The Kit and the Cub

By Awesomeness_Wolf

33.9K 979 255

After the nogitsune the pack distanced themselves. They were trying to heal from Allison's death. Stiles felt... More

They Needed Space
A New Friend
Also not a chapter sorry but Update?
My Hiatus Explained
Fear Numbs the Soul
Tired, but Alive
Not an update but like...
Essence of the Illusion
I'm Sorry (Actual Chapter Title)
N/A ~ The Characters

Not So Lonely Struggles

4.2K 129 31
By Awesomeness_Wolf

The long  awaited return of this story. Im sorry it took so long for this one, but I made this one long as shit for you. there's a lot of roller coaster  scenes in this one. This is your trigger warning.



I woke from my nightmare slicked in sweat. I had a feeling that today would be the end of my good luck and I'm always right, so, yeah. I got up a bit shakily, hoping I didn't forget something or leave anything out.

"Fuck," I whispered, looking at the clock. I'm going to be late so fucking late. I jumped out of bed quickly, pulling on a white T-shirt, my iconic red hoodie that had been through everything with me, some skinny jeans and my black converse. I grabbed my keys, phone and bag, running to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth then I ran out the door. And lo and behold, my baby wouldn't start.

"Come on. C'mon. Please please please just start." She wouldn't though. I really wanted to cry. Now I had to wait for someone to come get me. I pulled out my phone, unlocking it and scrolling through my contacts. Who would come on short notice and be fast? Paris was probably at work so I wasn't going to bother her. Danny, maybe? No, he's more than likely with Jackson or already at the building. Then I stopped, lighting up a bit. The twins were talking to me again. I rang them up fast. They actually picked up the phone.

"Hey Sti-" I had to cut them off. This isn't a courtesy call.

"Hey guys, sorry about yesterday. I'll make it up to you, but can one of you come pick me up? The jeep won't start and I can't be late, so please hurry."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I'll be there in five." That was Aiden that responded. I could faintly hear him tell Ethan to stall. I heard the rev of a bike and I hung up. As promised, Aiden showed up about 5 minutes later holding out a helmet. He lifted the screen on his so I could hear him.

"Here. Get on and hang on tight." I could hear him smiling. I shook my head, sporting a small smirk. I pulled the helmet on, slinging my leg over the sleek black bike. I was familiar with how to ride with someone since Scott has one. I put my arms around his waist and nodded. He dropped his screen, pulling off. Yeah, the twins were attractive but they are both taken, because otherwise this would not be an ideal situation if they weren't. We hit a bump and I tightened my arms around him by default. He sped up and we were at the building. I thanked him like 7 times running to Harris' class. The bell rang and I could have died. I got to the class.

"That's detention Stilinski."

"Yeah, yeah I know," I grumbled, going to my seat in the back. I zoned out, going to doodle on my notebook again. I was mindlessly going when I felt someone staring at me. It was Mr. Harris.

"Your paper Mr. Stilinski?" I reached down in my bag and handed him my paper that I did like 5 days ago, "And please pay attention."

I didn't realize he put a card on my desk until the bell sounded. It was for an art program. I smiled at it, sticking it in my pocket. Then I thought about how much it was going to cost to fix my Jeep. I had a part time job bartending at Jungle since everyone goes to Sinema, and I thought I wouldn't run into them. Only Danny and a few others I know, but they haven't told anyone, so I guess I'm in the clear. I'm going to have to pull a few extra shifts.

"Hey Mark can you book me tonight I gotta pull some extra shifts?..... Thanks I'll see you tonight." Okay, one problem at a time. I texted the twins.

<Hey I got detention but if you meet me at this cafe we can talk there>

I didn't wait for them to answer as I was going to my next class. I texted Paris too. To tell her the twins were going to be there and to sit them at my booth please. She said OK, of course. We had been getting along really well. Alright, that is sort of together, I thought, sitting down. Now I just had to get around my father that night. I started to plan. My father wouldn't be home until late that day, so I could go home on my free period and cook something quickly. Then I could put it in the fridge with a note that I had to go to the library to work on a group project. That would keep him from calling. Then I went back to the building for detention, which thankfully was only an hour, then I could go to the cafe for a bit, and lastly to work.

