You and me

By ReadingKing247

64.9K 825 121

Teenager Leah Williamson gets promoted from the Academy team to the senior team at Arsenal, where she develop... More

First day
Get to know you
Happiness or sorrow?
Lionesses call up
Figuring it out
Ocean eyes
Sweet revenge

Keeping the secret

5.1K 65 5
By ReadingKing247

Leah's POV:

I slowly begin to wake up as I feel the touch of lips leaving my skin.

"Mornin'!" I hear Jordan say in a happy tone, while rubbing my eyes. I've slept well and long enough, but I'm still a bit tired. I don't have the energy to answer her, instead I try to form a smile on my face. The smile is a bit weak, but she doesn't seem to mind as she grins back in response. We stay quite for a while and just stare at each other.

"You excited for the game today?" Jordan asks, while playing with my hair.

"Y-yeah" I stutter out, not being able to use my voice properly.

"You better be able to speak later today, otherwise it'll be a hard time on the pitch not only for you but also for the rest of the team."

"I-I know Jord. Just-t r-relax, I'll be f-fine..."

"I hope you're right, you don't want to let the team down you know."

"Ha, I would n-never d-do that!" I say. I hope my voice gets back to normal soon. I have to confess that it'll be kinda embarrassing to not be able to talk properly in front of our teammates. Before I know it Jordan does another thing to try annoy me, I can tell she succeeded with her mission.

"S-stop p-poking me in t-the face! Jordan!" I let out, clearly annoyed by her actions. She immediately stops poking me in the face, catching my lips instead.

"Is this better?" She asks.

"M-much better!"

We keep making out for a good couple of minutes before we break apart. I feel much better and stronger now than I did twenty minutes ago. My voice is slowly getting back to normal again as well.



"Erm, what do we do about the others?" I say a little worried.

"What do ya mean?" She asks, probably playing it dumb as she usually does.

"Come on Jord, you know what I mean..."

"Oh, uh what do you think? I'm ready to tell them but if you're not then that's absolutely fine with me."

"I don't want to tell them just yet, I'm definitely not ready and we've not been dating for that long if you get what I mean."

"Yeah I get it, don't worry 'bout it. I really like you and I don't want to rush things with you. As long as you're feeling comfortable I'm satisfied."

"Good, then we don't tell 'em." I say a bit relieved.

A few hours later we're on the bus heading for Manchester with the rest of the girls. I'm nervous as hell for so many reasons, and I can't rely on Jordan cheering me up because that would make things more obvious than they're meant to be. I guess I'll just keep it all to myself and just hope I'm not going to explode on the inside. My emotions are really boiling that much inside of me and it's low-key frightening me.

"Are you okay Leah?" I recognize Jordan's soft voice.

"Yeah, I'm just fine. Don't worry about it." I tell her, sounding as convincing as my voice allows me to.

You sure you're fine Leah? It looks like you've just seen a ghost or something.." Beth fills in.

"Do I?"

"Hell yes, she's not joking this time!" Alex says.

I start to panic a bit, what if they know about my deepest secrets? How am I supposed to cover things up if they do know more than I think? Luckily it doesn't take long before Jordan comes to my rescue.

"Guys, she literally said she's fine. I know you ask because you care but she's already said there's nothing wrong. Please leave it for a bit, will ya?"

"Thanks!" I whisper in her ear, making sure only she can hear me. She just smiles at me in response.

For the rest of the journey I slept with my head rested on Jordan's shoulder. When we arrive Jordan wakes me up.

"Time to wake up, sleeping beauty!" She says. As I open my eyes the bus is empty apart from the two of us.

"Jordan, where's the rest of the girls?"

"Well, it wasn't the simplest of tasks to wake you up to start with. They went of the bus as soon as we arrived here, but I figured it wouldn't be too nice to leave you alone. The rest of the team left approximately five minutes ago."

"Oh, well I guess that explains it."

"Now Leah, tell me what's bothering you. Don't think you can ever hide things from me, I can tell you're not feeling well."

"I'm just scared Jord. I don't want people to know.. you know.. about us. And besides that we're playing Keira's team today."

"Hey, don't worry about it. You know I would never tell anyone if you don't want me to. Trust me on that one. Since it's only you and me who knows about it, no one else knows, right? If you've not told anyone of course."

"No I've not told anyone."

"See, then no one else has a clue. I told ya it'll be just fine! About meeting Keira, it'll be like all the other times we've met Man City, am I right? She's your best friend Leah, relax a bit will ya?"

"True that... But I'm still nervous, and I have to talk to her after the game. It's about erm.. some important stuff. I'm not sure I'm confident enough to talk with her."

