Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

421K 16.3K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 19: Encounter

7.5K 356 200
By FreshRawRot

*TIME SKIP* - Weeks Later - ~ Athanasia POV ~

"Ugh. It's so boring here" Lucas complains as he picks up a book, opens it, and toss it on the ground then goes to the next.

"Then why won't you go back wherever you came from instead of coming here" I give him advice and he ignores me. "If you're going to come here on your own will, then you might as well shut it and stop complaining!" I threatened him and he just brushed it off as usual.

It's been like 2-3 weeks and Lucas has been coming here secretly to "cleanse" my mana but he mostly has been freeloading off of me for a bit. I'm surprised that my father hasn't caught him yet. But it's for the best I guess. If he finds out, I'm sure Lucas will die instantly by his hands since he chose to stay in a young age, and misunderstandings would definitely happen.

"I see that you finally cut your hair" My eyes move along with the lines in the books. "Any reason why?" I should keep him company for a while before my next class.

"It's spring and it gets hot around my neck. Plus it'll grow back so I'm fine with this" He flips through the pages of the book. "What is this pathetic book??" He comments.

I sighed. I'm done with him already... "What is it again?" I took my eyes off of my book and checked on him. I quickly took an interest in the thing in his hand. "Oh... The Memories of Aetarnithas?" I sneered.

"What's with that look? You don't like it?" He throws it to the ground and goes to another bookshelf. I told him to respect the books and not throw it to the ground as if it's nothing because they hold value no matter how much lies these crappy history books have.

"Lucas, can you relax and not abuse the books?" I yawned. God, I'm so tired. "I know history is corrupted but just deal with it" To be honest, I liked the Magician of the Tower. I guessed I enjoyed it enough.

"Yooo! That idiot became the strongest magical emperor in history?" His eyes go along the lines fast as he reads the book. "Tsk! Can you believe this stuff?!" He throws it to the ground.


I chuck my book at his head and it perfectly hit his pretty-boy face. He stumbles backward and covers his face as the book falls. "Ow! What the hell?? Why my face?"

I glared at him with fiery eyes that wanted to end his life instantly. "If you're going to visit, then don't make a mess!" I let out my anger at him.

"Ok, my bad" He rolls his eyes and goes through the bookshelves again. "By the way, what's your real name? Is it Athanasia or Anastaisa? And what's up with your weird background too?" He gives me a straight face. "Why are you so mysterious?"

"... Said the old wizard who took a 200 years nap" I picked up my quill pen and practiced writing another language. If only my clone was here... "I'm not the only one with secrets." I glanced back at him and then went back to my writing. "I'm sure you also want to keep it to yourself. But let me warn you this: Don't ever mention the name 'Athanasia' to the public"

"So you go by Anastasia outside but Athanasia inside?" He asked and I nodded. "Weird..."

This guy... I want to punch him so much but I gotta suppress this murderous intention within. I don't think I can win against him. "Sigh. I'm going to my lesson now. Clean up when you're finished" I shut my book and put all my books back with a gloomy expression.

I want to go out so badly

"Ok, 'scholar'" He said as I went out the door. "Don't push yourself"

*TIME SKIP* - Days Later  -

My father sits in his chair with a tired face and dark expression as he keeps his head down. I didn't know what was up with him so I kinda got worried but at the same time, I think I know why.

"What's wrong, father?" I asked innocently while feeling anxious about his answer.

He brushes his hair back and sighs heavily. "I don't know but I feel like there's been a nuisance here." He glares at the ground as the table shakes. I trembled in fear as his aura became intense and dark. Luckily, Lucas isn't here anymore since I told him that I'll be busy. Thank the heavens. "Anyway, you have to get dressed right away in the afternoon"

I choked on my tea and grabbed the cloth to wipe on my mouth while muffling my coughs. "What?" Lily pats my back as my coughing goes away. "But the party starts in the evening! And we're not that far from the palace!"

"There's something called a surprise and besides don't you dislike unwanted attention?" I flinched. He's right. "We have a big reputation in the empire and everyone is desperate to see you" His aura becomes gloomy as fire surrounds him. "You have no idea how many marriage proposals I burned" He glares and I shiver.

"I see..." It will be our first time attending a social event together but not in a way that I wanted. I would just expect it to be a simple celebration or a tea party. Not the freaking emperor's birthday ball!!

*TIME SKIP* - Afternoon -

All the maids in the mansion gathered in my room and prepared everything to get me dressed up for the emperor's birthday. This situation is very similar to my birthday preparation but I don't think this is necessary!!

