Siamese (Hunter X Hunter)

By starysailor

198K 6.4K 1.4K

Ever since Illumi and his twin Ayami had gone to the Furukawa mansion things changed. Her disappearance led... More

Always X Always
Our X Mission
Losing X You
Torture X Torture
Five X Years X Later
Back X Home
No X Change
Odd X And X Different
Rivals X In X Survival (Basically the start to the anime)
Hope X And X Ambition(the first part)
Hope X And X Ambition(part two)
Hisoka X Is So X Sneaky
A X Surprising X Challenge
Showdown X On The X Airship
Decition X By X Majority?
Beware X Of X Prisoners
Trick X To The X Trick
Trouble X With The X Gamble!
Last X Test Of X Resolve
Hit X The X Target
Explosion X Of X Deception
Defeat X And X Disgrace
Trap X In The X Hole
Big X Time X Interview
Baffling X Turn Of X Events
Some X Sibling X Trouble
A X Dangerous X Watchdog
The X Doctor's X Duty
The X Doctor's X Duty (Part Two)
The X Zoldyck X Family
Can't See X If X You're Blind
Arrival X At The X Arena

Can't Win X And X Can't Lose

4.7K 162 73
By starysailor

Fearsome monsters... Exotic creatures... Vast riches... Hidden treasures... Evil enclaves... Unexplored lands... The world "unknown" holds magic. And some incredible people are drawn to that magic. They are known... as Hunters!

"Well, gentlemen and lady... Did you get plenty of rest?" asked Chairman Netero leading the ten remaining applicants into the palace-like emerald building.

Fuck no, I'm tired. Ayami responded in her head rubbing her eyes. They had been traveling for some time before reaching the destination of the Final Phase and she didn't rest after constantly thinking about keeping her identity secret from Killua.

"This hotel is owned by the Hunter Exam Selection Committee." He continued as they all followed into an empty room with the previous examiners as well as ten other men in suits who looked like body guards. Everyone made a half circle and continued to listen to Netero. "The place is is all yours until the battles have concluded. For the Final Phase, we will be holding a one-on-one tournament."

One of the men rolled in a board with a sheet covering it. Netero took the sheet off revealing the bracket formation. Everyone audibly gasped at it with surprised looks. Ayami stared at the board and wondered how it could play out.

"So only the last person standing passes?" Leorio said vocalizing everyone's thought.

"No. One win is all you need to pass." Netero responded.

"One win?" Gon said surprised and took a step forward.

"Then, in this tournament..."

"The winners are removed from competition, while the losers continue up the bracket." Netero finished what Leorio was going to say. He pointed at the top bracket and looked at the applicant. "In other words, the person who finishes at the top will not pass. Does everyone understand now?"

"So you're saying that only one person will fail." Sanzo reiterated.

"Exactly." Everyone stared at him accepting the bracket. Ayami sighed. Damn. The person in the last bracket has only one chance. What luck. As long as it isn't me...

Netero looked around and started to peel off the sheet covering the applicant's photo to show who would be going against who in the bracket. "And here is the bracket."

"Fuck." Ayami said out loud covering her mouth as soon as she said it. Why did I have to be the last person who gets ONE shot to win? She sighed and smiled sheepishly. Everyone stared at her at first and then stared at their opponents. Everyone's attention moved to Gon and Hanzo who looked at each other. Then, everyone looked at Kurapika and Hisoka who closed their eyes. Those pairs were going to be one of the first to fight. Netero laughed at everyone's reaction.

"Impressive, right? After all, everyone has at least two chances to win." Netero said.

"Everyone except me, you old geezer. What the hell is that about?" Ayami said angrily.

"Ah, you're a special case. Your bracket is both an advantage and a disadvantage against everyone else. Although you only get one shot to win, you will be fighting the loser of all the other fights." He explained smiling.

"Oh... I guess it's not that bad." She said looking back at the bracket. But some still have bigger disadvantages than others.

"But some people, like #294 and #405, get five chances." Pokkle said voicing his thoughts about the situation.

"Why didn't you use a balanced bracket? The only person with a fair bracket is #300, Tsukiko." Bodoro argued.

"A question that must be on everyone's mind. This bracket was assembled based on your performances throughout the entire exam. Those who preformed better receive more chances." Netero explained. Killua's eyes widened.

"That doesn't sound right. Can you explain how you scored our performances?" Killua said with hidden anger for scoring so low.

Netero was silent and took a deep breath in a serious way before screaming. "No!"

Killua got startled and jumped a bit from the suddenness of the scream. "Why not!?"