By the time I got in, dad should be asleep so I could shower and go to bed. Yes, that would work. That was pretty foolproof. That's what I'd go with. The rest of the day was rather smooth. Finally, it was my free period and I had 2 hours before I had to be back at the building for detention. I walked to the entrance. Getting to the parking lot, I remembered I had Aiden come pick me up. So after spending 3 full minutes cursing to myself for my own flaw I started walking home. It was about a thirty minute walk but I jogged some of it not wanting to be left to think that long- it could cause some problems for my mood.

I didn't even realize I made it home till I was opening the door. That was nowhere near 30 minutes but I didn't pay too much attention to it because technically it was a good thing. It gave me more time to set my plan in motion. I cooked steak and potatoes. While I waited for the steak to finish cooking, I wrote a note that I hoped was good enough. I put it on the counter. I texted Paris, then took the meat out. I made us both a plate, putting them away, mine towards the bottom. I cleaned up quickly. When I walked out the door, I thought I would give the Jeep another try to see if she would start. Wrong. Nope, it was a dead deal, so I started walking again after making sure everything was locked up. I pulled out my phone to text Paris again. It must have been her break because we got in a heated conversation about the best Star Wars movie. Of course it was episode 4 but she was saying it was 7.

(Ok so look I have not seen ANY of these movies and I won't be watching them. However, I did look up others' opinions of the movies and used that.)

I stopped dead in my tracks. Someone was following me. I acted as normal as possible. I was holding my emergency button. School let out so all I had to do was make it to a populated area. I speed walked naturally, but I started jogging again. I made it to the building not long after. My mood dampened with every step to Harris' class. Just get through the hour, Stiles, it'll be ok. I took a seat in the middle of the class. There were only 3 other students there. One hour that's it. I felt my phone vibrating, but I couldn't check it, so I just resigned to drawing again.

"Ok, get out, detention's over," Harris called, pulling me out of my focus. I packed up, practically running out. I pushed the doors open to find one of the twins on their bike. It was Aiden again. He pushed up the screen holding the other helmet out to me.

"I think you managed to forget that you asked me to come get you this morning." I smiled, taking the helmet and getting on the bike quickly. He pulled off fast, making me tighten around him. I think he liked it. I shook off the thought once we pulled up. I got off, leaving the helmet where I was sitting. Aiden opened the door for me and I nodded at him, walking past.

"Hey Stiles," Paris said, getting up and giving me a hug.

"Hey Paris, and don't think we're done with that conversation. You are a disgrace to the S.W community," I said back. Her hand flew to her chest in dramatic false hurt. I chuckled at her. I ignored the twins when I heard them growling lowly as she hugged me. I was hoping she didn't hear them. If she did, she didn't mention it.

"When do you get off?" I asked. She glanced at her pink and gold watch.

"Two and a half hours." I sat down.

"Perfect. Could you bring me some tea?" She smiled, walking away to actually do her job. I looked at the twins. I didn't push or rush them. I got my tea and patiently waited for them to start talking. They were having what I can only assume was a telepathic conversation with each other. 40 minutes later, Ethan started to talk.

"We wanted to apologize to you." I choked on my tea, not expecting them to say that at all.

"What are you talking about?" I was confused but I was willing to listen.

"For everything. No, seriously. We were at fault for so much that happened to you. For god's sake, I threatened you. I don't know if Scott told you but I was terrified in the stairwell when you were talking." We both laughed at that. "Yeah but we have serious making up to do. Not to mention Scott basically kicked us out, so we're omegas..... Again." I don't think he realized what he said until Aiden elbowed him. He just looked at the table, not wanting to meet my eyes.

"Well I forgive you both I'm just happy that someone is talking to me again." They finally looked at me and lit up. We just sat there talking until Paris got off work.

"Are you ready to go?" I questioned her when she stood next to the table.

"Yes. But first, hello I'm Paris." She held her hand out. They looked at it with raised eyebrows.

"Oh my god, you two are helpless," I said, rolling my eyes. "Murder is bad. I am going to tear Derek a new one. You learned this behavior from him and his hermit ass." I gestured to the twins, introducing them to Paris. "These are my friends Ethan and Aiden. Don't mind them, they're a bit antisocial. Twins, this is my girl Paris. We gotta go. I'll see you guys tomorrow, ok? Come get me in the morning?" I smiled, and all the anger melted away.