"I'm sure it can't be that bad. After all you're the best of mates so whatever it's about she'll be a hundred percent supportive. I'm sure she will."

"Thank you for always bringing me back up when I'm down. I don't know what I would've done without you by my side!" I say while pulling her in for a hug.

"You know I'm always here for you, whatever happens. I love you Leah, more than you'll ever know." She whispers. Her last words makes a wide smile appear on my face. We get of the bus together and head towards our locker room. When we get there the room goes quiet and everyone stares at us as we walk in through the door. I look at Jordan and I know she knows that my fears have appeared yet again. My once happy face quickly changed to a more insecure expression.

"Well, well. What are we witnessing here guys? Is it Leah and Jordan dropping in fifteen minutes later than everyone else?" Daan speaks up in a jokingly tone.

"Yeah, what took you so long?" Katie adds.

"Had no choice but dragging this sleepyhead all the way here from the bus. Took me way more time than I expected to wake her up tho." Jordan responds. No one says anything further after that so I guess they finally let it go. I slump down next to Jordan in the locker room and try to be as subtle as possible. I don't want to be too close to her and at the same time I don't want people to speculate if we sit too far away from each other. We're known as best friends and so it should remain, at least that's what they're supposed to think in the nearest future.

Jordan and I are the last ones to leave the locker room before the kickoff. I take her hand and squeeze it hard. She knows I'm nervous, but she always seems to make me feel better. We walk out together, hand in hand. We're both in the starting XI this game which feels good. I'm still a bit stressed out due to the thoughts that's stuck in my head. I really hope it doesn't affect my performance negatively. I know Jordan's right about us, no one else knows. At least yet.. I'm about to tell Keira afterwards and just the thought of it makes me feel sick to my stomach. Not because I don't want to, I want to tell her. I'm more nervous because I'm a bit scared to say it to her. I know she's going to handle it well and she's not the type that tells everyone about it. It's more the 'dare I?' type of feeling.

The referee blows the whistle and the game is now underway. During the first twenty minutes the play goes back and fourth, none of the teams has a clear advantage yet. We haven't established our game the way we wanted from the start and it's beginning to show we're not comfortable out on the pitch. Especially my own performance shows the lack of stability. So far it has been everything but good. My focus isn't really there. The more I think, the more I lose of the tiny bit of control I have.

Jordan's POV:

Poor girl, whatever she does nothing seems to go her way. She thinks way too much, which is very unlike her on a football pitch. Usually she just goes out and does her thing, always dominating the back line and helping the team create good chances up front. Today is nothing like that, with all honesty it's not even close. I know she's nervous tho. It's an important game and we need all the points to secure the bag, not to say the least. And as if that wasn't enough, she's also scared that our secret will be revealed. I'm scared too, but I know I can trust her and nobody else knows so it should be fine. I find it easy to focus on the game and put all other things aside for now, but I know that's not the case for Leah.

After the first half we're down 1-0. A sloppy mistake from Leah was all City needed to create a dangerous enough chance to score, and so they did. I know Leah is disappointed with her own performance so far and I don't want to distract her even more so I decide to let her walk in to the locker room before me. If she needs me I'm here for her, she knows that.

I'm just about to round the last corner leading to our locker room when i hear someone calling my name. I turn around quickly, getting confused when I see who it is.

"Leah? I thought you walked in before me.. how can you be behind me? I don't get it."

"Got 'em long legs you know!" She says with a wink.

"True that.. but still?!"

"Don't worry about it, just wanted to catch up with ya. Is that a bad thing?"

"No, not at all! I wasn't expecting you to sneak up on me from behind, that's all."

"Jord.. You might have already noticed, but I still need someone to talk to about it.."

"Go on, I'll listen. Just tell me what's bothering you. Whatever it is I can tell everyone on this team knows something's up. I'm here for ya, you know that right?"

"Erm.. well how do I even start? There's much things bothering me at the same time. First of all this game is important, second thing is that I'm supposed to meet up with Keira after the game. Our chat is going to be serious because we need to discuss some real stuff. At last, and probably the biggest problem to ever exist, our secret. I don't want anyone to know, not yet.."

"Okay Leah, just calm down. It'll be alright! I'm here by your side and there's nothing that's gonna change that." I cut her off. "Stop overthink things and there will be no problems. It's as simple as that." I pull her in for a hug, which she happily returns. Her warmth brings me joy and I feel more ready than ever to go out and knock City further away from the title.

