
By Glass_Marble

72.1K 937 519

Mei Hatsume made a machine, one that would allow everyone to see the multiple realities of one person. Read t... More

My R
Delta Airlines
Who am i anymore
Quick question
Have fun
Unfinished Villain AU notes

The 'kidnapping'

8.8K 181 268
By Glass_Marble

"BEFORE, we get into this!" Mei half yells- "I found a way for Midoriya to watch with us"

"He will be able to watch but it might cause him to be tired"

A groan is audible as Izuku's bodies shifts in the chair, "I'll be fine, pulling all-nighters finally helps me in some way,"

Izuku slowly gets up and takes a seat in front of the screen, the headset still attached to his head.

"Midoriya please refrain from pulling all-nighters, us UA students have a reputation to uphold." Iida waves his arms in front of Izuku's face, Izuku responds with a smile,

"It's fine Iida, I've never fallen asleep in class before and it was to study. It was for a good cause in a way."

Iida contemplates his options, "alright, but you must go to bed before 12"


The 'kidnapping'

The name struck fear in the hearts of the people present. Midoriya being kidnapped? Preposterous, UA couldn't have let another student be kidnapped after the training camp, but titles never lie.

All staff and students sat in anticipation, waiting for the screen to start.

"Let's hope" Midnight speaks in a small whisper which is only audible to the teachers, "this doesn't get too graphic"

"Wa-what" the room is pitch black, with the only light coming from a desk lamp. Izuku yanks his arm only to find he is strapped to a chair. He scans the room looking for a hint of where he is. In front of him is a table, it is worn and the paint is peeling off.

"Oh it looks like I'm kidnapped," Izuku has little emotions in his voice and the others realize this.

Ojiro is the first to mention anything, wanting to know why. He has never heard Izuku speak with such little emotion, "Has this happened before? Why are you so nonchalant?"

Suddenly, as if a switch was turned on in Izuku's brain, he starts waving his hands rapidly. "NO no no, I was never kidnapped before-" he speaks with much for emotion in his voice, "when I get tired I tend to act nonchalant but really I'm panicking inside, sorry!"

Ojiro looks in Izuku's direction and gives him a warm smile, "Just wanted to know if you were ok"

Papers are suddenly slammed down and a low voice is heard. "Do you know why you are here?"

"Wow, this is getting right into it," Looking over his shoulder, Kaminari found candy.

"Yeah, let's hope this isn't too bad," Jirou looks over to Kaminari and steals some of his candy.

"Hey, that was mine!"

"Not anymore"

Izuku looks at the screen intensity, "that voice sounds familiar"

Izuku struggles in his seat, trying to escape. Out of nowhere, he gets an idea, he mentally slaps himself for being so stupid. Activating his quirk he attempts to break the restraints, only to find it has no effect.

"HA, you really didn't think of that before, you're useless, Deku,"

"Bakugo don't be so mean to Midoriya" Uraraka glares at Bakugo, who scoffs in response.

"You can't escape-" the voice pauses- "Now do you know why you are here?"

Izuku suddenly speaks out, saying the words before he can stop himself, "N-no, I have no idea. You won't ge-"

Izuku is interrupted by a sigh, "Really? I don't wanna hear the 'you won't get away with this, crap' "

"Midoriya-" Tokoyami glares at the ground, "did you really use that cheesy line?"

Izuku gulps and looks at Todoroki- "I think I'm gonna die by the emo kid's hands tonight."

Todoroki holds his hands up in surrender- "since I am a fellow emo kid, I can not intervene."

The desk lamp is moved by the man and is shined in Izuku's eyes. The light is blinding and Izuku blinks a couple of times to adjust.

"This is just like that movie we watched on Friday" Kaminari pulls out his phone," I think it was called-" he scrolls through his phone- "shit I can't remember"

"Well most older movies have scenes like this, it isn't uncommon" The students forgot about Sato's love for old movies.

Looking around the room Izuku whispers to himself, "does no one care that other me has been kidnapped?"

Aizawa, who was in his sleeping bag, uncovered his face to look Izuku straight in the eye. "We are concerned but you're such a problem child that we've been desensitized to this type of stuff"

The man's face is so close, it is almost visible. Izuku can distinguish that the man is probably younger than he first thought, he has short hair and is slim but muscular. Izuku's thoughts ring throughout the theater, 'I should comply, maybe I can learn more about the people who kidnapped me.'