"Yeah I'll come get you. See you in the morning." Aiden replied and Ethan waved as I herded Paris out the shop. She walked to her car and I just followed like a lost puppy.

"So, Mr. Episode 4, where are we off to?" She both asked a question and insulted me in the same sentence. I love her.

"To Jungle. I gotta pull some shifts to get my Jeep fixed." She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off.

"Yes, the gay club, no, I'm not a stripper. I bartend. Yes, I am gay, and if that's a problem speak now or forever hold your peace." I didn't mean to lash out that last part.

"I know what Jungle is and no, of course I don't have a problem with you being gay. Especially seeing that I'm bisexual. I'm no hypocrite. I was just going to ask if the twins were single." She didn't miss a beat.

"Oh," I said back, feeling stupid. She laughed at me, pulling off.

"No, neither of them are." I could smell she was a bit sad. I wonder if Aiden might be soon, though. Lydia was sad too and Danny still didn't know, to my knowledge. I don't think Jacks- WAIT SMELL? WTF! I just chalked it up to be that I was tweaking from the lack of adequate sleep. We pulled up to the parking lot of Jungle. I left my bag in her car and we got out. We walked in, getting stopped by the bouncer until I pulled my work ID from my back pocket. I found Mark behind the counter. He handed me a towel and apron.

"Perfect timing I'm going on break." He smiled and I nodded. He turned his attention to Paris. She pushed her hair behind her ear, meeting his gaze. I smirked mischievously.

It was loud so I pulled him down and yelled near his ear. "This is my girl, Paris. I promised her a drink for dropping me off. Show her a good time for me?" I winked at him and he knew what was up. They walked away and I went where Mark was.

"Hey, Navi, could you bring some bottles of tequila out, please?" I was in my zone when I saw Danny walk in. He nodded at me and I smiled back. I wiped the counter and went to clean cups when a guy came up.

"What can I get you?" I asked. He didn't look old enough to be in there.

"How about your number and a vodka shot?" He sounded much older than he looked.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend, and I'll need to see your ID." I grabbed the bottle off the rack smiling. He slid his ID to me. 23, huh? Must have impeccable genes. I poured his shot sliding that and his ID back to him. He grabbed my hand. "Can't you have friends?" I'm happy I didn't take my Adderall, it helped me think fast.

"No, I can't. My boyfriend's pretty territorial and doesn't like other guys touching me- outside family. So I suggest you let me go before I have to call security." I smiled at his confusion and snatched my hand back. Danny picked that moment to run up.

"Wassup Danny?" I leaned over the counter towards him.

"Could you... please, just a little tequila shot?" He looked at me pleadingly.

"You're drunk already, aren't you?" I didn't really have to ask, because I already knew he was. He nodded, blushing, and looked away. God, he was cute when he was embarrassed. I held out my hand to him, which he took giddily. I led him around the counter to me. I looked over and the dude was stalking off leaving behind 8 dollars and the cup. I turned my attention back to Danny. He tripped but I caught him quick enough that he didn't facepalm. He fell against me. My knee caught between his legs by accident. He pushed his face into my shoulder moaning. I dragged him to the back, grabbing him a water bottle as we went.

"Here, Danny. Come on, you need to sober up a bit." He kept refusing to drink the water so I put some in my mouth, kissing him, forcing him to drink it. I knew I needed to stay with him so I had to go tell Navi I was going on break. Danny didn't want to be alone. He grabbed my wrist, trying to stop me when I stood up. "Danny, I'll be right back, I promise." He looked at me with puppy dog eyes that put Scott's to shame. I kissed his forehead and he finally let me go. I ran so I would be back faster. I didn't want him to be alone long. I caught Navi coming back.

"I'm going on break now. My friend is going through something right now and is in no condition to drive. I'll make it up to you I promise." She nodded in understanding. I kissed her cheek, thanking her, and ran back to Danny. I closed the door behind me. He hadn't moved since I left him. I sat on the floor on the side of him. We were facing each other. He still wasn't willing to drink the water by himself, so I put some more in my mouth. When our lips met he leaned into it this time. When he swallowed the last bit he let his lips linger before he dropped his head back on the cabinet.

