Calling | OT7

Par dweadful

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"We at Soulmate Resort promise that you will find your soulmate. One way or another." -- When a person finds... Plus

I'm very sorry


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Par dweadful

Jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous walking into the fancy buffet. He felt surrounded by people who were all richer and better than he was. He didn't like this feeling, but the most he could do was take a deep breath and start walking inside.

There was soft piano being played, songs Jungkook didn't recognize but he could tell took great skill playing. The entire building had a soft orange hue that bled into red and yellow under certain lights, but Jungkook had to admit this really was nice. He was never one for fancy restaurants, always believing he never fit in among the wealthy, but the thought that he was here with Namjoon made him happier. More comfortable. Maybe that was just the effect Namjoon had on him. Or that was just the effect of the calling. Jungkook wouldn't be able to tell.

Jungkook felt a pull again, which he thought was slightly strange considering he already found Namjoon to be his soulmate. Although, this was brushed off. Perhaps his abnormal mark played a part with his calling as well. He didn't really mind honestly, feeling connected with Namjoon from even afar felt like a blessing.

Jungkook glances to where the pull was taking him, and sees Namjoon at a two-person table, looking more nervous than Jungkook even feels. Jungkook smiles and begins heading over, the pull gradually getting stronger and stronger until it abruptly stops upon getting to Namjoon. Namjoon smiles a beautiful smile at Jungkook and he stands taking one of Jungkook's hands into his own. Jungkook didn't miss the way Namjoon's eyes raked over his body, but he instead relished in the attention. He leans up and captures the elder's lips in a small but loving kiss, a shiver running down his spine feeling Namjoon's skilled mouth push against his in return.

When they pull away, Jungkook narrows his eyes at Namjoon, a flirtatious smirk on his face as he stares. Namjoon stares back with an unexplainable heat in his eyes that Jungkook didn't mind staring into forever. Namjoon allows his eyes to look over Jungkook's body once more before he looks back up.

"You look amazing." He says simply, and Jungkook playfully pouts, one of his hands coming up and tracing Namjoon's bottom lip before caressing his cheek. Where did all of this flirtatious energy come from? Jungkook was never ever this confident flirting with people, especially in public.

"Just amazing?" Jungkook says, a slight whine in his voice. Namjoon's eyes narrow again and Jungkook pouts. "I thought this suit made me look more than amazing." Jungkook coos and he relishes in the way Namjoon's body shudders. Jungkook pulls away and blushes when Namjoon pulls out a chair for him to sit. Jungkook sits down and Namjoon sits in his own chair as well.

They were fairly close to the pianist, who kept playing the piano with obviously skilled hands. Jungkook snuck a peek at the skilled player, seeing a flash of pale skin and midnight black hair on top. The deep blue suit that looked so soft and comfortable complemented the male's pale skin well, along with his hair contrasting with the soft looking skin. Jungkook quickly realizes he probably shouldn't stare at the pianist but in fact his date and soulmate, Kim Namjoon. But there was something pulling him to that very pianist. Jungkook assumes its the beautiful sounds that the pianist creates with his hands alone.

"This place is really nice," Namjoon says as he looks at the table cloth patterns. Jungkook stares at Namjoon, enjoying the way that strands of the other's hair fell over his forehead. Jungkook smirks as he licks his lips.

"Not as nice as you though," Jungkook states, eyes narrowing slightly at Namjoon. Even the elder looked surprised at Jungkook's confidence. Jungkook didn't really understand it either, but he wasn't about to ruin it either. He could tell by Namjoon's slightly reddened face and the way the other looked nearly unresponsive that the other definitely wasn't against the attitude. "I really appreciate you taking me out Namjoon. Really." He says for real, and Namjoon looks as if he could finally breathe for a moment.

"Don't worry about it Kook," Namjoon says in a nervous voice, then clearing his throat as he sits up straight and stares at Jungkook. Oh dear, Jungkook's flirty bravado falters a little bit.

"So is there anything you want to discuss about? Of course, we have this reservation for two hours, but we certainly don't need to stay the full time." He says and Jungkook thinks for a moment. Honestly, he knows he shouldn't fuss about it so much, but it's been on his mind for so long.