The second half went by too fast for our liking, but we still managed to steal some points. The game ended in a 1-1 tie. Our lord and savior this time was no one less than myself. As it's said within the team - 'A Jordan Nobbs goal is always necessary, especially in key games'. Today though, I don't care if everyone sees me as the hero coming to the rescue yet again. All I want right now is for Leah to be happy, I love seeing that big ass smile on her face. Sadly all I see is tears streaming down her cheeks. A sight I'm not satisfied with. I try my best to cheer her up, but nothing helps really.

"Hey, it's alright Le! This isn't the worst thing that can happen, and you know that. You did your best today and so did the rest of the team. Don't have too high expectations on yourself, it's only going to break you down."

"B-but one point today is far from enough Jord. This is the worst thing to ever happen!" She cries out.

"Well, we didn't win, but we didn't lose either. Try to look at it from the bright side Leah, it'll be so much easier and it'll make you feel way better. Don't be too hard on yourself, you deserve better than that!"

"I'm not hard on myself, I'm just telling the truth. And sometimes the truth hurts more than you want it to. I was so bad today, nothing's gonna change that.."

"Oh Leah, come here! Save the thoughts for later and try relax for a bit, will ya?" I say quietly, whilst pulling her closer to me. "Never tell yourself you're not enough, ever again. You're good in just the way you are and nothing's gonna change that. In my eyes you're more than enough, that's why I love you! Always remember that." I whisper in her ear. As I pull away from the hug I see a weak smile on her face, which is growing even bigger every second that passes by. Yes, I finally made her smile!

Then I remembered something. "Leah?"

"Yes Jord?"

"Wasn't you supposed to talk to Keira after the game?"

"Oh shit, I almost forgot! But do you think she's still here?"

"Of course she is! She won't leave you hanging if you've decided to meet up, or am I wrong?! Go out there and find her, she's probably waiting for ya."

"Oh, you're probably right. Thanks for reminding me! I better hurry up.."

I keep my gaze fixed on her until she's no longer in sight. I'm about to walk back to our locker room when my phone suddenly vibrates. I pick it up from my pocket and look at the screen. An incoming call from Dan. I wonder what she wants, but i guess I'll never find out if I don't answer the call... "Hiya, how ya doing mate?!" I say from my end of the phone.

"Well, I'm alright. Apart from the ACL life I'm just fine. And congrats on another screamer for goal, that was class buddy!"

"Thanks my Dan Dan, someone had to pull through though.."

"I knew it was meant to be, like who else but you to save our asses yet again? So now to something else.. How's it going with your girl?" Dan asks. I know she's smirking on the other end, that's just who she is I guess. I can't do anything about it and just the thought of it annoys me.

"For fuck's sake Dan, she's not my girl! At least not yet.." I have to say I'm getting nervous now when she brings it up. Usually I can deal with it well, but knowing deep down that we actually are a thing makes it harder because I don't want to tell too much by mistake. That's my biggest fear right now.

"Not yet? So you're indicating that there's something going on between the two of you? Have you asked her out? Is she a good kisser? Who else knows?" Dan really is excited to find out every single detail. She's like a desperate little kid buying candy for the first time.

"Shut up Dan! I told you there is nothing going on. Stop talking about it or leave me alone. You decide.."

"Oh okay. Don't be mad at me! But I have to say I'm not buying it, I still think there's something you're not telling me. Don't worry Jord, ya know I'll find out sooner or later anyway.."

"So, how's your rehab going?" I ask, swiftly changing the subject.

"Well it's going slowly forward I guess.. It's tougher mentally than physically though so it makes it even harder, but I'll hopefully come back stronger in some months time.."

The sadness in her voice makes my heart wanna break into a million pieces, I just can't imagine being under such circumstances. I'm feeling bad for her, but she knows I'm supporting her all the way.

"I'm sure you will! It's gonna be hard as you say but I'm here for ya. Trust the process and you'll be back in no time!"

After hanging up with Dan I walk back to the locker room. When I get there there's only three people left, the rest is probably on the bus already. I'm scanning the room for Leah but she's not there. She's maybe on the bus as well.

"Are you searching for something Jord?" Katie asks.

"Or possibly someone?" Lisa adds.

"What? No.. It just feels weird that nearly everyone is gone. Like, were I away for that long?"

"Yes Jord you were. It's been like half an hour since we left the pitch! What were you up to?"

"If you really want to know Beth, Dan called me. I thought it would be rude not to answer, you know.."

"Oh well, I guess that explains things.. By the way, have you seen Leah? I've not heard of her since the game ended." Beth replies.

"Yeah I know where she is. She's talking with Keira. She told me it was something important." I inform her.

