coughing and trying to breathe in some fresh air.

"I guess we're sleeping outside tonight." Said Cheetara still coughing.

Panthro was still working away on the tank.

Kit was playing a tune on her instrument.

Kat and Snarf were next to her.

The area was filled with gigantic mushrooms, and they were using them as something to try and shield them from the rain, but it wasn't working too well. Cheetara and Tygra had already gone to sleep leaning against each other, their sleeping bodies seeking warmth from the other.

Adam shifted, trying to get comfortable.

"Things are looking up." Said Adam sarcastically.

"No transportation, nothing to eat, and no shelter." Said Adam as he looked up at the sky.

"If the rain stopped, it might be bearable." Said Adam as he begins to close his eyes.

As they slept though they never noticed the strange creatures that were appearing around them their shadows cast over their sleeping bodies as they moved around.

That morning, Adam was one of the last ones to wake up.

He noticed something.

There was no rain falling on him.

"Rain finally stop?" asked Adam to the others.

"No, but Panthro must've built a shelter while we were asleep." Said Tygra as he pointed up above them and they saw a huge tent above them blocking the rain from where they were.

"It wasn't me." Said Panthro from where he was working on the tank,.

"Figured it was one of you." Said Panthro.

The group shared glances then turned their attention to Cheetara who jumped at their stares.

"Don't look at me." Said Cheetara, putting up her hands.

They looked up when Kat and Kit came down from where they had been sleeping above.

"We're starving!" Yelled Kit with a whine.

"Yeah, what's there to eat?" Asked Kat as he went over to one of the bags that carried all of their food.

He reached inside, and frowned when he found nothing.

He turned the bag upside down and dumped out whatever dust was left inside with a sad whine.

"We're gonna have to do something about our food situation." Said Adam.

Kit looked around them and her eyes widened when she saw something not too far away.

"It looks like someone already has." Said Kit as she pointed to the baskets of fruit.

Kat and Kit ran towards the baskets, chowing down on the food.

Panthro went over to one of the baskets and picked up one of the fruits and took a bite out of it.

"Mm Candy fruit!" Said Panthro with a smile.

Before Adam and Carter could ask, Tygra spoke up.

"Uh, take it easy!" Yelled Tygra to Kat and Kit when he saw how fiercely they were going at the candy fruit.

"We don't need you anymore hyper than you already are." Said Tygra but the kittens ignored him and continued eating.

"Seems like we have someone helping us out." Said Cheetara looking around them.

"Question is, who?" Asked Adam.

"How are we supposed to find out who brought us this stuff?" Asked Tygra.

Cheetara put her hand to her chin in thought for a moment.

"I have an idea." Said Cheetara to the others.

Everyone went and hid behind some of the strange, giant mushrooms and waiting for the person who helped them to arrive.

They were surprised when little balls of fur started rolling around their campsite and going to the tank.

They unrolled to reveal they were little metal bears.

Once they reached the tank they started opening up different compartments for some of its mechanical workings.

"What are they doing?" Asked Adam as they opened up the engine compartment.

"I'll tell you what." Said Panthro angrily.

"They're messing with my baby!" Yelled Panthro as he jumped out of the hiding spot.

"Panthro, wait!" Yelled Adam, trying to get him to come back.

"What are you furry freaks doing to my tank?!" Asked/Yelled Panthro as he ran towards the creatures.

When they saw him coming they turned into little balls and started rolling away but Panthro managed to snag one before he could escape.

"Gotcha!" Yelled Panthro.

"Put me down, put me down." Said a metallic voice.

"What is that?" Asked Cheetara as she and the others came over to it.

"Ro-Bear-Bill, a Ro-Bear-Berbil." Said The small bear as Panthro put him down.

"Did he say gerbil?" Asked Tygra not understanding the way he spoke.

"Berbil." Replied The bear.

"Derbil?" Asked Panthro.

"Berbil." Replied The bear again.

"Herbal derbilly berbil-urble." Said Adam in confusion.

"Nice to meet you Ro-Bear-Bill." Said Kit in a very fast-talking voice since she was still on a rush from the candy fruit as was Kat.

"I'm WilyKit, and this is WilyKat, and we're ThunderCats!" Yelled Kit.

She started chowing down on the candy fruit again.

"Thunder Cats?" Asked Ro-Bear-Bill, as if testing out a new word.

