Sunny Side Of Hell

By themagicalpants

52K 1.5K 259

Theodora thought that her life was over when she died, but little did she know her death was only the beginin... More

Author's Note


1.2K 47 3
By themagicalpants

One of the first people Lucifer went to when trying to figure out where to take Thea was Mikayla. He called her one day while at work.

"Hello," Mikayla answered, confused at the thought that her brother was calling her.

"Hey Mik," Luce said, making Mikayla even more confused at the nickname.

"Whats up?"

"So, I want to take Thea away for the weekend, but I don't know where to take her, and I know you guys are friends and all, and I just figured you would have an idea," Luce stumbled out while playing with a pen on his desk and feeling like a nervous teenage girl.

"Oh, a 'weekend away' huh," Mikayla teased. "Were you thinking something in Heaven or were you thinking of taking her back to Earth?"

"I don't really know. She likes Heaven, but I thought she might enjoy going back and experiencing what it was to be home again."

"I know," Mikayla exclaimed, feeling proud of her idea, "you could take her home. When I was helping her get ready for Jonathan's party she told me all about her houseboat. Man she loved that thing."

Thea indeed loved that thing, thing being her houseboat. When she moved to Friday Harbor Washington after graduating from college the first thing she started looking for was a house. The job she had accepted had offered her a hefty advance on her salary to help with the move and she had decided she wanted to use the money as a down payment on a house. She had contacted a realtor who had shown her a couple of places, but none of them felt right, one was too big, one had a weird haunted feeling to it, one had too few windows, she just couldn't force herself to like any of them. Then the realtor went out on a limb and showed her Carol, a small houseboat parked in the harbor. Thea fell in love with it, she loved the natural wood floors, the view she got from the loft/bedroom window, the quaint feeling it had, and the rocking motion that came from being on the ocean. She put an offer in immediately and within the week she was moving in. Everyone who knew Thea knew how much she loved Carol, when she wasn't talking about her students or books, she was talking about Carol. All of the other teachers at school had to sit through many a lunch while Thea talked about how she had built planter boxes on the deck one weekend, or how she had painted the kitchen a nice shade of emerald green. Thea loved her home, so imagine how happy she was when Luce and her showed up on the deck that night.

"You... you... I can't believe this," Thea sobbed as she hugged Luce, "you brought me home!"

"Are you happy? I can't tell because you are crying. God I'm so stupid, of course you didn't want to come here. I should have taken you to Paris, or Rome, or Tokyo, not your house. Geez Lucifer, how stupid can-"

"Hey," Thea interrupted, "quit your worrying, I love it. I never thought I'd see Carol again, let alone with my soulmate. Now, quite freaking out and let me show you around."

And that's what they did for the next few hours, Thea gave him a tour of her houseboat, making sure to point out all the improvements she had made. Luce had seen Thea happy, but he had never seen her proud like this, she was in her element. After the tour, she pulled her bike out of a closet on the deck and motioned towards Luce.

"Come on," she said and then motioned towards the pegs on the back wheel of her bike, "lets go for a ride!"

"You expect me, the king of the underworld, to ride on the back of your bike," Luce asked a bit shocked.

"Well, duh. How else would we ride? It's my bike and plus, you don't know where you are going."

Thea laughed and eventually Luce laughed with her and gave in, getting on the bike. Thea peddled into town, all the while pointing out landmarks and telling stories of her time in Friday Harbor. After a few minutes of peddling they got to a small restaurant. Luce hopped off the bike and went inside to get them a table while Thea locked the bike up. Soon they were both seated at a table outside enjoying the misty air coming off the ocean and being happy to be there. After they ordered and while they were waiting for food Thea asked a question.

"Luce, how come no one here recognizes me?"

"Well, you don't look like yourself. To everyone around you look like a distant relative of Theadora. Of course we know you aren't, but they don't."

"Oh," Thea said with a sigh, "that makes sense. I guess it would be a bit shocking if someone who is supposed to be dead showed up looking rather alive."

Their food soon arrived and they ate quickly, enjoying their dinner but also wanting to get back to the privacy of the houseboat quickly. Thats the thing about Hell, you get used to no one else really being around, so they both were feeling rather strange. After paying their bill, the stopped at a local ice cream shop, had some ice cream, got back on the bike, and headed home. Once they got there, Thea grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. They both went out on the deck and sat on the chairs Thea had set up one weekend because she had found the right angle to see the sunset and wanted to make it a permanent fixture. As they watched the sunset over the ocean, looking for the heavily debated "green flash", Thea turned to look at Luce and made a statement that surprised him.

"I think I want to tell you how I died."

Quick Author's Note- the gif above is how I imagine Luce and Thea on the bike, only switched. And if you were wondering, its a scene from a show on Netflix called The OA which is probably my all time favorite show :)

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