The Chronicles of Life. (Comp...

נכתב על ידי DineoMenko

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Through the years, a group of friends realize the value of friendship as life's growing pains threaten to tak... עוד

28 Nov 2016 .x
Vickie slow down you're scaring her.
Like a damn charity case?
She's not my latest victim. She's my girlfriend.
Revelations and Heartbreaks.
This was your big idea?
I love you
Christmas Eve
Me or her.
I cheated on you.
Christmas Day.
Letting go.
Until we meet again.
Back to School.
Never ever tell a woman to calm down!
What the fuck did you do to her?
Different people.
I wanna get the group back together.
Regrets and stuff.
Love me like before.
Yes man.
I'll die so you can live.
Fearless ones
Broken Pieces. Part 1
Broken Pieces. Part 2
I can't lose you.
Yet another one.
Just won't get it.
A miracle.
When you're ready.
Soon enough.
Back and better.
Celebratory death.
To love you and leave you.
It's been too long my friend.
What needs to be done.
You can have her.

Sponge bob? Really?

509 6 0
נכתב על ידי DineoMenko

Preshani had been struggling to keep her eyes both open and closed. She wanted a few more hours of sleep but she also wanted to go and scream at her friends to keep it down. She decided to do the latter. She started walking down the stairs then grunted when the voices got louder as she moved closer. Why were they up so early?

What she hadn't expected to see was the boy who had been making random pop ups in her mind since the party. Stopping in her tracks she looked down at her sponge bob pajamas. Shit. She started to slowly turn around when, "Shani come look who's here", she was going to kill Mariska! She thought about jumping on the side of the stairs to her demise but that still would've been embarrassing so she opted to join her friends downstairs.

With a swift move she fixed her hair then greeted shyly when she was closer to her friends. "Sponge bob? Really?", Mike had said clearly amused. "Name one thing that's better than sponge bob, I'll wait", the girl defended dramatically folding her arms. "Uhhh, literally anything", he responded but the girl just shrugged then waved him off. Stupid. "What are you doing here Mike? Aren't you supposed to be in joburg?", she asked getting annoyed, "first, don't act like you're not happy to see me and second, I just landed back. Didn't you hear? I'm going to be staying here too. Now where's our room love? I have to go put my things", he said with a smirk. The boy had completely lost it she thought. There was no way in hell she was going to share a room with that monstrosity. Ignoring him she went to join Ashley and Taylor in the kitchen.

She thought back to the party. He had been so sweet until he wasn't. One minute they were walking down the beach holding hands and the next he was checking some other girl out. I mean yes they were not dating but did he have to do that in front of her? She knew he wasn't stupid so he must've known she liked him, so that meant he either did it on purpose,
or he just didn't care. Either way he was an asshole.

"Were we making a lot of noise?", Preshani's mental rant was disturbed by Taylor's confusing question. "Uh?", Ashley expressed as she waited for the girl to explain what she meant. "Nathan and I. He was so wild last night, oh my gosh. When we went up to his room it was like he couldn't get enough of me", the  girl shrieked. Was she being serious? Clearly that first question had nothing to do with her concern of whether or not they had made a lot of noise. She just wanted to gloat, so the two girls just let her have her moment. It was quite ridiculous that she always felt the need to do and say those kind of things. It was very clear from the day they'd all met the girl that she had been jealous of the girls in Nathan's life. His friends, because he always put them first. She was especially jealous of one in particular.

"Was it nice?", Ashley had asked feeling bad that they were just staring at her. "Of course it was. It always is with him", she said with dreamy eyes. "That's great Taylor", Preshani commented not knowing what else to say. It was sad.

Mariska chose that moment to dance her way into the kitchen with Dineo trailing behind her. "What are you guys talking a..", she barely finished her sentence when she was slightly shoved by Preshani. "Ouch", she cried. "What was that for?", she asked earning a laugh from Ashley and Dineo. She very much knew what that was for.

"I was just telling them about my amazing night", Taylor said answering Mariska's earlier question. "Oh, how was it?", Dineo asked the girl. She looked very pretty she thought. Taylor was about to answer when Nathan sneaked up on her and hugged her from behind earning giggles from the girl. "What are you girls getting up to?", Nathan asked now giving the girl neck kisses. "I think we should all bake today. My family and I always do that during the festive.", Preshani suggested. "I think that sounds great. We should go get baking stuff because I'm pretty sure all Nate has in his drawers are Pringle's", Dineo said making the girls laugh. "Haha, laugh all you want. There's nothing in this world that's better than Pringle's.", "Ok Nate, whatever", the girl remarked, she was in no mood to have the Pringle's argument with the boy.

The girls giggled as they made their way upstairs to get ready to go shopping.

Nathan turned his girlfriend around to give her a kiss. He knew she always felt insecure around the girls, so he always made sure to be extra touchy to let her know there was no other girl he would rather be with. The girls had been the root of all their problems since they had started dating. She had asked him to choose between them and her so many times, but he would always choose his friends so she had given up on that argument. Nathan loved the girl but he had known his friends forever and he didn't think it was fair she was making him choose.

"Wanna go upstairs and finish what we started last night?", the boy whispered into her ear as she giggled. She nodded then he picked her up bridal style and they made their way upstairs.

The girls finished getting ready and they were about to leave. Bongi had been stuck in her room since they had all woken up, everyone had noticed how the girl she had been with the day before had vanished too. The other girl who came with Connor was snuggled up with him by the couch as the boys played video games.

Dineo, Mariska and Preshani were looking a little bit too pretty for 'shopping' but no one dared to question them. Ashley gave Siya a peck on the mouth as she ran to join the girls. Dineo hadn't missed that.

Passing about five shopping centers they surely were going to get everything they needed at, the girls decided to go to the V&A waterfront, "yea but it has a lot of cute and foreign guys", Mariska had defended.

The girls had remembered they hadn't had breakfast when they passed a stream of chain restaurants. They decided to stop at McDonald's to get something quick. Preshani quickly ran to the bathroom and Mariska went to order after asking the girls what they wanted.

"So... you and Siya huh?", Dineo had asked awkwardly, not knowing what to say. She knew her friends left them alone on purpose. "Uh. Yea", Ashley replied shyly. "Look Dineo, I never meant for any of this to happen. I didn't know you liked him until only afterwards, I'm sorry", Ashley continued softly. "It's ok Ash", she lied. She pretended to smile to stop her tears from coming out. She knew something had been going on between the two, but it hurt more to hear her say it. Maybe she really needed to move on. If he hadn't seen her like that all those years of knowing each other then was he ever going to? Dineo knew it wasn't Ashley's fault. If it hadn't been Ashley then it would've been some other girl, usually a pale skinned one. She just hated Ashley because it was easier. Was it that she just wasn't his type? Was she too... black for him? She decided to ignore the crazy thought as Preshani made her way back to the table.

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