"Good idea Young Midoriya but don't put yourself in more danger."

"I-I'll try not to All Might sir"

"Alright, what do you want?" Izuku builds up the confidence to speak again, "because to be honest, I have no idea why I'm here." That's a lie and Izuku knows it, there are many reasons for why he could get kidnapped, the man notices too.

"Well you are a Pro Hero in training," Mina thinks out loud- "and you also go to UA"

'One for all' All Might quickly thinks,

"He also has all that information in those notebooks"

"Wait, Mineta, you know about those" Izuku is slightly embarrassed at the fact that Mineta found his notebooks.

"Yeah you left one on the table after lunch, when I was about to give it to you, I saw some of the pages."

"Well thank you for giving it back"

"No problem but I saw your drawings and I know a way you can pay me back"

"No." A fast reply was heard before people were able to process what Mineta was hinting at.

"Well let's say I need confirmation. A simple yes or no,-" the man paces around the room. "I will tell you what I believe to be true and you tell me if I'm wrong. if I am wrong tell me why."

"That's not what villains ask for" Present Mic looks at his fellow Pro Heroes, "Hell we even ask for more information first"

He got several nods in agreement before watching the screen again.

A cold hand reaches out and cups Izuku's cheek. "Now let's start"

All lights in the room turn on instantaneously and this time it takes even longer for his eyes to adjust. Still blinking rapidly, Izuku tries to take in his surroundings, he is in an older Japanese style room with red strings everywhere. After a few seconds, he is able to see more of the room, a bed is made neatly in the corner, notebooks and sticky notes littered everywhere. 'It kind of looks li-'

"Like a student's bedroom" Izuku finishes for himself.

Todoroki opens his mouth to speak, "Yeah kinda like mi-" he stops.

"Todoroki, are you ok?" Uraraka sounds worried and looks at him in confusion.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Is the only response she receives.

His thoughts are cut off by movement behind him, the shuffling of feet ceases as the man stands behind Izuku's chair.  'I can't-' he moves his head to each side trying to see behind him- 'that man'

"This is about to get intense"

"Shittyhair, it already is"

"Now-" the man begins- "the first question; are you All Might's secret love child?"

It is so silent you could hear a pin drop, "why?" A small voice asks,

"Well, that kind of question kind of makes sense" Uraraka looks over her shoulder to find Izuku with his head down, the only audible noise coming for him is his muttering.

Uraraka swears she heard a "god damn it Todoroki" In there.

Izuku stops all movement, "I'm sorry, am I what?"

"You heard me, Al-"

"No I definitely heard you, wait a minute," Izuku thinks for a minute before continuing, his voice kind of annoyed, "Todoroki? Is that you?"

"Why did you think it was Todoroki, Midoriya?"

"Long story short, he said the same thing to me at the sports festival"

The man makes his way to the front of the room, Todoroki is shown to be the man. "It doesn't matter who I am, I need answers."

"It Is you!" Jiro half yells across the room.

Iida immediately started to wave his arms- "Todoroki, you do not kidnap another classmate!"

"Shoto we need to talk.." Endeavor says, looking both confused and concerned for his son.

Izuku has a look of disgust on his face "Really, are you serious? I have homework to finish Todoroki!"

"Look that this Midoriya, losing his temper, who would have guessed?"

"Please be quiet for one minute Kaminari, we don't have time for this"

"Sorry dude"

"Now Midoriya calm down, I just-" Todoroki is cut off, Izuku's voice slowly rising.

"One, you kidnap me, stopping me from completing my homework, and two, you ask these kinds of questions!"

"He looks scary," Tokoyami thinks for a second- "they do always say 'it's the calm ones who are the scariest' "

"Midoriya!" Todoroki's voice is rising now, "This is important and I need answers!"

Both are cut off by knocking at the door and Todoroki opens it. Uraraka's voice is heard, "we heard yelling and thought there was maybe a villain attack, are you alright?"

"Finally, I get screen time" everyone glares at Uraraka for a while, "I mean, finally someone is here to stop them"

"Yes I am fine, Midoriya and I just had some different opinions on what's important." As the door was being shut, Izuku finds himself losing his temper,

"No, I am not!"

