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#1 in Hunt 4/9/2020 #1 in sexscenes 6/6/2020 #8 in love 4/2/2020 #9 in new story 4/6/2020 Serenity's on the r... More

A/N ✨
A/N ehhhh
A/ N


4.2K 187 30

Dom pov:

"You could have at least called telling me you'd be coming , your just like your father always doing shit."

Ah yes my sweet yet smart mouth of a mother

"You knew I was coming Elena."

I don't call her mother because that word belongs to an actual mother and in my case she was far from that.

"I'd really prefer you calling me mom or mother I like mama."
She smiled and she knew i didn't give a rat ass about what I called her.

"You know who sent me, I need numbers." I stood there in her bed room while she got ready.Packing  heavy make up to hide her wrinkles. I don't know why one thing I can say about my mother was that she was breathtakingly beautiful she didn't need all that shit.

"I'll give you the numbers as soon as you tell me what I hear about you being in 'love'."


"Let me guess he told you." I sat down at the end of her king size bed.

"Sure did , he said the only reason why you agreed to do this for me was to take the heat off of her. So son tell me what made you fall for her?"

I sighed as I'd don't want to tell her shit that goes on in my life.

"Because she gave me something you never took the time to do." She stopped her contouring and looked my way.
"I don't know what you mean?"
"She gave me love." I stood walking to the door I came in. "Look I didn't come here to chat about the past but when your ready let me know I need them numbers immediately."

I left her room leaving her not shocked because she knew how my mouth was so hey.

The whole reason I came to London was to get numbers on Javier and in exchange I would work for her for  awhile. My moth- I mean Elena , status was high just like my fathers . She kill, cut down and will betray you with no hesitation. She may did some fucked up shit in her life but she was loyal to me and  Davis that's all we needed. She knew Javier once ,she got people who can get into his team instantly and report to her. That's why I need numbers on how many men he got and his main headquarters Davis said we couldn't kill him so we could pay the man for killing one of his men if not it's war.That's how it was done. You take a life you gotta pay for it.

Getting the numbers was just back up if he didn't agree to the money.

She came out the room with a long blue gown on and her regular everyday makeup. "You got ready to walk around the house?"

"I surely did." She laughed

I'll never understand woman.

"Now let's get this over with the better we pay that bastard back the girls free , you come work for me and Davis still stands. Everyone's happy."

"Yea except me." I mumbled

"Nonsense Dominic, you and me can do some catching up."

I'd rather have someone run me over......twice.

Three hours later:
I settled down in my old bedroom . I better get use to it I'll be here for some time now. My thoughts drifted to when mike called telling me raven was pregnant. Surprised ? No them two fucked like rabbits nah scratch that like roaches.

To think she's carrying a life in her belly. I smiled at the thought of what would Serena look like pregnant, with my child. But immediately I pushed the thought out. She was better off without me now and Davis want her to marry someone not into this shit so that's how it will be. No matter how hard it's going to see her with another man or carrying his child this is the path I choose. A life without love I mean I was exposed to no love since birth so that's fine I guess.

All I need is blood and more blood soaked in these hands.

Serena pov:
"He's in fucking London are you shitting me right now?" I looked at raven
"Yea mike told me , hell he even let him stay because I told mike I was pregnant and you know what." She stood walking closer to me as I was laying on my bed.

"You could have at least told me about all this mafia shit and why you were really down here."
"It's not my place to say you know that, he'll and with the randy thing I didn't want to tell any of the girls not even makela."
Thank god bella was in Cali for a while her look book did some things for her and well let's just say she might be moving there.

"But my nigga was in it-
"If he ain't tell you it's not my place to do so, there's a reason they don't tell woman shit WE TALK TO DAMN MUCH."

She crossed her arms, was she really mad at me for something I can't control?

"And the fuck you screaming to dom 'come back , please dom.' Bitch we don't beg niggas to stay we let them walk. Let my ass catch you screaming some nonsense like that I'll beat yo ass pregnant or not."

"I wasn't begging.....it was just the heat of the moment that's all." I shrugged my shoulders while playing with my fingers.

"Look Ren, I know you love him but baby when a man packs his bags and leaves you that mean you pack the feelings and you throw them away."

"It's hard, just that I um never really felt safe with someone , he knows all my secrets, my favorite things , my nightmares you expect me to just believe for three months he was playing me not once he love me. I mean he say he belongs to me but yet walks out on me anyway. It'll be hard getting over someone who know you in and out."
Small tears slowly feel from my face as I tried to hold it in but "I'm so sick and tired of holding everything in. I wanna go home , see my dad, forget all about this damn mafia shit forget about dom. I'm tired of being the quite girl and having everyone thinking I'm perfect like I just don't go through shit. I'm only human."

She pulled me into a small hung while rubbing my back letting me cry out my pent up energy.

Moments later the light in the house was off while everyone slept. For me of course I sat on the main halls balcony and eyed  the full moon.  This was something I did a lot while davis and makela was sleep. Being alone was all I wanted at times. I needed my solitude.

Maybe raven is right I should just give up. No matter how painful it gets things won't every be the same and I don't know if I'll ever be in love with a man as deep as I am with

                    "Dominic Reed "

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