Murder for Love (A Roblox Fli...

By weirdhooman21

17.8K 247 353


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Two and a half
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Seven

933 11 8
By weirdhooman21


Today had been a long day. Like, super long. 

There were some good things about it, however. We got to send someone home. Everyone voted her out, but in the end Elaina and Sophie decided she was good. The only downside was there was still a murderer somewhere in here.

It was about ten p.m, and everyone else was getting ready to go to sleep again. Sophie, Elaina and I had to stay up a bit later to do our jobs. We hadn't seen anything or anyone suspicous yet, but we couldn't let our guards down. Not yet. 

We all sat at the table and watched the guest scurry around quickly and silently, watching out for anyone who might sneak away.

Elaina yawned. "This work is hard."

"You just now noticed?" Sophie asked her. 

"No, I was just reminding you." Elaina smiled.

Sophie gave her a warning glare, then went back to watching the suspects.

There was a weird pause, and all we could hear for a moment was our own breathing and the sound of the sqeaky floor whenever someone took a step.

"What time do we go to bed?" I asked.

"Around twelve-ish, I'd say," Sophie replied. "After we make sure everyone here is asleep and not faking it."

I sighed. I had only got this job as a medic a few days ago. Its a shame my first real task had to be this. The worst things always have to happen at the worst times. I couldn't compain that much, though. If i hadn't come here, I would have never met Vinny. 

Vinny and I had only met a day ago, and we were already pretty good friends. He told me a bit about his life, and I told him a bit about mine. He doesn't know that I'm gay, though. I'm scared to tell him, I dont know how he'll react or how it will effect our friendship. It's better if I keep it a secret for now.

It was quarter till tweleve. Just about everyone was asleep, except a few. Vinny was one of the people who were awake. His other friends were asleep, though.

"Will you guys just sleep already?" Sophie yelled. "Do you guys know what time it is?"

It took about fifteen minutes for eveyone to go to sleep.

"About time," Elaina mumbled. "Ok, we can sleep now." 

Elaina got up to go find a spot on the floor to sleep on. Before she could lay down, A voice came from behind her.

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

Elaina shieked. She turned around to see Vinny standing behind her. She tried to slap him but clumisly missed. "Will you quit sneaking up on me?" She yelled. "And how the hack are you so tall?"

"How the heck are you so short?" Sophie mummbled.

"Don't make me slap you too!" Elaina yelled. 

"Sorry, miss, I didn't mean to-" Vinny started.

"Whatever," Elaina snapped. "Just go to sleep."

"I can't sleep," Vinny stuttered nervously. 

"What do you mean you can't sleep?" Elaina asked him. "You're like, twenty years old"

"Eighteen," Vinny corrected her.

"Ugh," Elaina sighed. "Lukey, stay up with this idiot to make sure he's not up to something."

"Why me?" I asked. "You're the investegator!"

"I'm tired," she growled.

"So am I!" I reminded her.

"I don't care!"  Elaina spat. "Me and Sophie are going to sleep! You can sleep all you want tomorrow!" She stormed off into the living room and curled up on the floor. Sophie hesitated, then folloed her.

Vinny and I were left alone in the apartment.

"Well hello again," I smiled to Vinny.

"Hey," Vinny replied. "Sorry for keeping you up, I really just-"

"It's ok, I understand. I had a hard time sleeping last night too." I put my hand on Vinny's shoulder.

"Thanks," He smiled. "We can go into Austin's room if you want, we don't have to stay out here."

"That would be nice," I replied. "It feels like forever since i've slept in a bedroom."

"Yeah, It's a good thing to be friends with Austin right about now." Vinny chuckled.

We walked over to the door to Austin's bedroom. Vinny opened the door, and it made a quiet creek when it did. Jojo, Kees, and Austin were all snuggled up under the blanket. It was barely large enough to fit all of them under it, and if Vinny were there it'd be alot more packed.

"I guess we could sit In the corner over there," Vinny pointed to the corner furthest away from the door. "That way if any murderer comes in, We'll be somewhat hidden by the bed."

"Sure," I smiled.

The lights in the kitchen were still on, I didn't think to turn them off. The light glowed from the space under the door.

Me and Vinny sat in the corner of the room, shoulder to shoulder. This was the closest we had evr been to eachother. I kinda liked it.

Maybe now, while we were alone and no one was listening, would be a good time to tell Vinny the truth about me.

"Hey, Vinny? While we're here, can I tell you something?"

"I'm listening," Vinny smiled at me.

Vinny's adoreable when he smiles.

"Will you promise to not tell anyone?" I asked.

"You're secret's safe with me," Vinny told me. "I've already dragged you down here at almost two in the morning, this is the least I can do for you."

"And promise it won't ruin our friendship?" I asked again.

Vinny looked at me with suprise. "Of couse not! what could be so huge that it could ruin our friendship?"

"We've only just meet," I reminded him.

"I know," Vinny sighed. "But you're a great friend so far."

I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I could barely see his face in the darkness of the room, But i felt him beside me, and that was a feeling of confort.

I took a deep breath, and let the words off my tounge.

"I'm gay," I gulped.

Vinny looked suprized, but i couldn't tell if it was in a good way or a bad way. I expcted him to scoot away and ignore me for the rest of the night. I thought it was all over between us.

But instead, Vinny just smiled at me. "Really? I'm LGBTQ+ too!" He said. "I'm actualy bisexual!"

I couldn't belive it. This was the greatest thing to ever happen to me! an LGBTQ+ friend!

"Are you serious?" I asked him

Vinny opened his mouth to reply, but was inturrupted by a sudden flash of the light under the door. It flickered a few times, Then shut completely off. The silent buzz of the power generator was gone. It was at least 2 a.m.

"We should hide under the bed," Vinny whispered to me.

I nodded and followd him. It was dark and chilly under there, and I hit my head a few times, but at least I was with Vinny, and we were both safe. The only noises in there room were our breathing and The snoring of Vinny's sleeping friends.

Suddenly the door creeked open and footsteps came into the room. The floor creeked with each step. my heart was pounding. Who was there?

The footsteps stopped right beside the bed. There was a pause. 

I heard a sound, Like metal clinking against metal. My heart pounded. I scooted closer to Vinny.

After a long pause of fear and confusion, I heard a stab. The stab of a kinife. My heart sunk and a chill ran down my spine.

No. This can't be happening. This isn't real.

A body fell limp onto the floor infront of us. We stared in shock. This was definetly real.

Who's behind all this?

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