issue (jotaro x reader)

By cinnamonbears22

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this is just a cute little story about you and jotaro kujo. i'm very touched deprived and a little horny as y... More



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By cinnamonbears22

we finally arrived at singapore, and i couldn't be happier. i had bags under my eyes and my body just felt drained. me and jotaro did the same routine, i held onto his arm and mr. joseph lead the way to the nearest hotel.

as we were walking, i heard two scummy girls over-talking. "how is an ugly witch like her with such a handsome man" i didn't look back at them, but i withdrew my stand and made issue punch the girl who said it right in the nose. "oh my god! my nose it broken!" she screamed, and i couldn't help but smile a little. i felt jotaro chuckle, and my stand read his mind. 'she's one hell of a firecracker that's for sure'


we arrived at the hotel and mr. joseph was checking us in. i leaned a little bit against jotaros side as i still held onto his arm. i feel oddly safe whenever i do.

"we were going to let (y/n) have her own room, but it's too dangerous" mr. joseph looked over at me as i almost gave him a death glare back.

"i'll room with her!" polnareff jumped with excitement as i felt dread over my body.

"i guess it would be good, considering they don't get along that well" mr. joseph said, trying to redeem himself from the glare i gave him.

'good grief' i read jotaros mind.

i let go of jotaro and started to follow polnareff to our room. "hey" jotaro called out behind me. i looked at him with a cocked brow signaling 'what?' "if something bad happens don't hesitate to call" he said. he tilted his hat down to shadow his eyes, and walked away.

we entered the room, and i was already getting an eerie vibe. "polnareff i don't feel all that great" i said, walking into the room.

"why? do you need some lovin'?" he raised his brow at me when i just shook my head and looked away.

"no you jackass" i growled at him, but continued to examine the room. before i knew it some guy came out of the fridge. my heart dropped. "some significant blood loss you got there" i said, trying to stand my ground and make him scared. how did he fit in there? i looked back at polnareff and he was already in fighting position. "w-who are you?" i stuttered with fear. can i not just get a break!

"well if you insist i'm soul sacrifice" the man stood up, completely towering over me. "and since you're probably wondering my stand is the card of the devil." i couldn't help but get shivers down my spine. he talked some more but i already started sweating up a storm. "how did you know i was hiding in the fridge?"

all my anger and adrenaline built up at once and i grabbed his neck with my hand like a snake going for a mouse. "you dumbass!" i scowled at him. "you took everything out of the fridge and didn't bother to put it away!" all of the sudden the man started laughing, so i jumped back. all the fear coming back over me again.

"die (y/n)!" he yelled as he called out his stand.

"issue!" i yelled, and she came out ready to go. she punched him with both of her fist, fast and hard knocking him out. and killing him. "how fucking pathetic." i shook my head and kicked the corpse in front of me. as i turned around the corpse grabbed my foot and started laughing like a psychopath. "w-what?" my eyes widened at the shock. i think in going to pass out.

"look what you done!" he was going absolutely insane like a mad man. "it hurts! it really hurts" the man stood up and like instinct i slowly backed up, bumping into polnareff as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. this time i let him. i was scared shitless.

"what the hell is with this guy?" he asked, also in fear.

'holy shit holy shit holy shit' i read his mind.

"i have one hell of a grudge to hold against you (y/n)!" he spoke, backing up near the balcony. "you idiot! you're life is over women!" he yelled just as he fell over the edge.

i grunted with confusedly, and ran over to the edge. "w-what?" i stuttered again for the hundredth time. "he's gone! he disappeared" i felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach as i looked up at polnareff.

right before i knew it i felt a huge chunk of my leg being cut off. i yelped in pain, closing my eyes shut. "what the..." he asked confusedly, picking you up bridal style as he rushed you over to the bad, digging for any sort of cloth and started to multitask.

he was wrapping my wound and talking to mr. joseph and mr. avdol. i blocked out everything he was saying because the pain was unbelievable. how could this happen?

"i'll be there in five, later" he said hanging up the phone but immediately dialing a new number. "yes my lady gouged her leg, could she possibly have some medical supplies? thank you. this is polnareff's room. nine-twelve" while he was talking you noticed a doll under your foot. you pick it up and examined it. it was sure creepy. i set it down on the nightstand as i leaned back into polnareff. i never would see myself doing this in a million years, but i was in so much pain. i bit my lip to help prevent myself from screaming my head off. polnareff got up from the bed and started to search for the room key. "gooddamit where is it?"

"you lost it already?" i said weakly, shutting my eyes and throwing my head back.

"i swear i just had it" he mumbled, getting on his knees and searching the floor. "great, why did it half to go all the way to the middle" he said, reaching under the bed. i felt my eyes weld up with tears, so i shut them to get them out of my eyes.

all the sudden i heard running throughout the room. "polnareff what are you do-" i get cut off by a loud slamming against the bottom of the bed, which made me jump a little.