"Ahh, Hyung..." He utters, sighing out as his shoulders sink slightly. "It's just... my mark. I don't understand why it's in the spot it's in." He says, and Namjoon's eyes phase into a sympathetic look. Jungkook suddenly feels bad, but that weird flirty feeling inside of him never left. The conclusion Jungkook decides to come with is the fact that Namjoon left him hanging last night. So, Jungkook, of course, wanted some relief. Real relief. There was no way he was leaving Namjoon's side without getting laid.

"Well, what did you find out from research?" Namjoon asks, leaning in a little more and giving Jungkook his full attention. Jungkook couldn't lie, he loved the fact that Namjoon truly paid attention to him. That now Jungkook has someone that will give him his full attention. That... was comforting. Namjoon just was comforting in general.

"Well, I know that my mark is completely real, as I did the mark test. I also found out that marks can sometimes be slightly off-center due to alterations on the body. But those were only a few inches or centimeters off. Joon, mine is totally not near the center." Jungkook says, his voice sounding defeated. Jungkook's posture deflates slightly as he thinks about the situation. It wasn't even that important, was it? The mark might just mean that he and Namjoon will have an abnormal but wonderful relationship. Maybe the mark was a bad omen and Jungkook will face a life's worth of pain. Jungkook decided he'll stick with the more positive ending.

Namjoon looks like he's thinking about something, and Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek nervously. Jungkook's overall mood was calm yet flirtatious. But the nerves were trying to take over. Trying to move Jungkook's confidence out of the way and ruin everything. Suddenly, Jungkook feels a warm hand enclose itself around his own and Jungkook feels his inside grow fluttery. He looks up to the fond look on Namjoon's face, and he can't help but slightly smile.

"Jungkook, I'm sure its nothing too important. If anything, it might just be some sort of evolutionary thing that you're the first thing subjected to. Nothing to freak out about I'm sure." He says, and Jungkook can't help but believe him. Why wouldn't he? The foundation of their connection is honesty. And Jungkook would never lie to Namjoon.

Namjoon could sense that Jungkook was still apparently nervous because he got up and smiled sweetly at Jungkook. Jungkook stared with confusion before Namjoon waved it off.

"Don't worry about it Kook, I'm just going to grab us a plate of small snacks so we can talk more, okay?" Namjoon says, and Jungkook debates on whether or not he should go with. After realizing he was too lazy to move, he nodded and watched as Namjoon walked off to retrieve the snacks.

Jungkook sits there, finally his ears picking up the piano playing once more. Jungkook listens as the keys are played with relentless rhythm, whoever playing the piano not missing a single beat. Jungkook finds himself swaying to the music and closing his eyes, imagining a random scenario that fits well with the song being played.

Ok, he had to know who was playing that piano.

He steps up from his seat and begins his journey to the pianist, who clearly was also endorsed in his music. Jungkook refused to interrupt, one because the pianist was probably being paid to play and two, Jungkook knows how annoying it is to be interrupted while doing something you love. So Jungkook just stood near the piano and stared, amazed by how the pianist's long crooked fingers flick their ways across the keyboard and press the keys with high precision.

The song didn't take long to end. The climax approached with a slow yet powerful ending. Jungkook takes in a breath, watching the pianist's fingers play the final notes before they finally stop on the keyboard. Jungkook realizes he's still just starting and brings his hands up to give short mini applause. The pianist obviously didn't realize Jungkook had stepped up, because they visibly jump. Their black hair bounces when they finally look at Jungkook, face going from surprised to slightly flustered. Jungkook immediately wanted to awe but realized that that may damage the other male's masculinity, so he kept it to a small smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. That was just really good!" Jungkook says, and he watches at the pianist looks confused, as if they don't know how to take the compliment in its entirety. Jungkook tilted his head, chuckling slightly when he still got no response. He rubs the back of his neck as he looks at the pianist with kind eyes. Jungkook was beyond nervous, most likely because Namjoon wasn't there with him to negate the nerves, but his overpowering flirtiness was helping immensely. "Usually, people say thank you after someone compliments them."

The pianist seems to snap out of a daze and looks away, rubbing the back of his neck tenderly.

"Ahh, thank you. Sorry, people don't really compliment my performances." He says, sounding genuinely apologetic, but otherwise pretty dry. Jungkook didn't want to admit it, but he really likes the deep and slightly raspy sound of this pianist's voice. Although, he made sure to not think about it for long.

