Chapter 8: In One Piece

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The Gang was reunited with Eli. Trixie joyfully wrapped her arms around him. "Where have you been?" She asked worriedly. He shrugged and said, "Oh, just catching up with Mom. "Kord and the others took notice of Ysa. "That's your mother?!" Pronto asked. "Yup."

One by one, the other members of the Shane Gang introduced themselves. "Well, Trixie, you seem to be my son's future soulmate." She said about her. Trixie turned to see Kord and Pronto giggling while Eli told them to snap it. Their giggles turned into laughter. So he saved Trixie the embarrassment by shooting Spinner and webbing their mouths. Kord and Pronto struggled to get the sticky webs off, but it ended up too difficult. The trio started laughing, little knowing that reinforcements have arrived...

Dr. Blakk had arrived, as did more guards. Once he arrived, he stepped out of the train and asked Nacho, "You've seen the Shane Gang?" Nacho reported. "Yes." He pointed to a high pile of rubble. "They are there, so is the mother of the Shane." Dr. Blakk laughed evilly. "The mother of the Shane? Very well, then. We will take them by surprise." Nacho signalled to the guards. "Fire everything you got." A Grimmstone hit Eli in the chest and knocked him hard against the metal wall. He groaned, giving Ysa the hint that her son was seriously injured and that he needed help. She ran to his side while the others gave her cover.

Kord and Pronto willingly gave cover to her as she moved her son to safer grounds. She cradled him in her arms, hoping he'll be okay. But when Eli failed to show signs of awakening, she began to panic. Dr. Blakk later used his prized Frostfang to create a massive ice wall around the Shane Gang. They could only move from side to side, but they couldn't fire a shot. The guards and Nacho reinforced the ice wall with more Frostfangs. A Rammstone would only create a crack in the ice wall. The Shane Gang lost all hope. But Ysabel didn't give up that easily. She knew no Rammstone could break the wall in one punch. But she remembered her husband's former Infurnus. She fired him at the wall. It melted in 30 seconds and managed to fly across the cavern in 15 seconds. Dr. Blakk was unable to move because of the firewall. "Board the train and move out!" He commanded. "We have to stop the train!" Pronto yelled. But as soon as he was done speaking, the train was put of sight.

Kord gently placed Eli on his Mecha-Beast while Ysabel rode with Trixie. It took them 57 minutes to get home. Ysa settled in the extra room, Pronto went into his, Kord laid Eli on the couch and Trixie turned on her computer to check if there were any hospitals open 24/7. There was one, but it was located in Quiet Lawn Cavern. But the doctor she called would be there in a matter of minutes to examine Eli. When she ended the call, she checked the holo-clock. It was 3:46 a.m! She was shocked, but she managed to recover from it. The doctor arrived 5 minutes later.

The examination took only 3 minutes, but the news was grim. He explained that Eli had suffered from a severe concussion from the impact, but his brain was still intact. Due to this, he may remain unconscious for days on end, so they'd better keep a close watch on him. Then he gave them a prescription for painkillers in case Eli woke up with pounding headache. While writing the prescription, he found it hard to focus. Pronto's snoring was heard all the way from downstairs. Trixie groaned. "I'll go shut that noisy mole." And she wound up webbing Pronto's mouth. After the Gang fell asleep, it was 4:15 on the holo-clock.

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