Taming the Cheerleaders...

By AalAlly

720 4 0

Sam: 'Let's have a private chat and no one will come to know.' Aims: 'What do you mean?! :P' Sam: 'I mean you... More

Details/Disclaimer/Authors Note
1- Take me Home (Sneak Peak)
5-Glad you came
6- M'mm m'mm Yeah Yeah
8- Less Problem
9- Liar Liar
10- Sex on the Radio.....
11- All about that bass
12 - French Kiss
14- It's My Party!
15- Bumpy Ride
16- Popular
17- Best Thing I Never Had
18-Ring the bells while I'm Drunk in Love
19-4 Min To My Party Rock
20- Summer
21-So just turn around and 'forget what you saw'
22- Secrets
24-All Hands On Deck
28-The End?
Authors Note

7- I wanna go....

19 0 0
By AalAlly

Chapter-7 (I wanna go….)

After chatting and Aims continuously bragging about herself and the ‘kool’ things she did. Luke and Allen had also joined them, saying ’this table is more fun than listening to those chicks.’ The moment Allen said that the whole day long Aims made chicken noises when they saw DASH.

Fiona wonderd they have glue stuck to their bodies, they are always together. Which reminded her something that she had to tell Aims, so she told her, “Bye! And I’ll be coming at your place okay?”

AIms nodded and jumped in Alex’s ride; he was continuously staring at Amy until Aims blew the horn and snapped him out of it. Fiona was sure she must be arguing with him the whole way; mostly hitting him with her skates.

Fiona got back home; “How was your day honey?”

“Mom, Hailey and Aims were face to face today and Cindy blew Aims mind out. And oh! Yeah even Allen and Luke joined our table plus Luke was staring at Aims and Ileana at Allen.”

“Maybe it’s high time you need to get a boyfri-” Fiona rushed upstairs and banged her door loud enough for her  mom to hear.

She was sure she must be laughing right now. Fiona hates it; she always tells me to get a guy and hook up with him or something. Sure she is Aims friend but she don’t want to be like her, “Dear, Nichole is here.”

Great that’s the thing I needed the most.


“So do you mind explaining me why are you talking to Aims?”

“She is my friend Nichole and I will be with whoever I want to.”

“Fiona, I am your friend and I want good things to happen-”

“Exactly Nichole you are my friend not my best friend; Aims is and I can do anything with her, without her or against her and even for her. I am glad you care about me but I don’t want you to rule my life. Now please I have to go.”

“Where?” Fiona didn’t wait to answer that and just left. She was sure mom would handle her since she was listing to our conversation from past two hours.


“She what? Fiona I think you should really get her off your back!” Aims shouted through the speaker. while putting on her skates and made a run for the elevator. Aims noticed kids running here and there and doing homework. Some just hanging around. Evening time in Rose Orphanage was the best.

This Orphanage was a house before until he (Ivan) went to the great beyond and Rose turned it into an Orphanage. They never had kids so Rose got a lot of children around the house; the new kids here don’t know Ivan but the older ones like Rita, Chuck, Alex and Aims (not an orphan but a family) knew Ivan and the day he died was not pretty(So as her parents say).

So, Alex, Chuck and Rita went on a hunt; they hunted down all the orphans, the kids working below 18 just to pay their bill.

Even if a kid comes at Rose's door and she doesn’t have room for him/her then she will make one. Nah! Aims is not joking here, she owns a contracting company too.

Aims had already dropped the call with Fiona and made her way to Hails. Aims was beyond excited to see her.

She reached and knocked on the door which was opened by Theo. “Fuck, you have become hotter!” she drooled over his shirtless body and eight packs.

“Yah and you still remain the same.” Clearly amused by her outfit; a black top with skinny jeans.

Smirking he asked, “Still no showing skin eh?”

“Nope not in a million years; by the way” Aims made her way inside the house (of course it’s her best friend’s house she does know it inside out. She could even rob the place without anyone knowing.) “your sister is now showing way more skin than usual” he made a disgust face and wiped his face with the towel.

“Sure you no get laid?” Aims asked in her crappie English winking and licking her lips.

Because you can't trust Aims, she has no problem in having a good time with her best friends who now claims to be her ex-best friend’s brother.

“He would have no problem in taking you rather than those girls who Hails hangout with and come here not for a sleepover but for a stare-over.”

She turnes and see Wanda smiling like a cherish cat. She winked at her and gave her a reply “What are you doing here?” She sighed and turned to the stairs to meet Hails cold eyes, “You do know how to greet a guest in school and in your house with just one question all the time, “What are you doing here?”” Aims imitated her voice Theo and Wanda clearly laughed but she could see Hails wanted to but she didn’t.

Her acting skills were getting better I must say.

“Get out Aims, I don’t want to see you. I hate you, you fuc*king piece of shit! You’re a hoe who likes to mess with everyone’s head just fuc*ing get out.” Hails cried and hugged her.