"Berbils help ThunderCats." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

A moment later did some of the other Berbils reappear before them and looked up at them with their mechanic eyes.

"I've never seen anything so." Said Adam as he tried to find the right word to describe them.

"Cute." Said Carter as he looked at the Berbils.

The Berbils walked over to the ThunderTank and started doing what they had done before.

"They'll be cute and dead if they hurt my tank." Said Panthro with a growl as he watched them work on it.

A few seconds later they tested the engine and it worked perfectly.

"Looks like they fixed it, Panthro." Tygra said to him.

Panthro scoffed.

"Just a patch. I could have done that." Said Panthro.

"Then why didn't you?" Asked Carter and that sent him a glare.

Ro-Bear-Bill hopped down from the tank in front of Adam and pulled on his arm.

"Come with Ro-Bear-Bill." Said Ro-Bear-Bill as he was trying to take Adam somewhere.

"Berbils fix machines." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

Adam pulled up his arm and Ro-Bear-Bill still hung onto it.

"Berbils help ThunderCats." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

Adam shrugged and put the bear down letting him lead the way somewhere and everyone but Panthro followed him.

Cheetara noticed his absence and turned around to see him scowling with his arms crossed.

"You coming?" Asked Cheetara.

"Fine, but I don't trust anything that adorable." Said Panthro as he closed his eyes.

They followed the Berbils as they led them through the heavily forested mushrooms.

Panthro drove his ThunderTank behind them not once commenting on how much better it seemed to run since the Berbils fixed it.

They followed the Berbils to a village surrounded by trees that bore candy fruit.

They were amazed to see the entire village of Berbils was filled with all different kinds of technology some for picking the candy fruit off the trees some for watering the trees that bore them, and various other pieces of technology all throughout the village.

"I've never seen anything like this place." Said Tygra.

"It's like they have a contraption for everything." Said Adam, looking around.

"This place gives me the creeps." Said Panthro as he was glaring at everything in the village.

As they came into the middle of the village the Berbils gathered all around them cheering in their metallic voices at their arrival.

As they approached a rather large building two Berbils, one tiny little blue one and a pink one with a flower beside its ear came down to greet Ro-Bear-Bill.

He picked up the little blue one and spun him around in the air before putting him back down so he could see everyone.

"Meet Ro-Bear-Beebil." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

"Meet Ro-Bear-Bella, this is Ro-Bear-Bill family." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

One of the candy fruit picking machines rolling up.

Kat and Kit ran up to it as it came to Ro-Bear-Bill and he pulled some out.

"Candy fruit, eat, good." Said Ro-Bear-Bill as he handed one to each of them.

"Yum, Candy fruit!" Yelled Kit happily as she and her brother started chowing down.

"Looks like you were worried about nothing, Panthro." Said Cheetara.

Panthro scowled and walked over to the machine and looking over it.

"You really think these fur balls are helping us don't expect something in return?" Asked Panthro.

"Have you considered that, maybe they're just nice?" Asked Adam.

Everyone jumped as a loud alarm started going off, and red lights started flashing.

"What's going on?" Asked Adam.

The Berbils started turning into little balls and rolling away into some kind of underground shelter that opened up for them.

Only a moment later did two explosions occur just outside the village making the ground shake beneath them.

Adam looked back to Ro-Bear-Bill for an explanation.

"Conquedor comes." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

"Conquedor takes Berbils, sell Berbils as slaves." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

The ground shook again but not from another explosion.

This time it was a huge tank.

It came through the smoke made by the explosion and stopped in front of the village.

The top of it opened to reveal a heavily armoured man with a rotund belly and skinny arms.

He searched the village until he found one of the smaller Berbils running from him.

He moved the tank forward and a huge claw coming out and grabbing the Berbil.

"Help Ro-Bear-Bob." Said The bear loudly in his mechanical voice.

"We have to stop that!" Yelled Cheetara as she was pulling out her staff and spinning it expertly.

"What did I tell you guys?" Asked Panthro.

"Trying to use their cuteness to get us to fight their battle." Said Panthro.

"Well, looks like it worked." Said Adam, pulling out his sword.

Carter ran towards the tank as it opened up a compartment and had the claw dangle the Berbil over it.

He dashed towards it and jumped over the compartment grabbing the bear and holding it to his chest as he landed on the other side.

He glared up at the Conquedor as he turned his attention to her and the others.