Beth, Katie and Lisa are nearly done changing, but I don't really bother to hurry up. First thing is that I don't have the energy to, and secondly Leah isn't back from her talk with Keira either. There's no reason for me to be in a rush. While the others leave, I wait for ten more minutes before I start to get changed. Just as I think Leah will never come back, I hear footsteps approach.

Leah's POV:

Meanwhile Jordan walked back to our locker room, I quickly made my way out on the pitch again to find Keira. She's not hard to spot as she's standing in the middle circle. As I walk up to her I put a fake smile on my face in an attempt to look like I'm not too bothered by the draw.

"Hey Kei!" I exclaim.

"Hey Leah! How are you doi- Wait, have you been crying?"

"Uhm well, why do you ask?" I say rather confused.

"It just looks like you've been, and I recognize those fake smiles you know.. Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" Keira asks.

"Well, you know how much I hate to lose.. We didn't lose, but a draw is still worse than a victory. Secondly I played like shit today and I really tried my best out there. I wasn't good enough, and also I was as far away from my best as one could ever be."

"Come on Leah, you weren't that bad. This game means nothing, both of us got away with one point each. The title race is still far away from being decided. Don't you worry too much, it's plenty of time and games left. Don't be too sad about it, promise."

"I'm alright now I guess. You're such a supportive friend and I'm grateful to have you in my life. I have to give some credit to Jordan as well, she was there for me right after the final whistle. She knew I was upset about the loss, but most important my own lack of performance. Even tho I might've cried like a baby, she was by my side the whole time."

"Sounds like things between you are going good then?"

"That's one way to put it.."

"For real, has there happened something or what have I missed? Please Leah, your secret is safe with me!"

"Uhm yeah, you could say we're like 'a thing' now.. But I don't want anyone else to find out. At least not yet.."

"I see. I won't tell anyone, I promise you that."

"Thanks Kei, I know I can always rely on you!"

"No problem Le, I'm happy for you both! Does anyone else know, or is it just me, apart from you guys of course.."

"Right now it's only you who knows. No one in the team knows, and I want it to be like that until I'm more comfortable. And it would be a flop if me and Jord gets into a fight or if we go separate ways of other reasons so early in our relationship. Of course I don't want anything bad to ever happen between us, but you never know really.."

"I understand your worries, and I accept your decision. Whatever happens in the future, I'm here for you always. You need to do something really really bad to make Jordan leave you, and to be honest I don't think you can do that. If you didn't notice earlier, she looked worried about you on the pitch. You could see straight away she knew something was up with you, and that seemed to make her a bit uncomfortable. She wants the best for you, don't forget that!"

"I know, she really is the sweetest and most warm-hearted person I know. She's one of a kind."

"She really is, and you guys are so cute together! I can't wait to hang out with you both in the nearest future!" Keira says, sounding very excited. She then continues."We need to arrange some sort of dinner or something together, and I'll bring Lucy with me as well."

"Yeah definitely, that sounds good to me! I'll have to ask Jord first, but I'm sure she won't say no. Especially when food is involved.." I say while letting out a chuckle.

A few minutes later I say goodbye to Keira and head back to the locker room. I'm probably going to be the last one, I've surely took my time talking with Keira. It was a good and refreshing talk. I needed it more than I thought I would. My head is full of thoughts and I'm just happy to finally be able to get home. I turn around the last corner and walk towards the door. When I get there I swing it open. I expected the locker room to be empty, so when I saw Jordan sitting there I winced.

"Oh shit Jordan, you scared the death out of me! I thought that I was the last one to leave, turns out I'm not.."

"Sorry hun, I didn't mean to scare you!"

"I know you didn't. I'm fine, I swear! It's just that I didn't expect anyone to be in here." I said. I then walked over to where she's sitting. I'm just about to slump down beside her when I feel a pair of arms grabbing my waist.

"If I were you I would rather sit in my comfy lap than on a hard and cold wooden bench. But I'm not you.." Jordan states jokingly.

We sit together in a comfortable silence. Moments later Jordan places a kiss on my cheek, making me blush a bit.

"Come on Leah, let's get outta here! We don't want to miss the bus home to London."

We made our way to the bus where everyone was waiting for us. When we got inside we were greeted with several applause. I'm totally aware that we were very late, but right now I couldn't care less. I just shrugged and kept making my way to our seats, closely followed by a not too impressed Jordan. I know she doesn't like this type of attention, so it's good to finally be able to slump down on our respective seats. Who am I to think we would get some peace now that we're finally here? Of course we wouldn't with this group of girls, they're all too curious and want to find out more about everything that deviates from the norm.