Netero laughed. "Your scores are classified information. So I can't tell you everything. But I can explain out methods. First, we consider three major criteria: physical strength, mental strength, and overall impression. For physical strength, we use an aggregate of agility, flexibility, endurance, and perception. For mental strength, we use an aggregate of resilience, adaptability, judgment, and creativity. However, this information is only used as a reference point. After all, you were strong enough to advance to the Final Phase. However, we are most concerned with your overall impression. This refers to any intangible factors not previously mentioned. You could consider this as an evaluation of your potential as a Hunter. And we also incorporate the opinions of your peers. That was out process."

Based on performances, I should be ranked higher... Do I have less potential than Gon? Killua thought frustrated at the results.

"The battle rules are quite simple. Weapons are allowed. No cheating. If your opponent admit defeat, you win. However! If you kill your opponent, you will be immediately disqualified. All the remaining applicants will pass, and the exam will end. Are we clear?" Netero asked as everyone stood in silent agreement.

"Then, we shall begin the exam's Final Phase." The man who rolled in the bracket said loudly.

The first pair to fight was going to be Gon vs. Hanzo. They both started to prep themselves to begin fighting as everyone stood on the sidelines watching them. As they got ready the man announced the pair's name and tag number. "Please step forward!"

"I will serve as the referee. My name is Masta. Best of luck. The man said to the two she stood in the middle of the room.

"Hey, good to see you again." Hanzo said shocking Masta who turned to look at him. "You were tailing me during the Fourth Phase."

"You noticed?" Masta asked.

"Naturally... I'm assuming that each applicant was assigned an examiner for the Fourth Phase. Well, it's sure everyone else noticed."

I had no idea. Gon thought not changing his expression.

I obviously noticed. Tsukiko must have to since she pointed them out back then. Killua though and she looked at the girl standing to the right of him. Ayami caught him staring and smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"I thought it wasn't worth mentioning." Kurapika said looking at Leorio.

"Y-Yeah..." he said. How was I supposed to notice that?

"You have my thanks. My rank was higher because your reports on me were accurate. Though the outcome was never a doubt!" Hanzo said proudly.

"Y-Yes..." Masta said.

"Moving on, I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"We only win if our opponent surrenders, correct? It doesn't count if we knock them unconscious. No TKOs allowed either, right?" Hanzo said pointing at him.

"Yes, that is correct." Masta answered.

I see. This one could be difficult... Hanzo thought as he stared down at Gon.

He looks tough, but we should be even in terms of strength and speed. I can use my speed to keep on the move until I get an opening. Gon thought as he stared him down.

"Now then, it's time to begin." Masta said as the two got into fighting positions.

Everyone stared with anticipation as Masta raised his arms. "Begin!"

Gon was the first one to make a move and ran across from Hanzo. Put some distance between us... Gon gasped as he was face to face with Hanzo who easily caught up to him.

"You must be confident in your legs. You have my respect." Hanzo said hitting Gon on his back making his sight blurred. "You did well for a kid."

Kurapika and Leorio gasped as Gon fell to the floor and the others stared.

"Tsk." Killua was frustrated at what had happen. I could could have easily dodged that attack.

Gon's vision was shaking as he heard Hanzo's voice. "Well, this would already be over if it were a normal fight..."

Hanzo sat him up and pressed his knee on the boys back. "Here, wake up. You must feel terrible."

Gon visibly shook in pain as Hanzo continued. "I hit you hard enough to make your brain bounce around. Do you understand? You have no chance against me. Might as well give up now..."

"No way..." Gon said in a shaky voice before getting hit in the head by Hanzo. His vision became blurry again and he coughed.

"Think about it. If you surrender now, you'll still be in decent shape for your next fight. There's no reason to be stubborn. Just surrender." Hanzo said in a calm and serious voice.

Gon was quiet for a second before yelling. "Never gonna happen!"

Hanzo hit him again. "Surrender."

Gon stood up with shaking legs before being punched in the stomach and falling over again.

"Gon, don't be silly! You'll still have another chance! You should..." Leorio shouted.

"Leorio!" Kurapika interrupted. "If you were in Gon's position, would you surrender?"

"Hell no! That guy thinks he's hot stuff..."

"Gon feels the same way!"

"I know! I know that... But there isn't any other choice!"

"You're contracting yourself, but I understand how you feel!" Kurapika yelled back. They winced at the sight of seeing Gon get punted. Yield this fight, Gon! It's suicide.

"Honestly, the chairman's nasty streak is in a class all on its own." Menchi said staring at the two fighting.

"What do you mean?" Buhara asked looking down.