Yeah, Hails is wired like this; she shouts curses (only when she is high, or not in a mood) and then hugs. Wanda and Theo had already left the living room for privacy.

Aims hugged her tightly and she cried. “I am so sorry I left. I shouldn’t have I know that. But please forgive me I am here now okay.” she comforted her and they cried together.

Just like old times.

*After a few weeks.*

Everything was going on good. Hailey was now hanging out with them and the DASH. Yes Aims was pissed but Hails still needed time to get completely separated with them. If Aims knew it would take only one cuddled up meeting with her she would have done that a long time a ago.

Aunt Marry did tell her thank you; because apparently Hails was back in her normal attire which include most of the ‘not showing skin part.’ Luke and Allen had also gotten along very well and now they sit with them in lunch.

But there was still one more problem Nichole. She is like a cancer for Fiona; never leaves her and kills her inside out and messes with her brains. Hails told Aims that she will talk to Dips; she thinks she is the smarter one. But she doesn’t know a thing she is not the smarter one. Bloody all of them have their own thing for smartness.

The cheer leading practice started last week; so Hails use to spend more time in her practice. Sure Aims tried to get into the squad; but thenshe  got rejected so she had other plans for this.

Aims's mom and dad were calling her back home; Aunt Marry, Rose, Fiona and partly Hails (even though she doesn’t admit it) wanted her to complete my graduation in C.E. High. So since the ‘no leaving’ party has more majority. She decided to stay here, disturb everyone till Junior year gets over.

Right now, she am on her way back to Gothamie. she missed her friends and she is going to have a blast with them.


Hailey had to see Dips. She was the only one who can help her; after she came back from school she talked Wanda into ‘How did I look this past year’ talk and she took Aims side and told her she sucked. She did shout at her as to why the hell she didn’t tell her; but she was more happy at the fact Aims basically insulted Hails in front of the whole school(Junior and Senior students Only!). But after that she came home and much to her surprise everything got back to normal.

They all had spare keys of each other’s rooms so Hails just waved her hand at Dips mom and went for the stairs. While making it to the end of the hallway she thought of everything; Dips was the smarter and friendlier one in the group of ‘DASH’ and since she use to not go school with them. It’s a relief she gets to explain things myself in her point of view. She reached the door and took a long breath,

Have to get back to Aims!

Yeah, Hails can’t have her around ignoring her when she was with the girls; it is an impossible  task for her. For god sake! She is my best friend, sure she was a bit*h when she left, but things never change. She never changed.

Hails knocked on the door lightly hoping that Dips will unlock it but fortunately the door was unlocked, but then she heard her talking “Yeah Sabin, please we will figure something out. No, no nothing will happen. Yeah, I am sure she will come here to talk to me but I will put some really disturbing and fake things in her head. She will hate Aims…..”

I decided to stay near the door quietly and hear the fuc*ing conversation…..

<. .>

“Hey what happened?”

“Nothing” Hails replied to Wanda and walked like a Zombie to her room. All these three sixty five days of her life without Aims, these friends she has; the day when she first met them. She was sitting alone in the cafeteria. Fiona had found her group with the freshmen and she was sitting with some nerds. Sure they talked about things and shared thier mutual feeling of missing Aims to hell. But after she left things were not the same.

The school had changed, children left the school some stayed behind; but  whenever Fiona and Hails eyes locked across the hallway they used to give each other sad smiles. At lunch she noticed most of the time Fiona used to zone out and ignore the conversation around her. Same was for Hails too.

But things changed when Hails went for the cheer leading trails. These girls saw her and took her in. Hails became one of the popular students and after that day she hardly notice Fiona or any of those nerd people she used to sit with.

She never knew these girls would make her hate Aims. Sure she was angry at her that she left but Hailey  never hated her. They made her hate Aims,

“She was a bitch to you”

“You should look more presentable”

“You look more hot than her if you were this”

“Don’t think about her Hails she is past. These boys are your future”

“Don’t look at your past you will get stuck there, move on.”

“She was a bi*ch to everyone she stool Debi’s boyfriend and your trust, your friendship. She was never meant to be….”

How could I not see this? They were using me all this long. For god knows what. Hailey was blind to see; she picked her phone in desperation to tell Aims but she can’t; She have to find this out by herself. And for that she has to break all her relation with Aims.

Even her friendship…..


These past few weeks have been crazy as hell. Allen and Luke started hanging with them. You know as in Fiona, Aims and Ileana; Ileana just can’t stop blushing when she thinks of Allen pulling out the chair for her at lunch and being a gentlemen or that time when Debi was staring at her and he just took Ileana's hand leading her outside in the school’s parking lot.

Oh god! I am going crazy behind this boy. I think I’m staring to fall for him I guess. Maybe it was not that bad.

“Earth today!” Ileana snapped out of her thoughts and saw her mom staring at her, “Honey are you alright; you have being thinking a lot and smiling to your own self; is there a boy?”