"damn (y/n) i never knew you were the kinky type" i heard him trying to seduce me, but i'm more freaked out about what the hell just happened.

"what? i didn't do anything!" i couldn't even move off of the bed i was in so much pain. i opened my eyes to see that jackass doll moving around. i'm definitely creeped out but not scared.

i summoned my stand and used issue to grab the doll by its neck. "you fucker" i mumbled, lifting so i could see it. i started closing my stands hand tighter together around the doll, it squirming and screaming. i felt myself getting worked up over the fact that a doll had injured be badly.

it almost felt as if steam were coming from my ears.

"please stop i'm begging you!" the dolls nastily said to me as i made issue squeeze so hard, the dolls head popped off and the whole body was destroyed.

i sighed in relief, and i crawled off the bed. i sat on the floor and used to my stand to flip over the mattress, and untie polnareff from the bed. "and if i were to tie someone down, it wouldn't be on the bottom of a mattress" i smiled at him, trying to hide my pain.

he chuckled at me, but then quickly pick me up, and we were on our way to mr. joseph's room.

"are you okay?" he asked, carrying me bridal style as we walked to an elevator.

"to be honestly no" i sighed and rested my head against his arm.

'she's looks so perfect in my arms' i read his mind on accident, but my heart sort of warmed up.

"hey i'm sorry i was such an asshole to you at first" i said, the elevator dinged signaling that we were on mr. joseph's floor.

"it's okay" he said warmly, and i'm happy he forgave me. we walked into mr. joseph's room and everyone was already there.

"we're glad you're here. we need to think of a way to defeat the stand" mr. avdol said behind turning around looking at you. "oh.."

"she did it" polnareff laid me down on the bed and i covered my eyes since i was still crying a little. "i'm so glad she has anger issues otherwise i'd be dead" he chucked as i deeply inhaled as i felt someone take my homemade bandage off.

"just breathe (y/n) you'll be okay" kakyoin said as you felt your hand being grabbed. probably by him.

you opened your eyes and you seen jotaro looking down at the wound, and star platinum over his shoulder fixing you up.


"talk you punk! why was there a dead body in your room along with the bathroom?!" the officer grunted at me as i felt my blood boiling.

"for the millionth time i didn't do shit!" i slammer the table as my shoulders were tense. i felt fire strike in my eyes, but mr. joseph said i should never hurt civilians with my stand, but any second i'm about to snap.

finally the door opened, and people from the speedwagon foundation walked in. "thank god" i sighed as i shot up from my seat. "it took you guys awhile"


i walked into the hotel and up to mine and polnareffs room, but along the way i seen a familiar face. "how are you?" jotaro asked as he stopped in front of me, his hat shadowing his eyes like usual.

"i'm okay. just tired" i yawned as i spent a long night in a jail cell, having them make me try to confess when i did nothing. "i haven't had sleep in two days"

"good grief" he chuckled a little at my bad condition. he held out his arm for me to take, like usual. it was sort of being a routine now... whenever i see him i'm always tired. "i don't want you going into polnareffs room. you can sleep in mine."

"how come?" i asked a little bit aggressively, not trying to be rude. but i was tired and didn't want to hear him and kakyoin.

"i don't feel safe with you up there again" as he said those words your heart almost exploded. is he finally opening up to me and worried about me? "plus i can stay awake and keep guard"

he opened the key too his room and let me in. "maybe i should shower first" i looked down at the bloodstained clothes i had on and he nodded in response.

i shut the bathroom door and stripped down, getting in the warm shower. the water felt good running down my back but i was paranoid another stand was going to come grab me through the drain. my leg was throbbing but it was a bearable pain that i would soon get over.

i took a quick shower because of the paranoia, and wrapped myself in a towel. but i was soon faced with the fact i don't have a change of clothes. shit.

i opened the door slowly, so only my head would peel out. "jojo?" i said sheepishly. he looked a little shocked at the nickname but it just slipped from my mouth. "i don't have a change of clothes"

he got up from the bed and grabbed something out of his small bag. it was a hoodie. "it's going to be a little big but it's all i got" you grabbed the hoodie from him and shut the door, getting dressed into it.

it smelled like him, cigarettes and cheap cologne.

i slipped on my panties along with my stockings so my feet wouldn't get cold. it's all i had.

i walked out of the bathroom and jumped on the bed he was on. you couldn't help it. the bed just looked so comfy and you had to get on it right away. jotaro laughed at your goofy behavior, another 'first time' for seeing him laugh.

i slowly got myself under the covers, and kept my little distance between jojo. i didn't want to bother him anymore than i have today.

i laid my head down on the pillow, but it felt hard as a rock. i kept tossing and turning, but i could barely even get comfortable. i just decided to give up, and lay uncomfortable until i fell asleep.

a sigh of defeat escaped my lips as my anger was building up, but slowly released down since i was exhausted, so there's no point in destroying a pillow or a bed. plus i didn't want to pay fees.