"We will make you stand out the most!" All the maids' eyes glimmered with pride and determination which made me a little nervous. "Everyone will be staring and coming to you once you arrive."

That's the opposite of what my father and I want!!

"Black hair and pink eyes!" Lily announced as I sat in my chair waiting for the maids to choose my dress. "Remember those traits!"

They all followed directions and went through my closet while the others got out of the accessories. Then when everything was ready, it was time for me to get ready.

*TIME SKIP* - 3rd POV -

Anastacius rested his forehead on the mirror with his eyes shut and palm pressed against it. He mutters gibberish with a blank mind but his heart feels unfamiliar to him. 'What is this that I'm feeling within me?' He thought to himself as he slowly lifted his head and stared at himself with a depressed face. The indescribable feeling in his heart that could not be expressed through words. It was a mix of happiness and sadness, full yet empty at the same time.

"... Diana. Today, we'll go out to see Claude" He whispered to the glass empty dark mirror. "Please. Our daughter wishes to see you" A teardrop came out from his eye and rolled down his cheek. He wipes it and puts on an expressionless face after a moment of silence.

"... Sigh." He turns and walks to the door. "... I also hope to see you but I understand" He said before going out and closing the door in a disheartened tone.

The moment the door closes and the room becomes completely dark, a light of magic swirls in the center to form Diana. Appearing out of the mirror with a stunning face, speechless at his words. She stared at the door and mumbled in sorrow yet joy.

"... I want to be with you" She placed her hand over her heart as she thinks of Anastacius and Athanasia. "... As a family" She whispered to herself.

A family that she always wanted in the first place. 'But do I really deserve that?' She sadly thought to herself.

~ Athanasia POV ~

All the maids look at me in astonishment with happy faces as they appreciate their art of work. I should be stunned and admire my beautiful face and body. But I'm so tired and hungry too!! Gahh! I can't be rude! Though my black hair and pink eyes really do stand out and give a different aura in comparison to my original genes.

"Thank you, everyone!~" I smiled wide and giggled.

Lily escorts me outside where I saw daddy in formal attires that the noble wears but it was fancy. A black robe and red laces to show off our family color and seal. Even with dark clothing, he's always physically shining no matter what...

"You look handsome, father!~" I ran to him with my high heels on and hugged him.
"You look beautiful too" Father pats my back and tries to hug me back without ruining my hair or outfit. When we pulled away, he looked at my hand and held my wrist. "You're wearing your ring?"

Shoot! I didn't tell him what happened to my bracelet! I can't tell him that I gave it away to Lucas so he can stop bothering me even though he stated that he didn't need it but still took it in the end.

"Erm... I broke it with my magic by accident!~" I laugh it off. "I wanted to test my magic strength so the ring is the only disguise I have! Though it is a bit uncomfortable because I don't wear rings often but I'll get used to it!" He frowns at my sentence but I still keep a happy face.

He took it off which confused me and placed it on his palm. A bit of magic flows from his skin and surrounds the ring. It forms a cloud around it that it got completely hidden and then it burst into a big ring. Oh wait, it's a bracelet but it's much prettier!!

"If there's any problem, then come to me" He puts it on my wrist and I felt my hair and eye color changes as soon as it got attached. "There you go. Now you're ready... are you?" He asked for my confirmation and I nodded.

He offered his hand to me and I took it. We got into the carriage where it will escort us to the ball after I waved goodbye to Lily. It's a pity she chose not to come because of her reputation but that just angers me. Those rumors! I'll find the culprits and make them pay for what they did to Lily even though she's not affected nor even bothered by it!

"Father, when we get there... what will we do?" I asked. I'm new to this kind of stuff. "Will we get caught?" I panicked a little. Claude is very powerful according to the novel so I'm kinda nervous.

"Nonsense. I enchanted these pieces of jewelry to hide our royal traits well that no one can see through our disguises. Also, the emperor shouldn't care much about us nor is his magic strong enough to sense it" He reassures me and I felt a bit of relief.

Father is strong. I shouldn't rely too much on the novel because there were many other significant details that weren't mentioned. So no worries.

"Also... If you see any boys coming toward you, come to me" He advised and I nod. "On second thought, just stay by my side... wait no... stay with the group of girls unless..." He struggles to give me parenting advice.

"Don't worry, father! I will stay with the girls and besides you taught me that all men are wolves!" I smiled innocently.... Especially that snob, Lucas who barges into my room whenever he wants.