"Where were you guys? And what took you so long compared to the rest of us?" Beth says loudly as the loud person that she is, bringing all the attention to us. Her smirk on the other side of the table annoys me, and I'm sure Jordan feels the same. Sometimes I just don't like to share this four seat with her and Daan. This time is not an exception.

"I got a call from Dan. It would've been rude not to answer your teammate and best friend, don't you guys think?" Jordan says.

"And I talked to Keira." I say, being brutally honest. The problem is that no one seem to or even want to believe us.

"Sure thing." Lisa says from behind us with her thick Scottish accent.

"Yeah, what makes you think we'll believe that?" Katie fills in.

"Well, I can only speak for myself. As I said I talked to Keira. I've literally no idea what Jordan was up to."

"Yes she was." Jordan states.

"But how did Jordan know that you were talking to Keira?" Says Lisa.

"Maybe because I told her?" I reply.

"That makes sense I suppose.." Lisa responds.

In the beginning it was no one else but those who sat nearest to us who listened to the conversation. Now the whole team is crowded around the four of us. This makes me a bit nervous, not to mention how nervous Jordan must be right now.

"So nothing else happened? Or did you guys leave any important details out?" Katie says jokingly.

"Nothing happened guys, don't you listen to what we're telling you?!" Jordan bursts out, clearly frustrated by now.

"Okay okay, relax mate.." Katie says in defense.

"Are you guys done questioning us out now, I'm getting really tired and need to sleep before we get back home." I say, faking a yawn. Dude, those girls can be painful sometimes. You know it's bad when you have to lie to make them stop.

Two hours later we're home. I was asleep when we arrived, so it turns out it wasn't a lie when I said I was tired... I must have slept really deep. I didn't wake up before someone shook my body. I slowly opened my eyes to the sight of Jordan's face.

"Wakey-wakey, sleeping beauty!" I hear her say. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I guess I did." I respond.

"My lap is comfy huh? You've slept on me for two hours straight.."

"Have I? Who would've known." I say sarcastically. "I guess your my walking pillow from now on.." A smirk form on my face, but it disappears as fast as it formed.

"Cute lil' interaction!" Daan says, before walking out the bus with Beth.

"Piss off Daan, you little shit!" I yell after her, but I know she's already to far away to hear me.

Me and Jordan were the last ones to leave the bus, not to anyone's surprise. We jump into Jordan's car and can finally go home. I'm more relaxed now when we don't have to constantly try to hide our feelings towards each other.

"Jord, do you think the girls will find out soon?"

"How come you ask that Le?"

"I don't know, but it just feels like they're all suspicious in some kind of way.."

"I agree with you on that, but as long as no one else has been told about our relationship then they don't have a clue. Am I right?"

"Well, I guess you're kinda right.."

"What do ya mean with 'kinda right'?"

"Okay, there's something I need to tell you.. I told Keira today after the game. She's the only other person that knows. I hope you're not mad at me.."

"Why would I be mad at you? I love you and I like that you're being honest with me. It's totally up to you if you want to tell anyone."

"I know.. I just felt like I had to tell her because without her advice I would never have dared to make any moves on you. I thought that you would never like me back, but she kept pushing me forward because she knew you felt the same way as me. I trust her, she's not one to spread the word either.."

"Oh, you asked for help to make some moves on me? Well that's cute tho!" Jordan says, looking at me with the most annoying of smiles plastered on her face.

"I heard that you wasn't any better yourself, honey.." I couldn't help but smile at what I just said.

"What are you on about?" Jordan asks.

"Well.. A little bird, the name might be Keira, told me that someone begged Lucy to help her sort some things out."

"Come on, I didn't beg her to help me, it was more her discovering my weakness I would say."

"Sure thing.. By the way, are you telling me I'm your weakness?!" I try my best not to burst out into laughter. Not because it's fun, it's actually a bit cute. The funny thing is when she's admitting things she's done, like I might already know it, but her facial expression says it all.

"If I'm being honest, well I'd say you are. On the other hand, Lucy is going to eat up everything she said next time I see her."

"Well, me and Keira are planning on a double date at our house next time we play them. I hope you are patient enough to wait.." I say, still with a big smile plastered on my face.

My only worry now is if we're able to keep the secret alive, or rather for how long, before someone exposes us. On this team you're never in safe hands, trust me I've experienced it more than once.. Daan and Beth might spread some rumors if I know them right, especially after that incident before we got of the bus. Daan's voice is still stuck in my head, those words are triggering me more than I imagined they would. All I can think of now is "cute lil' interaction!".

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