Six spirit of the music

By Stella_9977

30.1K 313 60

Six adults, who loves music. Friends together as one. Find themselves into another world. It's a fanfiction o... More

Chapter one: Funk spirit- fredrick
Chapter two: Country spirit - Cora
Chapter three: Pop Spirit- Poseidon
Chapter Four: Techno Spirit- Tessa
Chapter five: Classical Spirit- Claire
Chapter six: Rock spirit - Rox
Here the art i made.
Chapter eight: Poppy and branch meet Six
Chapter nine:adopting new selfs /Finding out new trolls
Chapter Ten: arriving at Classical tribe/the truth/akward meeting
Chapter Eleven: arriving Country tribe/ too much pop music/escaped
Chapter twelve: Find the Funk tribe/two angry techno trolls
Another art for the chapter Thirteen
Chapter thirteen: meeting cooper's family/ truth/ Capture
Chapter Fourteen: Rock zombie/ energy taken away
Chapter fifteen: Just sing/ return of the six spirits/The kiss

Chapter seven: awoken into new world

1.3K 11 4
By Stella_9977

".....BOY WAKE UP!".....

Fredrick open his eyes then gasp as he stood up, from the ground. He takes a deep breath as his eyes stared at someone else, who wake him up." Yo! Are you alright?" Fredrick blink as he looks at Rox, who wake him up, he look around to see the others where also here. He was confuse about this." What happen?" Asked Fredrick as Claire cleared her throat and said," okay. Here's what happen.

" guys! Rox is here!" Shout Poseidon as he jump out of the window, which made Claire scream" Poseidon! There's a door here! Not in the window!" Poseidon didn't care as he made dash his way to Rox." Rox! Buddy!" Rox, came out of bis care as he bro hug Poseidon." What's up my dudes?!" Said Rox as poseidon said," the sky?"" Really?" Rox gave him unimpress look but smile.

" howdy Rox!" Rox look at the country girl and smile," Cora! How's it hanging?" Cora smile as she tilt her hat in greetings. Claire came to Cora side, grumbling why Poseidon, jump out of the window, when there's a door. Fredrick came with tessa, who was holding her robot dog, Dj." Yo tessa! Fredrick! Good to see you!" Said Rox as Tessa smile as she gave Rox a fist bump. Fredrick pat Rox back as he said," Glad your here Rox."

The six adults talk their way as they headed to their house. Poseidon help Rox to unpack stuff. While the others, were at the living room, waiting for them. Rox and Poseidon finish un packing as they went their way to the living room. When they arrive they saw Tessa was messing her Robot Dog,Dj who was now a DJ booth. Cora was cooking some food as Fredrick went to search some movie in the t.v.

Rox hop on the couch were Fredrick sat as he asked," sooo......what are we gonna watch??" Fredrick look at him then back to television, saying" some kind of movie that caught our interest." Poseidon groan as he fall on the floor, were Tessa sat, as he said," please not another boring movie. I wanted a movie full know........Music" Cora came out of the kitchen, carrying some food as she put it on the table.

" but how can we, watch some movie if we wanted only music? Ya all know that none of that exist??" Said Cora as she sat down on the floor, beside Tessa and her robot dog." But......i think there's a movie, but it's kid show" said Tessa as she looks up to them as she grab some food as she ate it." Kid show?? What movie is it Tessa?" Asked Rox and Poseidon as they look at Tessa.

"Trolls world tour. It's kinda cool cause all music of our favorite were there. I kinda saw it but never in full movie." Said Tessa as she grabs more food. Fredrick thought at that, as he grabs the remote as he quickly search for it. When he finds it, he kinda got a strange feeling inside of him. The others got the same feeling, but they shook it away as Fredrick press the play button as the movie start playing.

The trolls world tour wasn't bad. It got the interest of this six adult,especially music. Tessa got interest at techno music at the first movie. Rox was i press when he heard a rock music played in the beginning. Poseidon smirk when he heard   A pop song from the Queen and the pther trolls. Claire hum a bit when she heard a classical music. Then Fredrick got his interest at the funk trolls.

The six adults were glued towards the movie. They were surprise when Queen poppy broke the six strings and making every troll grey. Then all the sudden the television, shut off." What the?!" Said Rox as he throw his arms up in surprise and anger on his face. Poseidon groan as he face palm on the table as he said," damn t.v!" Fredrick keep clicking the remote button on as he tried to open it. Tessa and Claire sigh as Cora said," darn it! We didn't even know what will happen at the ending!!"

Until the television start glitching making the six adults stood up and step away from the glitching t.v." Uh....Dude? What's going on?" Rox asked to Fredrick as he said," I-i don't know what is going on" then the television explode making the six adults scream as they covered their eyes as they covered themselves.


" That's all i know before we all knock out cold." Said Cora after she explain what happen. Fredrick blink in surprise as he looks at everyone, who was wide awake now. Poseidon was here, Rox was here, Claire was here, and Tessa and her robot dog was here too!. He looks around as he notice that looks like they were at the forest." Uh.....Does anyone knows how to survie in the forest right?" Asked Fredrick to others as everyone nodded at him.

" okey.......let's look around." Said Claire as she lead the way, making the others follow her.

As they walk around the forest, they notice they were small as the trolls, which made them so confuse what is going on to them. As Claire found a place to camp, the boys went to grab some stuff to build shelter, while the girls went around the forest to get some food. Tessa grabs some berries she found until she heard someone was singing. Out of her curious, she slowly and quietly follow the voice she heard.

As she arrive at the big bush, as she peek slowly, lifting up some leaves. Her eyes went wide to see that she couldn't believe it. Trolls.......trolls everywhere. And there's Queen poppy!. Tessa watch in awe and surprise on her face as she continued to watch. Then she kinda step on the stick making Queen poppy look at her way. Tessa froze at her place when poppy's eyes stared at her blue eyes. It was moment of silents. Then Tessa heard a called from Cora and Claire, calling her.

" TESSA!TESSA?!? Where are you?!" Tessa quickly moved back as she grab the basket and rush away. But she didn't hear the called from Queen poppy, who chased her but stop to see she's gone. Tessa arrive beside Cora and Claire as the two gave tessa confuse look," hey, what's troubles ya sugarcube?" Asked Cora as he country voice coming out from her." I'll tell you later after the boys were here" said tessa as head first, leaving the two girls bahind, who give each other confuse look but then follow the white hair girl.

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