SlugTerra: The Mystery Of The...

By AgentBlueStarRebel9

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Set in the episode Deadweed. What if...Eli Shane disappeared after he screamed? That's exactly what happens i... More

Chapter 1: Deadweed
Chapter 2: Not Scared...Petrified!
Chapter 3: Clue In The Cavern
Chapter 4: Dead End
Letter to My Dear Readers
Chapter 5: Spider Web Trail
Chapter 6: Spooker the Spotter
Chapter 7: Family Reunion
Chapter 8: In One Piece
Chapter 9: Captured

Chapter 10: Awake and Alive

210 5 5
By AgentBlueStarRebel9

Trixie managed to get the prescribed medicine for him. Like the doctor said, Eli was unconscious for a day. This went on for three days. Ysabel wasn't in the slightest bit worried. But Burpy and Trixie were worried. What if he's in a coma? They thought. Burpy kept a close eye on his precious slinger, only leaving to eat. Whenever he went to bed, his base was on the pillow where Eli's head was.

Every night, someone would stroke his cheek. Thinking it was Eli, he bolted up. To his dismay, it was only either Trixie or Ysa who was there. When they would return to their respective rooms, Burpy went back to sleep disappointed. Come on, Eli, he thought. Wake up.

In the middle of the third night, Burpy woke up to a feeling that something happened. He didn't open his eyes, he just kept them closed. Until something brushed against his cheek. Thinking it was another trick, he started pretending he was sound asleep. The gentle stroking continued. He still didn't want to see it, so he still pretends he's asleep. Then he heard heart-stopping words, "Come on, Burpy, I know you're only pretending." His eyes jerked open Eli, is it really you? He turned to see Eli's beautiful blue eyes straight at him. Happy, he hugged him close.

"I know, Burpy. I missed you too." Eli said, happy to see the light of day once again. He tried to sit up, but he suddenly had a splitting headache. "Ow...must have been the Grimmstone..." He looked around. "We're not in Deadweed Cavern?" Burpy nodded and dashed off to grab the painkillers. He managed to stand, but he was a little wobbly since the headache was making stuff a little worse than it is. He managed to take one pill, which worked in 10 seconds and made him feel better. He wanted to clear his head a little, so he decided to take a ride with the slugs. It was already 4:53 on the holo-clock by the time they set off on Lucky.

Eli missed the fresh air. The Six (the Six Slug-keteers)did too, since every time the Shane Gang receives a distress call, one of the Gang has to stay in case Eli woke up. They stayed with whoever decides to stay with Eli. Now that he was awake, they could go out and smell the fresh air outside the Hideout. They had no idea someone was watching from the window...

Trixie saw Lucky ride off. She thought it was more thieving henchmen of Dr. Blakk who would avenge Locke and Lode's imprisonment in Stalagmite 17. She hopped on her saber-toothed tiger Mecha-Beast and rode after them. Chiller noticed her gaining speed and chirped for Eli to go faster. He, being a slug whisperer, understood the little Frostcrawler and rode pff. "Oh, no you don't," Trixie said under her breath. She used her Arachnet slug (somebody please tell me what his name is!) to bind Eli's hands together. She didn't notice the orange pack strapped on him. He jumped off. "Trixie, what did you do that for?" He asked in disbelief. She realised her mistake, and the fact that Eli was now awake. She freed him from the webs and hugged him. "How did..."

"It was Burpy who was the first to find out." He said. "Come on, Trix. Let's go home." He jumped on Lucky and shouted, "Race you home!" Trixie groaned and chased him home. By the time they got back, Pronto was cooking. Ysabel was setting the table and Kord was preparing the slug food. "Say, what's for breakfast?" He asked. They shouted in unison, "Eli!" Pronto hugged him tight. "You're okay!" He said. "We sure missed you, bro!" Kord agreed. Ysa shared the hug. "Aw, guys. I sure missed you too."

Peace had returned to the Hideout once again.

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