"Well, they should. Obviously this place must be paying you a lot because I've never seen someone play the piano so well." Jungkook says, and the pianist's face seems to heat up slightly. Damn, the light pink matched the color of the pianist's lips so well and looks so damn good against their skin.  Jungkook shakes himself out of his thoughts. Okay, that was a danger zone. This flirty feeling was starting to feel out of control. Yet despite that, Jungkook couldn't stop. His body really liked the way the pianist looked flustered.

"Oh, I don't work here, but thank you." He says, and Jungkook regains control of his mind and body for a moment as he looks at the pianist with a confused look. He... didn't work here?

Jungkook felt a little dumb. Obviously, the other male didn't work here. All of the employees here wore the same outfit designs no matter where Jungkook was. This pianist's outfit was much more stylish and had a certain flair to it that Jungkook felt suited them well. Despite that, he tilted his head as the question fell from his lips.

"Really? What's your name?" He asks, curious now. The pianist moves a bit of hair to behind his ear as he licks his lips. His small, soft-looking, pink lips. Jungkook is beyond confused with himself as he does his best to listen as the pianist speaks.

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi." He says, his voice a little softer as he speaks. Jungkook felt honored that the other easily stated the information about themselves. Not a lot of people would do that. Jungkook smirked and pulled out his phone. He opens his contacts and hands it to Yoongi. Yoongi. What a nice name. Suited them really well.

"Well Yoongi, I really liked your performance. I hope it's not weird if I get your number. Something tells me I'll want a private performance." Jungkook coos, not even realizing what he said. Yoongi's face flushes, but they take the phone and punch in the information.  They hand Jungkook back his phone and swallow hard, looking up at Jungkook.

"What's your name?" He asks and Jungkook looks with a smile.

"I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. It's wonderful meeting you Yoongi." He says, and Yoongi watches as Jungkook begins walking away slowly. Jungkook looks back at Yoongi and smiles, waving in a friendly manner. Yoongi waves back slightly, not with nearly as much enthusiasm as Jungkook (which really wasn't much to being with) had given.

When Jungkook returns to the table, the realization of what he had done hits pretty damn hard. He just got a random, pretty, talented, sexy stranger's number, flirted with him, and made a suggestive comment all while Namjoon's back was turned. Jungkook felt nearly sick to his stomach. And what made it worse was the fact that his body was refusing to feel guilty. The flirty feeling weakened slightly since leaving Yoongi's side, but it was still there, lingering like a ghost.

Also, he was really hard in his dress pants.

The thought of Namjoon ripping the outfit from Jungkook's body began invading his mind and caused his hands to curl into two tight fists. Namjoon returns to the table, a plate of crackers, chips, and a few sweets filling it nicely. But instead of being able to sit down, Jungkook stands and goes to Namjoon pulling him closer. Namjoon gasps slightly and nearly topples over, but Jungkook keeps a tightly grip that was probably only as strong as it was due to the painful arousal.

"Kook, what-"

"I want you. I need you." Jungkook whispers into Namjoon's ear with a husky tone, and he can feel Namjoon shiver slightly. Namjoon looks hesitant, and for a moment Jungkook is scared that the other can see into the past and see what Jungkook did just moment prior. But Jungkook cant be left handing tonight, not any longer. It hurt. Jungkook wanted to do the bonding with Namjoon now.

Jungkook looks around for a moment and sees that in the mostly empty space, no one was looking at them. So, the younger male takes one of Namjoon's wrists and slowly drag it over his waist, smirking against the skin of Namjoon's neck when he hears the gasp.  Then he pushes the hand on his bulge, using all of his willpower to not moan or gasp right fucking there. He then hears a growl from Namjoon, and the other's grip on his body tightens. Jungkook looks up into Namjoon's eyes, seeing that the sexual bonding sequence has started in Namjoon's body already. A grin appears on Jungkook's face.

"Your room. Right now." Namjoon says, and Jungkook wastes no time dragging Namjoon towards the exit, not worrying about the pay since Namjoon had stated before that he'll pre-pay so there was no issues leaving. Right before leaving that building to get into his resort room, Jungkook felt the flirty attitude fade.

And he heard the piano music start up once again.

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