"So, the Berbils have enlisted the help of the fabled ThunderCats." Said the Conquedor as he was looking over them.

The Conquedor pulled out a large gun, and they heard it hum as it powered up.

"Risking your lives for a bunch of junk heaps?" Asked The Conquedor.

"And I thought these robots were brainless fools!" Yelled the Conquedor.

Adam pulled out his sword.

"ThunderCats Ho!" Yelled Adam as the sword lengthened completely and ready for battle.

The Conquedor fired off his gun at Adam who ran to avoid the strange blue projectiles coming from the large gun.

Once he was out of the Conquedor's aiming range he started firing off at Tygra who ran just as Adam did.

He jumped into the air and used his whip to turn himself invisible.

Once he was out of the Conquedor's sight he started firing at Cheetara whose speed made certain that she wouldn't get hit.

Once firing with his gun no longer worked, the Conquedor started using a pair of blasters that shot out a green substance at her.

She ran fast, avoiding the blasts and went out of his range soon enough.

Carter started using his earth powers to lift up bolders and the earth to hit his tank but the Conquedor used his gun with a weird goo that kept him on the ground.

The Conquedor laughed but he stopped when he felt something wrap around his throat and Tygra became visible again showing that he was the one who was choking him.

The Conquedor reached up to a small button on his wrist and pressed it sending an electrical jolt through him to Tygra.

He cried out in pain and fell from the tank paralyzed.

"Tygra!" Yelled Adam.

Adam and Panthro ran to help him but the Conquedor fired again and trapped Panthro in the blue substance.

The tank began to move again and its claw reached out and grabbed Ro-Bear-Bill's family.

"Bella, Beebil." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

Ro-Bear-Bill went after them in his ball form and grabbed onto Bella's metallic hand just as the claw lifted them up over the tank.

It shook him off, the Conquedor needing no more Berbils at the moment and threw him to the ground.

Ro-Bear-Bill's body shook with sparks flying out of him as he became damaged from the landing.

The tank drove off with Bella and Beebil with it.

Once he was gone Tygra sat up holding his head with a groan as he started to recover from the sudden electrocution.

Panthro pulled the sticky blue substance off him and stood up as did Carter.

"Adam!" Yelled Cheetara.

They looked to see her holding a familiar Berbil in her arms.

"It's Ro-Bear-Bill, He doesn't look good." Said Cheetara.

Everyone went over to the damaged Berbil, who didn't look good at all.

His metal body had various dents in it from the fall and some of his circuitry hung out from his neck.

The Berbils around them instantly took him from Cheetara's arms and took him to the large building in the middle of the village.

They followed them inside as they put him down on a table and grabbed some tools, working to repair him.

Kit looked at the others worriedly.

"Can they fix him?" Asjed Kit but no one replied as they watched the Berbils fiddling around with Ro-Bear-Bill's circuitry trying to fix it and bring him back.

After a moment of drilling and welding they looked up, talking to each other in little, computer-like buzzes, which must have been something of a language for them.

Panthro sighed.

"I can't take watching these amateurs." Said Panthro as he walked over to the table in front of one of the Berbils and swiping his instrument out of his hand.

"Give me that, you're doing it all wrong." Said Panthro as he leaned down and started working on Ro-Bear-Bill and sparks flying from his work.

"Good idea." Said one of the Berbils near him said.

"Now reset function levels." Said the Berbil.

Panthro glanced at him and then back at Ro-Bear-Bill.

"Oh, yeah." Said Panthro as he was looking at the circuitry.

"I see what you're saying." Said Panthro as he went back to work the instrument in his hands pressing down on different parts of the technological body before him.

After a moment he stood up with a sigh wiping his forehead of sweat caused by the heat of the sparks he had made.

Everyone gathered a little closer to see what had happened, and Ro-Bear-Bill hopped up looking as good as new.

"All servos functional." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

He turned to Panthro.

"Ro-Bear-Bill lives." Said Ro-Bear-Bill as he did a quick check of all his limbs rotations making him look like he was doing a breakdance then looked back at Panthro.

"He's lookin' good, now." Said Panthro with a grin.

"Lookin' good." Said Ro-Bear-Berbil, as if testing out a new phrase which he probably was.

He came down from the table and the Berbils cheered.

Ro-Bear-Bill went over to Panthro and hugged his leg.

Panthro grimaced.