She blushed and looked away, “My, there is a boy now is there! is it Allen?” She widened her eyes and rushed to the room. But Ileana did here her dad saying “Boys these days….”

She suddenly realized that there is only one person who can help her with this, so she called Fiona “Hello?” she greeted in her fake American accent.


“Yes, Ili" Ili was a new name for her of course given by Aims she told her, “Everyone has a pet name even you should have one…..let me gues…..umm… how about rabbit? Oh no Ili the Rabbit.” Yeah, and Allen had a good laugh on that by putting his palm on her shoulder.

He touched me! *dreamy eyes*

Ileana snapped back, and answered Fiona, “Where is Aims?”

“She has gone back to her old school to meet some of her friends and Mr.Lamb oh! and her parents too. She always put them in the last saying ’last but not the least’” She nods and mentally slapped herself at her stupidity. She told her good byes and kept the phone.

I just had to wait until she comes back…..


Classes where going on so Aims  dressed up like her  mom (of course she  had her boots in in case she has to make a run) a white summer dress and poured the Johnson's Baby powder on her head. It smells divine though! Hey, don’t complain I like Johnson products.

No her  mother does not have white hair, but she likes the dramatics 

So, right now she was making an entry into her old school and the fact that Mr. Lamb is the principle makes it more exciting. She reached the main office without any hesitation; muffler wrapped around her neck made her look old with some expired makeup on her face made a whole new look. She waited outside the princi’s office. But, what the hell….!


AIms just could not stop smiling; soon enough if her  smile was turned into a laugh then what ever she had planned in two seconds all that would go in a complete waste. So without wasting time she removed her mobile and went to YouTube playing a song (there is Wi-Fi in the school; don’t ask her how she got the password; let’s say she had to torture a few IT people here and there) She played the song and rang the bell.

For those who are thinking why are they going school on weekends; the answer is that for you actually Gothamie is a public school but it the best one and even though they all are delinquents here in some or the other way they study hard. And as much as Aims want to hate herself for admitting it; they give first priority to studies.

Maybe that was the reason that Aims never got expelled from Gothamie or C.E.High; or it was mere luck.

Anyways, so she rang the bell meaning there would be a fifteen minutes break for the juniors and seniors and some sophomore students; that implies they will gather in the cafeteria.

And yeah, there is a projector there which is being operated from the office (done that, in case you’re wondering where is the sectary or something well Aims mixed constipation tablet in the water he drinks now probably he is pooping somewhere.)

She played the song, placed her cell near the mic. Connected the wires to her mini cam recorder and placed it on the glass. Sure it was blur but they could see inside.

She left it to that and rushed to the cafeteria to watch the show….


Aims reached the cafeteria and saw kids laughing, smiling and the nerds where………puking?

As if they have never done this?

Lately, I've been stuck imagining what I wanna do and what I really think
Time to blow out
Be a little inappropriate, 'cause I know that everybody's thinkin' it when the light's out

Shame on me
To need release

I-I-I wanna go-oh-oh all the way-ay-ay
Taking out my freak tonight
I-I-I wanna show-oh-oh all the dirt-irt-irt I got runnin' through my mind, whoa oh

AIms laughed as he saw Mr. Lamb rubbing his shaft furiously and groaning.

Aims saw Maya and Kyle laughing. So she rushed by their side pushing and bumping into a few students and whispered in Kyles ear, “Do you do this in the memory of Maya?” he stopped laughing and turned around.

She winked and he hugged me. While hugging she smacked Maya’s butt; when she saw her she gave me an approving nod of her work and hugged me too.



“Aims, oh! Thank god…. Umm I think you need to get back before school starts.”


“Umm. We have a problem here and it’s very serious.” Ileana said while looking through her window. Just to see Hails going back to her old self while Dips did her make-up and the others laughed behind her knowingly.

The next day

“So are you sure you saw that?” Fiona asked putting her head between her hands.

“Yes I am sure she I coming back this evening. We will tell her ASAP” Fiona nodded and let out a huge sigh “She will not be happy.”


Aims was on her way back ; dad insisted her on driving there along with mom. After the scene in the cafeteria everyone went back to their classes. Mr. Lamb did his rounds in the school with a goofy grin on his face which turned into a frown as soon as the guys winked at him and the girls giggled and blushed (which she has no idea why because if she would have been there she would fake groan on his face).

Kyle and Maya left with her and she took the chance to ask Kyle if he told Maya about his small crush.

But he told her  that the crush will last till he ask her out. Once if he did ask her out the crush on her will crush him. I have no idea what that meant but I simply nodded and smiled.

“We have a surprise!” Aims looked at her mom and then back to the window. Kyle and Maya were chatting on and on about some hacker and that- “WE HAVE A SURPRISE!” She removed her headphone and rubbed her  ears, “What the hell?”

“Oh? You have your headphones on. Anyways we reached and here is your surprise.”

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