We arrived at a huge building with lights and over-exaggerating decorations along with the street and walls. I couldn't help but just cringe at the flashy and glorifying colors. There's so much... expensive stuff that makes my heart bleed in poorness. Although my family is now one of the wealthiest in the empire thanks to both of us, still. In my past life, I was as broke as a joke, and the novel Athanasia had to depend on Ruby's Palace budget and it was very low. Therefore, she hid in the shadows of the people and stayed in the dark with her presence nonexistent.

My father got out of the carriage and the servants outside peered a glance at him then instantly posture themselves in front of us. I wonder what kind of reputation father did for us that causes them to be like that upon our arrival. Are we now the most feared family? I hope not because it'll be harder for me to make friends.

"Anastasia" My father calls my name from outside the carriage and I give my all my attention. "It's ok to come out now. Don't be shy, your father is here" He said in a soft and gentle tone.

Ah! There are so many things that will happen at this banquet! Introducing ourselves to the emperor is already hard enough since we're basically bowing to him!! Arghh, I wonder if father will refuse and just cause a scene. I wouldn't want that to happen!

Phew. Ok, ok. I repeatedly tell myself to calm down and just step out with pride and confidence. "Ok. I can do this" I mumbled to myself and slowly reached my hand out the door for my father's hand.

When I place my hand on his palm, he carefully wraps it with his finger and guides me outside gently. I took a step out and let my eyes wander around while scanning the area. "Wow." I breathed in awe while facing straight. The exterior is great and all but now I'm curious about the interior! "Can we go inside now, father?~" I held onto his arm and looked up to him with a jolly expression.

"Yes," He grinned back at me and I giggled.

As we walked into the hallway and saw other nobles up ahead, I reacted fast and slow my pace to get behind my father. Luckily, there are not many people here yet and they were all in line to greet the emperor properly. The emperor. My stomach sank at the thought of seeing and talking to him. Claude, the one who executed Athanasia. Even though I escaped my fate, he's still the fearful ruler of this empire.

My.. Fear. I need to get rid of my fear!

I felt my hand shaking along with my legs as I broke into a cold sweat. Don't panic. He won't notice. I tried many times to reassure myself that I'll survive and live on.

Then the shaking stops along with my worries all of a sudden. My breathing slows down as I take a deep breath and come back to reality. Huh? What happened?

"It's ok. Anastasia" My father whispers into my ear and pats my shoulder. "I'm here. You're not alone" He reassures me and I felt my heart melted at his words.


I gripped onto his arm and gave him a hug around his stomach. "Thank you" I whispered to him and grinned at him wholeheartedly.

He grins back with a warm smile and pats my head. "Of course.." He said and then he coughs in his hand.

Huh? I slowly released him and unconsciously stood still while thinking about what happened. Oh my god!

I turned my head side to side and saw other nobles peeking a glance at us before facing away. My father just grins in pride while standing to meet the emperor.

I basically just labeled myself as a papa's girl! Gahh! How could I do that to us?! This is so embarrassing!

I fanned my face as my cheeks heat up with blood rushing to my head. I listened to the gossips of the others as we went toward the entrance and they were exactly how I expected them to be!

"They're very close" "His daughter is so cute! She must love him so much!" "Her parents seem to love her a lot. How sweet"

"Anastasia. Keep your back straight and look ahead" My father said and I obeyed him. "We're next"

The moment the guest ahead of us finished their introduction, we began to walk to the emperor. With confidence. As we walked down the red carpet, the audience watched in amazement at our seriousness and fearless faces as we went to meet the emperor for the first time. Although not everyone needs to, we're new so, of course, he should at least know us.

In the beginning, I was afraid of meeting him but now, that fear is gone. As we come closer to the throne, the image of him becomes clearer to me until we finally come to a distance.

There he was, Claude de Alger Obelia, sitting in his throne with a cold-stone face that was looking down on us. We both properly greeted the emperor on his birthday.

"Blessing and glory upon the Obelia empire." My father did all the talking while I stood aside.

I stayed calm and kept my eyes on the emperor who was listening to my father. I must say he does certainly look cold which matches his personality since he did kill the innocent Athanasia. I saw his images of the history books and they were on point but now that I got a better look at him. I don't feel anything.


He turned his head slightly and made eye-contact with me directly. My heart panics along with my head as crazy scary thoughts come into mind. Yet I still kept a stern face and we stared at each other in silence. Maybe a bit too long...

"Sigh. I'm Anastasia, daughter of the Karalis Household" I introduced myself and he gives no response. Dude, stop staring at me!!

"... Interesting" He comments. "So you guys are the rising nobles of this empire?" he asked and my dad confirmed it. "I see"

After that awkward comment, we say goodbye and go to the side where all the nobles were chatting socially with business stuff or some shit like that.