"Cat save Bill, thank you Cat, cat builder too." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

"Ro-Cat-Panthro, Ro-Cat-Panthro." Said The other Berbils as they cheered coming over and hugging his legs like Bill had.

Panthro grimaced as they all clung to him and he groaned in frustration and grasping at his head to try and keep himself from kicking them all off and smashing them in a wall by mistake.

Adam and Carter shared a glance smiling in mirth at Panthro's situation.

"Okay, that's enough." Said Panthro as he finally got them off his legs and a Berbil came up, showing him a limp arm that had been damaged in the Conquedor's attacks.

Panthro sighed and had him get up on the table and started working on him.

Adam and Carter went outside.

Adam looked sadly at the damage caused by the Conquedor to the Berbil's village.

Adam came up beside him, grasping his hand in his shoulder and squeezing it comfortingly.

Adam looked over at her.

"Look at all of this." Said Adam as he was gesturing to the village.

"Some heroes we are." Said Adam in depression.

"It can be fixed Adam, whatever can be destroyed can be rebuilt, that's one of the wonders of the world." Said Carter.

"But what about all the Berbils that were taken, how do we fix that?" Asked Adam.

"We go and get them back." Said Carter with an encouraging smile,

Bill rolled up beside Adam and Carter, looking out at the village.

"My Bella, my Beebil, too, Ro-Bear-Bill's family." Said Ro-Bear-Bill with what sounded like sad in his mechanical voice at the loss of his family.

Adam knelt down beside him.

"Do you know where the Conquedor has taken your family?" Asked Adam.

"Conquedor sell Berbils." Replied Ro-Bear-Bill.

"Ro-Bear-Bill knows." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

"Then you can take us there." Said Adam as he stood up.

"Cheetara, Tygra, Panthro, you keep an eye on the village." Said Adam.

Panthro heard his words and instantly stopped what he was doing.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, there's no way you're leaving me with these things!" Yelled Panthro as he, Cheetara and Tygra ran out to stop them, only to see them gone.

They growled in frustration.

"Great." Muttered Panthro.

Ro-Bear-Bill led them to a cliff where they could see the Conquedor and some customers as he tried to restrain some kind of giant blue animal that looked like a mixture of a mountain lion and a fox only twice as big.

They wore special cloaks to protect them from the harsh sunlight that shone down on them.

"There Conquedor sells to bad ones." Said Ro-Bear-Bill as he was pointing to the tank.

"Trollicks, Giantors, all bad." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

His eyes doubled as telescopes and he could see the Berbils that were hiding behind a curtain electric restraints around them.

"Bella, Beebil." Said Ro-Bear-Bill a he went after them but Adam held him back.

"We can't take 'em all on." Said Carter as he was looking at the large group.

"I think I got an idea, we'll sneak into the buying crowd and make our move there, but only on my signal." Said Adam as he looked at Carter.

They started going down the cliff avoiding the attention of all those at the auction just as the Berbils came up for sale.

They heard the Conquedor give his sales pitch about them as he moved in.

"Next up, The Ro-Bear Berbils, best builders money can buy!" Yelled the Conquedor as he reveal the Berbils.

"Efficient, tireless, and most importantly, defenceless!" Yelled the Conquedor as he laughed.

"Bidding starts at one thousand for the lot, do I hear fifteen hundred?" Asked the Conquedor.

One of the Giantors raised his hand.

"How about two thousand?" Asked The Conquedor again.

One of the Trollicks raised his hand.

"Three thousand?" Asked The Conquedor yet again.

Another trollick raised his hand.

"Now, we're talking thirty-five hundred, five thousand, Do I hear—?" Asked The Conquedor as the hands kept coming up before being interrupted.

"Ten thousand!" Yelled Adam.

Everyone stopped bidding and looked at Adam and Carter in surprise.

"That's a lot of shillings, pal!" Yelled The Conquedor as he pulled out a rifle.

"How do you plan to pay for all that?" Asked the Conquedor.

Adam pulled off his cloak.

"In steel." Replied Adam.

He pulled his sword out from his gauntlet and Carter took off his cloak as well.

The Conquedor pulled out his gun and was about ready to fire but Adam jumped up, slicing the chains that held back the big blue beast and let it go.

It knocked the Conquedor down before running out into the crowd, scaring away all who were there.

The Conquedor got up and pulled his rifle up and aiming it for Adam, but it was suddenly pulled out of his hands by a whip made out of Water that was wielded by Carter .

