The Twisted Truth (Editing)

By Daniella_Ruyi

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Nothing in her life ever made sense. Why her father hated her, why he tortured her mother, why she was forced... More

1 - Intro
2 - Revenge
3 - New Me
4 - Ideas?
5 - Captive
6 - Deadly Whisper
7 - Brother
8 - The Martinez
9 - Live A Little
10 - My Disaster
11 - Take It Or Leave It
12 - Golden Blood
13 - Crashlandin
14 - Mysterious Call
15 - Touch You
16 - Date And Ditch 1
17 - Date And Ditch 2
18 - That's My Name
19 - Our Ride
20 - We Hitmen
21 - Inside Life
22 - Re-united
23 - Re-united 2
25 - Loxersize
26 - Back to work
27 - Lady Monster
28 - The one who snaps Dalexis is
29 - Bestfriend VS Girlfriend
30 - We're with Noelle
31 - Death of the Deathsnake
32 - What could solve all our problems
33 - A date
34 - Back up...What!
35 - More to know
36 - Every big Martinez
37 - Let's talk
38 - Their true feelings
39 - Do tell
40 - Dancing with your ghost
41 - We'll be alright
42 - Whatever you say goes
43 - Love rival
44 - Bad boys bring heaven to you
45 - Problematic
46 - Plan Allmight
47 - Fake
48 - Gang war
49 - All new things
50 - Before the war
51 - Desperate times
52 - True Villan
53 - You're the Rat
54 - Little more secrets
55 - Take the pain away
56 - She's gone
57 - End

24 - Pain and Secrets

79 10 19
By Daniella_Ruyi

Alexis' p.o.v

The feeling of indifference washed all over me.

I was happy. But I was also sad.

I was sad because I finally saw her and I couldn't touch her or hug her.

It was all so confusing. If you could put yourself in my shoes, you would understand.

I felt happy because she looked well. She looked well fed, well taken care of, her skin was flawless, her face was spotless.

How was that even possible?

How did she look SO well even if Genvi treated her wrong?

"Oh my God!"

Camille just saw her. Tears were in her eyes but she knew better than to show emotion in front of everyone because they would suspect.

She looked at me and smiled and I smiled back at her.

When I looked back at mom she was looking at me shocked out of her soul.

My smile widened because she recognized me.

She stopped moving as every other person walked by. That was when I noticed the large security following her around.

They were trying to tell her to keep moving.

They did it politely. Which was odd.

Genvi's men only respected her when he told them to. Normally they didn't even care to look at her or respect her presence.

Meaning all of this spelt out Genvi thick and clear.

She was still looking at me and I just kept smiling.

I always wondered how I grew to love someone I didn't spend quarter of my life with.

I kept telling myself it was because she was my mom but was it really that?

Maybe it was because of what she went through. I believe she went through every pain for us. For Alex and I.

"I can't believe she's actually here." Camille said so only I could hear.

"I miss her so much and now she's just....right there."

"And I can't run to her." She added in a sad tone.

"I know exactly how you feel." I said warmly.

Everyone was seated as the whole thing was going on.

I couldn't handle the whole make believe ceremony so I left and waited for it to finish.

I was outside sitting on a bench. The wind blew roughly as if it was telling me none of this was right.

Like it was gonna be a storm in my life very soon. And it was right-

"What are you doing here?"

"Fiona!" I said admiring her dress.

"You look stunning." I said.

"As do you." She said in British and we both laughed. She came to sit beside me.

"I'm guessing you're not a funeral person either." She said looking at the sky.

"Firstly, I don't think anyone's a funeral person." Then she laughed.

"Second, either?"

"I'm gonna let you in a little. My parents were murdered by a mafian gang."

"Woah, What?!" I exclaimed.

"Do you know which gang?" I asked.

"At first I didn't. But I found out some years ago and I plan to take them down no matter what!"

"That's exactly the plan." I said agreeing with her.

"I'm so sorry all that happened to you, but if you ever need any help, you know where to find me." I told her smilling.

Who knew so many people had lost those close to them and were trying their best to look happy for the sake of others?

"Do you ever wonder why were wearing white to a burial?" She asked.

"It is a mourning colour."

"Btw, Dante was looking for you." She said.

"He was?"

"Yeah. I'll go tell him where you are."

"Ok. Thanks." I said as she walked away.

"So this is where you were." His voice interrupted my thoughts.

"How did you come so quickly? Fiona just left to tell you where I was."

"She did? I saw you two and decided to come here." He sat beside me.

He looked hot in his tux

"So. What's the deal with you and Aiden?" I asked.