"I'm not going to force you to tell me. Just know I'm here when you need to talk okay?" As soon as he nodded tears started to stream down his face. I felt the urge to protect Danny from all the bad in the world. I wanted nothing more than to fly forward and hold him but we needed to talk.

"It's Jackson. He said he couldn't be my friend if I stayed with Ethan, but wouldn't give me a valid reason why. It's infuriating me because he's never had a problem with my boyfriend. What's pissing me off is the fact that he won't tell me why. No one will tell me what the fuck is going on!" He breathed calming a bit. "I like him Stiles." He stressed. More tears streamed down his face. He looked to be trying to fight them coming out. I was enraged to find out this was Jackson's doing. Because of course he had something to do with it. Why am I not surprised? Could he not find a better way to go about this? Then I softened realizing why he did it. The twins weren't in the pack anymore. I held him. He fisted my shirt, crying harder. I rubbed his back.

"It's okay, let it out. You're okay." He calmed down to sniffles after 5 minutes. By then he ended up in my lap, laying against my chest as he calmed down.

I started softly. "I know why he did it, and we can talk about it when you've sobered up and when the twins are with us. We have a bit of explaining to do." He didn't respond, just stayed on my chest sniffling. Eventually he pulled back wiping his face.

"I'm sorry you had to see that and thank you." I cocked my head to the side smiling at him.

"Don't worry about it. I'm always here for you. Gimme your keys I'll drive you home, but you'll have to wait till I'm off." He looked away sheepishly.

"I walked here in blind rage and I threw my phone and broke it. Can I borrow yours?" I shook my head laughing and handed him my phone. He grinned for the first time tonight.

"Stay back here. I'll come get you when it's time to go." He nodded, putting the phone to his ear. I kissed his forehead again leaving. I faintly heard him speaking Hawaiian so I assumed it was his parents. Hour and a half later I was off to find Paris. I found Mark and Paris shoved in a corner flirting with each other and partially making out. I hated to break them up.

"Hey Episode 7 I swear I hate to break this up I really do but I gotta go and I need you to drop my friend off. He's going through a break up in a sense and is in pretty bad shape. I need to get him home before his parents kill him more than they will for him being as drunk as he is. So if we can go..." I trailed off pleadingly. She nodded fast.

"Yeah, yes, OK let's go. I will see you later and I'll text you when I'm home." She left Mark with a kiss once he smiled, agreeing. I ran off yelling at Mark that I might clock in tomorrow too. I pushed the door open to find a shirtless Danny who hadn't noticed I came in yet. Damn. Lacrosse did some things to that boy. I pulled my mind out of the gutter when he was about to push his pants away.

"Hey Danny you ok?" He turned to a statue when he heard my voice. I could see his caramel skin turning red. It was easy to tease him when he was still relatively drunk. Usually, he was super composed and quippy.

"I got hot," he said in a small voice. I took pity on him and held out my hand.

"Come on, let's get you home, Cyberchase." He whined at the nickname.

"C'mon man it was one time!" There it is. I laughed pulling him up and out the room. He had never been ashamed or shy about his body but he was rather adamant about getting his shirt back on right now. He struggled for a second before I stopped to help him. I saw Paris smirking on the other side of the counter presumably having seen us. I stuck my tongue out at her but followed her to the door. We stepped out the door and Danny was shivering before the door even closed behind us. I shrugged off my hoodie passing it to him. He almost fell trying to pull it over his head. I had to stifle my laughs and actually help him. I put my hand on his lower back to steady him. I pulled the hoodie over his face then waited for him to push his arms in before pulling it the rest of the way down. I left my arm around his waist as we walked to Paris' car in fear that he would trip and fall. I knew he could take a hit. He is a goalie after all, but drunk Danny was a hell of a lot more sensitive than sober Danny. I opened the door for him. He grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt.

"You want me to sit in the back with you? We can cuddle." He smiled at me, laughing a bit. He bit his lip, and turned pink again when he nodded. I smoothly slid into the back seat with him. He snuggled against my chest, swiftly drifting to sleep. Paris waited till we were at a stoplight before her anxiety got the better of her.

