BROKEN (book #1)

By Bellamy_Blue

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After being born in to an unfair world Olivia tries her best to get by with what she has. But after she learn... More

Book #2


381 17 14
By Bellamy_Blue


"Reagan wake up" I sighed shaking her. It was already 11 am and since I couldn't sleep I needed her to entertain me.

"What do you want" she groaned.

"I'm bored"

"I don't care" she mumbled pushing me away from her. "Now if you would kindly fuck off so I can sleep."

"I'll pour water on you" I threatened.

"We both know your to scared to do that now go away"

I sighed walking out of my bedroom to see Jacob and Abby in the kitchen making something. Abby was mixing something and Jacob was scrolling threw his phone. He was probably just there to make sure she didn't burn down the kitchen.

"What are you making?" I asked making my presence known.

"Waffles!" Abby cheered before turning to Jacob. "Can you help me put them in the waffle machine?"

"Sure baby" Jacob smiled. I think she was talking about the waffle iron because I'm not sure what a waffle machine is.

"You and Reagan want waffles, Livy?" Abby asked me.

"Sure" I shrugged, I was sure Reagan would eat some when she woke up. That girl would eat anything and everything.

"I'm still mad at you," Abby told Jacob. "I just needed your help."

"It's not my fault" Jacob defended himself. "She couldn't stay here."

"Why not?" She snapped.

"You know why Abby"

"What's going on? Why is she mad at you?" I asked Jacob.

"Jennifer stopped by last night and needed a place to stay. She's mad because I wouldn't let her stay here" he explained.

"How didn't I know about this?"

"I don't know, Jennifer wasn't here for long. She didn't even come in"

"Oh okay. Abby he didn't do anything wrong, moms a bitch and she would just irate all of us and show up drunk every night" I said defending my older brother. Abby just shot me an annoyed look and carrying on with the waffles.

"Where's Reagan?" Jacob asked.

"Still sleeping"

Abby sat at the table with all of the waffles on one plate.

"Don't we get waffles?" I asked motioning to me and Jacob.


"Why not? I helped make them" Jacob said.

"I hate you guys," Abby told us eating a waffle. "But Reagan can have some, I still love her."

I ignored my younger sister grabbing a waffle of her plate and Jacob did the same.

"Hey!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry baby girl" Jacob shrugged. I laughed as a scowl formed on her face. Even when she was trying to be mad she just looked cute. I knew she wouldn't be mad for long anyways, I guarantee she would totally forget about this whole thing in a few hours. I'm surprised she hadn't already forgotten.

"You guys are so fucking loud" Reagan mumbled tiredly walking into the kitchen.

"Sorry. Not sorry" I smiled at her, which caused her to give me an unfriendly look. Reagan definitely wasn't a morning person, she was even worse than me. Which says a lot.

"Reagan I made you waffles" Abby smiled holding out a plate for her. Typical Abby, such a kiss ass.

"Thanks, Abs" she smiled grabbing the plate off of Abby. We all sat at the table eating the waffles that Abby made. It still amazed me that a 5-year-old was better at cooking than me.

My phone vibrated and everyone's eyes shot in my direction. I had a notification from an unknown number. I cautiously opened the text. I was always suspicious when I got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: I have the information you want.

Olivia: who is this?

I waited a minute but got no response so I slid my phone back in my pocket. I looked up to see everyone's eyes still on me. I had no doubt they could see the look of concern planted on my face.

"Who was that?" Jacob asked curiously. Of course, he was gonna be the one to ask, he always wants to get involved in my business and then he's the one who calls me nosy. The audacity.

"Just a game notification" I gave him a reassuring smile, Jacob looked hesitant but decided to drop it. Reagan gave me an unsure look and I knew she would ask me about it later.

"Do we have chocolate milk?" Abby asked. I really appreciated the change of topic.

"No, I don't think so" Jacob mumbled.

"You need to go get more brown cows so we can have chocolate milk," she told him sharply waving her small finger in his face.

"That's not how it works" Reagan laughed.

"Why not?"

"Chocolate milk is just normal milk with lots of sugar and chocolate in it," I said a little annoyed with all her questions.

"Remember that time when you went to the farm with your class when you were in 1st grade" Jacob laughed at the memory. I gave him a look motioning for him to stop talking.

"Wait what happened?" Reagan asked, of course, she decided to be interested in the conversation now.

"Not important" I intervened. Reagan rolled her eyes and looked at him waiting for a response.

"So Olivia and her 1st-grade class went to a farm for some felid trip and there were cows there since it was a farm. So Olivia started yelling at one of the brown cows telling it to make her chocolate milk and when it didn't move she started attacking it and the teacher had to pull her away from the poor thing" Jacob laughed.

"Actually?" Reagan laughed.

"I was like 7. There's no need to talk about this" I hated that story and Jacob told it every chance he got. He just loved to embarrass me.

"That's stupid even for you. What did you think was gonna happen?" Reagan asked. I glared at Jacob knowing what was gonna come next.

"Don't you fucking dare!"

"This is the best part. She thought the cows made and packaged the milk" he laughed. I glared at Jacob.

"I know I know it's hilarious" I rolled my eyes at my so-called family. After the subject was finally dropped we went back to our breakfast.


"Olivia focus!" Reagan snapped me away from my thoughts. "I've been calling you for 5 minutes."

"Sorry I was distracted"

"I can see that" she laughed. I couldn't stop thinking about the text I got, it didn't make sense.

"Anyways what were you saying?" I asked trying to change the subject. I didn't wanna tell anyone about the text yet, not until I knew more.

"What should I wear tonight?"

"Where are you going again?" I asked.

"Really Olivia?" Reagan sighed rolling her eyes at my confusion. "I already told you, I'm going to dinner and a movie with mason."

"Oh ya sorry" I muttered looking at my friend. "What about jeans and a sweater? Cute but comfy."

"That's a good idea" she mumbled to herself rummaging threw my closet. I heard my phone beep so I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at it.

Unknown: it's Logan. Tell anyone I contacted you and you'll regret it and you will never get the information you want.

Olivia: what do you want?

Logan: it's not about what I want, it's about what you want. I know you have questions Olivia and I have answers.

Olivia: why would I trust you?

Logan: cause I'm your father.

Olivia: you tried to kill my sister. I hate you.

I rolled my eyes shoving my phone back in my pocket.

"Are you okay?" I looked over to see my best friend giving me a questioning look. I'm sure she could see the hostility on my face.

"Ya, I'm fine. Just tired" I smiled.

"I have a brilliant idea!" Reagan exclaimed, her eyes were practically beaming with excitement. This was not a good sign.

"Oh, no.." I sighed, she glared at me before continuing.

"What if you and Aiden come double date with me and mason! It will be so much fun!" She exclaimed.

"I don't know, don't you think that might be kinda awkward?" I asked playing the scene out in my head, Reagan would probably make out with mason the whole time. Aiden and I would just awkwardly stand there.

"It won't trust me. Please Olivia" she begged. I looked at her before hesitantly nodding my head. "Thank you! Thank you!" She jumped on me giving me a huge hug.

"Don't thank me yet, we still have to get Aiden on board" I mumbled pushing my best friend off of me.

"He will be okay with it" she smiled.

Not gonna lie, this night was probably really going to suck. But I already agreed so now I'm officially screwed.

A/N: The next chapter will be the date!! Are you guys excited? Nervous? Sorry, this chapter took so long to update, I was having trouble writing it. Anyways I hope you liked it.

Please vote and comment if you want to! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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