"What's the deal with you and Genvi?"

"I asked first."

"Does that mean if I answer you, you'll tell me?" He asked and I paused.

"Touche." I said.

"The Mundanes are the second best mafia in Italy." He started.

"I'm not giving you any information on my Genvi issues." I said making sure he knew.

"I know. I'm just going to tell you. He obviously wants to be the best. Which isn't possible with the Ciners in the way."


"We're rivals. He's the second generational boss of the Mundanes. He started the rise of his gang whereas mine has been in existance for a long time.

"He believes he can just waltz up to the front of the gangs easily. And I admit he has done a good job.

"He made it to second place. But he must understand that no matter how easy he thinks it is, it never really is.

"Obviously, he had some help to get where he stands. But one day, the easy way into it will be his downfall."

"Ooo spooky!" I said laughing.

"I'm serious. He will never be first."

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Because the Ciners are still here and hot. We don't let our guard down that easily."

"Why does it matter? Who cares who's the best? Don't you ever think of living a normal life?" I asked feeling a little disgusted.

"You sound so much like Darren. He always wanted it normal and he didn't care about reputation.

"But one thing about life is that, once you're in, it's difficult to get out. Very."

"I understand. It's probably weird if you just give up your title like that. But if I was second, I would be happy where I stand and make good use of it." I told him.

"If only everyone thought like that." He said looking at me.


He was smiling.

He only ever smirked and that smirk would drop the next second and back to his emotionless face.

Wow. It made me think of our 'kiss'

"Um, I'll get going." I said standing up.

"The guests might need me." I walked away looking to see if the talking part of the burial was over.

As far as I was concerned, this wasn't the burial for Alex. This was
a fake show of fake concern for a son.

Everything was fake.

A lie.

I saw his casket as I strolled.

Was he really in that thing-?

Suddenly, I was held and dragged to a room in the building with my mouth covered.

I struggled but I couldn't push the person away.

The door was locked and I was released.

I was about to land a punch until.....


"Alexis! I can't believe it!"

She was right in front of me!

Wait she dragged me in here? She's goooood.

"Mom.." I whispered.

She was smiling so brightly.

I ran to hug her.

I cried and cried and cried. I'd never felt such a rush of emotion before. I poured everything out.

"Mom...I...I'm s-so s-s-sorry for leaving y-you! I swear, I t-tried so hard! I-"

"It's ok. It's ok." She said calmly. How could she be so angelic?

"I'm here now, love." She said holding me tight. I could hear the cracks in her voice. She was crying too.

She let go of me and looked at me.

Her eyes were so beautiful. "I have such a pretty mom!" I said and she laughed.

"You sound different. Too different." I said starting to think she wasn't real.

"Like some royal classy lady."

"Well I am a queen." She said proudly.

"A queen?" I was confused.

"You will understand soon enough. I need you to know that I'm doing fine. A year after you left, Genvi realized torturing me will get him no where."

"Why did he do it in the first place?" I asked like I was begging for answers.

"To make me talk. He has a reason for everything, dear. He saw that his scheme wasn't working like he planned and decided to treat me well.

"Of course he hit me once in a while, it was better than a cage right?" She asked smiling.

Why was she smiling? After everything. She was still smiling.

As I thought of this I cried more and more.

"Dear, why are you crying so much? Aren't you happy to see me?" She asked worried.

"I'm so fucking happy mom! How can you say that?"

"Language!" She corrected.

"I've always wanted to hear that!" I said and hugged her again.

She hugged me back.

"How are you so happy? After everything he put us through?!"

"Well I smile a lot naturally and I just saw my daughter! I'm the most happy woman on earth right now.

"The world is too small and our lives are too short to not make good use of the happy moments.

"You never know when it will all be over. Especially for people with the mafia life."

"I wanna be just like you mom!" I said feeling happy that I had such a great mom.

"I've always wished to hear that! I don't have much time left. The guards will be looking for me."

"There's a lot you don't know. But this is something I need you to know. So that at least, that void in your heart will be filled."

"What is it?" I asked anxiously.

"It's Alex."

"He's alive."


A lot of people are smiling in this chapter.

Ain't this supposed to be a burial?

I can't believe HE'S ALIVE!!


Didn't see that one coming did you?😉


Your faces are priceless. Sigh.

A little of Fiona and Aiden's story.

I wonder how this is gonna connect all the dots.

Oh and Iris is a queen??

Who's Iris you ask?

You should start from the beginning of this story.

See you biatches ltr.

The Am dragon's out the hisous.

(American dragon phrases)

Daniella Ruyi.

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