"Is your wife not with you?" Someone asked my father with a contemptuous smile.

We both give him the death stares as he shivers in our aura. "No. She's busy in another country" He said with a harsh tone.

I nervously got into the conversation so I could prevent my dad from attacking the poor man. "Father, may I go meet the others?" I grinned bubbly that would shine on everyone.

He nodded and said to be careful. I listened and ran off in another direction. Where the hell am I going again??

"That's her!" I heard a voice from a distance. "Quickly become her friend but don't forget she has social anxiety" Social what?

I ignored what I just accidentally spied on and continued to the food table until something interrupted me.

"H-Hello!" A young girl's voice said from my back.

I stopped and turned my back slowly as the food got out of my sight. I'm so hungry...

".. yes?" I faced the girl that was around my age with a soft smile. "Hi.." I greet the young unfamiliar girl.

"My name is Helena from the..." She introduces herself and her household.

Oh god. Please don't tell me everyone is going to come to me now. I just want to eat.

"I'm Anastasia!" I smiled widely at her and she also grinned at me.

"What do you think of the banquet so far?" she asked me a simple question.

Well, I don't know until I get to the food! Also, it depends on if my father doesn't snap and kill anyone or not. "Great since I met you!"

She flusters over my response and gives me eyes that was admiring me. Suddenly, as time goes on, more girls begin to join our conversation and soon it becomes a girl's social talk.

What is happening??

"Hi!" "I heard all about your amazing works!" "You're very intelligent!" "Can you...?"

The food! I'm getting far from the food table! The group moves away and drags me until we come close with the parents...

Only one way out of this... "father!" I wheezed and squeezed myself out of the tremorous girl group talk. I go to my father and tuck his robe.

"Ah. Anastasia?" He stopped talking to the man and I looked over to see who it was.

It was the white dog!! What do you want with my daddy??

"Father. I just wanted to see how you were doing!~" I used my charm to get his attention.

"That would be my job but I'm doing fine" He looks over my head and suddenly put on a murderous face that makes his aura intense.

I tried to turn around to see what he was glaring at but he kept his shoulder on me so I had to rely on my hearing. And.... there were boys approaching me but he prevented them from coming...

Then I felt goosebumps on the back of my neck as I got chills in my spine all of a sudden. What caused this strange feeling?


We heard the sounds of high heels clicking together with the floor that echoed in the room. The loud chattering noise died down as everyone stared at the center of the room. What's up with them?

I looked back at my father and his face was the same as them but pale in astonishment this time. So I turned my back and to see what had caught their attention.

The moment the person was in my sight, my body automatically froze.

Why is Lily here? And... Who is that beautiful woman? She seems so familiar....

Lily was dressed up all pretty with everything and held a fan closed to her face. However, the woman beside her outshines her beauty as they both walked down the hall with a strong presence. She had long ginger wavy hair decorated with pearls and pink eyes that were similar to mine. Their dresses are not something an average noble would wear to the party, it had fewer layers and a bit shorter around the leg.

Then one thought came into my mind.

"Mom?" I mouthed.

It was her. She finally came back to this world and is showing her being to everyone.

"You came back" I teared up and wiped them quickly with my handkerchief.

~ 3rd POV ~

"Congratulations on your birthday, Your Majesty," An angelic voice said to the emperor as the two of them curtsy.

Claude, stunned by her gentle smile, could not respond at all as his heart brought back the familiar warm feeling. But his head reacts differently.


He gets dizzy just from the look of her as they lock eyes. He clenches his fist and glares at the fearless woman. "Who are you?" He asked, not showing his pain to the people.

She stared at the cold emperor with her usual happy face. Meanwhile, the audience becomes curious about the mysterious woman who came along with the lady of the rumors, Lillian York. All Lily could do was stand by her side and stay wary of her surroundings. Even Anastacius and Athanasia were watching in astonishment at her sudden appearance but they had different feelings about the situation.

Athanasia was overwhelmed by joy and happiness to see her physical appearance. While Anastacius watched the two past lovers stare at each other and talk again.

For the first time, he felt the pain of heartbreak from the realization that the woman he cares for was his lover. 'So that's why you came...' He thought sadly. 'Claude... Now I know how it feels like for everything to be taken away' He looks at the two. 'The throne... and now the lover' He finally realizes his feelings for her.

'You have captured the heart of a woman... that I'm infatuated with.' But it was too late.

He was already in love with her.

End Of Chapter 19

AN: Boom. I rushed it because why not. Sorry for not updating at the usual time but I needed sleep.

|Word Count: 4048|

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