"Is he ok?" She sounded really concerned.

"Yeah he will be. He had a fight with his best friend over his boyfriend. We'll figure it out though, even if I have to kick Jackson's ass myself. He's too sweet to be going through this kind of pain." I spoke fondly subconsciously rubbing circles into Danny's side.

"Wait, are you two together?" I shook my head.

"No not exactly, just really good friends. This is Ethan's boyfriend, Danny. I will happily introduce you guys when he pulls himself together a bit. He'll love you." She was content with the answers she got. We pulled up to Danny's place and shifted my arm shaking him a bit.

"Cyberchase, wake up. Into the house we go." I used the nickname hoping it would wake him. No such luck though. I opened the door with my free hand. I backed out of the car pulling Danny to the end of the seat before picking him up bridal style and using his foot to close the door. I lifted him high enough for me to ring the doorbell. I only had to wait 2 minutes before the front door was being pushed open. A boy a few years younger than me and Danny- I assume it was his little brother- answered the door. Danny did have a rather large family. I hadn't even spoken to the boy before an older woman was in the door. It was Danny's mother. Danny stirred in his sleep, turning into my chest, fisting into my shirt again. He breathed in deeply before settling back down.

"Aloha Mrs. Mahealani. Ināʻaʻole makemake ʻoe e huhū iā ia. He hakakā ʻo Danny lāua ′o Jackson a hōʻeha loa iā ia. Ua hele i loko o kaʻu hana i ka ʻona akā loaʻa iaʻu i ka wai i loko ona a ke hoʻomaikaʻi maikaʻi nei. Ua hali koke aku au iā ia i ka home a pau iaʻu. Hiki iā wau ke kau iā ia i loko o kona lumi a hele i koʻu ala inā ʻoe e makemake?" She only nodded her head, probably shocked at the fact that I spoke in Hawaiian. The boy was back and leading me to what I can only conclude was Danny's room. I laid him out, careful not to wake him. I ran my hand through his hair causing his eyes to flutter making my heart melt more. He looked around, then back at me, sporting a small grin.

"Thank you for tonight." I didn't respond, just smiling, going back to carding my hand through his hair. He was going back to sleep but jumped.

"I still have on your hoodie." I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it, you can give it back later or just keep it and wear it to school. I can steal it back later." I said smiling. I leaned over, kissing his lips, getting up and leaving.

"Goodnight Danny." He curled up and went back to sleep. I got in the front seat and Paris pulled off. I had actually found a friend that I could trust, and she wasn't a danger- I hope. I could get used to this.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. You have no idea. I'll text you tomorrow, ok?" I hopped out of the car, bounding to the door. I opened the door. The burning scent of whiskey infiltrated my nostrils, making me jump back. I knew what that meant. This was bad. The worst possible way to end this abnormally positive day. I just wanted to make a run for the safety of my room but not knowing exactly where he was meant I only had a 30% chance of making it. So I just tiptoed the best I could with the hard wood floors to the entrance way of the living room. I was hugging the wall praying he was asleep. CRASH!! It sounded like shattered glass. I jumped, dropping my bag.

"Fuck." It alerted him that I was home. I heard him coming towards where I was. Instead of taking the chance to speed to my room, my dumbass backed up to the front door, inevitably cornering myself. On nights like this, I would normally have ran for my Jeep, staying with Scott for the night. Two problems with that solution tonight: Scott hates me and my Jeep won't start. So yeah, I'm stuck.

"Don't even try it bitch!" My heart started jack hammering in my ear. He started stalking towards me. 


He punched me in the face twice before I fell to the ground. He reared his boot-clad foot, ramming it into my stomach. Repeatedly, were my organs rearranged. I'm pretty sure my nose was broken also. It was bleeding profusely. I began coughing, spitting out some blood. I couldn't fight back, so I let it happen to get it to end faster. Eventually, he ran out of energy, staggering up the stairs. I stayed laid out on the floor for what felt like an hour before I even attempted to get up. I dragged my body up the stairs. I don't know how I found some strength but it was gone when I touched my bed. I managed to kick off my shoes and find my phone.

<Hey Aiden I'm not going to school tomorrow don't worry about coming to get me.>

I fell into the darkness against my wishes.

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