"The applicants who've made it this far are unlikely to simply surrender."

"True..." Hanzo hit Gon again and again as he cried out in pain.

"This goes beyond a 'rather peculiar fight'. This system is just plain crazy. That kid is in danger." She said as Gon laid on the floor and Netero stared with serious focus.

Punch after punch. Kick after kick. Gon still hadn't got a blow against Hanzo and his blood stained the floor. Leorio and Kurapika stared worriedly while the others cringed at every blow Gon received. Killua started to get more frustrated at Gon's stubbornness and Hisoka had closed his eyes crossing his arms and turned to the side.

Ayami sighed and grimaced at the kick Hanzo just inflicted at Gon. This feels like the punishment we've had to endure at home. She thought as she saw the boy try to move. Suddenly she got flashbacks of her torture while she was kidnapped and experimented on. She remembered the dark and bright lights, the needles injected in her back, the men who hurt her... Her vision blurred as she remembered the screams of people she was forced to hurt echoing the walls. Ayami gasped and started falling as she brought herself back the present.

She fell backwards and sat with wide eyes. She gasped for air as the marks on her arms burned as if they were on fire. "Tsukiko, is everything okay?" Killua asked as the girl stared at Gon.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I guess I'm just tired." She said as she grabbed the extended arm Pokkle had offered her to get up. I need to calm down. I've been doing fine so far so why now? She looked at Gittarakur to show she was fine as she brushed dust off herself. He realized she almost had an episode with her Nen and moved in closer but not enough for the others to notice.

"You sure?" Killua asked again staring at her.

"Don't worry about me, Kil." She said giving him a slight smile. Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. I just called him by his nickname we always call him. She thought as she tried not reacting to her slip up.

"Wait what'd you... No, never mind." Killua said quietly. I'm overthinking this. It's just a common nickname. I know she doesn't know that Illumi calls me that.

"It has been three hours." Pokkle said to everyone who was on edge.

"There's nothing left for him to vomit." Bodoro said as everyone looked at Gon. Hisoka was also losing his patience as the time passed by with no results.

"Get up." Hanzo said approaching Gon who was struggling on the floor.

"Enough, already... I'm gonna kill you! I'll fight you in his place!" Leorio yelled out in frustration seeing his friend badly beaten.

"If you can't take it, leave. It's only going to get worse." Hanzo answered back.

"What was that?!" Leorio said and he and Kurapika started stepping forward before getting blocked by two bodyguards.

"No one may interfere in a one-on-one match. And if you step in, Gon will be the one disqualified." Masta yelled from a distance.

"It's okay... Leorio." Gon breathed out in a quivering voice. He stood up and supported himself by resting his arms on his legs to push himself up. He slowly raised his head to look at the audience. "This is... Nothing...I-I can still fight..."

Hanzo grunted and made him fall again by sweeping his foot against his legs to knock Gon over. "I'm going to break your arm."

Everyone's eyes widened including Gon's. Ayami noticed the shift in Hisoka's aura and knew this was a serious threat. She looked back at the boy laying down as Hanzo held his arm behind his back. "I'm not joking around so give up. Surrender."


Silence filled the room upon hearing Gon's arm break. The room was quiet enough to hear the fountains outside. Gon kept gasping for air like his life depended on it.

"He... He really broke his arm..." Pokkle said breaking the silence in the room.

"There you go. You can't use your left arm anymore."

Leorio said something to Kurapika but he didn't register what he said since he was also shaking with anger. Kurapika's eyes went from a faded grey to ruby-like red in a matter of seconds. His eye change caught Ayami's attention but she quickly turned back to face Gon. So he's really part of the Kurta. I remember grandpa mentioned their massacre a couple months before I was... kidnapped. Ayami snapped out of her thoughts as Hanzo's voice echoed.

"I'm sure your in too much pain to listen, but hear me out. I am descended from the shinobi, a clan of covert agents." Hanzo said going into a one arm hand stand. "From the day I was born, I was forced to endure harsh training in order to master the art of ninpo. For eighteen years, I have trained my body and technique, without rest. By the time I was your age, I had already killed a man."

Heh, that's nothing to brag about. Killua thought in his mind.

"At this point in time, you cannot defeat me in combat. I'm trying to be nice. Admit defeat-" Gon mustered up all his strength and kicked Hanzo off balance making them both fall in the process.

"Ow... Damn it! My head's cleared a bit, after all the pain and that long explanation." Gon yelled sitting up and hold his broken arm.

"Yes... Go, Gon!" Leorio yelled proudly making Kurapika smile. "Kick him while he's down!"