"You tell them Midoriya!" Sero screams at the screen.

"Dude my ears"

"Sorry dude"

Iida's voice is heard on the other side of the door, "Todoroki please let us in,"

"Sorry Iida but I cannot"

"I am sorry in advance UA janitors," the bang of a door falling drew the attention of all others in the doors, soon most of the class was there.

Iida starts to bow at a 90-degree angle at the principle, "I am sorry for the destruction of school property."

"Um you didn't actually destroy- you know what, thank you"

"Hey guys, can you untie me"

"-Todoroki you cannot kidnap a fellow student,"

"Why did you kidnap him?"


"It seems we forgot about our fellow classmate"

"Aoyama, have you always spoken in italics?"

"Yes dear Mina, but no one has seemed to notice until now" Aoyama makes a dramatic dying pose.

"What the fuck"

"Are you the traitor?"

"Of course not"

"Ok then"

"Umm are you guys gonna help"

"Midoriya be quiet"

In the end, Izuku gave up and let everyone talk to Todoroki. Todoroki, who was being bombarded by questions, panicked and dropped the papers that were on the desk. Yaoyorozu picked up one of the papers, her eyes skimmed the page. Confusion was evident on her face, her eyes went over the page again.

" 'Mr. Aizawa is not the real Mr. Aizawa' Todoroki what is this?"

"Um, Todoroki are you alright?" Midnight is concerned for Todoroki's health.


"I mean mentally"

"I can not answer that question"

Todoroki has a crazed look in his eyes as he explained himself, "It all makes sense, Mr. Aizawa was greatly injured at the fight at the training camp right?" He looks around getting a few nods- "then he comes back the next day totally fine! He can be an imposter, a spy."

"IS IT TRUE SHOTA,  ARE YOU REALLY AN IMPOSTOR? " Present Mic screams from across the room while big tears run down his face.

"I just wanted to sleep, not do this," Aizawa says snuggling further into his bag.

"Why would he tell you if he was?"

"My question exactly"

"Um ok-" Kaminari grabs another one- "All for one is Midoriya's father"

"It makes sense!"

"No it does not, my father is working overseas!"


"Wait that's true!?!" Uraraka says with a shocked face.

"Isn't that the villain All Might fought?" Sero whispers to Kaminari.

"Yeah it is"

All Might looks worriedly at Izuku, 'I really hope that theory isn't true, that would be a lot of emotional baggage to carry'

An all-out argument was started with facts and theories being thrown around every second.









"Ok, but WHAT IS GOING ON?" Midnight stands up and looks at the students- "is this what goes on in your heads?"


"Pretty much"

"And the urge to die"

Midnight sits back down, a look of defeat on her face, "you guys win! I'm done. How do you deal with these children Shota?"

"I don't"

Dead silence filled the room as the last sentence was spoken. Everyone slowly turned their heads in the direction of the voice, to see a small boy with grapes on his head. Looking back at the boy the students start yelling at him.



"I thought it was too"



"This is N O T welcome in a school environment!"

"I think we passed that point a long time ago Iida," Izuku says while patting him on the back.

Izuku, who is still tied to the chair, closes his eyes only to open them a second later by an epiphany. He starts muttering to himself over all the yelling, developing a theory. The next words to come out of Izuku's mouth shook the entire room. "Dabi is a Todoroki."

Todoroki looks at his hands then back at Izuku a look of awe and shook on his face, "that makes so much sense"


"Ok, we need to run blood tests now!"

"The fire and the scars, everything makes sense. Someone get me my notebook!"

"Endeavor," All Might says with urgency in his voice- "do you know anything about this matter." While the students are all cheerfully talking, the teachers are staring at the Pro Hero Endeavor.

When Endeavor looks up there were emotions that no one expected to see, distress, and concern. With a shaky voice, he speaks, "I-I don't know"

Multiverse found

Sorry for the wait but I delivered. I hope you enjoyed and thank you @Mixinwolf_32 for the suggestion. I hope this fits your expectations! Also, I will be writing more of the suggestions for the next few chapters so you can still add to them. I got some of the theories off of this website. If you want to check it out,

Word count -2496

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