just as i was about to close my eyes i felt a hand snake around my waist. quickly realizing it was jojo's i softened up with his touch. why is he doing this?

he picked me up a little and laid my head on his chest, and the rest of my body a little bit over his. his back was a little bit propped on the headboard, so i didn't really slip. oddly enough, i was more comfortable on him that on the bed.

one of my legs ran down his whole the other one was sort of propped up over his waist. everywhere you felt was strong and muscular. i couldn't help but blush a little.

like dis sorry i can't explain

i looked up at him, and his hat fell over his eyes, so i couldn't see them and hopefully he couldn't see me. i withdrew my stand so i could possibly see the future.

i closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and lightly touched him.

i saw images of happiness, lots of laugher, and new experiences. this wasn't like what i seen with dio, but this made me feel warm and cozy inside. the last vision i had was a ring, but i made my stand stop seeing the future.

i was kind of baffled at what i just seen. i couldn't believe it. but my stand was never wrong...

his little snoring startled me as i tensed up a little bit quickly fell back into place. my head was fully on his chest now, and i heard his steady heartbeat. it was like an angels melody, and i soon fell asleep as i felt one of jojo's arms wrap around my waist, holding me securely.


"jotaro! come on! wake up" me and jotaro both were startled at the banging sound at the door. mr. joseph was trying to get him out of bed. "we're leaving in an hour!"

"alright i'm up!" he yelled, making mr. joseph leave. he sighed not getting up though. i didn't realize how much i was fully on top of him, and my arms were wrapped around his waist basically hugging him the whole time when we were sleeping.

i grunted with disappointment, and buried my head deeper into his chest. "fuck..." i mumbled with an angry feeling inside of me. i love mr, joseph but why did he have to ruin this. i was sleeping like a baby...

i didn't even notice before but one of his hands were up my shirt, placed in the small of my back. he was rubbing little circles in a steady rhythm, just like his heart.

maybe he's just super horny and he'll totally act like this never happened. probably. but i loved this feeling of being safe and sound. who wouldn't? so i didn't bother moving.

"i don't want to move" you complained into his chests not wanting to ever get up. you heard him chuckle, making you smile as well.

'me either, 王女' (that means princess in japanese)

i didn't know what he just said but i wish i did.

he slipped his hand out from underneath the hoodie i was wearing, and he used both his hands to prop and sit himself up, but i still refused to get off of him, so now i was sitting in his lap.

even when we were sitting down he still towered over me. i guess it doesn't help that he's a foot taller than me.

he smiled down at me as his face turned a little tint of pink. his eyes looked at mine, then down at my lips, but quickly regaining eye contact again.

subconsciously my legs wrapped around his strong torso, my hands draped over his shoulders. am i dreaming?

we both leaned in a little, feeling each other's breath against our skin. i couldn't help but bite my lip to try to prevent me from smiling like a dork.

finally, both of our eyes closed and our lips connected.

he caressed his soft, plump lips with mine. the kiss was so gentle. i've never been treated like this by somebody before.

he pulled away from me, and his eyes looked like it was filled with adoration. we leaned in again, because i wanted more until we got interrupted again.

"jojo it's kakyoin, we need to leave less than fifteen minutes. are you up?" kakyoin asked, pounding on the door.

"y-yeah i am" he stuttered, still holding onto me.

jotaro must've seen the anger spark in me, because he instantly shushed me from yelling at kakyoin. i got off of him and plopped down on the bed, sighing with frustration.

jotaro grabbed his hat from off the nightstand, and put it on. i put the hood of the hoodie on over my head as jotaro held out a hand for me to grab to help me off the bed, even though i didn't need it. his hand was so much bigger than mine.

we opened the door and started to head to the lobby, and i felt super cranky. i didn't want to leave the bed, and i don't know if this was a dream or now. definitely not... i felt everything.

and just as normal, i grabbed onto his arm as we made our way down.


"jeez took you two long enough" mr. joseph said, rubbing his head as i gave him a death glare back. im tired, and i want to curl up against jotaro again.

"(y/n)..." polnareff said shyly as he looked me up and down. "do you have pants on?"

"no" i said crabbily. "i don't." it was true. i only had my panties on because before i was wearing a dress. his face turned red from the way i yelled at him and i instantly felt bad. "i'm sorry i'm just crabby" i sigh and go to give polnareff a light little punch in the arm, but my stand picked up jotaros last thought.

'don't let go'

after i gave polnareff that little punch, mr. joseph called me over.

"i'm pretty sure this stuff if your size, go put it on before we have to leave" mr. joseph handed me a bag which i took to the bathroom and changed in a stall.

i liked the fit, it complimented my body. i walked out of the bathroom, and everyone looked amused. "it looks very good (y/n)" mr. avdol smiled at me, and i smiled back.

we were finally on our way, holding jotaros arm with my left arm, holding his hoodie in his right.

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