Ro-Bear-Bill got up to his wife and son where they were being held.

Once their bonds were released they immediately went to him, hugging him.

"Bella, Beebil." Said Ro-Bear-Bill.

Quickly all of the Berbils were freed from their bonds and they ran away with the ThunderCats as well as the blue cat creature.

As they ran they could hear the Conquedor shouting behind them.

"That's it, you messed with the wrong guy!" Yelled the Conquedor.

"I'm gonna gut every last one of you, you hear me, we're coming back, all of us!" Yelled the Conquedor.

Once they were far enough away they stopped running and started walking to the Berbils's village.

Carter sighed as he was running his hand through his hair.

"What's wrong?" Asked Adam.

"Do you miss home?" Asked Carter.

"Of course I miss my home, I mean I could do without the harassment but I still miss it." Replied Adam.

They later came to the Berbil village.

They saw Tygra, Cheetara, Kat, Kit, Snarf, and Panthro coming to them as the other Berbils dashed towards the ones that had been rescued.

"We can't celebrate yet." Said Adam.

"The Conquedor is coming back." Said Adam.

"And this time he's bringing friends." Said Carter.

"We have some friends of our own." Said Panthro as he was gesturing to the Berbils.

"Except they don't know how to fight." Said Carter.

"But they do know how to build." Said Panthro.

He looked down at the Berbils in front of him.

"You guys ready to save your village?" Asked Panthro.

Adam and Carter glanced at each other as they were curious as to Panthro's sudden change of opinion about the Berbils.

They watched as Ro-Bear-Bill went up to him and saluted him saying he was ready to help.

Panthro grinned as he saluted him back.

Night had fallen and ThunderCats were on the lookout for the Conquedor.

It wasn't too long before they spotted him in the distance, all of his friends coming with him.

"Here they come." Said Adam when he saw them.

"Let's hope these bears know what they're doing." Said Carter as he was glancing at the village behind them.

As the Giantors and the Trollicks came into view.

Adam reached for his gauntlet, pulling out his sword, swinging it once.

He held the sword up and pointed the blade to the sky.

"ThunderCats, ho!" Yelled Adam as the sword lit up and a red beam coming out of it and making the ThunderCats symbol on the sky as well as giving everyone the cue to attack.

They could see the ThunderTank coming towards them as it was blaster powering up.

The Berbils fired off their electric cannons at the Conquedor's tank and sending jolts through it which is causing it to malfunction temporarily.

One of the Giantors was almost knocked down when a candy fruit was blasted at him through a cannon.

Multiple cannons fired off at him and he used a huge club to knock them back.

Kat and Kit were helping the Berbils man the cannons and was still holding some candy fruit in their hands.

"Candy fruit, do your thing!" Yelled Kat before taking a big bite out of the fruit and making his fur stood on end as the rush of the sugar inside it went through his system.

The same thing happening to Kit as she took an even bigger bite out of her candy fruit.

Once they were all hyped up they started teasing and taunting the Giantor and using their new hyper energy to make themselves a little faster and avoid whenever his club was about to come down on them.

They led him to where a trip wire was set up and he fell face-first into a pile of splintery wood that they had set up just for a Giantor.

He cried out as he rolled around in pain from the wood.

Another Giantor not too far away was removing one of the electric claws from the cannons from his behind with a Trollick beside him, helping him.

The Trollick screamed out suddenly when he felt a sudden pain in his backside and looked to see Snarf had bit him.

When he released his teeth the Trollick started chasing after him.

Snarf ran towards a small almost destroyed building and made it look like he had jumped into the larger hole and when he had jumped over it and into the smaller one.

The Trollick jumped into the bigger hole after him as he was thinking he was in there.

When he came up he was surprised to see Snarf in a separate hole and was about to reach out and grab him when he was blasted with green goop that caused his grip on the walls of the hole to fail and he fell inside.

The Berbils that had aimed the cannon at him cheered happily.

Tygra whistled appreciatively at the work the Berbils were doing.

Adam glanced back at the others and went to join.

Cheetara went first and was dashing around a Giantor and pulling a rope around his face.

She tugged at it making him walk back into a giant spring that sent him flying into the air.

A little ways away she saw little Beebil cheering happily at the success of their invention.

He stopped cheering and started crying for help when he was picked up by one of the Trollicks and held there.

He and another Trollick were about to run off with him when the earth beneath them suddenly began to rumble.