"If your eighteen, you're only six years older than I am." Gon said standing up. "Besides, this isn't a battle to see who's stronger. It's to see who's willing to surrender first."

Hanzo stood back up with his nose bleeding. "I let you kick me on purpose."

"Liar!" Leorio yelled back.

"You don't understand... This isn't a warning." He said brushing off the blood from his nose. "It's an ultimatum. Was is too hard for you to understand? Then I'll make it easier for you."

Hanzo took out a blade from his bandages on his arm. "I'll cut off your legs, so that they can't be reattached. A permanent injury should help you wake up. But first, I'll ask you once more. Surrender."

"I won't accept that!" Everyone deadpanned at Gon's answer. This kid... Is he serious?

"I don't want my legs cut off, but I don't want to surrender. So let's find a different way to fight!" Gon yelled irritating Hanzo.

"Hey... Do you understand your own situation?!" He fumed. Everyone started chuckling and smiling at his confidence. Ayami could help but chuckle along with Bodoro and Hisoka at the way Gon twisted the situation.

"Excuse me." Bodoro said trying to hide his laughter.

"You don't get to make demands! Are you trying to insult me?! I'm seriously gonna cut off your legs!" Hanzo said waving and pointing his blade.

"But I still will not surrender. Besides, if you do that, I'll bleed to death. He'll be disqualified if that happens, right?" Gon said redirecting his attention to Masta.

"Oh, yes."

"See? Neither of us wants that to happen. So let's think of a better way." Gon said sincerely.

Honestly... What is this? The situation hasn't changed. Gon hasn't gotten stronger than his opponent. His arm is still broken! Killua thought as he looked around to see everyone's changed attitude. So why is the brutal atmosphere from before suddenly so much lighter?

Hanzo grinned his teeth feeling more irritated. And finally made a move and pointed the blade on Gon's forehead drawing a bit of blood. "You really don't get it... If you die, you'll never get another chance. If I kill you here, I only need to try again next year. We are not on equal footing!"

He's right, Gon. You can try all you want to talk your way out of this, but he's far stronger than you. That isn't something you can neutralize on the spot. It all comes down to power. Killua thought.

Hanzo and Gon kept staring at each other not giving up. "Why won't you concede? It's easy to do. You can try again next year. You value your pride more than your own life?! You're really willing to die for your pride?!"

"I'm going to find my dad."

"Your dad?"

"My dad is a Hunter. So I'm going to become a Hunter and find him! I believe that I'll find him one day.... But I have a feeling that if I give up now, I'll never find him! So I won't surrender." Gon said confidently.

Hanzo grew more nervous and whispered in a shaking voice. "If you don't yield, you'll die..."

He defies reason... Hanzo thought. He lowered his blade and turned his back to Gon. "I give up. You win. I can't kill you. But I can't think of a way to make him surrender. I'll take this loss and take my chances in the next battle."

"I can't accept that." Gon said. "That's not fair!"

Hanzo felt a vein pop from having to deal with Gon. Gon continued to shout and point. "We both have to think of a way to settle this fight!"

"Heh, I knew you would say that. You fool! There's no point because you'll never surrender!" Hanzo yelled facing down at Gon.

"But I don't want to win like this!"

"What am I supposed to do?!"

"We can work together to figure it out!"

"In other words, I've already given up on this match, but you want me to try to win again, while helping to determine a way to make you feel good about your victory! Is that right?"


"You moron!" Hanzo yelled and sent Gon flying knocking him out. "Hey, ref. I lose. Let's move on to the next match."

"Understood." Masta said.

"But I want to tell the executive committee something first. When he wakes up, he'll probably refuse his passing judgment. Because he's a stubborn boy, as we've seen. Only one person will fail this round, right? If Gon fails, wouldn't that make the rest of our fights meaningless?" Hanzo said walking towards the others.

Ayami saw as a couple of the bodyguards check on Gon as they moved him out of the room. She sighed and smiled. That kid sure is stubborn. But I guess that's part his charm. She looked up at Hisoka and saw him stare as they took the boy out of the room to treat his wounds. I wonder what he's thinking... No, actually I don't. She shook her head and tried not imagining. It's probably something weird or perverted.

"Up next is Kurapika vs. Hisoka!"

Hey y'all! The photo at the top is what the bracket looks like with Ayami being part of it on the far right. Since the next chapter is when Satotz tells Gon what happened, I'll be writing the next part as a continuation from here to focus more on the upcoming fights and the present. Meaning Ayami's reveal will happen in the next chapter(I'm prolonging and building suspense hehe)! I love reading all your comments so thank you for reading, voting, and commenting :)

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