They screamed when two pillars of earth shot up directly beneath their feet.

In their shock they dropped Beebil, and Carter used his powers to have him safely float towards him and into his arms.

When one Trollick came up behind him.

He took in a deep breath and turned around and was unleash a massive force of Earth towards the Trollick which caused him to be pushed back to parts unknown.

Carter smirked victoriously as Beebil wrapped his little mechanical arms around his neck and hanging onto him for protection.

A little further away from the village, the Conquedor was fleeing in his huge tank.

Panthro came down riding next to him and trying to knock his tank over with the ThunderTank which was very difficult since the Conquedor's tank was twice the ThunderTank's size.

He drove out in front of it trying to get it to stop, but it didn't.

The Tank drove straight into a cliff and when they hit it Panthro thought that was the end of it.

But the Conquedor drove the ThunderTank up the cliff and onto the top of it making it spin out of control.

The Tank came to a stop just before it went over the edge of another cliff and facing the Conquedor's tank.

The Conquedor started firing off bullets at them and Panthro covered Ro-Bear-Bill protectively and ducked down so they wouldn't get shot.

Panthro reached for the tank's controls and smirked.

"Time to see how tough this new engine really is." Said Panthro as he had the ThunderTank shoot forward towards the Conquedor's and he started going to Panthro's as well.

The Conquedor laughed.

Panthro pressed a button and two metal claws shot out from the tank's exterior, and hit the Conquedor's tank making it rear up and fall on its side.

Panthro parked the tank a little ways from it and stepped out and began looking at the damage he had caused.

He looked around, wondering if he would find the Conquedor's body somewhere.

He was a little disappointed when he saw the Conquedor roll out of the tank clutching a rifle in his hands.

Adam hopped up on the fallen tank and was pointing his sword at the Conquedor.

"I should have warned you, Panthro doesn't like people messing with his tank." Said Adam with a smirk.

"What do I care?" Asked The Conquedor as he turned his gaze to Adam.

"I'll just force these worthless robots to build me another and demolish any that don't listen!" Yelled the Conquedor as e pulled up his rifle and fired at Adam.

He stepped to the side to avoid the shot and growled at him.

"You still don't understand!" Yelled Adam as he hopped down to the Conquedor and raised up his sword.

"These bears!" Yelled Adam as he struck his sword against his rifle as he held it up in defense.

"Are not!" Yelled Adam as he struck it again.

"Your property!" Yelled Adam as he sliced through the rifle, and knocked the Conquedor down.

The Conquedor, frightened by Adam's power got up and ran.

The sound of Panthro's tank over the cliff was enough to scare off any remaining Trollicks or Giantors in the Berbil village.

Once they had all run off Ro-Bear-Bill cheered and the other Berbils joined him.

The next morning everyone watched as the Berbils worked to repair the buildings in the village.

Adam looked at how easily they were recovering and looked back at the others.

"I don't think the Conquedor will be coming back any time soon." Said Adam.

"Not with the village rigged like this." Said Carter as he as looking up at the giant spring that Kit, Kat and Beebil were sitting on as it swayed back and forth.

Panthro and Ro-Bear-Bill were doing a little construction on the ThunderTank.

"I have to admit, despite your cuddly appearance, you guys are grade-A builders in my book." Said Panthro.

Ro-Bear-Bill looked up from where he had been polishing the engine.

"Berbils love Panthro." Said Ro-Bear-Bill as he went over to him and held out his mechanical arms.

"Hug?" Asked Ro-Bear-Bill.

"A hug?" Asked Panthro as he looked away.

"Uh, I'm not really much of a hugger." Said Panthro.

"Hug, hug, hug, hug." Said Ro-Bear-Bill repeatedly.

Panthro looked around, checking to see if anyone was close by and then smiled and held out his arms.

"Oh, what the heck?" Asked Panthro.

Ro-Bear-Bill jumped into his arms and Panthro hugged him with a grin.

"Busted!" Yelled Kat.

Panthro looked up to see the twins resting on the top of his tank, watching them with big grins.

"Panthro's a big ol' softie." Said Kit as she teased.

Panthro put on his best glare at them.

"Is that a problem?" Asked Panthro.

The twins jumped up fearfully.

"Nope." Said Kit.

"It's cool." Said Kat.

They ran from the tank with Panthro and Ro-Bear-Bill laughting.

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